[Mapserver-users] PHP/Mapscript now works on OS X with PHP 4.3.0

Paul Smith paul at cnt.org
Mon Dec 30 10:23:36 PST 2002

I haven't seen it mentioned yet, so I'll post it. With the release of 
PHP 4.3.0, you can now run PHP/Mapscript on a OS X machine. To wit 
(from the PHP changelog):

* Added support for dynamically loaded extensions on OS X / Darwin. 
NOTE: This requires Apache 1.3.25 or later. (kalowsky, markonen)

The thing holding back the use of PHP/Mapscript on OS X was that PHP 
didn't support dynamic libraries on that platform.

I've got a dual-1Ghz Xserve ready to churn out some maps...

Paul Smith <paul at cnt.org>
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Chicago, IL USA

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