Re: [mapserver-users] forum français

Azimuth, Erwin Perik perik at
Tue Feb 5 04:58:14 PST 2002

Bonjour Jef,

"pourquoi un forum en francais et ne pas english?"

As brought up by Puneet at the end of last year, a forum would be a good 
alternative for information and questions regarding Mapserver and 
everything related.

phpBB is a very good start as an alternative for the mailinglist. 
Discussions online tend to result in more interesting replies and remarks 
then from mailing-lists.

As i remember correct, users can set their language for phpBB to what they 
choose. The question and answers however should be done in english. As 
mapserver, mascript, mapfiles etc... are also english it's good to keep it 
all the same. Also for learning english it's a good start ;-)

If you switch to english, you can count me in as an extra member ;-)


** PS. is there an english-forum regarding mapserver ?

At 09:15 5-2-02 +0100, jef.mony at wrote:
>Salut à tous,
>Voici comme prévu l'adresse d'un forum mapserver en français.
>Pour l'instant c'est un peu mort, mais c'est le début et il ne tient qu'à 
>d'en faire un réel outil.
>Alors A+ sur ce forum.
>nb : l'envoi de message ou de réponses nécessite d'être enregisté, alors
>n'hésitez pas.

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