[Mapserver-users] Newb: How to retrieve data from the database???

Andres Garcia listamapserver at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 18 14:48:40 PST 2002

Hi everybody!!!!

I'm just starting to work on GIS. I know how to work with php and oracle, 
but not with mapserver or php mapscript.

I will have a map with some layers. Each layer will have elements with data 
(text, attributes, etc) stored in the oracle database. The element in the 
database has an id that is the same of the shapefile.

Basically i need to do 2 things (use cases):

1) If you are browsing a map and need to retrieve the information asociated 
to an element, connect to the database and show that information.

2) Query the database, retrieve the information of the elements that matches 
the query, and show them on a map.

Both use cases are similar but i dont have any idea of how to do that!!

IF you can give me code that
1)obtain the id from the results that mapserver retrieve. (so i can make a 
simple query to the oracle database)
2)show the map with the elments (i retrieve the id) obtained from a query on 
the database.

I really aprecciate any help on mapscript, because i'm a real beginner!!

thanks in advance

Andres Garcia
Universidad Industrial de Santander

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