[mapserver-users] Reference Map

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Mon Aug 26 16:27:08 EDT 2002

> how could i create a reference map for shapefiles, for using 
> with mapfiles?

Not sure what you are asking.

1. Do you want to know what the syntax in a map file is? It is like so...

#{{{ reference map
  IMAGE path/to/ref/image.png
  EXTENT minx miny maxx maxy
  COLOR r g b
  SIZE w h
  STATUS off | on
END #}}}

2. Do you want to know the mapscript syntax? In PHP it is like so...

$imgObj = $mapObj->drawReferenceMap();

In Perl it is like so... (well, how is it in Perl?)

$ref = new referenceMapObj('your.map') or 
		die('Unable to open mapfile.');
$img = $map->draw() or die('Unable to draw map');

3. Are you interested in wanting to know how to make the image? Well, just
use mapserver to make the basemap, save it, and then point to it in your map


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