[mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial error with HP-UX

Rodrigo Zanato Tripodi tripodi at cttmar.univali.br
Tue Aug 27 14:36:02 EDT 2002


The problem with oracle spatial on HP-UX 64 bit plataform maybe is on the size 
of integer number, that modifies the structures and can cause a crash in some 
cases. I want to write a better error report to find a solution.

We need to write a program that tests the load of SDO tables like mapserver 

I will try to find some time to do this on few weeks.

Do you have some other ideia?

Rodrigo Zanato Tripodi
Laboratório de Computação Aplicada - CTTMar/Univali
tripodi at cttmar.univali.br

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       Ciência da Computação - UNIVALI

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