[mapserver-users] diff between mapserv and shp2img

Francois Michel Le Tourneau letourne at mercator.ens.fr
Wed Feb 27 04:29:51 PST 2002

 Here is a complete description of the bug :

 mapserver 3.5 (with proj and gdal)
 linux redhat 7

 I have a map file pointing to several layers (vector and raster).
 Mpaserv only accepts to display one of the layers (which is a 
 world map). The two others (local maps with the same characteristics
 as the larger one) are not rendered, either with the large one,
 either alone (with the same EXTENT, i.E. a zone of 2°x2°).
 I followed the advice of F. Wamerdam and i used shp2img in
 order to understand what was going on. To my surprise the image
 produced was exactly the result i was looking for...
 So I am trying to understand why mapserv does not understand
 my mapfile whereas shp2img does.
 Needless to say, the logs of mapserv do not report anything. 
 Besides, it does not seem to be a problem of path since mapserv
 does not report missing files.
 Thanks for any help

 Francois-Michel Le Tourneau
 Chargé de Recherches au CNRS
 Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur l'Amérique Latine (UMR 7530)
 Tel. 01 44 39 86 85    Fax. 01 45 48 79 58 
 E-mail : Francois.Michel.Le.Tourneau at ens.fr

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