[mapserver-users] Process Monitoring

klehr1 at tampabay.rr.com klehr1 at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Apr 16 07:02:30 PDT 2002

Good morning:

I run Red Hat Linux and Mapserver 3.5, I was wondering if any of you could point me to some free server monitoring software (PERL, C, C++).  I run the UNIX command `top` every now and again to see how long my processes take and how much memory, but I'm looking for something automated and configurable-not me sitting and watching processes float to the top of the process control manager.

Basically I want to make a process that continually monitors the web related processes (maybe by username or command), printing a process log similar to the apache logs.  This process-watcher might kill process that use to much memory, then write the process information to a log so that I could review the culprit processes and how they were instantiated.  The more I think about this email, its probably already a module for Apache--any feedback would be appreciated.

I know this a mapping community, I apologize to anyone who disagrees with the context, but I know we are all concerned about web server performance.

Thank you for your time.

Steve Lehr
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