[mapserver-users] problem with mapscript/php

Michel M. dos Santos michel at omnisystem.com.br
Wed Apr 24 15:08:17 EDT 2002


	I'm with a problem with mapscript php. I try putting a shape line, but it 
doesn't draw. If I change the type to POINT, the points are draw, when I put 
the type to LINE , the line aren't draw. 

	Can anyone help me.

	Map file:

##################################### OK dash
    LAYER #dash
         NAME    "dash"
         COLOR  0 0 255
         SIZE 5
         SYMBOL "dash-long"
        NAME "dash"
        STATUS ON
        TYPE LINE  <--- if I change to POINT , the points are draw.
    END #dash
#################################### OK dash

	code php:
$figura = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_LINE);  <-- shape type LINE
    $ponto_obj = ms_newLineObj();    <- object point
    $ponto_obj->add($ponto[$i]);  <- get the point
    $figura->add($ponto_obj); <- put in the shape
$layer = $map->getLayerByName("dash");   <- get the layer to put shape
$layer->addFeature($figura); <- put shape in layer

Michel M. dos Santos

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