[mapserver-users] build issue with 3.5 and nightly

Fred McDavid f.mcdavid at tlogicgis.com
Wed Feb 13 11:01:03 PST 2002


I've been experiencing a problem with the configure routines.  The only
error I get in the configure process is 

  sed: can't read ./gdft/Makefile.in: No such file or directory

which happens at the very end of the configure output.  Running make
yields the following output:

cc -c -march=pentium -O3  -Wall @DEBUG_FLAGS@ -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA 
-I/usr/include @PDF_INC@ -I/usr/include      
-I/usr/local/src/gdal-1.1.5/ogr -I/usr/local/src/gdal-1.1.5/ogr/../port
cc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple compilations
make: *** [maptemplate.o] Error 1

I've managed to get mapserver to compile by writing a script to "clean"
the offending assignments in Makefile, but this yields a as-of-yet
useless binary (can't load a reference image...seems to be due to
-DUSE_GD_<img type> not getting set at compile time.

Would anyone have any useful info WRT tracking this down?


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