[mapserver-users] RE: drawing acetate shapes with PHP/Mapscript

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Thu Apr 25 16:48:39 PDT 2002


instead of 

> $imgObj = $mapObj->draw();                      // imgObj

I intended

> $imgObj = $mapObj->prepareImage();              // imgObj

any advice on this would be much appreciated.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Puneet Kishor 
> Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 5:01 PM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Subject: drawing acetate shapes with PHP/Mapscript
> once a map is drawn, I'd like to add a triangle, a circle, or 
> a square, or whatever... (but, let's take the example of a 
> triangle for now) on top of everything.
> the way I understand it, I would have to --
> 1. have an "acetate" layer with 'STATUS off' in my map file like so...
>   NAME "acetate"
>   TYPE polygon
>   STATUS off
>     OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0                        # red outline
>     COLOR 0 255 0                               # green fill
>   END
> 2. and use Mapscript like so...
> $layerObj = $mapObj->getlayerbyname("acetate"); // new layerObj
> $classObj = $layerObj->getClass(0);             // classObj
> $imgObj = $mapObj->draw();                      // imgObj
> $shpObj = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_LINE);        // new shpObj
> $pointObj1 = ms_newPointObj();                  // point1
> $pointObj1->setXY(300, 300);
> $pointObj2 = ms_newPointObj();                  // point2
> $pointObj2->setXY(450, 600);
> $pointObj3 = ms_newPointObj();                  // point3
> $pointObj3->setXY(600, 300);
> $pointObj4 = ms_newPointObj();                  // point4
> $pointObj4->setXY(300, 300);
> $lineObj = ms_newLineObj();                     // new line
> $lineObj->add($pointObj1);
> $lineObj->add($pointObj2);
> $lineObj->add($pointObj3);
> $lineObj->add($pointObj4);
> $shpObj->draw($mapObj, $layerObj, $imgObj, 0, "foo")
> $layerObj->set("status", 1);                    // turn on the layer
> ==============
> am I right or am I way off?
> Tia,
> pk/

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