[mapserver-users] Two or more filteritem values

Eduin Yesid Carrillo yecarrillo at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 10 22:32:02 EDT 2002

Hi Folks.

I'd solved my last question with filteritem

$Filtro1 = strval ($HTTP_FORM_VARS["Filtro1"]);
$ValorFiltro1 = strval ($HTTP_FORM_VARS["ValorFiltro1"]);

$poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname(redes);
$poLayer->set("filteritem", "$Filtro1");

It works fine, but now I need define more than one values of filteritem.

There is any form of define some kind of SQL "Definition" of a layer (shape) 
as in ArcView?


Eduin Yesid Carrillo
Ingeniero Civil
Bucaramanga - Colombia
yecarrillo at hotmail.com
yecarrillo at condorito.uis.edu.co
#ICQ 14323531

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