[mapserver-users] Fwd: A question

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Feb 28 11:03:34 PST 2002

> 1.- We can view our layers without troubles but our´s proyect aim is to
> add new layers to the application in a dinamically way, so we don´t know
> how can we pass parameters to the mapfile or if this is the right file to do this.

What do you mean by this? Could you give a more detailed explaination of
the interaction between the user and the displayed results that you are
trying to acheive.

For example, when you add a new layer is it like 2. below? Where does
the data come from? How much data do you expect to add over time? Is the
data added by one user visible by all users?

> 2.- Also, we would like to add to MapServer the hability to allow the user
> draw some points, lines or polygons (obviously in a dinamically way) and
> save the generated layer. We don´t really know how and where to start, we
> would be too thankful if you could help us, Please.

Both 1 and 2 suggest that you will need to write an application in Perl
or PHP or Java that will handle the interface with the user to collect
the data, let the user correct mistakes, display it and save it on the

Mapserver is a rendering engine and while it has some the basic  ability
to create shape files, and add features to a map, the most flexible of
these are via MapScript. Both Perl and PHP MapScript are suitable
languages for developing an application that would allow your users to
add layers and drawings to your maps.

I hope this helps you to get started.

-Steve W

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