[mapserver-users] Accessing external files using javascript ( other)

Ryan, Adam ARyan at co.linn.or.us
Thu Apr 18 11:59:45 PDT 2002

Thanks to Giorgio, Robert Crossley, Pushkar S. Pradhan, Bud etc. for help on
accessing external files.

MapServer and this mailing list are the bomb!  I love this stuff.  I'm
working on a slick interface for public access to county records.  I had
wanted to access files on the client and server side.

On the server side, I'm going with asp in one frame to control the other (as
long as our IT guys stick with ms server).

On the client side, I haven't gotten there yet and I'm not sure if I need to
but I explored the data-binding in explorer and it looks sweet.  I demo'd an
easy way to use a delimited text file (as a url path) as a data source.
Very nice and easy on IE but of course this doesn't work on Netscape.  Is
anyone out there surprised?

Thanks again, 

Adam Ryan
Linn County GIS     

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