[Mapserver-users] Newbie question: what are TEMPLATEs for, and how to use them ?

Lars V. Nielsen LVN at gispro.dk
Sat Dec 14 05:56:01 PST 2002

Hi list,

One issue about Mapserver still eludes me: TEMPLATES

A template is apparently a reference to a HTML page, but what does this HTML page need to contain ?
And is it a complete web page, or does it contain HTML snippets ?
And what's the overall purpose of these templates in Mapserver ?

I'm struggling to get a legend displayed, sofar without any luck. It persistently comes out blank.
Is this problem in any way tied to the missing TEMAPLTE references in my MAP file ?

Best regards/Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
GisPro, Denmark
WGS84: 10.20'40"E 55.20'20"N

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