[mapserver-users] Strategy for dealing with Census Data?

Frank Koormann frank.koormann at intevation.de
Tue Feb 19 02:08:34 PST 2002

* Walt Lin (joemayfair at usa.net) [020219 02:10]:
> > 1. Where is the "tgr2shp" binary/source?  I don't seem to have
> > that utility in my collection.  Please tell me it's not an Arcview
> > extension. ;^)
> It's a $99 program from www.gistools.com (it only runs on Windows and is
> slow, and can only process so many zip files at a time).

Wonder why not mentioned yet, but OGR can deal with TIGER/Line, so
ogr2ogr might be an alternative:




Frank Koormann                             <frank.koormann at intevation.de>
 Professional Service around Free Software       (http://intevation.net/)
 FreeGIS Project                                 (http://freegis.org/)

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