[mapserver-users] Simple ItemQuery with QueryMap & php MapScript

Dana Coe thesquid at FriedBaloney.com
Fri Aug 9 16:05:59 EDT 2002


Can anyone give me any hints / demos on how to reproduce the MapServer Test
Suite - ItemQuery (Case 3: Simple ItemQuery With QueryMap
http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/mapserver_demos/tests/itemquery/test.html ) with
Mapserver 3.6.1 & Mapscript?

I've pored over the mailing list, and can find nothing that addresses this.

I've got the gmap demo up and running with my own data & some modifications,
I just want to be able to give it a county name (or a list of zip codes) and
then have these displayed as a map. Case 3 seems to do exactly what I need,
but it seems not to run on current versions.

Any ideas?


Dana L Coe

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