[mapserver-users] Postgis and Mapscript

Harald Wehr hwehr at hs-harz.de
Sat Apr 20 04:15:59 PDT 2002

I got the last nightly-build working.

When I try to display roads from a Postgis-Table with java-mapscript I 
get the following error:

"prep_DB:Error executing POSTGIS  DECLARE statement (0.6 failed - 
retried 0.5 and it failed too)"

Looking in the Logfile from the PostgresqlDB following is written twice:

"ERROR: BOX3D parser - number of points should be exactly 2"

Using the exactly the same map-File with mapserver-cgi everything is 
working fine. Specified roads are drawn in the png. Can anyone give some 
hints why it does not work with java-mapscript?


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