[mapserver-users] Zooming with Mapscript

Nicolas Boretos nicolasb at maich.gr
Wed Apr 10 04:11:18 PDT 2002


I am a new user to mapserver as well as this list. I am using the tcl 
mapscript interface to play with maps. I am able to draw a map...

My question, as I am trying to wade through the mapscript methods is how 
to pan and zoom a map..
The following draws a map.. (from the msworkbench code..)

set mapFile kaz_34.map
set map [mapscript::mapObj -args $mapFile]
set img [$map prepareImage]
for {set i 0} {$i < [$map cget -numlayers]} {incr i} {
	set layer [$map getLayer $i]
	mapscript::layerObjRef $layer draw $map $img
$map drawLabelCache $img
mapscript::labelCacheObjRef [$map cget -labelcache] freeCache
mapscript::msSaveImage $img  "$mapFile.gif" 1 1
mapscript::msFreeImage $img

I assume that the mapobject has to be re-configured (zoomed/panned) and 

I could probbaly cross ref a perl example...

nicolas boretos

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