[mapserver-users] Shapefile indices and Mapserv vs Mapscript

Sean Gillies sgillies at i3.com
Wed Apr 10 11:56:10 PDT 2002


I'm finding a quirk between mapserv and mapscript and
am hoping that someone can enlighten me.

Using mapserver and mapscript 3.5 I am finding that
mapscript cannot access a shapefile without the
presence of a shptree index, while mapserv can
access the same shapefile without a shptree index,
even when using the same map (produced from map.save()).

Why would mapscript produce a msSearchDiskTree() error
when there is no error from mapserv?  Do mapserv.exe
and mapserver.lib not use the same code to access

I'm using mapserver and mapscript that I've built on
Win2k from the 3.5 source.  Am setting the shapefile
layer to connection type MS_SHAPEFILE.


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