[mapserver-users] Java Wrapper for mapserver

Sathiskumar Govindasamy gsathis at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 18 09:58:38 PST 2002

Hello Dave,

I am wondering whether you got this thing to work. I tried to create the 
Java Mapscript using swig, I still couldn't get it to work. It seems 
some objects are missing, particularly imageObj-class. I would greatly 
appreciate if you can share some info with couple of us in this group 
who are trying to get Java wrapper to work.


Hello all:

I just wanted to check if anyone had written a Java class wrapper for
the mapserver cgi program.  I am planning on using one to make mapserver
the backend engine for a java servlet.  I thought I should check to see
if anyone had done this and is willing to share the code before I got

Dave Graham
information integration and imaging, LLC

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