From marin at Tue Jan 1 18:40:36 2002 From: marin at (Ma) Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 02:40:36 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer and The Free Borland C++ Builder Compiler Message-ID: <> Happy New 2002 Year! Dear All, Is it possible to build MapServer (for Windows) with The Free Borland C++ Builder Compiler and how? -- Ma From GrantM at Wed Jan 2 06:36:41 2002 From: GrantM at (Grant Marblestone) Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 08:36:41 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Projection Change Message-ID: <003001c1939a$efd6e850$7201010a@grantlaptop> Howdy, I was wondeirng if there was a way to change a map's projection, Actually i want to know if you can convert it. I know about Proj4, however i just want to convert the map itself from nad83 to gws84, possible? OR, I have a map with nad83 and i also have some gws84 gps positions that dont line up when i apply the proj4 projection from 84 --> 83. I live in Houston, TX and the web page says These data sets are in the State Plane Coordinate System, NAD 83. Map Units = feet Thanks, Grant I am going to go ahead and paste my map file below i hope no one minds.. and i think i will send a link to the shp file that uses nad83. ------------------------------------------------------- LINK TO NAD83 SHP FILE ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- MAP FILE ------------------------------------------------------- map extent 2917058.5 13747172.0 95387545.0 29956950.0 imagecolor 255 255 255 name "steel3" shapepath "data" size 600 600 status on symbolset "symbols/all.sym" units meters PROJECTION #set for output gif / png datum set same as map "init=epsg:32614" # epsg:26914" # all nad83 followed by gws84 END # 1 scalebar #none scalebar backgroundcolor 255 255 0 color 255 255 255 imagecolor 255 255 255 intervals 4 outlinecolor 0 0 0 size 200 7 status on style 0 transparent true units meters # 1 label #none label backgroundcolor 0 0 0 color 255 255 0 size tiny end end # 2 layer mtfp_nad83 layer classitem "FNODE_" data "mtfp_nad83" group "mtfp_nad83" labelcache on labelitem "FNODE_" name "mtfp_nad83" postlabelcache true status on type line METADATA "wms_title" "Roads" END PROJECTION # projection needs to be set for map "init=epsg:32614" # changed here to suit nad83 END # 1 class mtfp_nad83_1 class backgroundcolor 128 128 128 color 128 128 128 name "mtfp_nad83_1" outlinecolor 0 0 0 end end # 3 layer Grant layer classitem "ContractID" data "Grant" group "Grant" labelcache on labelitem "ContractID" name "Grant" postlabelcache true status on type point METADATA "wms_title" "Points" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:26914" #code for wgs84 END # 1 class Grant_1 class backgroundcolor 128 128 128 color 128 128 128 name "Grant_1" outlinecolor 0 0 0 end end # 4 web steel3.html web footer "steel3_footer.html" header "steel3_header.html" imagepath "c:\phpdev\www\tmp\" imageurl "/tmp/" template "steel3.html" METADATA "wms_title" "Steel3" END end # 5 querymap hilite querymap color 255 0 0 size 200 200 status on style hilite end # 6 reference graphics/reference.gif reference color -1 -1 -1 extent 2917058.5 13747172.0 95387545.0 29956950.0 image "graphics/reference.gif" outlinecolor 255 0 0 size 120 120 status on end # 7 legend #none legend keysize 18 12 status on # 1 label #none label color 0 0 89 size medium type bitmap end end end From joao at Wed Jan 2 07:51:39 2002 From: joao at (joao at Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 15:51:39 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo Message-ID: <> I had dowload the demo for version 3.5 (itasca). I had istalled but it steel returning this error: msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. all the gif references are not working. What shold i do to fix this erros? Thanks. Jo?o. -- From gthornberry at Wed Jan 2 08:10:47 2002 From: gthornberry at (Gerald Thornberry) Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 11:10:47 -0500 (EST) Subject: [mapserver-users] simplicity In-Reply-To: Message-ID: I've not yet had the pleasure of creating a MapServer application, though I've been lurking on this list for about a year and a half. While I would also like it to be super-simple, I realize that time is at a premium for developers of projects like this. Then with so many possible combinations of OSs, output formats, webservers, geodata types, preferred programming languages, etc., creating explicit documentation for each scenario is overwhelming even for an organized group of doc writers. Besides, writing documentation always takes a backseat to writing code unless you're being paid to do so. Coding is the fun part after all. Since I haven't attempted a MapServer install yet, I must ask those in the know: if all of the right packages are properly installed prior to trying to compile MapServer, would it compile correctly every time? In other words, if I knew that for my intended use of MapServer that I needed gdal, php, and libjpeg -- and installed them before I even tried to compile MapServer -- would it work? If the answer is yes, would it then be possible to create an online wizard that a potential user could run through that would help them identify tools and versions they would need to install (or verify that they have already installed) in order to accomplish their goals with MapServer? For example, categorize elements to help the user identify how they plan to implement MapServer: Select the OS: OpenBSD | pick-a-Linux | Windows flavors | Mac OS X Select webserver platform: Apache | IIS | some-Java-thingy Select geodata source(s): shapefiles | ArcSDE | PostGIS | etc... Select output image format: GIF | JPG | PNG | PDF Select fonts: cool True Type ones | lame'o ugly ones Select other features until you're out of options... The user would ultimately receive a checklist of prerequisite packages and proper versions to install (or verify are installed). Consequently, developers could compile stats on options that users want most often, and users could see the full variety of options in an outline format, which is easier to digest at the outset of this type of project than pages of documentation (though I'm not suggesting that it is a substitute for good docs). Anyway, enough run-on sentences. I just thought I'd try to help and then cowardly run away. I don't want to write documentation either. Gerald Thornberry Technical Support Manager Spatial Data Integrations, Inc. On Wed, 26 Dec 2001, Stephen Lime wrote: > Greetings: I'm all in favor of making the software easier to install and use, and would back the formation of groups to coordinate the distribution of binary releases for various platforms. I think the UMN would need to play a role in making that happen, much like their role in getting documentation put together. The development team plays a role in making the software actually buildable under a variety of circumstances. We probably need a document that lays out exactly what you need to build the code, or at least explains what each supporting library brings to the table. > > On a couple of other comments: > > - Including everything in the distribution: nope, ain't gonna happen. Simply too hard to keep up-to-date, not to mention legal issues associated with some of the commercial packages that can be tied into. > > - Some compilation issues can't be mitigated ahead of time. I mean if you have GD installed on your system and it doesn't support GIF or whatever then the solution is to re-build GD. What can be done is to provide a forum for advice on how to work around these issues. The mailing list is one way, formal forums would be another. There are plans for a series of MapServer Wikis that could address the various topics identified by Puneet in the first message in this thread. The biggest pain in building MapServer with static libs is dealing with all the friggin libraries installed on the box. This is esspecially true on Linux machines. > > - MapServer isn't really all that different from other OpenSource applications. Try building Gimp from scratch. What is different is the audience- which is broader and in some cases less technical. Fact is that maps are a cool thing to add to a website. If your machine has the right base libraries installed then making the software is trivial, getting to that point is the hard part. > > The biggest impediments in widespread use of MapServer are not related to the internals of the software (what it can and can't do), they are productivity issues: easy installation, quality documentation and easy application configuration. I've known this for quite a while, but seeing as I can only work on this evenings after my kids go to bed there's no way I can spearhead the effort. So, everyone agree's there is a problem but is anyone willing to commit some time to making it happen? > > Steve From steve.lime at Wed Jan 2 08:28:50 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 10:28:50 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo Message-ID: Convert the gifs to pngs. That should fix it. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> 01/02/02 09:51AM >>> I had dowload the demo for version 3.5 (itasca). I had istalled but it steel returning this error: msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. all the gif references are not working. What shold i do to fix this erros? Thanks. Jo?o. -- From frank.koormann at Wed Jan 2 08:36:42 2002 From: frank.koormann at (Frank Koormann) Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 17:36:42 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Another Rosa applet question with CGI In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Dear Regina, All, * Obe, Regina DNDMIS (Regina.Obe.PFD at [011228 16:58]: > Thanks Frank - that example was very handy. For some reason - the recenter > and zoom in boxing didn't work properly with my version of mapserv35 and the > rosa applet I was using so I had to modify those sections a bit replacing > them with javascript calls (I've only tested on IE 5.5. and NS 4.75). I'm > posting this in case others ran into similar problems. As I read your JavaScript Code you are copying the contents of the INPUT_COORD variable to imgbox or imgxy, depending on the selected action. As an alternative one may apply the earlier posted patches to enable MapServer to interpret these values directly. See for more details. > I also added > map-resize capabilities too to the adapted version. If anyone is interested > I can post this version too I always find it helpful to archive snippets of code to document usage of a software. Please post it to the list (or wait a bit for the announced wiki). Regards, Frank -- Frank Koormann Professional Service around Free Software ( FreeGIS Project ( From imap at Wed Jan 2 09:50:14 2002 From: imap at (imap at Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 12:50:14 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapfile errors Message-ID: <> I have no idea why the latest ms3.5 is doing this.. but I am getting Symbol definition errors for mapfile entries in CLASS/LABEL. Wed Jan 2 12:23:23 2002 - getSymbol(): Symbol definition error. (FONT):(475) Wed Jan 2 12:27:52 2002 - getSymbol(): Symbol definition error. (MINDISTANCE):(476) Anybody got any ideas? Regards, Chris Stuber (mapsurfer) Silicon Mapping Solutions, Inc From pkishor at Wed Jan 2 09:58:35 2002 From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor) Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 11:58:35 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo Message-ID: Joao, Mapserver 3.5 is built with PNG support. Can't display GIFs. Remove all the refs to GIFs or better yet, get a graphics program and convert the GIFs to PNGs and replace the references with the correct name. To those who maintain the Itasca demo. Please remove the refs to GIFs from the map file if it is being offered for use with Mapserver 3.5. Having GIFs there doesn't serve any purpose if Mapserver doesn't do GIFs, and it is very confusing for a beginner. Many thanks, pk/ > -----Original Message----- > From: joao at [mailto:joao at] > Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 9:52 AM > To: mapserver-users at > Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo > > > I had dowload the demo for version 3.5 (itasca). I had > istalled but it steel > returning this error: > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in > class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. > > all the gif references are not working. > What shold i do to fix this erros? > > Thanks. > Jo?o. > > -- > > > > From steve.lime at Wed Jan 2 10:17:49 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 12:17:49 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo Message-ID: MapServer DOES do GIFs if you nab the patched version of GD 1.8.4 from the folks in Australia. - Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Puneet Kishor 01/02/02 11:58AM >>> Joao, Mapserver 3.5 is built with PNG support. Can't display GIFs. Remove all the refs to GIFs or better yet, get a graphics program and convert the GIFs to PNGs and replace the references with the correct name. To those who maintain the Itasca demo. Please remove the refs to GIFs from the map file if it is being offered for use with Mapserver 3.5. Having GIFs there doesn't serve any purpose if Mapserver doesn't do GIFs, and it is very confusing for a beginner. Many thanks, pk/ > -----Original Message----- > From: joao at [mailto:joao at] > Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 9:52 AM > To: mapserver-users at > Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo > > > I had dowload the demo for version 3.5 (itasca). I had > istalled but it steel > returning this error: > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in > class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. > > all the gif references are not working. > What shold i do to fix this erros? > > Thanks. > Jo?o. > > -- > > > > From pkishor at Wed Jan 2 10:21:55 2002 From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor) Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:21:55 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo Message-ID: > MapServer DOES do GIFs if you nab the patched version of GD > 1.8.4 from the folks in > Australia. - Steve which, I think is legal only in Australia. :-). Here Stateside (and perhaps elsewhere too), gd with Gif support is illegal per Unisys, not that I'm tellin' em... buggers! They couldn't make money selling crappy computers so they reckon nickel-n-diming web users would fatten their bottomline. They should fire that guy with the computer monitor on his head. Thanks, pk/ > > Stephen Lime > Data & Applications Manager > > Minnesota DNR > 500 Lafayette Road > St. Paul, MN 55155 > 651-297-2937 > > >>> Puneet Kishor 01/02/02 11:58AM >>> > Joao, > > Mapserver 3.5 is built with PNG support. Can't display GIFs. > Remove all the > refs to GIFs or better yet, get a graphics program and > convert the GIFs to > PNGs and replace the references with the correct name. > > To those who maintain the Itasca demo. Please remove the refs > to GIFs from > the map file if it is being offered for use with Mapserver > 3.5. Having GIFs > there doesn't serve any purpose if Mapserver doesn't do GIFs, > and it is very > confusing for a beginner. > > Many thanks, > > pk/ > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: joao at [mailto:joao at] > > Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 9:52 AM > > To: mapserver-users at > > Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo > > > > > > I had dowload the demo for version 3.5 (itasca). I had > > istalled but it steel > > returning this error: > > > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol > > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in > > class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. > > > > all the gif references are not working. > > What shold i do to fix this erros? > > > > Thanks. > > Jo?o. > > > > -- > > > > > > > > > From pkishor at Wed Jan 2 10:47:28 2002 From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor) Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:47:28 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo Message-ID: well, perhaps this thread became more confusing than intended. Mapserver doesn't do any graphics by itself. It depends upon gd, an opensource dynamic graphics creation library created by Tom Boutell way back when. Initially gd supported creating Gifs until Unisys poked its nose and claimed copyright. Starting post gd1.2, the library was modified to do only PNGs. Hence all the confusion. If you can get gd1.2 or earlier, compile it successfully with Mapserver, then Mapserver will do GIFs. Starting Mapserver 3.4 and currently with 3.5, support for gd184 is recommended. Gd184 does not do GIFs unless you are from downunder. Hth. Sorry... I did not mean to start a bonfire of confusion with this. pk/ > -----Original Message----- > From: Steve Simpson [mailto:steves8293 at] > Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 12:47 PM > To: Puneet Kishor > Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] problem with demo > > > Huh? Mapserver doesn't support gifs? I am definitely > a beginner, but doesn't the Windows binaries page > reference binaries with gif support? > > Steve > > --- Puneet Kishor wrote: > > Joao, > > > > Mapserver 3.5 is built with PNG support. Can't > > display GIFs. Remove all the > > refs to GIFs or better yet, get a graphics program > > and convert the GIFs to > > PNGs and replace the references with the correct > > name. > > > > To those who maintain the Itasca demo. Please remove > > the refs to GIFs from > > the map file if it is being offered for use with > > Mapserver 3.5. Having GIFs > > there doesn't serve any purpose if Mapserver doesn't > > do GIFs, and it is very > > confusing for a beginner. > > > > Many thanks, > > > > pk/ > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: joao at > > [mailto:joao at] > > > Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 9:52 AM > > > To: mapserver-users at > > > Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo > > > > > > > > > I had dowload the demo for version 3.5 (itasca). I > > had > > > istalled but it steel > > > returning this error: > > > > > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined > > symbol > > > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in > > > class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. > > > > > > all the gif references are not working. > > > What shold i do to fix this erros? > > > > > > Thanks. > > > Jo?o. > > > > > > -- > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Send your FREE holiday greetings online! > > From ed at Wed Jan 2 10:58:10 2002 From: ed at (Ed McNierney) Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 13:58:10 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo Message-ID: <> Puneet et al. - Just to be completely accurate here, there's nothing illegal about using GD with GIF support, as long as you have a license from Unisys. They have licensing programs that are specifically suited for use with applications like MapServer. You may not like their licensing terms, and you might not WANT to do that, but you certainly CAN do it if you're interested and willing. - Ed (a Unisys licensee, but NOT for MapServer...) Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: Puneet Kishor [mailto:pkishor at] Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 1:22 PM To: 'Stephen Lime'; mapserver-users at; joao at Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] problem with demo > MapServer DOES do GIFs if you nab the patched version of GD > 1.8.4 from the folks in > Australia. - Steve which, I think is legal only in Australia. :-). Here Stateside (and perhaps elsewhere too), gd with Gif support is illegal per Unisys, not that I'm tellin' em... buggers! They couldn't make money selling crappy computers so they reckon nickel-n-diming web users would fatten their bottomline. They should fire that guy with the computer monitor on his head. Thanks, pk/ > > Stephen Lime > Data & Applications Manager > > Minnesota DNR > 500 Lafayette Road > St. Paul, MN 55155 > 651-297-2937 > > >>> Puneet Kishor 01/02/02 11:58AM >>> > Joao, > > Mapserver 3.5 is built with PNG support. Can't display GIFs. > Remove all the > refs to GIFs or better yet, get a graphics program and > convert the GIFs to > PNGs and replace the references with the correct name. > > To those who maintain the Itasca demo. Please remove the refs > to GIFs from > the map file if it is being offered for use with Mapserver > 3.5. Having GIFs > there doesn't serve any purpose if Mapserver doesn't do GIFs, > and it is very > confusing for a beginner. > > Many thanks, > > pk/ > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: joao at [mailto:joao at] > > Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 9:52 AM > > To: mapserver-users at > > Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with demo > > > > > > I had dowload the demo for version 3.5 (itasca). I had > > istalled but it steel > > returning this error: > > > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol > > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in > > class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. > > > > all the gif references are not working. > > What shold i do to fix this erros? > > > > Thanks. > > Jo?o. > > > > -- > > > > > > > > > From lfilak at Wed Jan 2 11:01:03 2002 From: lfilak at (Lowell Filak) Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 11:01:03 -0800 (PST) Subject: [mapserver-users] How do you get shape attributes from a query result object (also a working code snippet for queryusingpoint ) ? In-Reply-To: <000101c1927f$be579fc0$7b4b8990@tndn151qlhf5gi> Message-ID: <> The shape index value is actually the record number of the attribute information in the DBF file associated with the SHP file. You can use the DBD::XBase module from CPAN to access the DBF file directly from Perl. Check 'man DBD::XBase' for the syntax to use, but it's pretty typical: ... use XBase; ... $dbf = DBI->connect("dbi:XBase:DIRECTORY_WHERE_DBF_FILES_ARE"); $stf = $dbf->prepare ... Hope that helps. Lowell Filak --- Steven Hayes wrote: > Thanks to all on the list for you patience in > watching and sometimes helping > me semi publicly work out how to use mapscript. > Hopefully the subject line > of this email will be indexed by the search engines > and the code snippet > (for Mapserv 3.3.011) at the end of this email > might help new mapscript > users in future. What it will now do - after many > hours of trying - is > return the shape index corresponding to a map click. > In my final > application, you can zoom in and out and pan but > wherever you click you also > end up with the relevant shape index. > > What I would like to know is if there is a simple > way for me to query the > shapefile for an attribute associated with this > shapeindex ? > > ###################################################### > # mapscript code snippet to return a shape index > from a map click > ###################################################### > > die $mapscript::ms_error->{message} unless $map = > new > mapObj("/www/hosted/streamwatch/cgi-bin/"); > > &set_extent(); > # set extent subroutine taken verbatim from Stephen > Limes - > # you need this amongs other things to translate > image coordinates into > mapcoordinates > > my $img = $map->prepareImage(); > > my $layer = $map->getLayerByName('regall'); > $layer->draw($map, $img); > > my $point = new pointObj(); > $point->{x} = $my_x_coord; > $point->{y} = $my_y_coord; > > $qryResult = $map->queryUsingPoint($point, > MS_SINGLE, -1); > $shpResult = $qryResult->next(); > > my $ndx = $shpResult->{shape}; > > # $ndx will return the shape index corresponding to > a map click on my regall > layer > > ################################################### > > Regards > > Steven Hayes > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send your FREE holiday greetings online! From pagurekd at Wed Jan 2 13:32:57 2002 From: pagurekd at (Debbie Pagurek) Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 16:32:57 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] SDE connection question Message-ID: Hi all, using mapserver3.5 on linux. Trying to connect to an SDE server but having difficulties. The error I'm getting is: msSDELayerOpen(): SDE error. SE_connection_create(): Server machine not found. (-100) for my LAYER, I have specified: CONNECTIONTYPE sde CONNECTION ",esri_sde,ORACLE,myusername,mypassword" DATA "eco,shape" can someone please confirm that this is correct? I am wondering about the DATABASE parameter because I haven't had to specify that before. We are checking with the telecom people to ensure that the port is, indeed, open between the servers as they said it is. We have also checked the services specified on the linux machine. Can anyone suggest anything else I can do to get my connection between mapserver and sde working? Thanks in advance. ************************************************** D. Pagurek, M.Sc. GIS and Remote Sensing Analyst Canadian Soil Information System (CanSIS), Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (613) 759-1543 pagurekd at ************************************************** From jsmedsmo at Thu Jan 3 11:24:43 2002 From: jsmedsmo at (Jamie Smedsmo) Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 13:24:43 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Full documentation Message-ID: <> Hello All, I just wanted to let you know that there are two new and important documents available. The Template Reference and CGI Reference for 3.5 are now linked on the documentation page. Thanks to Frank Koorman for helping out. Jamie Smedsmo University of Minnesota From cumpston_mark at Thu Jan 3 15:04:21 2002 From: cumpston_mark at (Mark Cumpston) Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 15:04:21 -0800 (PST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Using S-57 OGR Message-ID: <> Has anyone had troubles using the S-57 format using the OGR connection with mapserver 3.4? I have it basically working using the windows binaries from the main web site. However the only features that appear are Anchorage areas, OBJL = 4. When I move the .csv object and attribute files out of the appropriate directory I can see the geometry for all feature types, but no attribute information is accessible except for the ones listed as available for "all feature types". I think I am close, but I'm not sure where to go from here. Thanks, Mark C. ===== ------------------------ Mark Cumpston cumpston_mark at __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send your FREE holiday greetings online! From woodbri at Fri Jan 4 07:25:08 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2002 10:25:08 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Help: MS 3.5 PHP3 MapScript Install Message-ID: <> Hi all, I can't get PHP3 Mapscript to run on my RH 6.2 Linux with Apache. It seems to have built OK and I moved the to the /usr/lib/apache directory and tried to run the phpinfo_mapscript.phtml script via the server but all I get is the "Document Contained No Data" dialog box which usually indicates the process crashed. Here is how I configured it: ./configure --enable-shared --enable-modules --enable-lzw --without-magick-plus-plus --with-perl-options=PREFIX=/usr --with-ogr --with-gdal --with-wmsclient --with-proj --with-php=../../linux/php-3.0.16 --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs Any ideas on what to check or how to debug this? -Steve From est-n-alves at Fri Jan 4 07:41:32 2002 From: est-n-alves at (Nuno Alves) Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 15:41:32 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Blank Image when zooming Message-ID: Hi all! Sorry about my english. I am using mapserver 3.5 (and i'm new at this, i just recently started with nightly builds), compiled with postgis, OGR and gd-1.2 to have gif support. I?m using MAPINFO files to produce a map of an exposition field with information about streets, MB services, restaurants, phones, and a lot of other important information for visitors. My problem is the following: I open my web page and i can?t see some layers. When i zoom in some of them appear and others disapear. As for zoom out, is the same. I allready change the map extensions but the problem continues, note in the same zoom positions but in others. Any help would be aprecciated. Thanks. Best regards, <<...OLE_Obj...>> Nuno Ricardo Ribeiro Alves PT Inova??o, S.A. Servi?os e Redes M?veis * R. Eng? Jos? Ferreira Pinto Basto - 3810 Aveiro * mailto:est-n-alves at From david.fawcett at Fri Jan 4 08:16:01 2002 From: david.fawcett at (Fawcett, David) Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 10:16:01 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] RE: [MapServer-users] Blank Image when zooming Message-ID: Not knowing much about your application, it sounds to me like your layers are scale dependent. In other words, they are set to only show between a maximum and a minimum scale value. Check the MINSCALE and MAXSCALE properties for each of your data layers. Are the layers set to show at the scales you want to see them at? If this doesn't work, post the text of your Map file. Perhaps some of the other folks on the list could diagnose it from the mapfile. David. David J. Fawcett GIS / Databases MN Office of Environmental Assistance 520 Lafayette Rd N St. Paul, MN 55155 651.215.0200 > ---------- > From: Nuno Alves[SMTP:est-n-alves at] > Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:41 AM > To: mapserver-users at; Nuno Alves > Subject: [mapserver-users] Blank Image when zooming > > > Hi all! Sorry about my english. > > I am using mapserver 3.5 (and i'm new at this, i just recently started with > nightly builds), compiled with postgis, OGR and gd-1.2 to have gif support. > I> ?m using MAPINFO files to produce a map of an exposition field with > information about streets, MB services, restaurants, phones, and a lot of > other > important information for visitors. > My problem is the following: > > I open my web page and i can?t see some layers. When i zoom in some of them > appear and others disapear. As for zoom out, is the same. I allready > change the map extensions but the problem continues, note in the same zoom > positions but in others. > > Any help would be aprecciated. Thanks. > Best regards, > > > <<...OLE_Obj...>> > > Nuno Ricardo Ribeiro Alves > PT Inova??o, S.A. > Servi?os e Redes M?veis > * R. Eng? Jos? Ferreira Pinto Basto - 3810 Aveiro > * mailto:est-n-alves at > > From woodbri at Fri Jan 4 09:32:28 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2002 12:32:28 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Help: MS 3.5 PHP3 MapScript Install References: <> Message-ID: <> Additional info: THe apache error_log has: httpd: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/apache/ undefined symbol: _register_list_destructors in it. So this looks like the problem, but How do I fix it? -Steve Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > Hi all, > > I can't get PHP3 Mapscript to run on my RH 6.2 Linux with Apache. > > It seems to have built OK and I moved the to the > /usr/lib/apache directory and tried to run the phpinfo_mapscript.phtml > script via the server but all I get is the "Document Contained No Data" > dialog box which usually indicates the process crashed. > > Here is how I configured it: > > ./configure --enable-shared --enable-modules --enable-lzw > --without-magick-plus-plus --with-perl-options=PREFIX=/usr --with-ogr > --with-gdal --with-wmsclient --with-proj > --with-php=../../linux/php-3.0.16 --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs > > Any ideas on what to check or how to debug this? > > -Steve From morissette at Fri Jan 4 11:25:11 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2002 14:25:11 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Help: MS 3.5 PHP3 MapScript Install References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >Additional info: THe apache error_log has: > >httpd: error in loading shared libraries: >/usr/lib/apache/ undefined symbol: >_register_list_destructors > >in it. So this looks like the problem, but How do I fix it? > This happens if your php executable (if you compiled PHP as a CGI) or your httpd binary (if PHP is compiled statically into Apache) was not linked to support loading shared libraries. It has to be relinked using the "-rdynamic" option (on Linux) which will allow loading of shared libraries. See also: Daniel From pkishor at Fri Jan 4 13:32:47 2002 From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor) Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 15:32:47 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver logic flowchart Message-ID: Y'all, I have created a small flowchart that helped in making my Mapserver application. You can get the flowchart by sending me an email with the words "get mapserverlogic" in the subject line. You don't need to write anything else in the text or in the subject... as long as my email client is on, it should respond with mapserverlogic.png as an attachment. Its not much, but I hope it helps someone. If this mechanism for distributing stuff works out, I will zip up my scripts and make them available the same way as well. Hth, pk/ From pkishor at Fri Jan 4 17:57:19 2002 From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor) Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 19:57:19 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver/php scripts Message-ID: folks, seems like my email rule wizard is working without croaking. So, here's the next edition. If you send me an email with just the words "get mapviewer" in the subject line and nothing else (mind the spaces between 'get' and 'mapviewer') my email program should bounce back to you with a file called You will find in it a bunch of PHP/Mapscript scripts that I wrote/adapted for a recent Mapserver application. More explanation in the bounced back message to you. Hth someone somewhere. Yes or no, let me know. pk/ From woodbri at Fri Jan 4 20:58:07 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2002 23:58:07 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Help: MS 3.5 PHP3 MapScript Install References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> OK, So I read that before and my system had mod_so so I thought it was OK, but I guess not. That's OK, I decided to built a newer apache with DSO and fought through a plague of problems and finally got apache and php3 working as DSO (but I still have to go back and fix php4 and mod_perl which broke doing this) ... NEW PROBLEM! (I seem to get stuff on regex stuff alot :) Now I tried to rebuild mapserver 3.5 with mapscript using: ./configure \ --with-perl-options=PREFIX=/usr \ --with-ogr --with-gdal --with-wmsclient --with-proj \ --with-php=/home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16 \ --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs and get down to: gcc -c -O2 -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_PROJ_API_H -DUSE_WMS -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_TIFF -DUSE_JPEG -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_TTF -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -I/usr/include -I/home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16/regex -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/w3c-libwww -DHAVE_CONFIG_H /home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16/regex/regcomp.c -o /home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16/regex/regcomp.o In file included from /home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16/regex/regcomp.c:14: /home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16/regex/cclass.h:8: warning: missing braces around initializer for `cclasses[0]' and a whole lot more warnings like the last until make dies! I assume that the references to my php dir are an attempt to reuse the regex code built into php. Does this mean I need to configure php differently or what? And since I JUST built php WHY is it compiling it again and putting the .o back over there instead of locally! OK, Don't ask me why (I didn't do a make clean on php) but that dir had not been built, presumably because php picked up the regex which is installed as a system library. I did a make in this dir and went back to mapserver and every think built ok. So, I cp /etc/httpd/modules/ over and say cool now I can get the mapscript/php test to work .... NO such luck!!!! I still get the: [Fri Jan 4 22:26:31 2002] [notice] Accept mutex: sysvsem (Default: sysvsem) httpd: error in loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/apache/ undefined symbol: _register_list_destructors So 5 hours later and I'm back where I started. I must have mised something. Maybe a good nights sleep and I will see it in the morning. [root at linus httpd]# /sbin/httpd -l bash: /sbin/httpd: No such file or directory [root at linus httpd]# /usr/sbin/httpd -l Compiled-in modules: http_core.c mod_so.c suexec: disabled; invalid wrapper /usr/sbin/suexec phpinfo() reports: Configure command: ./configure '--prefix=/usr' '--with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs' '--with-config-file-path=/etc/httpd' '--enable-safe-mode' '--enable-versioning' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect=yes' '--enable-discard-path=yes' '--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' '--with-system-regex' '--disable-debug' '--with-zlib' '--with-gdbm' '--enable-debugger' '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-sysvsem' '--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-track-vars' '--with-xml' '--with-ftp' '--with-jpeg' '--without-ttf' '--with-gd' '--with-mysql=/usr' php3.ini file path is set to: /etc/httpd I checked to make sure I have the -rdynamic in the php Makefile, NO the little beggar some how escaped again! It it a real pain to keep adding it and losing it every time you run configure. So I add it again; make clean; make; su; make install; restart apache; Still does not work! I appreaciate the help. This falls into the "It just isn't easy!" catagory. -Steve Daniel Morissette wrote: > > Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > >Additional info: THe apache error_log has: > > > >httpd: error in loading shared libraries: > >/usr/lib/apache/ undefined symbol: > >_register_list_destructors > > > >in it. So this looks like the problem, but How do I fix it? > > > This happens if your php executable (if you compiled PHP as a CGI) or > your httpd binary (if PHP is compiled statically into Apache) was not > linked to support loading shared libraries. It has to be relinked using > the "-rdynamic" option (on Linux) which will allow loading of shared > libraries. > > See also: > > > Daniel From LLO at Sat Jan 5 02:20:35 2002 From: LLO at (Lars Holm Loldrup) Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 11:20:35 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] get mapserverlogic Message-ID: <> Med venlig hilsen Lars Holm Loldrup Carl Bro as Granskoven 8, DK 2600 Glostrup Tel (dir): 4348 6466 mailto:llo at From sutton_t at Sat Jan 5 03:19:27 2002 From: sutton_t at (Tim Sutton) Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 11:19:27 +0000 (GMT) Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver/php scripts In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Hi Puneet Just a note to say thanks for contributing this stuff.....I received the .png, but am still waiting for my .zip to arrive. I will hopefully contribute some php samples in the near future too. Regards Tim On Fri, 4 Jan 2002, Puneet Kishor wrote: > folks, > > seems like my email rule wizard is working without croaking. So, here's the > next edition. > > If you send me an email with just the words "get mapviewer" in the subject > line and nothing else (mind the spaces between 'get' and 'mapviewer') my > email program should bounce back to you with a file called > You will find in it a bunch of PHP/Mapscript scripts that I wrote/adapted > for a recent Mapserver application. > > More explanation in the bounced back message to you. > > Hth someone somewhere. Yes or no, let me know. > > pk/ > -- ----------------------------------------------------- Tim Sutton WRc plc Consultant, GIS Solutions Group Frankland Road Direct line: +44 (0) 1793 865056 Blagrove Switchboard: +44 (0) 1793 865000 Swindon Fax: +44 (0) 1793 865001 Wiltshire SN5 8YF United Kingdom WRc - Solutions for Water, Waste and the Environment ----------------------------------------------------- From sutton_t at Sat Jan 5 03:27:37 2002 From: sutton_t at (Tim Sutton) Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 11:27:37 +0000 (GMT) Subject: [mapserver-users] New mapserver demo Message-ID: Hi Just to let the curious out there know about another mapserver demo application that I have written. It is available at: It uses php and dhtml. The application if based on a heavily modified version of the gmap demo (thanks DMSolutions!). How does one get added to the mapserver gallery? Cheers Tim -- ----------------------------------------------------- Tim Sutton WRc plc Consultant, GIS Solutions Group Frankland Road Direct line: +44 (0) 1793 865056 Blagrove Switchboard: +44 (0) 1793 865000 Swindon Fax: +44 (0) 1793 865001 Wiltshire SN5 8YF United Kingdom WRc - Solutions for Water, Waste and the Environment ----------------------------------------------------- From woodbri at Sat Jan 5 07:50:33 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2002 10:50:33 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] SOLVED: MS 3.5 PHP3 MapScript Install References: <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Dan, I finially got this to install. I could not get the instructions on site to work so you might want to try them yourself. Here is what did work. Redhat 6.2 with Linux 2.2.18 apache_1.3.22 php-3.0.18 mapserver 3.5 released code I configured apache with: ./configure \ --enable-module=all \ --enable-shared=max \ --with-layout=RedHat I configured php3 with: # PHP must be configured --without-ttf because we are using a # conflicting version in MapScript! see: # ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs \ --with-config-file-path=/etc/httpd \ --enable-safe-mode \ --enable-versioning \ --enable-force-cgi-redirect=yes \ --enable-discard-path=yes \ --with-exec-dir=/usr/bin \ --with-system-regex \ --disable-debug \ --with-zlib \ --with-gdbm \ --enable-debugger \ --enable-magic-quotes \ --enable-track-vars \ --enable-sysvsem \ --enable-sysvshm \ --enable-track-vars \ --with-xml \ --with-ftp \ --with-jpeg \ --without-ttf \ --with-gd \ --with-mysql=/usr When you run make the last command to execute is /usr/sbin/apxs which echos two lines starting with gcc. The first is to complie mod_php3.c and the second is the important one which links as a shared object. Unfortunately, the APXS command does NOT use the LDFLAGS variable. My fix was to copy the last line of output (in my case): gcc -shared -o mod_php3.o libmodphp3-so.a -L/usr/local/lib -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lgd -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lgdbm -lz -lgdbm -lpam -ldl -lcrypt -ljpeg -lttf -lpng -lgd -lresolv -Wl,--version-script=/home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.18/ -Wl,-rpath /usr/lib/mysql and added -rdynamic in front of -shared (THIS DID NOT WORK) so I tried -export-dynamic (THIS DID WORK): gcc -export-dynamic -shared -o mod_php3.o libmodphp3-so.a -L/usr/local/lib -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lgd -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lgdbm -lz -lgdbm -lpam -ldl -lcrypt -ljpeg -lttf -lpng -lgd -lresolv -Wl,--version-script=/home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.18/ -Wl,-rpath /usr/lib/mysql I then su; make install; and restarted apache and the phpinfo_mapscript.php3 script works and shows the MapScript config info. The strange thing with php3 is that I removed the -shared from LDFLAGS and did a make clean; make > log then check for "shared" and it only shows up in the APXS command which means that LDFLAGS is not being used by the make all targets. I hope this helps someone else. -Steve Woodbridge Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > OK, So I read that before and my system had mod_so so I thought it was > OK, but I guess not. That's OK, I decided to built a newer apache with > DSO and fought through a plague of problems and finally got apache and > php3 working as DSO (but I still have to go back and fix php4 and > mod_perl which broke doing this) ... > > NEW PROBLEM! (I seem to get stuff on regex stuff alot :) > > Now I tried to rebuild mapserver 3.5 with mapscript using: > > ./configure \ > --with-perl-options=PREFIX=/usr \ > --with-ogr --with-gdal --with-wmsclient --with-proj \ > --with-php=/home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16 \ > --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs > > and get down to: > > gcc -c -O2 -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ > -DUSE_PROJ_API_H -DUSE_WMS -DUSE_WMS_LYR -DUSE_TIFF -DUSE_JPEG > -DUSE_GD_GIF -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_TTF > -DGD_HAS_GDIMAGEGIFPTR -DUSE_OGR -DUSE_GDAL -I/usr/include > -I/home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16/regex -I/usr/local/include > -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include > -I/usr/local/include/w3c-libwww -DHAVE_CONFIG_H > /home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16/regex/regcomp.c -o > /home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16/regex/regcomp.o > In file included from /home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16/regex/regcomp.c:14: > /home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.16/regex/cclass.h:8: warning: missing braces > around initializer for `cclasses[0]' > > and a whole lot more warnings like the last until make dies! > > I assume that the references to my php dir are an attempt to reuse the > regex code built into php. Does this mean I need to configure php > differently or what? And since I JUST built php WHY is it compiling it > again and putting the .o back over there instead of locally! > > OK, Don't ask me why (I didn't do a make clean on php) but that dir had > not been built, presumably because php picked up the regex which is > installed as a system library. I did a make in this dir and went back to > mapserver and every think built ok. > > So, I cp /etc/httpd/modules/ over and say cool now I > can get the mapscript/php test to work .... NO such luck!!!! > I still get the: > > [Fri Jan 4 22:26:31 2002] [notice] Accept mutex: sysvsem (Default: > sysvsem) > httpd: error in loading shared libraries: > /usr/lib/apache/ undefined symbol: > _register_list_destructors > > So 5 hours later and I'm back where I started. I must have mised > something. Maybe a good nights sleep and I will see it in the morning. > > [root at linus httpd]# /sbin/httpd -l > bash: /sbin/httpd: No such file or directory > [root at linus httpd]# /usr/sbin/httpd -l > Compiled-in modules: > http_core.c > mod_so.c > suexec: disabled; invalid wrapper /usr/sbin/suexec > > phpinfo() reports: > > Configure command: ./configure '--prefix=/usr' > '--with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs' '--with-config-file-path=/etc/httpd' > '--enable-safe-mode' > '--enable-versioning' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect=yes' > '--enable-discard-path=yes' '--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' > '--with-system-regex' > '--disable-debug' '--with-zlib' '--with-gdbm' '--enable-debugger' > '--enable-magic-quotes' '--enable-track-vars' '--enable-sysvsem' > '--enable-sysvshm' '--enable-track-vars' '--with-xml' > '--with-ftp' '--with-jpeg' '--without-ttf' '--with-gd' > '--with-mysql=/usr' > > php3.ini file path is set to: /etc/httpd > > I checked to make sure I have the -rdynamic in the php Makefile, NO the > little beggar some how escaped again! It it a real pain to keep adding > it and losing it every time you run configure. So I add it again; make > clean; make; su; make install; restart apache; Still does not work! > > I appreaciate the help. This falls into the "It just isn't easy!" > catagory. > > -Steve > > Daniel Morissette wrote: > > > > Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > > > >Additional info: THe apache error_log has: > > > > > >httpd: error in loading shared libraries: > > >/usr/lib/apache/ undefined symbol: > > >_register_list_destructors > > > > > >in it. So this looks like the problem, but How do I fix it? > > > > > This happens if your php executable (if you compiled PHP as a CGI) or > > your httpd binary (if PHP is compiled statically into Apache) was not > > linked to support loading shared libraries. It has to be relinked using > > the "-rdynamic" option (on Linux) which will allow loading of shared > > libraries. > > > > See also: > > > > > > Daniel From pkishor at Sat Jan 5 08:14:25 2002 From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor) Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 10:14:25 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver/php scripts In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> To all those who successfully got the files, I hope they help you. On Saturday, January 5, 2002, at 05:19 AM, Tim Sutton wrote: > Hi Puneet > > Just a note to say thanks for contributing this stuff.....I received > the .png, but am still waiting for my .zip to arrive. I will hopefully > contribute some php samples in the near future too. > > Regards > > Tim > Tim, I am not sure why you didn't get it because there is a message in my sent folder to you and no error messages. Maybe you got it after you sent me the above message. I and you all are dealing with Outlook and Xch Server on my end, so be gentle in your patience... with these two programs handling my email needs, as it is my hands are full of crap. On Saturday, January 5, 2002, at 02:46 AM, David Armstrong wrote: just one small point that may help others Puneet could you also attach a small mysql database to match this would aid others setting up tables and values etc i will see if i can construct a complete working demo from your code hopfully people will then only need to extract and run a working app ! Good work i applaud you ! , shout if i can help etc anything you have please send it over Dave Dave, Herein lies the rub. As you might be aware, I made this project on RH, MS3.4, Apache, and PHP. When that box was moved back to the client site, I had to move the app somewhere else. Well, I have a working MS3.5 on my Windoze box but I quickly discovered the nasty web of MS dependencies... PHP dll wouldn't run on my Windoze box because I had Apache multi-threaded. Now there is one thing I don't do with a working Windoze box -- I don't mess with it, I just leave it alone. So, I wasn't going to recompile Apache or install IIS or any such thing. So, I decided I would rewrite the whole thing in Perl because I have ActiveState Perl on my Windoze box (and I also have MySQL on Windoze). Well, then I learned that Perl Mapscript has had a high failure rate (if any success at all) on Windoze. That's where I ran into the stonewall of frustration. Anyway, I will act on your suggestion and see if I can cobble together a small snapshot of the MySQL database and some shape files. I will also include the map file. And the flowchart (believe you me... that flowchart was the most invaluable aid to me in laying out my app). To SDL, Jamie, Is it possible to put things on the umn server for folks to download. I mean, I don't mind the email method at all, but staging the files somewhere central would definitely be the more elegant thing to do. Is there (could there be) a pub portion of the server where Mapserver list members would be able to ftp stuff onto... Thanks much, pk/ -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: text/enriched Size: 2747 bytes Desc: not available URL: From pkishor at Sat Jan 5 10:50:26 2002 From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor) Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 12:50:26 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver/php scripts In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> to all those still unsuccessful in getting the scripts/flowchart, I have just discovered that our sysops are doing some maintenance on the Xch server today, Saturday. Your emails are reaching our mail server, but have not been delivered to my Outlook client. As soon as your emails reach my Outlook client, it should respond... this should happen later today or by tomorrow. Otherwise, I will personally email the files to you all, latest Monday noon as soon as I'm done watching the webcast of the latest fetish goodies Steve Jobs has to display at Macworld. Sorry about this... remember, to err is human, to really f*** it up requires Xch server and Outlook. pk/ From grzicidj at Sat Jan 5 11:55:19 2002 From: grzicidj at (D.J. Grzicic) Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2002 14:55:19 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] source files of gmap Message-ID: Hi list, i downloaded the gmap source files in hope of getting it to run on my machine however i run into a problem! When i access the "gmap75.phtml" file i get a whole bunch of code on the top of my page with money signs ($) all over the place (probably mapscript) and the graphical interface at the bottom. What am i doing wrong ? Do i need to add a line into my apache configuration file about .phtml files ? -thanks in advance. P.S. i'm running mapserver3.4 on apache, win2000, with php/mapscript From joemayfair at Sat Jan 5 22:23:06 2002 From: joemayfair at (Walt Lin) Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 01:23:06 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] state label placement and priority labelling In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <20020106062306.GA8721@eggbert> Steve and others-- i'm using this same US states layer ( Is there any other way to control the position of labels besides the auto|ll|cc... ? None of them produce satisfactory results for labelling the states-- funky shaped states screw up the label placement, and states like Virginia which have two or more disjoint polygons really screw up the placement (I can't get the Virginia label even close to the "middle" of the state). Also, can someone point me to the "correct" way to prioritize labeling by some criterion? For example, suppose I want to label the most populous cities first, so Boston "wins" over Brookline when they conflict, or Massachusetts gets labelled before Rhode Island in a conflict because it is bigger? Thanks. Walt On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 08:29:44AM -0500, Stephen Lime wrote: > I downloaded the layer myself and will take a look. A couple of things > off the top of my head. MINDISTANCE is given in pixels and only deals > with duplicates. POSITION AUTO uses 8 label points that revolve around > the label point. If you want to center directly upon the label point choose > CC explictly. I think there may be enough info in the label cache to add > CC back into the AUTO placement if no marker is being used, I'll file that > as a bug in bugzilla. Finally, polygon label points are generated as follows: > > - use midpoint of bbox if that point falls in the polygon > - compute a centroid based on sampling the feature > > For odd shaped states (like Mass. or Fla.) the position may not be optimal. > > Steve > > John R Frank wrote: > > > Hi > > > > I'm trying to display a US state boundaries layer that I downloaded from > > The labels show up many times. Even if I crank up the > > label::mindistance and label::buffer it still shows a few and they are > > pushed away from the center of the state! > > > > When I look at this layer in ArcExplorer, it looks _perfect_. The state > > labels appear once, centered in each state. > > > > How can we achieve this with mapserver? (we love mapserver). My states > > layer is below. > > > > John > > > > LAYER > > NAME states > > TYPE POLYGON > > # TOLERANCE 3 > > MAXSCALE 100000000 > > MINSCALE 10000 > > LABELMAXSCALE 100000000 > > LABELMINSCALE 500000 > > LABELITEM "state" > > CLASS > > # COLOR 190 255 190 > > BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 > > OUTLINECOLOR 150 150 150 > > LABEL > > # ANGLE AUTO > > COLOR 230 0 0 > > # OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > > TYPE TRUETYPE > > FONT arial > > SIZE 9 > > POSITION AUTO > > BUFFER 7 > > # WRAP " " > > MINDISTANCE 300000000000 > > END > > END > > END > > > > ~ > > > From woodbri at Sun Jan 6 05:21:06 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 08:21:06 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] state label placement and priority labelling References: <> <20020106062306.GA8721@eggbert> Message-ID: <> Walt, Steve probably has a better suggestion, but one way that comes to mind if you and absolute control of positioning is to create a point shape file with a record for each state and its name in the dbf record, then use this as you annotation file. You could probably right a little perl to calculate the centroid of the extents of each state as a starting point then tweak the values of you don't like where they fall. I remember some email discussing the priority of labeling layers so you might check the archives. Again if you want priority of city labels by population or some other criteria you probably need to make a shape file sorted by that criteria and use it for your annotation. -Steve W. Walt Lin wrote: > > Steve and others-- i'm using this same US states layer > ( Is there any other way to control the position of > labels besides the auto|ll|cc... ? None of them produce satisfactory > results for labelling the states-- funky shaped states screw up the > label placement, and states like Virginia which have two or more > disjoint polygons really screw up the placement (I can't get the > Virginia label even close to the "middle" of the state). > > Also, can someone point me to the "correct" way to prioritize labeling > by some criterion? For example, suppose I want to label the most > populous cities first, so Boston "wins" over Brookline when they > conflict, or Massachusetts gets labelled before Rhode Island in a > conflict because it is bigger? > > Thanks. > > Walt > > On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 08:29:44AM -0500, Stephen Lime wrote: > > I downloaded the layer myself and will take a look. A couple of things > > off the top of my head. MINDISTANCE is given in pixels and only deals > > with duplicates. POSITION AUTO uses 8 label points that revolve around > > the label point. If you want to center directly upon the label point choose > > CC explictly. I think there may be enough info in the label cache to add > > CC back into the AUTO placement if no marker is being used, I'll file that > > as a bug in bugzilla. Finally, polygon label points are generated as follows: > > > > - use midpoint of bbox if that point falls in the polygon > > - compute a centroid based on sampling the feature > > > > For odd shaped states (like Mass. or Fla.) the position may not be optimal. > > > > Steve > > > > John R Frank wrote: > > > > > Hi > > > > > > I'm trying to display a US state boundaries layer that I downloaded from > > > The labels show up many times. Even if I crank up the > > > label::mindistance and label::buffer it still shows a few and they are > > > pushed away from the center of the state! > > > > > > When I look at this layer in ArcExplorer, it looks _perfect_. The state > > > labels appear once, centered in each state. > > > > > > How can we achieve this with mapserver? (we love mapserver). My states > > > layer is below. > > > > > > John > > > > > > LAYER > > > NAME states > > > TYPE POLYGON > > > # TOLERANCE 3 > > > MAXSCALE 100000000 > > > MINSCALE 10000 > > > LABELMAXSCALE 100000000 > > > LABELMINSCALE 500000 > > > LABELITEM "state" > > > CLASS > > > # COLOR 190 255 190 > > > BACKGROUNDCOLOR 255 255 255 > > > OUTLINECOLOR 150 150 150 > > > LABEL > > > # ANGLE AUTO > > > COLOR 230 0 0 > > > # OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > > > TYPE TRUETYPE > > > FONT arial > > > SIZE 9 > > > POSITION AUTO > > > BUFFER 7 > > > # WRAP " " > > > MINDISTANCE 300000000000 > > > END > > > END > > > END > > > > > > ~ > > > > > > From morissette at Sun Jan 6 12:26:08 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 15:26:08 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] source files of gmap References: Message-ID: <> Looks like your web server desn't recognize .phtml as a PHP file extension and just returns the page source directly without running it through the PHP parser. Find the line with "AddType ... .php" in your httpd.conf and add a similar line for ".phtml"... that should do the trick. Daniel "D.J. Grzicic" wrote: > > Hi list, > i downloaded the gmap source files in hope of getting it to run on my > machine however i run into a problem! When i access the "gmap75.phtml" > file i get a whole bunch of code on the top of my page with money signs > ($) all over the place (probably mapscript) and the graphical interface > at the bottom. What am i doing wrong ? Do i need to add a line into my > apache configuration file about .phtml files ? > > -thanks in advance. > > P.S. i'm running mapserver3.4 on apache, win2000, with php/mapscript From teb at Sun Jan 6 14:13:39 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 16:13:39 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Info about spatial queries (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 10:05:06 -0800 (PST) From: Mark Cumpston Subject: Info about spatial queries To: mapserver-info at MIME-Version: 1.0 Is there more information about performing a spatial query? I would like to pass a map coordinate in map units to mapserv rather than a pixel based coordinate. Thanks in advance, Mark Cumpston ===== ------------------------ Mark Cumpston cumpston_mark at __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send your FREE holiday greetings online! ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From stepan.kafka at Sun Jan 6 22:41:29 2002 From: stepan.kafka at (stepan.kafka at Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 07:41:29 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] test message Message-ID: <> Here is my test message Stepan ----- Nov? vyhled?va? pro ?esk? internet - prost? najde ... From shpr at Mon Jan 7 00:09:10 2002 From: shpr at (Stefano Bonnin) Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 09:09:10 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Undefined Symbol in mapScript.php example Message-ID: <00ec01c19752$96668c60$0601a8c0@comai.loc> Hi, i have just installed mapserver with mapscript. I compiled Apache 1.3.22 with PHP 4.0.6 and then I compiled Mapserver with --with-php option. Now, php works well. When I try to load mapscript.php example (the example with dl() and phpinfo() functions) i get the following error on the browser output: Warning: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/ undefined symbol: PQconnectdb in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/mapscript.php on line 21 (the browser moreover display the phpinfo() output) I don't know if my problem is clear, I hope that somebody can help me. Thanks in advance. Stefano B. From frank.koormann at Mon Jan 7 00:39:19 2002 From: frank.koormann at (Frank Koormann) Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 09:39:19 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Info about spatial queries (FWD) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Mark, * teb (teb at [020107 01:38]: > > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- > > Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 10:05:06 -0800 (PST) > From: Mark Cumpston > Subject: Info about spatial queries > To: mapserver-info at > MIME-Version: 1.0 > > Is there more information about performing > a spatial query? I would like to pass a > map coordinate in map units to mapserv > rather than a pixel based coordinate. > Assuming that you are using the CGI variant of MapServer: The MAPXY Parameter is used for map coordinates. Regards, Frank -- Frank Koormann Professional Service around Free Software ( FreeGIS Project ( From joao at Mon Jan 7 02:44:43 2002 From: joao at (joao at Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 10:44:43 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] ANNOTATION question Message-ID: <> Hello, all Can i use ANNOTATION to represent points declared in PostGIS database? Something like the Roads representation in the demo Itasca. Can i use a symbol like interstate.gif to represent points of a map generate by PostGIS queries? Thanks Jo?o -- From thfischer at Mon Jan 7 05:20:35 2002 From: thfischer at (thorsten fischer) Date: 07 Jan 2002 14:20:35 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] truetype weirdness In-Reply-To: <> References: <1008617765.1919.9.camel@grobi> <> Message-ID: <1010409637.1068.0.camel@grobi> > Did you recompile your own GD on a system that already came with GD > preloaded in the system libs by any chance? I did indeed recompile gd, as well as everything else. But as gd comes only as a static library in its Makefile configuration by default, it should not care about any system libs at that point. Therefore invoking 'ldd' does not show any reference to libgd (it is part of the executable). > You might want to use 'ldd mapserv' to double-check that the right copy > of gd and of the supporting freetype get picked. That's the best I can > think of... this really looks like a system configuration issue. It looks for me that way too. But: it happens on clean out-of-the-box installs of SuSE 7.3 too. No comments on pros and cons of that distro please ;) There is a patch to make gd compile as a shared library; i am trying to apply it to my own patches i use (because of the broken paths that live in the gd Makefile) and recompile; i will let you know what happens. cheers, thorsten > thorsten fischer wrote: > > > > The WMS enabled box only returns the following message: > > > > > > msGetLabelSize(): TrueType Font error. Could not find/open font > > > > > > Fontpath is set, the directory exist and is readable. The 'fontlist' > > file contains valid entries, the .ttf files exist, they are readable as > > well and are valid truetype font files. clases, labelitems and > > classitems are properly set up; uncommenting the bitmap font parts above > > delivers valid results. > > > > # mapserv -v > > MapServer version 3.5 (beta) OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP > > SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=TTF SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 > > INPUT=JPEG INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE > > > > Any suggestions? > > > -- Thorsten Fischer thfischer at --------------------------------------------------------- MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme Am Borsigturm 42 13507 Berlin Deutschland tel: +49 (0)30 43032102 --------------------------------------------------------- From stepan.kafka at Mon Jan 7 06:24:22 2002 From: stepan.kafka at (stepan.kafka at Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 15:24:22 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] New win32 binaries of PHP mapscript? Message-ID: <> Hi, please, does anybody have new binary version of win32 PHP mapscript? (The last version on DMSolutions website is from 2001- 10-15.) I would also appreciate the last PHP 4.1.x version if it is possible. Thank you very much. Stepan Kafka ----- Centrum pro milovn?ky pen?z From grzicidj at Mon Jan 7 06:39:53 2002 From: grzicidj at (D.J. Grzicic) Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 09:39:53 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] source files of gmap In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Dan, when i add the "AddType" line for .phtml files i get an "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR" when i try to access gmap75.phtml ? What could the problem be ???? -dave On Sun, 06 Jan 2002 15:26:08 -0500 Daniel Morissette wrote: > Looks like your web server desn't recognize .phtml as a PHP file > extension and just returns the page source directly without running > it > through the PHP parser. > > Find the line with "AddType ... .php" in your httpd.conf and add a > similar line for ".phtml"... that should do the trick. > > Daniel > > > "D.J. Grzicic" wrote: > > > > Hi list, > > i downloaded the gmap source files in hope of getting it to run on > my > > machine however i run into a problem! When i access the > "gmap75.phtml" > > file i get a whole bunch of code on the top of my page with money > signs > > ($) all over the place (probably mapscript) and the graphical > interface > > at the bottom. What am i doing wrong ? Do i need to add a line into > my > > apache configuration file about .phtml files ? > > > > -thanks in advance. > > > > P.S. i'm running mapserver3.4 on apache, win2000, with > php/mapscript From thfischer at Mon Jan 7 07:38:58 2002 From: thfischer at (thorsten fischer) Date: 07 Jan 2002 16:38:58 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] truetype weirdness In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <1010417950.1068.4.camel@grobi> Robert, Daniel, (and: list :) ), I have recompiled gd with some shared library magic, and also recompiled mapserver with that, using my latest cvs checkout. The result is still the same: error. See below for the layer from the mapfile that causes the error, the error message itself, the mapserver version string and the output of ldd (btw I believe that libcrypto and libresolv are part of glibc; otherwise I would scratch my head even more than I do at the moment). There is no other libgd installed on the system. Reverting to freetype-1.3 does not fix the problem either btw. I tried to track down the source of the error by removing parameters of the label section - to no avail. Bitmap fonts still work fine. msGetLabelSize(): TrueType Font error. Could not find/open font grobi:/usr/local/GIS/apache/cgi-bin # ./mswms -v MapServer version 3.5 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=TTF SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=JPEG INPUT=POSTGIS INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE grobi:/usr/local/GIS/apache/cgi-bin # ldd mswms => /usr/local/GIS/lib/ (0x40028000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40059000) => /usr/lib/ (0x40078000) => /usr/lib/ (0x400ac000) => /lib/ (0x400de000) => /usr/lib/ (0x400ed000) => /usr/local/GIS/lib/ (0x40130000) => /usr/local/GIS/lib/ (0x4016f000) => /usr/local/GIS/pgsql/lib/ (0x404aa000) => /lib/ (0x404bc000) => /lib/ (0x404de000) => /usr/local/GIS/lib/ (0x40604000) => /lib/ (0x40628000) => /usr/lib/ (0x4062c000) => /lib/ (0x4067a000) => /lib/ (0x406a7000) => /lib/ (0x406b9000) /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000) LAYER NAME "g_sie1_1099_pois_annotation" METADATA "wms_title" "Siedlungsgebiete (Punkte) Beschriftung" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4318" END TYPE ANNOTATION STATUS on MAXSCALE 300000 DATA "shapes/g_sie1_1099_pois" LABELITEM "GN" CLASSITEM "GN" CLASS EXPRESSION /./ LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial SIZE 10 POSITION CR PARTIALS TRUE BUFFER 1 END END END cheers, thorsten -- Thorsten Fischer thfischer at --------------------------------------------------------- MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme Am Borsigturm 42 13507 Berlin Deutschland tel: +49 (0)30 43032102 --------------------------------------------------------- From grzicidj at Mon Jan 7 06:44:06 2002 From: grzicidj at (D.J. Grzicic) Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 09:44:06 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] source files of gmap In-Reply-To: Message-ID: - just to add to this... i checked the error log for apache and it states: "Premature end of script headers: c:/program files/apache group/apache/php4/php.exe" hmmm... -dave On Mon, 07 Jan 2002 09:39:53 -0500 "D.J. Grzicic" wrote: > Hi Dan, > when i add the "AddType" line for .phtml files i get an "INTERNAL > SERVER > ERROR" when i try to access gmap75.phtml ? What could the problem be > ???? > > -dave > > On Sun, 06 Jan 2002 15:26:08 -0500 > Daniel Morissette wrote: > > Looks like your web server desn't recognize .phtml as a PHP file > > extension and just returns the page source directly without running > > it > > through the PHP parser. > > > > Find the line with "AddType ... .php" in your httpd.conf and add a > > similar line for ".phtml"... that should do the trick. > > > > Daniel > > > > > > "D.J. Grzicic" wrote: > > > > > > Hi list, > > > i downloaded the gmap source files in hope of getting it to run > on > > my > > > machine however i run into a problem! When i access the > > "gmap75.phtml" > > > file i get a whole bunch of code on the top of my page with money > > signs > > > ($) all over the place (probably mapscript) and the graphical > > interface > > > at the bottom. What am i doing wrong ? Do i need to add a line > into > > my > > > apache configuration file about .phtml files ? > > > > > > -thanks in advance. > > > > > > P.S. i'm running mapserver3.4 on apache, win2000, with > > php/mapscript > From Jean-Francois.Doyon at Mon Jan 7 07:17:43 2002 From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at (Doyon, Jean-Francois) Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 10:17:43 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Help: Classification problems Message-ID: <> Hello, I've just come accross something incredibly weird. I'm doing a gazetteer mapping tool to allow people to find out where a canadian feature is. the problem I'm having is that some features don't highlight the way they should when I classify on them ... right now I'm just testing with polygons that represent what we call census sub-divisions. I have this tiny little one in Nova Scotia that doesn't get classified on it seems! I then found that none in Nova Scotia did ... which was really weird. So I tried highlighting a BIG polygon in Nova Scotia, but that worked fine ... So then I thought maybe it's because the polygon is so small, MapServer doesn't bother or something, so to test that theory I found some other polygons even smaller, and tested them, but they highlighted fine ... So it seems like MapServer is not classifying on some smaller polygons in NovaScotia for some reason :) One other thing I tried is turning all layers off, but it still doesn't show .. it's just NOT doing it! Has anyone ever seen anything like this? Oh and no, there's no reprojection going on ... Help! Thanks, Jean-Fran?ois Doyon Internet Service Development and Systems Support GeoAccess Division Canadian Center for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada Phone: (613) 992-4902 Fax: (613) 947-2410 From thfischer at Mon Jan 7 08:55:18 2002 From: thfischer at (thorsten fischer) Date: 07 Jan 2002 17:55:18 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] truetype weirdness In-Reply-To: <1010417950.1068.4.camel@grobi> References: <1010417950.1068.4.camel@grobi> Message-ID: <1010422518.1068.19.camel@grobi> Hi list, Thanks to Richard Greenwood, truetype fonts now work when i use an absolute path in the FONTSET parameter in the mapfile. Thanks for all comments! cheers, thorsten -- Thorsten Fischer thfischer at --------------------------------------------------------- MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme Am Borsigturm 42 13507 Berlin Deutschland tel: +49 (0)30 43032102 --------------------------------------------------------- From teb at Mon Jan 7 08:12:47 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 10:12:47 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Zooming Problems (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- From: "Joseph Archibald" To: Subject: Zooming Problems Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 10:11:33 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4807.1700 Hi I am having a problem with zooming. I had to reinstall the server after a hard drive crash and since then, I haven't been able to get the zoom in function to work. I orginally wrote the code for mapscript 3.3 using IIS and PHP 4.04 on Windows 2000. I am currently still using Windows 2000 and PHP 4.0.6 and MapScript Version (Aug 29, 2001) MapServer version 3.5 (pre-alpha) OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=TTF SUPPORTS=WMS INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE I have tried the gmap demo and it works fine. I am using the standard gmap75.php3, with the check for layers removed, to see if it was any of the changes that I did to this file. My program creates a full view of the area with the extents: 480133,4732449,488288,4740088 The information passed to: $gpoMap->zoomrectangle($oPixelRect, $dfWidthPix, $dfHeightPix, $oGeorefExt); Before the zoom command zooming to: 198, 172 210, 156 (PixelRect) width: 400, height: 300 Geo Coord: 480133, 4732449, 488288, 4740088 Extent minx VALUE="480133.000000" miny VALUE="4732449.000000" maxx VALUE="488288.000000" maxy VALUE="4740088.000000" after zoom: 198, 172 210, 156 width: 400, height: 300 Geo Coord: 480133, 4732449, 488288, 4740088 Extent minx VALUE="296614.373568" miny VALUE="4595153.756009" maxx VALUE="671969.726432" maxy VALUE="4876670.270657" This takes my zoom from a 5km area to 195km area. I have tried this with TAB files and ShapeFiles, with the same result. I am not sure if it is a bug with mapscript, or PHP, because I can get the demo working, I believe that it is something in either my .MAP file or my main program that is calling on gmap75.php. Any help would be appreciated. Joseph Archibald Archtech Computers/National Amiga 502 Adelaide St N London, Ont. N6B 3J2 ph: 519 858-8760 fax: 519 858-8762 ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From teb at Mon Jan 7 08:13:43 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 10:13:43 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Map Windows Problem (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- X-Originating-IP: [] From: "mike mike" To: mapserver-info at Subject: Map Windows Problem Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 08:38:39 +0000 Mime-Version: 1.0 X-OriginalArrivalTime: 07 Jan 2002 08:38:39.0887 (UTC) FILETIME=[B4C4E9F0:01C19756] Hi! I want to make a map window within the area, when it zoom extend the area it will be prompt the msg to the user. How can it do that? Presently it can zoom out to infinite scale, I don't want that! Thanks Mike _________________________________________________________________ ?b?z?????????m?W???e???? Hotmail ?l???A?????? ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From frank.koormann at Mon Jan 7 08:40:50 2002 From: frank.koormann at (Frank Koormann) Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 17:40:50 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] truetype weirdness In-Reply-To: <1010409637.1068.0.camel@grobi> References: <1008617765.1919.9.camel@grobi> <> <1010409637.1068.0.camel@grobi> Message-ID: <> Thorsten, All, * thorsten fischer (thfischer at [020107 15:40]: > > Did you recompile your own GD on a system that already came with GD > > preloaded in the system libs by any chance? > > I did indeed recompile gd, as well as everything else. But as gd comes > only as a static library in its Makefile configuration by default, it > should not care about any system libs at that point. Therefore invoking > 'ldd' does not show any reference to libgd (it is part of the > executable). > > > You might want to use 'ldd mapserv' to double-check that the right copy > > of gd and of the supporting freetype get picked. That's the best I can > > think of... this really looks like a system configuration issue. > > It looks for me that way too. But: it happens on clean out-of-the-box > installs of SuSE 7.3 too. No comments on pros and cons of that distro > please ;) > > There is a patch to make gd compile as a shared library; i am trying to > apply it to my own patches i use (because of the broken paths that live > in the gd Makefile) and recompile; i will let you know what happens. > >From your post it is not clear to me what versions of gd and freetype are running. So a blind shot: - MapServer 3.5 need a 1.8.x version of gd (at least my experience was to get positive results with 1.8.4). - Within your gd directory there should be a tool gdtestttf (Does it run successfully?) Just some thoughts, Frank -- Frank Koormann Professional Service around Free Software ( FreeGIS Project ( From thfischer at Mon Jan 7 10:53:29 2002 From: thfischer at (thorsten fischer) Date: 07 Jan 2002 19:53:29 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Restricting zooms into a map Message-ID: <1010429611.1163.21.camel@grobi> Ladies and gentlemappers, Using php mapscript, i want to keep users from zooming deeper into a map than to a certain scale; say, 25000 for this example. I think the proper to do this is to perform the zoom, then checking the scale and if the scale does not match what I want, I am zooming out again. So I do the following (zooms etc. are done with zoomPoint() in my app, which works fine): $map -> zoomPoint ($factor, $point, $X, $Y, $rect, $map -> extent); if ($map -> scale < 25000) { $map -> zoomScale (25000, $point, $X, $Y, $rect, $map -> extent); } Unfortunately, calling zoomScale() does not change anything. Are things done using buffering in some way, i.e. do I have to 'flush' changes before I do another zoom? cheers, thorsten -- Thorsten Fischer thfischer at --------------------------------------------------------- MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme Am Borsigturm 42 13507 Berlin Deutschland tel: +49 (0)30 43032102 --------------------------------------------------------- From stepan.kafka at Mon Jan 7 10:49:54 2002 From: stepan.kafka at (stepan.kafka at Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 19:49:54 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Restricting zooms into a map Message-ID: <> I think, the problem is caused that you overwrite original map extent twice. Try copy $map->extent to temporary variable for using in the second command. Stepan ______________________________________________________________ > Od: thorsten fischer > Komu: mapserver-users at > CC: > Datum: 07 Jan 2002 19:53:29 +0100 > P?edm?t: [mapserver-users] Restricting zooms into a map > > Ladies and gentlemappers, > > Using php mapscript, i want to keep users from zooming deeper into a map > than to a certain scale; say, 25000 for this example. I think the proper > to do this is to perform the zoom, then checking the scale and if the > scale does not match what I want, I am zooming out again. > > So I do the following (zooms etc. are done with zoomPoint() in my app, > which works fine): > > > $map -> zoomPoint ($factor, $point, $X, $Y, $rect, $map -> extent); > > if ($map -> scale < 25000) { > $map -> zoomScale (25000, $point, $X, $Y, $rect, $map -> extent); > } > > > Unfortunately, calling zoomScale() does not change anything. Are things > done using buffering in some way, i.e. do I have to 'flush' changes > before I do another zoom? > > > cheers, > > thorsten > > -- > > Thorsten Fischer thfischer at > > --------------------------------------------------------- > MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme > Am Borsigturm 42 > 13507 Berlin > Deutschland > tel: +49 (0)30 43032102 > --------------------------------------------------------- > ----- Centrum pro milovn?ky pen?z From bfischer at Mon Jan 7 11:02:02 2002 From: bfischer at (Brian Fischer) Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 13:02:02 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Restricting zooms into a map Message-ID: <> Can you use the MAXSCALE and MINSCALE parameters in the Web Object. I would think this would be the easiest way to handle this. Brian -----Original Message----- From: thorsten fischer [mailto:thfischer at] Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 12:53 PM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] Restricting zooms into a map Ladies and gentlemappers, Using php mapscript, i want to keep users from zooming deeper into a map than to a certain scale; say, 25000 for this example. I think the proper to do this is to perform the zoom, then checking the scale and if the scale does not match what I want, I am zooming out again. So I do the following (zooms etc. are done with zoomPoint() in my app, which works fine): $map -> zoomPoint ($factor, $point, $X, $Y, $rect, $map -> extent); if ($map -> scale < 25000) { $map -> zoomScale (25000, $point, $X, $Y, $rect, $map -> extent); } Unfortunately, calling zoomScale() does not change anything. Are things done using buffering in some way, i.e. do I have to 'flush' changes before I do another zoom? cheers, thorsten -- Thorsten Fischer thfischer at --------------------------------------------------------- MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme Am Borsigturm 42 13507 Berlin Deutschland tel: +49 (0)30 43032102 --------------------------------------------------------- From armin.burger at Mon Jan 7 11:20:55 2002 From: armin.burger at (Armin Burger) Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 20:20:55 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Restricting zooms into a map Message-ID: <> Thorsten, you could use the map file setting WEB .. MINSCALE 25000 .. END #Web I'm only working with he cgi version but it should work also for the PHP one, I suppose. armin > Ladies and gentlemappers, > Using php mapscript, i want to keep users from zooming deeper into a map > than to a certain scale; say, 25000 for this example. I think the proper > to do this is to perform the zoom, then checking the scale and if the > scale does not match what I want, I am zooming out again. > So I do the following (zooms etc. are done with zoomPoint() in my app, > which works fine): > $map -> zoomPoint ($factor, $point, $X, $Y, $rect, $map -> extent); > if ($map -> scale < 25000) { > $map -> zoomScale (25000, $point, $X, $Y, $rect, $map -> extent); > } > Unfortunately, calling zoomScale() does not change anything. Are things > done using buffering in some way, i.e. do I have to 'flush' changes > before I do another zoom? > cheers, > thorsten > -- > Thorsten Fischer thfischer at > --------------------------------------------------------- > MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme > Am Borsigturm 42 > 13507 Berlin > Deutschland > tel: +49 (0)30 43032102 > --------------------------------------------------------- From Jean-Francois.Doyon at Mon Jan 7 11:56:03 2002 From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at (Doyon, Jean-Francois) Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 14:56:03 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Help: Classification problems Message-ID: <> Never mind , I figured it out .... -----Original Message----- From: Doyon, Jean-Francois [mailto:Jean-Francois.Doyon at] Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 10:18 AM To: 'mapserver-users at' Cc: 'steve.lime at' Subject: [mapserver-users] Help: Classification problems Importance: High Hello, I've just come accross something incredibly weird. I'm doing a gazetteer mapping tool to allow people to find out where a canadian feature is. the problem I'm having is that some features don't highlight the way they should when I classify on them ... right now I'm just testing with polygons that represent what we call census sub-divisions. I have this tiny little one in Nova Scotia that doesn't get classified on it seems! I then found that none in Nova Scotia did ... which was really weird. So I tried highlighting a BIG polygon in Nova Scotia, but that worked fine ... So then I thought maybe it's because the polygon is so small, MapServer doesn't bother or something, so to test that theory I found some other polygons even smaller, and tested them, but they highlighted fine ... So it seems like MapServer is not classifying on some smaller polygons in NovaScotia for some reason :) One other thing I tried is turning all layers off, but it still doesn't show .. it's just NOT doing it! Has anyone ever seen anything like this? Oh and no, there's no reprojection going on ... Help! Thanks, Jean-Fran?ois Doyon Internet Service Development and Systems Support GeoAccess Division Canadian Center for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada Phone: (613) 992-4902 Fax: (613) 947-2410 From steve.lime at Mon Jan 7 13:07:15 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 15:07:15 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] ANNOTATION question Message-ID: Yes. PostGIS and all datasources generate objects in a common structure. The drawing and query functions operate on those structures not the datasources directly. So, anything you could do with a shapefile (like in the demo) can be done with PostGIS. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> 01/07/02 04:44AM >>> Hello, all Can i use ANNOTATION to represent points declared in PostGIS database? Something like the Roads representation in the demo Itasca. Can i use a symbol like interstate.gif to represent points of a map generate by PostGIS queries? Thanks Jo?o -- From morissette at Mon Jan 7 13:20:41 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 16:20:41 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] [Fwd: Simple question] Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Voischev Alexander Subject: Simple question Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 19:44:41 +0300 Size: 1446 URL: From Rich at Mon Jan 7 15:00:22 2002 From: Rich at (Richard Greenwood) Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 16:00:22 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] [Fwd: Simple question] In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> I have pasted a simple thematic layer definition below. You define the colors or patterns for the thematic map in the MAP file. The "Zoning" field in my table has a two character field that I want to thematically map (the CLASSITEM). Then I define a class for each zone. The important thing in each class is the EXPRESSION. You only need to give a class a NAME if you want it to have a legend. Rich LAYER NAME "Zoning_Thematic" DATA Zoning TYPE POLYGON CLASSITEM Zoning CLASS NAME "AC - Auto-Urban Commercial" EXPRESSION 'AC' COLOR 255 144 200 END CLASS NAME "BC - Business Conservation" EXPRESSION 'BC' COLOR 255 0 0 END CLASS NAME "BP - Business Park" EXPRESSION 'BP' COLOR 224 0 224 END CLASS NAME "MH - NC, Mobile Home Park" EXPRESSION 'MH' COLOR 255 192 0 END CLASS NAME "OP - Office Professional" EXPRESSION 'OP' COLOR 255 255 0 END CLASS NAME "PA - Park" EXPRESSION 'PA' COLOR 0 176 88 END CLASS NAME "PD - NC, PUD" EXPRESSION 'PD' COLOR 255 208 255 END CLASS NAME "PR - PUD for Planned Resort" EXPRESSION 'PR' COLOR 255 208 160 END CLASS NAME "RU - Rural" EXPRESSION 'RU' COLOR 160 255 160 END CLASS NAME "SF - NC, Single Family" EXPRESSION 'SF' COLOR 176 229 255 END CLASS NAME "SP - Public / Semi-Public" EXPRESSION 'SP' COLOR 0 160 160 END CLASS NAME "SU - Suburban" EXPRESSION 'SU' COLOR 255 160 128 END END # end of "Zoning_Thematic" layer object At 04:20 PM 1/7/2002 -0500, you wrote: > Received: from ( > []) > by (Magma's Mail Server) with ESMTP id g07GjvfR017227; > Mon, 7 Jan 2002 11:45:57 -0500 (EST) >Received: from ( []) > by (8.11.2/8.11.2) with ESMTP id g07GcnP11915 > for ; Mon, 7 Jan 2002 11:38:49 -0500 >Received: from ([]:15878 "EHLO >" ident: "NO-IDENT-SERVICE[2]" whoson: "voischev" > smtp-auth: TLS-CIPHER: TLS-PEER: ) > by with ESMTP id ; > Mon, 7 Jan 2002 19:45:38 +0300 >Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 19:44:41 +0300 >From: Voischev Alexander >X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.53d) >Reply-To: Voischev Alexander >X-Priority: 3 (Normal) >Message-ID: <5319692035.20020107194441 at> >To: dev at >Subject: Simple question >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 > >Hello. > >I have a one simple question. I want to create a thematic map, >but I don't know how I may set the custom color to one shape object by >the php-script. My aim is assignment the calculated colors to the shapes >in some layers. How I can do that ? > >Thanx. > >-- >Best regards, > Voischev Alexander mailto:voischev at Richard W. Greenwood, PLS Greenwood Mapping, Inc. Rich at (307) 733-0203 From Rich at Mon Jan 7 19:37:21 2002 From: Rich at (Richard Greenwood) Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 20:37:21 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] Full documentation In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Thank you. Documentation seems like it is the most asked-for mapserver feature, and the most thankless task. Rich At 01:24 PM 1/3/2002 -0600, you wrote: >Hello All, > >I just wanted to let you know that there are two new and important >documents available. The Template Reference and CGI Reference for 3.5 are >now linked on the documentation page. Thanks to Frank Koorman for helping out. > >Jamie Smedsmo >University of Minnesota > Richard W. Greenwood, PLS Greenwood Mapping, Inc. Rich at (307) 733-0203 From est-n-alves at Tue Jan 8 03:37:51 2002 From: est-n-alves at (Nuno Alves) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 11:37:51 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] RE: [MapServer-users] Blank Image when zoom ing Message-ID: I've allready change the MINSCALE and MAXSCALE properties for each data layer and for WEB properties too. I?ve changed too the extensions of the map again, but nothing. I have had another idea, that was to "clean the trash" from my map files, that i allready did, but the problems persists. I've attached my MAP file to this mail. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Nuno Alves -----Original Message----- From: Fawcett, David [mailto:david.fawcett at] Sent: sexta-feira, 4 de Janeiro de 2002 16:16 To: mapserver-users at; 'Nuno Alves' Subject: [mapserver-users] RE: [MapServer-users] Blank Image when zooming Not knowing much about your application, it sounds to me like your layers are scale dependent. In other words, they are set to only show between a maximum and a minimum scale value. Check the MINSCALE and MAXSCALE properties for each of your data layers. Are the layers set to show at the scales you want to see them at? If this doesn't work, post the text of your Map file. Perhaps some of the other folks on the list could diagnose it from the mapfile. David. David J. Fawcett GIS / Databases MN Office of Environmental Assistance 520 Lafayette Rd N St. Paul, MN 55155 651.215.0200 > ---------- > From: Nuno Alves[SMTP:est-n-alves at] > Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:41 AM > To: mapserver-users at; Nuno Alves > Subject: [mapserver-users] Blank Image when zooming > > > Hi all! Sorry about my english. > > I am using mapserver 3.5 (and i'm new at this, i just recently started with > nightly builds), compiled with postgis, OGR and gd-1.2 to have gif support. > I> ?m using MAPINFO files to produce a map of an exposition field with > information about streets, MB services, restaurants, phones, and a lot of > other > important information for visitors. > My problem is the following: > > I open my web page and i can?t see some layers. When i zoom in some of them > appear and others disapear. As for zoom out, is the same. I allready > change the map extensions but the problem continues, note in the same zoom > positions but in others. > > Any help would be aprecciated. Thanks. > Best regards, > > > <<...OLE_Obj...>> > > Nuno Ricardo Ribeiro Alves > PT Inova??o, S.A. > Servi?os e Redes M?veis > * R. Eng? Jos? Ferreira Pinto Basto - 3810 Aveiro > * mailto:est-n-alves at > > -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Type: application/octet-stream Size: 8656 bytes Desc: not available URL: From pcarrasco at Tue Jan 8 04:24:00 2002 From: pcarrasco at (Pedro A. Carrasco) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 13:24:00 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Initial pre-alpha release of the CLX component for Delphi Message-ID: <003d01c1983f$5a296b30$0f00a8c0@rantamplan2> Hi all, I'm developing a CLX component to access MapServer from Delphi Applications, my intention is to make a component similar to MapObjects (only similar, not the same, more like MapObjects LT), but working with the MapServer enviroment. I develop it in Delphi beacouse it can compile in Kylix (Linux). The pre-alpha release can be downloaded from it only make zoom in, zoom out, and pan (and full extent), it have two directories, one with the clx control and the other with the sample aplication I use, tha application is code linked with my .map file and layers, this code can be changed for the use with others .map and layers. I hope it will be usefull. Regards. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pedro A. Carrasco Ponce IVER Sistemas de Informaci?n Geogr?fica Dpto. T?cnico C/Salamanca, 50 46005 Valencia Tlf: 96 316 34 00 Fax: 96 316 2716 mail : pcarrasco at web : --------------------------------------------------------------------- From woodbri at Tue Jan 8 06:01:56 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 09:01:56 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] gmap75 Help Message-ID: <> Hi all, I just downloaded gmap75 to try with the released mapserver 3.5 and ran into the following problems: 1) the symbols.sym file needs to be edited to change all line: "Filled" to "Filled TRUE" 2) when I tried to load the initial page I go back "The document contained no data." dialog box and the apache error log: [Tue Jan 8 08:42:29 2002] [notice] child pid 18409 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) My config setup is at: and the gmap demo is at: I edited the map file for this location. Are there any other hard coded paths that might cause this? Any suggestions on how to debug this? Any help would be appreaciated. -Steve Woodbridge From Hannah.Jensen at Tue Jan 8 07:02:38 2002 From: Hannah.Jensen at (Jensen, Hannah ERDC-CRREL-NH) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 10:02:38 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] attribute query problems in 3.5 Message-ID: <> Hello. I'm trying to do an itemnquery to select US states and territories by FIPS code from a shapefile containing unprojected data. It seems to work fine for most states but has trouble with some islands. For example, Puerto Rico works, but Guam doesn't, Hawaii works, but the US Virgin Islands don't. Seems like this should be a data problem, but so far I haven't found anything wrong there. Plus, this worked fine in version 3.4 with the same data. Any ideas what could be going wrong? As always, any help is much appreciated. Here's an example URL and map file excerpt: http://myhost/cgi-bin/mapserv35?map=../stuff/ =itemnquerymap&qlayer=qstates&state=06 LAYER NAME qstates DATA /data/stuff/usstates TYPE polygon STATUS on FILTERITEM "ST" FILTER "%state%" LABELITEM "ST_NAME" CLASS SYMBOL 'circle' OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 SIZE 2 END TEMPLATE state_query.html END Cheers, Hannah Hannah Jensen (603) 646-4145 Remote Sensing / GIS Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL) US Army Corps of Engineers 72 Lyme Rd, Hanover, NH 03755-1290 From pcarrasco at Tue Jan 8 07:11:10 2002 From: pcarrasco at (Pedro A. Carrasco) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 16:11:10 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Initial pre-alpha release of the CLX component for Delphi References: <06B403677C41D51194550002A55107D2144C1D@S5-STF1-R1> Message-ID: <019d01c19856$b4520c90$0f00a8c0@rantamplan2> To make the VCL is not very complicated, the CLX components I use in the control are TImage and the control to make the html petitions, but this one is from the Indy components. Other CLX units (like QGraphics, QControls) are replaceable but the same in VCL (Graphis, Controls, etc). Regards --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pedro A. Carrasco Ponce IVER Sistemas de Informaci?n Geogr?fica Dpto. T?cnico C/Salamanca, 50 46005 Valencia Tlf: 96 316 34 00 Fax: 96 316 2716 mail : pcarrasco at web : --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Boisvert, ?ric" To: "'Pedro A. Carrasco'" Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 2:20 PM Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Initial pre-alpha release of the CLX component for Delphi Hi Pedro Do you have any plan to make a VCL ? I have developped a couple of mapserver client in Delphi (see is it something similar ? > -----Original Message----- > From: Pedro A. Carrasco [mailto:pcarrasco at] > Sent: 8 janvier, 2002 07:24 > To: Lista MapServer > Subject: [mapserver-users] Initial pre-alpha release of the CLX > component for Delphi > > > Hi all, > I'm developing a CLX component to access MapServer from Delphi > Applications, my intention is to make a component similar to > MapObjects > (only similar, not the same, more like MapObjects LT), but > working with the > MapServer enviroment. I develop it in Delphi beacouse it can > compile in > Kylix (Linux). The pre-alpha release can be downloaded from > it only > make zoom in, > zoom out, and pan (and full extent), it have two directories, > one with the > clx control and the other with the sample aplication I use, > tha application > is code linked with my .map file and layers, this code can be > changed for > the use with others .map and layers. > I hope it will be usefull. > Regards. > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pedro A. Carrasco Ponce > IVER Sistemas de Informaci?n Geogr?fica > Dpto. T?cnico > C/Salamanca, 50 > 46005 Valencia > Tlf: 96 316 34 00 Fax: 96 316 2716 > mail : pcarrasco at > web : > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > > From jsmedsmo at Tue Jan 8 07:39:31 2002 From: jsmedsmo at (Jamie Smedsmo) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 09:39:31 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] (no subject) Message-ID: <> -------- Original Message -------- Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 07:05:08 -0800 From: "Diaz, William" To: "'mdp at'" Hello mapserver users: we installed mapserver 3.5 (with WMS support) yo can see at http://gisweb/Mapserver/ms_clima35/clima_init2.html but when using erver/ms_clima35/ to generate a map with the default map size and all the layers with STATUS ON or DEFAULT , i get a save dialog (to save mapserv) can anybody give some help? William below the .map file ============================================================================ ========== # # Start of map file # NAME DEMO STATUS ON SIZE 600 600 EXTENT -92.221795 7.201854 -77.238755 17.817886 UNITS DD SHAPEPATH "/Mapserver/ms_clima35/data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 # # Projection definition, consult the PROJ.4 documentation for parameter discussion # #PROJECTION # "init=epsg:4326" #END # # Start of web interface definition # WEB HEADER clima2_header.html TEMPLATE clima2.html FOOTER clima2_footer.html MINSCALE 1000000 MAXSCALE 30000000 IMAGEPATH "d:\Inetpub\wwwroot\tmp\" IMAGEURL "\tmp\" # LOG "demo.log" METADATA "wms_title" "CIAT Web Map Service" "wms_onlinesource" " server/ms_clima35/" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END END QUERYMAP SIZE 200 200 STATUS ON STYLE HILITE COLOR 255 0 0 END # # Start of reference map # REFERENCE IMAGE graphics/camer.jpg EXTENT -93.964081 7.097332 -77.17411 19.706318 SIZE 219 174 STATUS ON COLOR -1 -1 -1 OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 END # # Start of legend # LEGEND KEYSIZE 18 12 LABEL TYPE BITMAP SIZE MEDIUM COLOR 0 0 89 END STATUS ON END # # Start of scalebar # SCALEBAR IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 LABEL COLOR 255 255 255 SIZE tiny END STYLE 1 SIZE 50 2 COLOR 255 255 255 UNITS METERS INTERVALS 1 TRANSPARENT TRUE STATUS TRUE END # # Start of symbol definitions (we're only using a few) # SYMBOL NAME 'circle' TYPE ELLIPSE POINTS 1 1 END FILLED END # # Start of layer definitions # LAYER NAME centroamer STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON DATA paises-centro CLASSITEM 'nombre' CLASS EXPRESSION 'Itasca' OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128 COLOR 225 225 185 END CLASS # every other county in the state EXPRESSION /./ OUTLINECOLOR 128 128 128 COLOR 255 255 255 END END LAYER NAME clima METADATA "wms_title" "Drought risk" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYGON DATA climrisk STATUS OFF CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "< 3 cons. dry months" EXPRESSION '0' COLOR 254 236 205 OUTLINECOLOR 254 236 205 END CLASS NAME "4-6 cons. dry months" EXPRESSION '1' COLOR 253 220 106 OUTLINECOLOR 253 220 106 END CLASS NAME "> 6 cons. dry months" EXPRESSION '2' COLOR 253 182 74 OUTLINECOLOR 253 182 74 END CLASS NAME "< 3 cons. dry month + flood" EXPRESSION '3' COLOR 166 204 204 OUTLINECOLOR 166 204 204 END CLASS NAME "4-6 dry months + flood" EXPRESSION '4' COLOR 5 208 214 OUTLINECOLOR 5 208 214 END CLASS NAME "> 6 dry months + flood" EXPRESSION '5' COLOR 78 160 156 OUTLINECOLOR 78 160 156 END END LAYER NAME poblacion METADATA "wms_title" "Population" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYGON DATA popgeo STATUS ON CLASSITEM Density CLASS EXPRESSION ([DENSITY] > 0 and [DENSITY] <= 10) Name '0 - 10 ' COLOR 255 237 221 OUTLINECOLOR 255 237 221 END CLASSITEM Density CLASS EXPRESSION ([DENSITY] > 10 and [DENSITY] <=25) Name '10 - 25 ' COLOR 255 216 181 OUTLINECOLOR 255 216 181 END CLASSITEM Density CLASS EXPRESSION ([DENSITY] > 25 and [DENSITY] <= 50) Name '25 - 50 ' COLOR 255 194 140 OUTLINECOLOR 255 194 140 END CLASSITEM Density CLASS EXPRESSION ([DENSITY] > 50 and [DENSITY] <= 100) Name '50 - 100 ' COLOR 255 174 102 OUTLINECOLOR 255 174 102 END CLASSITEM Density CLASS EXPRESSION ([DENSITY] > 100 and [DENSITY] <=200) Name '100 - 200 ' COLOR 255 159 72 OUTLINECOLOR 255 159 72 END CLASSITEM Density CLASS EXPRESSION ([DENSITY] > 200 and [DENSITY] <= 500) Name '200 - 500 ' COLOR 255 159 72 OUTLINECOLOR 255 159 72 END CLASSITEM Density CLASS EXPRESSION ([DENSITY] > 500 and [DENSITY] <= 1000) Name '500 - 1000 ' COLOR 240 114 0 OUTLINECOLOR 240 114 0 END CLASSITEM Density CLASS EXPRESSION ([DENSITY] > 1000 and [DENSITY] <= 2500) Name '1000 - 2500 ' COLOR 213 101 0 OUTLINECOLOR 213 101 0 END CLASSITEM Density CLASS EXPRESSION ([DENSITY] > 5000 and [DENSITY] <=55000) Name '< 5000 ' COLOR 145 69 0 OUTLINECOLOR 145 69 0 END HEADER poblacion2_header.html TEMPLATE poblacion2.html FOOTER poblacion2_footer.html TOLERANCE 3 END LAYER NAME riesgo METADATA "wms_title" "Hazard risk" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYGON DATA forrisk STATUS OFF CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "Riesgo Alto" EXPRESSION '1' COLOR 201 153 7 OUTLINECOLOR 201 153 7 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "Riesgo Intermedio" EXPRESSION '2' COLOR 208 174 55 OUTLINECOLOR 208 174 55 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "Bajo" EXPRESSION '3' COLOR 40 173 181 OUTLINECOLOR 40 173 181 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "Alto-Coniferas" EXPRESSION '4' COLOR 253 198 9 OUTLINECOLOR 253 198 9 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "Intermedio-Coniferas" EXPRESSION '5' COLOR 254 224 122 OUTLINECOLOR 254 224 122 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "Bajo-Coniferas" EXPRESSION '6' COLOR 94 206 219 OUTLINECOLOR 94 206 219 END END LAYER NAME riescost METADATA "wms_title" "Riesgo Costero" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYGON DATA costrisk2 STATUS OFF CLASSITEM Costrisk CLASS NAME "Riesgo Alto" EXPRESSION '1' COLOR 247 191 2 OUTLINECOLOR 247 191 2 END CLASSITEM Costrisk CLASS NAME "Riesgo Intermedio" EXPRESSION '2' COLOR 10 219 224 OUTLINECOLOR 10 219 224 END CLASSITEM Costrisk CLASS NAME "Riesgo Bajo" EXPRESSION '3' COLOR 174 216 217 OUTLINECOLOR 174 216 217 END CLASSITEM Costrisk CLASS NAME "Influencia de Puertos" EXPRESSION '4' COLOR 127 127 127 OUTLINECOLOR 127 127 127 END CLASSITEM Costrisk CLASS NAME "Influencia Infraestrucura" EXPRESSION '5' COLOR 223 223 223 OUTLINECOLOR 223 223 223 END END LAYER NAME usotierra METADATA "wms_title" "Land Use" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYGON DATA conflic STATUS OFF CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "Uso Apropiado" EXPRESSION '1' COLOR 181 208 138 OUTLINECOLOR 181 208 138 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "Agricultura Inapropiada" EXPRESSION '2' COLOR 242 170 0 OUTLINECOLOR 242 170 0 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "Uso Inapropiado" EXPRESSION '3' COLOR 125 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 125 0 0 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "Potencial para Agricultura" EXPRESSION '4' COLOR 3 168 186 OUTLINECOLOR 3 168 186 END END LAYER NAME accesib METADATA "wms_title" "Accesibility" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYGON DATA acc_cam STATUS OFF CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "0-10 mins" EXPRESSION '1' COLOR 255 255 104 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 104 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "10-20 mins" EXPRESSION '2' COLOR 255 255 202 OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 202 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "20-40 mins" EXPRESSION '3' COLOR 255 191 191 OUTLINECOLOR 255 191 191 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "40-60 mins" EXPRESSION '4' COLOR 255 164 164 OUTLINECOLOR 255 164 164 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "60-120 mins" EXPRESSION '5' COLOR 208 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 208 0 0 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "120-240 mins" EXPRESSION '6' COLOR 142 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 142 0 0 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "240-480 mins" EXPRESSION '7' COLOR 104 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 104 0 0 END CLASSITEM Gridcode CLASS NAME "480-3840 mins" EXPRESSION '8' COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END LAYER NAME centroamer METADATA "wms_title" "Boundaries" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326" END TYPE POLYLINE DATA paises-centro STATUS OFF CLASS SYMBOL 'circle' SIZE 1 NAME 'Division Politica' COLOR 181 181 145 END END END # Map File William Diaz S. email: w.diaz at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pcarrasco at Tue Jan 8 07:50:15 2002 From: pcarrasco at (Pedro A. Carrasco) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 16:50:15 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Initial pre-alpha release of the CLX component for Delphi References: <06B403677C41D51194550002A55107D2144C29@S5-STF1-R1> Message-ID: <01e801c1985c$2a055410$0f00a8c0@rantamplan2> >How do you handle GIF (because of the licensing >problem ?). I use TGifImage >(from Jedi project) >we basically went the same route (except I did not make >a component) I use PNG on this version. I plan to make a version with GIF support, suppose I will use the Jedi TGifImage or any similar. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pedro A. Carrasco Ponce IVER Sistemas de Informaci?n Geogr?fica Dpto. T?cnico C/Salamanca, 50 46005 Valencia Tlf: 96 316 34 00 Fax: 96 316 2716 mail : pcarrasco at web : --------------------------------------------------------------------- From stepan.kafka at Tue Jan 8 07:55:43 2002 From: stepan.kafka at (stepan.kafka at Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 16:55:43 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] attribute query problems in 3.5 Message-ID: <> Please, check if your features are in map extent (set in your map file). The MS 3.5 uses it for feature queries. Stepan Kafka ______________________________________________________________ > Od: "Jensen, Hannah ERDC-CRREL-NH" > Komu: mapserver-users at > CC: > Datum: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 10:02:38 -0500 > P?edm?t: [mapserver-users] attribute query problems in 3.5 > > > Hello. I'm trying to do an itemnquery to select US states and territories > by FIPS code from a shapefile containing unprojected data. It seems to work > fine for most states but has trouble with some islands. For example, Puerto > Rico works, but Guam doesn't, Hawaii works, but the US Virgin Islands don't. > Seems like this should be a data problem, but so far I haven't found > anything wrong there. Plus, this worked fine in version 3.4 with the same > data. Any ideas what could be going wrong? As always, any help is much > appreciated. > > Here's an example URL and map file excerpt: > http://myhost/cgi-bin/mapserv35? map=../stuff/ > =itemnquerymap&qlayer=qstates&state=06 > > LAYER > NAME qstates > DATA /data/stuff/usstates > TYPE polygon > STATUS on > FILTERITEM "ST" > FILTER "%state%" > LABELITEM "ST_NAME" > CLASS > SYMBOL 'circle' > OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 > SIZE 2 > END > TEMPLATE state_query.html > END > > > Cheers, > Hannah > > > Hannah Jensen > (603) 646-4145 > Remote Sensing / GIS Center > Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL) > US Army Corps of Engineers > 72 Lyme Rd, Hanover, NH 03755-1290 > > ----- Nov? vyhled?va? pro ?esk? internet - prost? najde ... From Rich at Tue Jan 8 07:58:47 2002 From: Rich at (Richard Greenwood) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 08:58:47 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] using join with OGR? Message-ID: <> I can't get JOIN to work with an OGR connection. I have a JOIN set up with a shape file that works correctly. But when I switch from the shape file to an OGR connection to a MapInfo file, I don't get any attribute data from the join. Anybody have any thoughts on this? Thanks, Rich Richard W. Greenwood, PLS Greenwood Mapping, Inc. Rich at (307) 733-0203 From morissette at Tue Jan 8 08:16:57 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 11:16:57 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] using join with OGR? References: <> Message-ID: <> Richard Greenwood wrote: > > I can't get JOIN to work with an OGR connection. I have a JOIN set up with > a shape file that works correctly. But when I switch from the shape file to > an OGR connection to a MapInfo file, I don't get any attribute data from > the join. > > Anybody have any thoughts on this? > That's because JOINs are not supported with OGR. However, if you have tables joined inside MapInfo then OGR should handle that join internally. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From Hannah.Jensen at Tue Jan 8 08:41:34 2002 From: Hannah.Jensen at (Jensen, Hannah ERDC-CRREL-NH) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 11:41:34 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] attribute query problems in 3.5 Message-ID: <> Thanks very much! That did the trick. Cheers, Hannah -----Original Message----- From: stepan.kafka at [mailto:stepan.kafka at] Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 10:56 AM To: Jensen, Hannah ERDC-CRREL-NH; mapserver-users at Subject: re: [mapserver-users] attribute query problems in 3.5 Please, check if your features are in map extent (set in your map file). The MS 3.5 uses it for feature queries. Stepan Kafka ______________________________________________________________ > Od: "Jensen, Hannah ERDC-CRREL-NH" > Komu: mapserver-users at > CC: > Datum: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 10:02:38 -0500 > P?edm?t: [mapserver-users] attribute query problems in 3.5 > > > Hello. I'm trying to do an itemnquery to select US states and territories > by FIPS code from a shapefile containing unprojected data. It seems to work > fine for most states but has trouble with some islands. For example, Puerto > Rico works, but Guam doesn't, Hawaii works, but the US Virgin Islands don't. > Seems like this should be a data problem, but so far I haven't found > anything wrong there. Plus, this worked fine in version 3.4 with the same > data. Any ideas what could be going wrong? As always, any help is much > appreciated. > > Here's an example URL and map file excerpt: > http://myhost/cgi-bin/mapserv35? map=../stuff/ > =itemnquerymap&qlayer=qstates&state=06 > > LAYER > NAME qstates > DATA /data/stuff/usstates > TYPE polygon > STATUS on > FILTERITEM "ST" > FILTER "%state%" > LABELITEM "ST_NAME" > CLASS > SYMBOL 'circle' > OUTLINECOLOR 100 100 100 > SIZE 2 > END > TEMPLATE state_query.html > END > > > Cheers, > Hannah > > > Hannah Jensen > (603) 646-4145 > Remote Sensing / GIS Center > Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL) > US Army Corps of Engineers > 72 Lyme Rd, Hanover, NH 03755-1290 > > ----- Nov? vyhled?va? pro ?esk? internet - prost? najde ... From woodbri at Tue Jan 8 08:48:11 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 11:48:11 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] gmap75 Help References: <> Message-ID: <> I have a little bit more on this. I have narrowed it down to the include("gmap75.php3"); line, which by the way should be written as include("./gmap75.php3") to force php to look in the local directory and not in the include path if one is set in the php3.ini file as is my case. This would make it more portable to other people's systems. I wrote 2 trivial scripts at where t.php3 is: and t2.php3 is the same except the include is commented out. You will notice that the phpinfo() output is truncated on t.php3 and not on t2.php3. There is also a segv logged in the error_log for t.php3. Any ideas? -Steve Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > Hi all, > > I just downloaded gmap75 to try with the released mapserver 3.5 and ran > into the following problems: > > 1) the symbols.sym file needs to be edited to change all line: > "Filled" to "Filled TRUE" > > 2) when I tried to load the initial page I go back "The document > contained no data." dialog box and the apache error log: > > [Tue Jan 8 08:42:29 2002] [notice] child pid 18409 exit signal > Segmentation fault (11) > > My config setup is at: > > > and the gmap demo is at: > > > I edited the map file for this location. Are there any other hard coded > paths that might cause this? > > Any suggestions on how to debug this? > Any help would be appreaciated. > -Steve Woodbridge From morissette at Tue Jan 8 09:53:36 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 12:53:36 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] [Fwd: Happy New Year! and a problem. :)] Message-ID: <> -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: "Vinko Vrsalovic B." Subject: Happy New Year! and a problem. :) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 14:38:29 -0300 (-0300) Size: 2238 URL: From jsmedsmo at Tue Jan 8 12:15:44 2002 From: jsmedsmo at (Jamie Smedsmo) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 14:15:44 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] [Fwd: Happy New Year! and a problem. :)] References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi Vinko, You have to be subscribed to send questions to the list. This is to control spam mails. I'll add a note to make that more clear on the support page. Cheers, Jamie Daniel Morissette wrote: > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Subject: > > Happy New Year! and a problem. :) > From: > > "Vinko Vrsalovic B." > Date: > > Tue, 8 Jan 2002 14:38:29 -0300 (-0300) > To: > > morissette at > > >Hi, > > I'm sorry to bother you, but you're the only one that comes to >mind. I haven't been able to reach the mailing list due to unknown >factors. > > I even mailed the owner of the list to no avail (not even a >response). > > So i can't publish my problem on the list. Would you be so kind >to remail my problem to the list so i can see the answers through the web >interface? > > My problem is that i haven't been able to display a raster layer >on top of some vector layers. > > I followed every step in the RASTER HOWTO but the image just >doesn't appear. > > I tried with jpg with world file, tiff with world file, geotiff, >png with world file and nothing happened. I recompiled mapserver to add >GDAL support, but nothing happened again. > > What might the problem be? extension of the world files? > >My layer definition looks like: > >LAYER > NAME "moneda" > DATA "monegr.jpg" > TYPE RASTER > STATUS ON >END > >with the DATA part varying according to the type of the file. > > >Please give some advice on this, it must be a stupid thing i've been >overlooking. > >Or tell me what other information you might need to help me. > >Thanks a lot, >Vinko. > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at Tue Jan 8 13:13:37 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 16:13:37 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] gmap75 Help References: <> <> Message-ID: <> A further update! I changed the first if block in gmap75.php3 to if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)) $HTTP_FORM_VARS = $HTTP_POST_VARS; else if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS)) $HTTP_FORM_VARS = $HTTP_GET_VARS; else $HTTP_FORM_VARS = array(""); to get by the problem of loading that, but ran into the following problem that I have narrowed down to the line gmap75.php3:506 $poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname($szLayerName); which segvs when it it first called from gmap75.phtml:175 via GMapGetStatus("road") I don't think I can take this much further. Does anyone have a clue as to what I should check or do next? -Steve Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > I have a little bit more on this. I have narrowed it down to the > include("gmap75.php3"); line, which by the way should be written as > include("./gmap75.php3") to force php to look in the local directory and > not in the include path if one is set in the php3.ini file as is my > case. This would make it more portable to other people's systems. > > I wrote 2 trivial scripts at > > > > > where t.php3 is: > > > > if (!extension_loaded("MapScript")) > dl(""); // Same name for PHP3 and PHP4 > > include("./gmap75.php3"); > > phpinfo(); > > ?> > > > and t2.php3 is the same except the include is commented out. You will > notice that the phpinfo() output is truncated on t.php3 and not on > t2.php3. There is also a segv logged in the error_log for t.php3. > > Any ideas? > > -Steve > > Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > > > Hi all, > > > > I just downloaded gmap75 to try with the released mapserver 3.5 and ran > > into the following problems: > > > > 1) the symbols.sym file needs to be edited to change all line: > > "Filled" to "Filled TRUE" > > > > 2) when I tried to load the initial page I go back "The document > > contained no data." dialog box and the apache error log: > > > > [Tue Jan 8 08:42:29 2002] [notice] child pid 18409 exit signal > > Segmentation fault (11) > > > > My config setup is at: > > > > > > and the gmap demo is at: > > > > > > I edited the map file for this location. Are there any other hard coded > > paths that might cause this? > > > > Any suggestions on how to debug this? > > Any help would be appreaciated. > > -Steve Woodbridge From benlewis1 at Tue Jan 8 23:06:43 2002 From: benlewis1 at (Ben Lewis) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 23:06:43 Subject: [mapserver-users] polygon overlay Message-ID: All - Does anyone know of open source code out there for polygon overlay? I would like to do a union on two small shape files within a mapserver application. Was thinking there would be something used ascii inputs and outputs. There appear to many code bits, especially in the computational geometry realm, but I'm not seeing anything I can compile and use. Ben Lewis Advanced Technology Solutions, Inc. Lancaster, PA _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From TMitchell at Tue Jan 8 15:06:03 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 15:06:03 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Reading MapServer output as a theme in Arcview Message-ID: I noticed there is an Arcview map file setup utility for Mapserver, that's great. One limiting factor to the Mapserver concept that I am running into is that of providing data to existing applications like Arcview, etc. The other internet map servers out there appear to also support existing desktop GIS products (I'm thinking of ERMapper's IWS and ESRI's IMS). Can we do this in the open source arena too? I think I probably shouldn't be trying to do this with Mapserver, so recommendations for other open source solutions would be gladly accepted. I'd like to have MapServer still serve up an image map but I want this to appear as a standard theme in Arcview. Has anyone been doing this or looking at it? I am new to MapServer, but am impressed with the flexibility. I don't suggest that this is a simple function to implement, but I am certain we could do something pretty interesting here. Obviously handling legends, map content, etc. would be a whole other ball of wax to bring into Arcview. Even just viewing one MS Layer in Arcview would bridge the gap for those of us trying to get out of the proprietary world and into a more easily distributed GIS. The only reason I bring it up is to see if anyone has looked at this idea and if you have any ideas for other solutions. Tyler From trem at Tue Jan 8 15:31:03 2002 From: trem at (Trem Stamp) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 10:31:03 +1100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Feature Info Query on 3.5 Message-ID: <032801c1989c$8d1ad2b0$> Hi all, Can anyone tell me if mapserv 3.5 currently supports a feature query that can return xml, gml or html. Last time I tried it just returned a text file with all attributes? Are there currently any other INFO_FORMAT types for returning data. Does anyone know if this capability is close to completion or buried under the many other enhancements I know are being worked hard upon? The other question I have is regarding the attributes that are returned from a feature query. I know the template page used can define what is returned. I haven't been able to test this as it appeared that the feature query in 3.5 just returned a list of attributes no matter what the template looks like. Is the template functionality available to define presentation or is this due to be done in parallel with the format return type? Cheers, Trem -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at Tue Jan 8 15:39:47 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 18:39:47 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Feature Info Query on 3.5 References: <032801c1989c$8d1ad2b0$> Message-ID: <> Trem, I think what you want to do should be fairly easy to do in mapscript. You would get the query results back in php or Perl and then add them to an xml object and dump the xml from the object. -Steve W. > Trem Stamp wrote: > > Hi all, > > Can anyone tell me if mapserv 3.5 currently supports a feature query > that can return xml, gml or html. Last time I tried it just returned > a text file with all attributes? Are there currently any other > INFO_FORMAT types for returning data. > > > > > Does anyone know if this capability is close to completion or buried > under the many other enhancements I know are being worked hard upon? > > The other question I have is regarding the attributes that are > returned from a feature query. I know the template page used can > define what is returned. I haven't been able to test this as it > appeared that the feature query in 3.5 just returned a list of > attributes no matter what the template looks like. Is the template > functionality available to define presentation or is this due to be > done in parallel with the format return type? > > Cheers, > > Trem > > From woodbri at Tue Jan 8 16:58:58 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 19:58:58 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] gmap75 Help References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Sorry to be tedious about this, but I would really like to get this working. Can anyone at dmsolutions give me a hand with this? Please. I have narrowed things down a little more and it looks like I can only access layer 0 inspite of the fact that the mapObj reports it has 11 layers. I have been dumping out properties of the objects I can access with this url if you change the zero to one it will segv. This seems like pretty basic mapscript internals to me. Is there a patch or something I am missing. -Steve Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > A further update! > > I changed the first if block in gmap75.php3 to > > if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)) > $HTTP_FORM_VARS = $HTTP_POST_VARS; > else if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS)) > $HTTP_FORM_VARS = $HTTP_GET_VARS; > else > $HTTP_FORM_VARS = array(""); > > to get by the problem of loading that, but ran into the following > problem that I have narrowed down to the line gmap75.php3:506 > > $poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname($szLayerName); > > which segvs when it it first called from gmap75.phtml:175 via > GMapGetStatus("road") > > I don't think I can take this much further. > Does anyone have a clue as to what I should check or do next? > > -Steve > > Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > > > I have a little bit more on this. I have narrowed it down to the > > include("gmap75.php3"); line, which by the way should be written as > > include("./gmap75.php3") to force php to look in the local directory and > > not in the include path if one is set in the php3.ini file as is my > > case. This would make it more portable to other people's systems. > > > > I wrote 2 trivial scripts at > > > > > > > > > > where t.php3 is: > > > > > > > > > if (!extension_loaded("MapScript")) > > dl(""); // Same name for PHP3 and PHP4 > > > > include("./gmap75.php3"); > > > > phpinfo(); > > > > ?> > > > > > > and t2.php3 is the same except the include is commented out. You will > > notice that the phpinfo() output is truncated on t.php3 and not on > > t2.php3. There is also a segv logged in the error_log for t.php3. > > > > Any ideas? > > > > -Steve > > > > Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > > > > > Hi all, > > > > > > I just downloaded gmap75 to try with the released mapserver 3.5 and ran > > > into the following problems: > > > > > > 1) the symbols.sym file needs to be edited to change all line: > > > "Filled" to "Filled TRUE" > > > > > > 2) when I tried to load the initial page I go back "The document > > > contained no data." dialog box and the apache error log: > > > > > > [Tue Jan 8 08:42:29 2002] [notice] child pid 18409 exit signal > > > Segmentation fault (11) > > > > > > My config setup is at: > > > > > > > > > and the gmap demo is at: > > > > > > > > > I edited the map file for this location. Are there any other hard coded > > > paths that might cause this? > > > > > > Any suggestions on how to debug this? > > > Any help would be appreaciated. > > > -Steve Woodbridge From TMitchell at Tue Jan 8 17:09:07 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 17:09:07 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Reading MapServer output as a theme in Arcview Message-ID: Thanks for the comments, I am aiming at the user desktop where editing functions that people may already be used could be used. I was thinking along the lines of writing some Avenue or VBA extensions (combined with other shell scripts or programs) to query a mapserver and return the results to Arcview/ArcGIS as a georeference image. The support for image types is already there. I know what you mean about hooks. But I'm a fairly high-level guy in terms of programming so I definately wasn't thinking about anything that would make programming calls (and probably not be too efficient either ;). I'm still not used to the idea of API's. I'll get there eventually :) I need to learn more about OpenEV - I've only used to display images and 3d drapes. I've never been able to load in shapefiles or the like. I like your ideas though. Thanks. Dave McIlhagga> cc: mapserver-users at Fax to: 01/08/2002 04:48 Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Reading PM MapServer output as a theme in Arcview Tyler, Extending existing commercial products such as ArcView always adds an extra level of uncertainty and usually complexity due to the "black-box" nature of the product. If what ESRI or anybody else provides doesn't include the right hook, you're out of luck or you need to implement a major workaround to do the trick. Not to mention - ESRI will be more enclined to see you handle things the "ESRI" way rather then what would necessarily be best. I haven't fully looked into what can be done with ArcView ... although I know Refractions has made some great progress in making MapServer support the ESRI Geography Network calls if I'm not mistaken. One possibility is the use of a package such as Grass or OpenEV that could be extended to support OGC Web Map Server (WMS) requests. Being open source products, this certainly would be possible. Having developed with OpenEV in the past, I know that this product could be extended to support WMS layers - requested from MapServer or any other server supporting the WMS protocol. This spring/summer, we will be working on the addition of Web Feature Server support (the ability to serve vector data in GML format) that would mean something like OpenEV could not only get images back, but also raw vector data extending it's flexibility significantly. A few thoughts on what might be possible ... Dave Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > I noticed there is an Arcview map file setup utility for Mapserver, that's > great. > One limiting factor to the Mapserver concept that I am running into is that > of providing data to existing applications like Arcview, etc. The other > internet map servers out there appear to also support existing desktop GIS > products (I'm thinking of ERMapper's IWS and ESRI's IMS). Can we do this > in the open source arena too? I think I probably shouldn't be trying to do > this with Mapserver, so recommendations for other open source solutions > would be gladly accepted. > > I'd like to have MapServer still serve up an image map but I want this to > appear as a standard theme in Arcview. > Has anyone been doing this or looking at it? I am new to MapServer, but am > impressed with the flexibility. I don't suggest that this is a simple > function to implement, but I am certain we could do something pretty > interesting here. Obviously handling legends, map content, etc. would be a > whole other ball of wax to bring into Arcview. Even just viewing one MS > Layer in Arcview would bridge the gap for those of us trying to get out of > the proprietary world and into a more easily distributed GIS. > > The only reason I bring it up is to see if anyone has looked at this idea > and if you have any ideas for other solutions. > > Tyler -- Dave McIlhagga President, DM Solutions Group ---------------------------- Innovative Spatial Solutions ---------------------------- EMail : McIlhagga at Phone : 613-565-5056 Cell : 613-261-3913 Fax : 613-565-0925 Address : 116 Lisgar St., Suite 400, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0C2 From pramsey at Tue Jan 8 19:25:50 2002 From: pramsey at (Paul Ramsey) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 19:25:50 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Reading MapServer output as a theme in Arcview References: <> Message-ID: <> As in using it as an "Internet Map Server" data source in Arc8? You will need an ArcIMS emulator for that... Vinko Vrsalovic wrote: > > On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 03:06:03PM -0800, Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > > > I'd like to have MapServer still serve up an image map but I want this to > > appear as a standard theme in Arcview. > > How so? Looks can be configured through LABEL directives, SYMBOLSETS, FONTSETS, > etc. Make the image behave like a theme in arcview but in the browser? > Mapscript is your friend. For instance, you could edit the arcs in the > browser and save the editing as a shapefile with mapscript, you can even > generate the shapefile and put a link to it for download. > > What exactly do you mean? > > -- > V. -- __ / | Paul Ramsey | Refractions Research | Email: pramsey at | Phone: (250) 885-0632 \_ From GrantM at Wed Jan 9 07:21:43 2002 From: GrantM at (Grant Marblestone) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 09:21:43 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] proj question Message-ID: <002001c19921$61185680$7201010a@grantlaptop> I have a question about map files and projection. I have two shp files i want to include in a mapserv webpage. Basically one is in the projection # 4202: texas north central: nad27 and the other is in wgs84. I am a little confused on how to write the map file to incorporate this information. IS there a web page for reference or can anyone explain it .... for example Do i need ot only specify the nad27 or do i need to specify both so it knows that the entire file is not in nad27>? Thanks for any help, Grant From frank.koormann at Wed Jan 9 00:07:46 2002 From: frank.koormann at (Frank Koormann) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 09:07:46 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Reading MapServer output as a theme in Arcview In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Tyler, * Tyler Mitchell (TMitchell at [020109 03:57]: > > Thanks for the comments, > I am aiming at the user desktop where editing functions that people may > already be used could be used. > I was thinking along the lines of writing some Avenue or VBA extensions > (combined with other shell scripts or programs) to query a mapserver and > return the results to Arcview/ArcGIS as a georeference image. This clarifies your question a bit. If Arcview is able to obtain an image from a web source you might build an approrpiate URL with AV scripts using "mode=map" as MapServer mode. Alternatively you may call the shp2img binary. Regards, Frank -- Frank Koormann Professional Service around Free Software ( FreeGIS Project ( From Regina.Obe.PFD at Wed Jan 9 08:14:22 2002 From: Regina.Obe.PFD at (Obe, Regina DND\MIS) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 11:14:22 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Another Rosa applet question with CGI Message-ID: Attached is a template using the rosa applet that I adapted from Frank's version. This version uses the standard mapserver 3.5 cgi exe and some javascript. I haven't tried this with the 3.4 mapserver cgi, but I think it should work with that too. It is custom tailored for the project I was working on so the image locations, layers etc. will need to be changed for general consumption. Here is a link if you want to see it in action - again this project is still in beta so things might not work if I am working on them I'll also post it to the wiki once that is available. -----Original Message----- From: Frank Koormann [mailto:frank.koormann at] Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:37 AM To: Obe, Regina DNDMIS Cc: 'Frank Koormann'; mapserver-users at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Another Rosa applet question with CGI Dear Regina, All, * Obe, Regina DNDMIS (Regina.Obe.PFD at [011228 16:58]: > Thanks Frank - that example was very handy. For some reason - the recenter > and zoom in boxing didn't work properly with my version of mapserv35 and the > rosa applet I was using so I had to modify those sections a bit replacing > them with javascript calls (I've only tested on IE 5.5. and NS 4.75). I'm > posting this in case others ran into similar problems. As I read your JavaScript Code you are copying the contents of the INPUT_COORD variable to imgbox or imgxy, depending on the selected action. As an alternative one may apply the earlier posted patches to enable MapServer to interpret these values directly. See 12/msg00219.html for more details. > I also added > map-resize capabilities too to the adapted version. If anyone is interested > I can post this version too I always find it helpful to archive snippets of code to document usage of a software. Please post it to the list (or wait a bit for the announced wiki). Regards, Frank -- Frank Koormann Professional Service around Free Software ( FreeGIS Project ( -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: remsrosa.htm Type: application/octet-stream Size: 10993 bytes Desc: not available URL: From warmerdam at Tue Jan 8 21:35:42 2002 From: warmerdam at (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 00:35:42 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Making Mapserver Multithreaded References: Message-ID: <> Folks, After some discussions with Steve and Daniel I have done some work on making MapServer work better in a multi-threaded environment. This isn't necessary in a cgi situation, but I gather it can be useful from the scripting environements sometimes, where it is necessary to have multiple maps being rendered within one process, launched from different threads. In particular MapServer now can keep per-thread errorObj information and what was the ms_error global is now fetched using msGetErrorObj(). There is also a simple API for getting the thread id and locking/unlocking mutexes in mapthread.c. These in turn are used to protect .map file parsing with a mutex as well as calls to pj_init() as neither of these are thread safe. With these changes I was successfully in running shp2img with multiple threads generating map output at the same time. A few notes: o I haven't yet added logic to configure to control whether threading should be supported. It will be off by default, since it does add a bit of overhead, as well as potentially substantial build complexity. o I am currently only doing this with Unix pthreads, but it is my intention to also implement support on windows using the Win32 threads API which I have a bit of experience. Let me know if this is of interest to you. o You can't use SHAPEPATH in multi-threaded mode. It results in chdir() calls within mapserver which are not thread local and will cause all hell to break loose. o I suspect there are lots of items within MapServer that are not really thread safe. For instance, I have not attempted to protect GDAL even though I know there are at least a few subtle thread issues with it. I have also not protected calls to the PROJ.4 pj_transform() even though I don't know whether it is safe or not. o My tests were with each thread operating on it's own mapObj (even if read from the same .map file). I don't think we are near allowing different threads to work on the same mapObj. o I haven't try to build any of the MapScript bindings. There may be some build problems since my changes ... especially related to no longer having a global errorObj. o As part of this effort I have made msSetError() take variable arguments. You can now do stuff like this: msSetError(MS_SYMERR, "(%s):(%d)", "getSymbol()", msyytext, msyylineno); Anyways, folks interested in multi-threaded MapServers might want to talk to Steve or I about testing. Anyone encountering build problems with MapServer might have to poke me if it is my fault, since I have already committed my work to date. Finally, this work is very preliminary (aka experimental). We likely have a long way to go before we will have the same level of comfort with the bulletproof-ness of MapServer operating in a multi-threaded environment that we have in single threaded mode. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From shussain at Wed Jan 9 09:25:12 2002 From: shussain at (Shaik Anwar Hussain) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 12:25:12 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Projection Error Message-ID: <4D25CDA67110D3119FFB0008C707D7A7051EC3@deathstar> Hi All, I am doing Point Projection. I am getting the following error. Does any one know how to correct this error. Fatal error: MapServer Error in msProcessProjection(): major axis or radius = 0 or not given in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\php406\scripts\projpoint.php on line 11 I am using mapserver 3.5 and php 4.0.6. Webserver is Apache, Operating system is Windows 2000. The code i written for projection is setXY(-92.0,62.0); $opoint=$opoint->project($projinobj, $projoutobj); $oLine->add($opoint); $programid=100; $pname="ATS"; $oShp->add( $oLine ); $shpFile->addShape($oShp); dbase_add_record($dbfFile, array($programId, $pname)); echo "Shapes Created.
"; $shpFile->free(); echo "Shape File ($shpFname) closed.
"; dbase_close($dbfFile); echo "Dbase file closed.
"; ?> Thanks for ur Time, Anwar From teb at Wed Jan 9 09:31:44 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 11:31:44 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Dynamic expressions in PHP (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- From: "Dylan Rawlins" To: mapserver-info at Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 15:07:39 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Subject: Dynamic expressions in PHP I have a problem with inserting php variables into dynamic expressions. The following line works.... $class->setExpression('([COST] < 150)'); but this line doesn't work $class->setExpression('([COST] < $maximum)'); where $maximum is set by user text input, Any ideas? Thanks Dylan ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From teb at Wed Jan 9 09:32:30 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 11:32:30 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Compiling error (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 19:53:59 -0800 From: "Fabellar, Nestor" Subject: Compiling error To: "'mapserver-info at'" MIME-version: 1.0 Greetings! I'm having this message/error: gcc -c -O2 -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_JPEG -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include mapparser.c -o mapparser.o /usr/ccs/bin/as: "/var/tmp/ccV5f1Ub.s", line 1331: error: unknown opcode ".subsection" /usr/ccs/bin/as: "/var/tmp/ccV5f1Ub.s", line 1331: error: statement syntax /usr/ccs/bin/as: "/var/tmp/ccV5f1Ub.s", line 1361: error: unknown opcode ".previous" /usr/ccs/bin/as: "/var/tmp/ccV5f1Ub.s", line 1361: error: statement syntax *** Error code 1 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `mapparser.o' ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From TMitchell at Wed Jan 9 09:44:21 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 09:44:21 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Reading MapServer output as a theme in Arcview Message-ID: Thanks Paul, that appears (will check it out shortly) to be exactly what I was asking for. Thank you for the term, now I can simply say ArcIMS emulator for MapServer. Whew - that's a lot easier than trying to describe what I'm thinking. :) Thanks a bunch. Tyler Paul Ramsey cc: Tyler Mitchell , mapserver-users at 01/08/2002 Fax to: 07:25 PM Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Reading MapServer output as a theme in Arcview As in using it as an "Internet Map Server" data source in Arc8? You will need an ArcIMS emulator for that... Vinko Vrsalovic wrote: > > On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 03:06:03PM -0800, Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > > > I'd like to have MapServer still serve up an image map but I want this to > > appear as a standard theme in Arcview. > > How so? Looks can be configured through LABEL directives, SYMBOLSETS, FONTSETS, > etc. Make the image behave like a theme in arcview but in the browser? > Mapscript is your friend. For instance, you could edit the arcs in the > browser and save the editing as a shapefile with mapscript, you can even > generate the shapefile and put a link to it for download. > > What exactly do you mean? > > -- > V. -- __ / | Paul Ramsey | Refractions Research | Email: pramsey at | Phone: (250) 885-0632 \_ From shussain at Wed Jan 9 10:01:58 2002 From: shussain at (Shaik Anwar Hussain) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 13:01:58 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] projection error Message-ID: <4D25CDA67110D3119FFB0008C707D7A7051EC4@deathstar> Hi All, I am doing Point Projection. I am getting the following error. Does any one know how to correct this error. Fatal error: MapServer Error in msProcessProjection(): major axis or radius = 0 or not given in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\php406\scripts\projpoint.php on line 11 I am using mapserver 3.5 and php 4.0.6. Webserver is Apache, Operating system is Windows 2000. The code i written for projection is setXY(-92.0,62.0); $opoint=$opoint->project($projinobj, $projoutobj); $oLine->add($opoint); $programid=100; $pname="ATS"; $oShp->add( $oLine ); $shpFile->addShape($oShp); dbase_add_record($dbfFile, array($programId, $pname)); echo "Shapes Created.
"; $shpFile->free(); echo "Shape File ($shpFname) closed.
"; dbase_close($dbfFile); echo "Dbase file closed.
"; ?> Thanks for ur Time, Anwar From david.armstrong at Wed Jan 9 07:01:10 2002 From: david.armstrong at (David Armstrong) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 15:01:10 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] request help with projection Message-ID: <003901c1991e$79a77210$be00a8c0@davidpc> Could someone on the list confirm if i have this correct :- I need to use projection using 2 layers , one being my map and the other being my gps , the gps unit is fixed in WGS84 and the datum etc cannot be changed , and i am trying to overlay my gps layer on the map. the map i have is :- NAD_1927_Stateplane_Texas_South_Central_Fips_4204 Looking this up i belive the map layer projection should be PROJECTION proj=lcc datum=NAD27 END and the gps layer should be WGS84 Decimal Degrees (EPSG 4326) PROJECTION proj=latlong ellps=wgs84 END Should i just be able to set the output map to the same as the map layer for correct use ! any help appriciated , this problem is cracking me up ! Regards Dave From warmerdam at Wed Jan 9 10:07:49 2002 From: warmerdam at (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 13:07:49 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Thread safety Message-ID: <> Folks, I have finished committing my thread safety work. o The --with-threads configure switch can be used to enable thread safety on Unix ... it will try to use -lpthreads. o GDAL has proven to be very thread unsafe because of my use of a global image cache mechanism. In a multi-threaded world it is common for one thread to expire a cached image tile while another thread is still using it. So I have added a lock around GDAL. o I haven't implemented the thread safety stuff on Windows, but if someone wants it let me know. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From steve.lime at Tue Jan 8 21:19:23 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 23:19:23 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] polygon overlay Message-ID: Hi Ben: Check out: I used GPC as part of MapServer for awhile but re-wrote the clipping algorithm to use an algorithm better suited to drawing features (much faster). GPC is an analytical engine that is should give you what you want. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> "Ben Lewis" 01/08/02 17:11 PM >>> All - Does anyone know of open source code out there for polygon overlay? I would like to do a union on two small shape files within a mapserver application. Was thinking there would be something used ascii inputs and outputs. There appear to many code bits, especially in the computational geometry realm, but I'm not seeing anything I can compile and use. Ben Lewis Advanced Technology Solutions, Inc. Lancaster, PA _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From sshealy at Wed Jan 9 10:56:21 2002 From: sshealy at (Scott Shealy) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 13:56:21 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Making Mapserver Multithreaded In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Frank can you also put a mutex on the parsing and evaluation of the EXPRESSION Objects msEvalExpression(....) ....(I havn't had a chance to look at the code yet)? BTW I a slowly working on replacing the lexical anaylyzer and parser in mapserver so that they are thread safe. and we want have to use mutex to protect these critical sections of the code . Mutexes will cause scability(ie can't take advantage of SMP) and intreactity problems... For me this is particularly noticeable b/c in my maps I evaluate some really large EXPRESSIONS.... S. On Wednesday 09 January 2002 12:35 am, Frank Warmerdam wrote: > mutex as well as calls to pj_init() as neither of these From dems at Wed Jan 9 11:00:06 2002 From: dems at (Daniel Ems) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 14:00:06 -0500 (EST) Subject: [mapserver-users] blank image Message-ID: I know this has been posted before, but the mailing list archive seems to be broken (no results on search word "map"!) so I have to post here... I keep getting a blank png with the following map file: ---- begin map file ----- NAME TOPOVIEWER STATUS ON SIZE 400 400 EXTENT 97.229436 30.194935 71.869986 49.37173 UNITS METERS SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html/topoviewer/data" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png WEB TEMPLATE topo_template.html MINSCALE 24000 MAXSCALE 24000 IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/topoviewer/tmp/" IMAGEURL "/topoviewer/tmp/" END QUERYMAP SIZE 200 200 STATUS ON STYLE SELECTED COLOR 255 255 0 END LEGEND STATUS ON LABEL TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arial-bold COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE 10 ANTIALIAS TRUE END END SCALEBAR STATUS ON STYLE 1 INTERVALS 4 SIZE 200 2 COLOR 0 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 UNITS miles LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 SIZE small END END # REFERENCE # STATUS ON # IMAGE graphics/reference.gif # SIZE 150 150 # EXTENT 97.229436 30.194935 71.869986 49.37173 # END LAYER NAME states DATA /var/www/html/topoviewer/data/states TYPE POLYGON STATUS ON CLASS NAME 'states.shp' COLOR 212 212 212 OUTLINECOLOR 0 55 0 END END END ---- end map file ---- Any suggestions? -- Daniel Ems AM/FM/GIS Technical Support Spatial Data Integrations, Inc. From woodbri at Wed Jan 9 10:58:05 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 13:58:05 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Dynamic expressions in PHP (FWD) References: <> Message-ID: <> You need to change: $class->setExpression('([COST] < $maximum)'); to: $class->setExpression("([COST] < $maximum)"); the single quotes prevent $maxium from be replaced by php. -Steve W. teb wrote: > > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- > > From: "Dylan Rawlins" > To: mapserver-info at > Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 15:07:39 +0200 > MIME-Version: 1.0 > Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT > Subject: Dynamic expressions in PHP > > I have a problem with inserting php variables into dynamic > expressions. The following line works.... > > $class->setExpression('([COST] < 150)'); > > but this line doesn't work > > $class->setExpression('([COST] < $maximum)'); > > where $maximum is set by user text input, > > Any ideas? > Thanks > Dylan > > ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From ed at Wed Jan 9 11:01:44 2002 From: ed at (Ed McNierney) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 14:01:44 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] request help with projection Message-ID: <> Dave - You're getting there, but you need to specify the parameters for the particular Lambert Conformal Conic projection used in that state plane system. If I'm reading things right, these are the projection specs: Standard parallels - 28.3833333 and 30.2833333 Coordinate origin - 99.000 West, 27.8333333 North False easting, northing - 600,000 and 4,000,000 which means your PROJECTION block should be: PROJECTION proj=lcc datum=NAD27 lon_0=99 lat_0=27.8333333 lat_1=28.3833333 lat_2=30.2833333 x_0=600000 y_0=4000000 END If someone more familiar with this SPC system could double-check that, I'd appreciate it. - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: David Armstrong [mailto:david.armstrong at] Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 10:01 AM To: mapserver list Subject: [mapserver-users] request help with projection Could someone on the list confirm if i have this correct :- I need to use projection using 2 layers , one being my map and the other being my gps , the gps unit is fixed in WGS84 and the datum etc cannot be changed , and i am trying to overlay my gps layer on the map. the map i have is :- NAD_1927_Stateplane_Texas_South_Central_Fips_4204 Looking this up i belive the map layer projection should be PROJECTION proj=lcc datum=NAD27 END and the gps layer should be WGS84 Decimal Degrees (EPSG 4326) PROJECTION proj=latlong ellps=wgs84 END Should i just be able to set the output map to the same as the map layer for correct use ! any help appriciated , this problem is cracking me up ! Regards Dave From warmerdam at Wed Jan 9 11:16:23 2002 From: warmerdam at (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 14:16:23 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] request help with projection References: <003901c1991e$79a77210$be00a8c0@davidpc> Message-ID: <> David Armstrong wrote: > > Could someone on the list confirm if i have this correct :- > > I need to use projection using 2 layers , one being my map and the other > being my gps , the gps unit is fixed in WGS84 and the datum etc cannot be > changed , and i am trying to overlay my gps layer on the map. > > the map i have is :- > NAD_1927_Stateplane_Texas_South_Central_Fips_4204 > > Looking this up i belive the map layer projection should be > > PROJECTION > proj=lcc > datum=NAD27 > END > > and the gps layer should be > > WGS84 Decimal Degrees (EPSG 4326) > PROJECTION > proj=latlong > ellps=wgs84 > END > > Should i just be able to set the output map to the same as the map layer for > correct use ! David, I think you need to use: > PROJECTION > proj=latlong > datum=WGS84 > END Saying the ellipse is WGS84 isn't quite the same as saying the datum is, and so PROJ won't try to do the datum conversion. At least I imagine that is your problem. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Jean-Francois.Doyon at Wed Jan 9 11:38:05 2002 From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at (Doyon, Jean-Francois) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 14:38:05 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] linkage problem? Message-ID: <> Hello all, I just tried to look at this problem again, and am still baffled. "ldd" suggests everything is fine! And the compile went without a hitch (Excpet for the odd usual warnings). I'm still not sure where the "main" symbol is supposed to come from, or why "httpd" is the one throwing the exception ... shouldn't it be complaining? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! J.F. -----Original Message----- From: Doyon, Jean-Francois [mailto:Jean-Francois.Doyon at] Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 11:21 AM To: 'mapserver-users at' Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP Problem Hello, I jus tried to compile/setup PHP mapscript for the first time in a while and am having problems. The machine is a SunOS 5.8 with Apache 1.3.20 and PHP 4.0.6 compiled with: './configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--without-mysql' '--with-system-regex' '--with-yaz' phpinfo() works fine. Then I compile Mapserver from the official 3.5 tarball using: ./configure --with-proj --with-wmsclient --with-gdal --with-ogr --with-php=/usr/src/php-4.0.6/ --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs No problems there, apart from the odd warning. But when I try to use dl() just before the phpinfo() I get: Warning: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20001222/' - /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20001222/ symbol main: referenced symbol not found in /home/httpd/html/info.php on line 3 Anybody seen this before? The ldd output looks fine, so all the libs are OK ... I'm not sure what that symbol is ... "main" .. sounds to me like it should be internal, so how could it not find it? :) Help! Thanks, Jean-Fran?ois Doyon Internet Service Development and Systems Support GeoAccess Division Canadian Center for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada Phone: (613) 992-4902 Fax: (613) 947-2410 From carlson14 at Wed Jan 9 12:05:58 2002 From: carlson14 at (John Carlson) Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 12:05:58 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] linkage problem? In-Reply-To: <7CDD7B94357FD5119E800002A537C46E22FE06@s5-ccr-r1.ccrs.nrca> Message-ID: <> I suspect there's a difference in your environment between the web server context and your command line context. But I don't guarantee that. John At 02:38 PM 1/9/2002 -0500, Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote: >Hello all, > >I just tried to look at this problem again, and am still baffled. > >"ldd" suggests everything is fine! And the compile went >without a hitch (Excpet for the odd usual warnings). > >I'm still not sure where the "main" symbol is supposed to come from, or why >"httpd" is the one throwing the exception ... shouldn't it be >complaining? > >Any help would be greatly appreciated! > >Thanks! >J.F. > >-----Original Message----- >From: Doyon, Jean-Francois [mailto:Jean-Francois.Doyon at] >Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 11:21 AM >To: 'mapserver-users at' >Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP Problem > > >Hello, > >I jus tried to compile/setup PHP mapscript for the first time in a while and >am having problems. > >The machine is a SunOS 5.8 with Apache 1.3.20 and PHP 4.0.6 compiled with: >'./configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--without-mysql' >'--with-system-regex' '--with-yaz' > >phpinfo() works fine. > >Then I compile Mapserver from the official 3.5 tarball using: > >./configure --with-proj --with-wmsclient --with-gdal --with-ogr >--with-php=/usr/src/php-4.0.6/ --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs > >No problems there, apart from the odd warning. > >But when I try to use dl() just before the phpinfo() I get: > >Warning: Unable to load dynamic library >'/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20001222/' - > /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file >/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20001222/ >symbol main: referenced symbol not found in /home/httpd/html/info.php on >line 3 > > >Anybody seen this before? The ldd output looks fine, so all the libs are OK >... I'm not sure what that symbol is ... "main" .. sounds to me like it >should be internal, so how could it not find it? :) > >Help! > >Thanks, > >Jean-Fran?ois Doyon >Internet Service Development and Systems Support >GeoAccess Division >Canadian Center for Remote Sensing >Natural Resources Canada > >Phone: (613) 992-4902 >Fax: (613) 947-2410 From Jean-Francois.Doyon at Wed Jan 9 12:14:05 2002 From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at (Doyon, Jean-Francois) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 15:14:05 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] linkage problem? Message-ID: <> What do you mean by context exactly? The common problem here would be the linker, but they abviously both share .. oh wait maybe not, could it because I think that system may have 2 linkers on it ... the Solaris LD and the GNU LD ... hmmm I'll look into that ... Thanks! J.F. -----Original Message----- From: John Carlson [mailto:carlson14 at] Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 3:06 PM To: Doyon, Jean-Francois; 'mapserver-users at' Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] linkage problem? I suspect there's a difference in your environment between the web server context and your command line context. But I don't guarantee that. John At 02:38 PM 1/9/2002 -0500, Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote: >Hello all, > >I just tried to look at this problem again, and am still baffled. > >"ldd" suggests everything is fine! And the compile went >without a hitch (Excpet for the odd usual warnings). > >I'm still not sure where the "main" symbol is supposed to come from, or why >"httpd" is the one throwing the exception ... shouldn't it be >complaining? > >Any help would be greatly appreciated! > >Thanks! >J.F. > >-----Original Message----- >From: Doyon, Jean-Francois [mailto:Jean-Francois.Doyon at] >Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 11:21 AM >To: 'mapserver-users at' >Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP Problem > > >Hello, > >I jus tried to compile/setup PHP mapscript for the first time in a while and >am having problems. > >The machine is a SunOS 5.8 with Apache 1.3.20 and PHP 4.0.6 compiled with: >'./configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--without-mysql' >'--with-system-regex' '--with-yaz' > >phpinfo() works fine. > >Then I compile Mapserver from the official 3.5 tarball using: > >./configure --with-proj --with-wmsclient --with-gdal --with-ogr >--with-php=/usr/src/php-4.0.6/ --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs > >No problems there, apart from the odd warning. > >But when I try to use dl() just before the phpinfo() I get: > >Warning: Unable to load dynamic library >'/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20001222/' - > /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file >/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20001222/ >symbol main: referenced symbol not found in /home/httpd/html/info.php on >line 3 > > >Anybody seen this before? The ldd output looks fine, so all the libs are OK >... I'm not sure what that symbol is ... "main" .. sounds to me like it >should be internal, so how could it not find it? :) > >Help! > >Thanks, > >Jean-Fran?ois Doyon >Internet Service Development and Systems Support >GeoAccess Division >Canadian Center for Remote Sensing >Natural Resources Canada > >Phone: (613) 992-4902 >Fax: (613) 947-2410 From jsmedsmo at Wed Jan 9 13:36:27 2002 From: jsmedsmo at (Jamie Smedsmo) Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 15:36:27 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer Wiki Message-ID: <> Hello All, The MapServer Wiki is up and running For tips on getting started check out the Text Formatting Rules at the bottom of the page. Feedback on this tool will be appreciated. Jamie Smedsmo MapServer Documentation Coordinator Department of Forest Resources University of Minnesota From pkishor at Wed Jan 9 14:28:59 2002 From: pkishor at (Puneet Kishor) Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 16:28:59 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer Wiki Message-ID: totally rocks. > -----Original Message----- > From: Jamie Smedsmo [mailto:jsmedsmo at] > Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 3:36 PM > To: mapserver-users > Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer Wiki > > > Hello All, > > The MapServer Wiki is up and running > > For tips on getting started check out the Text Formatting > Rules at the > bottom of the page. > > Feedback on this tool will be appreciated. > > Jamie Smedsmo > MapServer Documentation Coordinator > Department of Forest Resources > University of Minnesota > From Antti.Roppola at Wed Jan 9 18:48:31 2002 From: Antti.Roppola at (Antti.Roppola at Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:48:31 +1100 Subject: [mapserver-users] linkage problem? Message-ID: <595FE28AB1EBD111920F0060B06B3DD70730C53D@ACTMAIL2> Hi, It got the same problem. I kludged around it by creating a symlink in the expected location to the actual location on my system, on the assumption that it'll be ironed out eventually. Have a look at./Zend/Makefile where EXPANDED_EXTENSION_DIR is set and ditto for ./TSRM/Makefile. In the shorter term, you could edit these Makefiles manually before running make. It is being read at line 55098 in ./configure from the Zend source, $ZENDSOURCE/Zend/zend_modules.h "#define ZEND_MODULE_API_NO". You could also fiddle things here. Sorry if this reads as a brain dump, but I am expecting this problem to eventually go away and haven't thought it through much. :o) Cheers, Antti -----Original Message----- From: Doyon, Jean-Francois [mailto:Jean-Francois.Doyon at] But when I try to use dl() just before the phpinfo() I get: Warning: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20001222/' From Antti.Roppola at Wed Jan 9 18:55:01 2002 From: Antti.Roppola at (Antti.Roppola at Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:55:01 +1100 Subject: [mapserver-users] linkage problem? Message-ID: <595FE28AB1EBD111920F0060B06B3DD70730C53F@ACTMAIL2> Urgh. I am referring to the PHP 4.0.6 source code. The problem probably doesn't exist anymore in 4.1.1, though I haven't checked. Antti -----Original Message----- Have a look at./Zend/Makefile where EXPANDED_EXTENSION_DIR is set and ditto for ./TSRM/Makefile. In the shorter term, you could edit these Makefiles manually before running make. From morissette at Wed Jan 9 19:47:10 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 22:47:10 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] projection error References: <4D25CDA67110D3119FFB0008C707D7A7051EC4@deathstar> Message-ID: <> Shaik Anwar Hussain wrote: > > I am doing Point Projection. I am getting the following error. > Does any one know how to correct this error. > > Fatal error: MapServer Error in msProcessProjection(): major axis or radius > = 0 or not given in c:\program files\apache > group\apache\htdocs\php406\scripts\projpoint.php on line 11 > This error message suggests that your projection definition is missing some required parameter... > $projoutobj = > ms_newprojectionObj("proj=lcc,ellps=GRS80,lat_0=49,lon_0=-95,lat_1=49,lat_1= > 77"); > ... "lat_1" is there twice and "lat_2" is missing... -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From stepan.kafka at Thu Jan 10 02:09:16 2002 From: stepan.kafka at (stepan.kafka at Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 11:09:16 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Windows PHP mapscript binary Message-ID: <> Hi, please, does anybody have new (official release MS 3.5) win32 PHP mapscript module binaries? The PHP 4.1.1. version would be great. Thanks Stepan Kafka ----- Centrum pro milovn?ky pen?z From twan at Thu Jan 10 02:40:57 2002 From: twan at (Twan Kogels) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 11:40:57 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] gdaladdo help Message-ID: <> Hello All, I have compiled gdal with the gdaladdo utility. With this utility you can create overviews for raster maps. But there is one problem, there is no documentation for gdaladdo. The "raster howto" does not yet include a example of using the gdaladdo ulility, also no documentation can be found online. Can anybody give me a hint on how to use the gdaladdo utility? - Twan -- From thfischer at Thu Jan 10 07:16:42 2002 From: thfischer at (thorsten fischer) Date: 10 Jan 2002 16:16:42 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Grouping of layers in WMS mapserver Message-ID: <1010675804.1763.0.camel@grobi> Ladies and gentlemappers, We have a OGC compliant mapserver up and running. Now there is demand for the following feature: There is the GROUP keyword for mapserver layers that makes it possible to gather several layers under a single name. Thus the group can be addressed as a single layer, and all its features can be turned on and off at once. Is there a similar feature for mapserver's OGC compliance? That means, is there a keyword that makes several layers to be represented as a single layer? I tried to change/remove the layers' names (error if missing, getting enumerated with _01, _02 etc. when being the same) or to change wms_title (when several layers have the same wms_title, only the last one in the mapfile gets displayed; when having none, an error comment appears in the capabilities XML, but we rely on it being there). Any suggestions? thanks in advance, thorsten -- Thorsten Fischer thfischer at --------------------------------------------------------- MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme Am Borsigturm 42 13507 Berlin Deutschland tel: +49 (0)30 43032102 --------------------------------------------------------- From warmerdam at Thu Jan 10 06:22:12 2002 From: warmerdam at (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:22:12 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] gdaladdo help References: <> Message-ID: <> Twan Kogels wrote: > Hello All, > > I have compiled gdal with the gdaladdo utility. With this utility you > can create overviews for raster maps. But there is one problem, there is > no documentation for gdaladdo. The "raster howto" does not yet include a > example of using the gdaladdo ulility, also no documentation can be > found online. > > Can anybody give me a hint on how to use the gdaladdo utility? warmerda at gdal[430]% gdaladdo Usage: gdaladdo [-r {nearest,average,average_mp,average_magphase,mode}] filename levels Example: % gdaladdo -r average abc.tif 2 4 8 16 Generally speaking, you would pass the filename to build overviews for, and then a list of levels. Usually the default resampling algorithm (nearest neighbour resampling) is fine. Most GDAL supported formats support overviews, though they are usually stored via an external TIFF file with the extension .ovr that is automatically detected by GDAL. TIFF files are an exception where the overviews are actually handled internally. I have added a note about gdaladdo in the Wiki! Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From teb at Thu Jan 10 07:08:10 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:08:10 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Windows binaries with PostGIS (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- From: "Wolfgang Lahr" To: mapserver-info at Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:56:02 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 Subject: Windows binaries with PostGIS Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Content-description: Mail message body Hello out there, is there any chance to get MapServer win32 binaries with PostGIS support built in? TIA Wolfgang ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From morissette at Thu Jan 10 07:48:35 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 10:48:35 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Grouping of layers in WMS mapserver References: <1010675804.1763.0.camel@grobi> Message-ID: <> thorsten fischer wrote: > > There is the GROUP keyword for mapserver layers that makes it possible > to gather several layers under a single name. Thus the group can be > addressed as a single layer, and all its features can be turned on and > off at once. > > Is there a similar feature for mapserver's OGC compliance? Thorsten, There is currently no support for groups via the WMS interface but it's a feature that we would like to support at some point as well. There is already a bug (enhancement) in bugzilla about this: -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From jsmedsmo at Thu Jan 10 08:13:51 2002 From: jsmedsmo at (Jamie Smedsmo) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 10:13:51 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] blank image References: Message-ID: <> The search capability on the list archive is working now. Jamie Daniel Ems wrote: >I know this has been posted before, but the mailing list archive seems to >be broken (no results on search word "map"!) so I have to post here... > >I keep getting a blank png with the following map file: > >---- begin map file ----- > > NAME TOPOVIEWER > STATUS ON > SIZE 400 400 > EXTENT 97.229436 30.194935 71.869986 49.37173 > UNITS METERS > SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html/topoviewer/data" > IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 > IMAGETYPE png > > WEB > TEMPLATE topo_template.html > MINSCALE 24000 > MAXSCALE 24000 > IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/topoviewer/tmp/" > IMAGEURL "/topoviewer/tmp/" > END > > QUERYMAP > SIZE 200 200 > STATUS ON > STYLE SELECTED > COLOR 255 255 0 > END > > LEGEND > STATUS ON > LABEL > TYPE TRUETYPE > FONT arial-bold > COLOR 0 0 0 > SIZE 10 > ANTIALIAS TRUE > END > END > > SCALEBAR > STATUS ON > STYLE 1 > INTERVALS 4 > SIZE 200 2 > COLOR 0 0 0 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > UNITS miles > LABEL > COLOR 0 0 0 > SIZE small > END > END > ># REFERENCE ># STATUS ON ># IMAGE graphics/reference.gif ># SIZE 150 150 ># EXTENT 97.229436 30.194935 71.869986 49.37173 ># END > > LAYER > NAME states > DATA /var/www/html/topoviewer/data/states > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS ON > CLASS > NAME 'states.shp' > COLOR 212 212 212 > OUTLINECOLOR 0 55 0 > END > END > >END > >---- end map file ---- > >Any suggestions? > From zoops4 at Thu Jan 10 09:01:25 2002 From: zoops4 at (Vid Bijelic) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:01:25 -0800 (PST) Subject: [mapserver-users] test Message-ID: <> __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! From nhv at Thu Jan 10 09:20:38 2002 From: nhv at (Norman Vine) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 12:20:38 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Windows binaries with PostGIS (FWD) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <002601c199fb$203e9d60$a300a8c0@nhv> teb writes: > >is there any chance to get MapServer win32 binaries with PostGIS >support built in? AFAIK PostGIS requires a Cygwin compiled mapserver but maybe not if you can find a Windows libpq client library to link against. You will need Cygwin to run a postgreSQL server on WIN32 machine, the postgreSQL server can be anywhere as long as it is 'network' available FYI I usually keep a compiled copy of the PostGIS postgreSQL extension files for the current Cygwin and postgreSQL release at These assume that you have installed PostgreSQL in the 'default' Cygwin location '/usr/share/postgresql' Cheers Norman From zoops4 at Thu Jan 10 09:34:55 2002 From: zoops4 at (Vid Bijelic) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:34:55 -0800 (PST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Installation Problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Hi All, I am totally new to MapServer, but I think it is with no doubts grate tool. However I run in to the problem before even starting to use it. I installed and enabled most of the external libraries (except PDF, MapServer for some reason did not want to compile with this library). Compiled MapServer. Copied mapserv file to /apache/cgi... directory, give all permissions and change ownership to nobody. At the end I got "Internet Server Error", I looked at Apache Error Logs and this is what is there: "mapserv: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory" Then I recompile MapServer and give --with-proj=/path to directory with BUT got same error. I would appreciate any help. Thanks, Vid __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! From thfischer at Thu Jan 10 11:34:24 2002 From: thfischer at (thorsten fischer) Date: 10 Jan 2002 20:34:24 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Installation Problem In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <1010691289.2391.2.camel@grobi> Vid, > "mapserv: error while loading shared libraries: > cannot open shared object file: no such > file or > directory" You probably installed proj.4 in a place that has no entry in /etc/ Add a line like /usr/local/GIS/lib or wherever your library is to /etc/ and run the 'ldconfig' command. cheers, thorsten -- Thorsten Fischer thfischer at --------------------------------------------------------- MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme Am Borsigturm 42 13507 Berlin Deutschland tel: +49 (0)30 43032102 --------------------------------------------------------- From Hannah.Jensen at Thu Jan 10 14:03:36 2002 From: Hannah.Jensen at (Jensen, Hannah ERDC-CRREL-NH) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 17:03:36 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] oraclespatial query error 'function not implemented yet' Message-ID: <> Hello. I'm trying to query an Oracle spatial point layer and not having much luck. If a click finds no results, I get the expected error. If it finds a shape, I get: msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape(): OracleSpatial error. Function not implemented yet Will this function be implemented soon? Is there a workaround for now? Thanks for any info! Cheers, Hannah Hannah Jensen (603) 646-4145 Remote Sensing / GIS Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL) US Army Corps of Engineers 72 Lyme Rd, Hanover, NH 03755-1290 From morissette at Thu Jan 10 15:03:27 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 18:03:27 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript References: <028601c1995a$cf0dd0a0$8e00a8c0@archtechjoe> <> <002f01c19a24$ab27d8a0$6400a8c0@archtechjoe> Message-ID: <> Joseph Archibald wrote: > > Can you query a layer and get a bounding box back? > > I need to zoom the map after a sql query. I am currently doing this from > opening a shape file, finding the record and getting the bounding box of > that record. Calculate the center point and zoomscale on that point. > > I am using mapinfo .tab files and don't want to convert the tab to > shapefiles after getting new .tab files. > You can use the new layerObj methods open()/close() and getShape() to do the equivalent of what you used to do with shapefiles to read the bounding box of selected shapes. These new methods will work with any data source supported by MapServer and not just shapefiles. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From TMitchell at Thu Jan 10 15:44:25 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 15:44:25 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Rotating a map Message-ID: Hi guys, what would you do to rotate the orientation of your map? Is using Proj realistic or not? I saw some emails back in July about this question - has anyone gone anywhere with this idea? Tyler From aalgera at Thu Jan 10 15:57:59 2002 From: aalgera at (Andries J. Algera) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 21:57:59 -0200 (BRST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Daniel Morissette wrote: > > You can use the new layerObj methods open()/close() and getShape() to do > the equivalent of what you used to do with shapefiles to read the > bounding box of selected shapes. These new methods will work with any > data source supported by MapServer and not just shapefiles. > How would I do this if the datasource is oraclespatial or postgis? Because in this case I won't have a file to open. Andries -------------------------------------------------------------------- Andries Algera CSR - IBAMA SAIN L4, Lote 4, Ed. IBAMA Sede 70800.200 Brasilia / DF BRASIL ph: +5561 316-1326 316-1453 fax:+5561 223-7108 -------------------------------------------------------------------- From morissette at Thu Jan 10 16:13:54 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 19:13:54 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript References: Message-ID: <> "Andries J. Algera" wrote: > > On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Daniel Morissette wrote: > > > > You can use the new layerObj methods open()/close() and getShape() to do > > the equivalent of what you used to do with shapefiles to read the > > bounding box of selected shapes. These new methods will work with any > > data source supported by MapServer and not just shapefiles. > > > How would I do this if the datasource is oraclespatial or postgis? Because > in this case I won't have a file to open. > The open()/close() calls are methods of the layerObj, and they simply access whatever connection is defined in your layerObj in the map file. So it should work exactly the same way no matter which data source you use. int open(string shapepath) Open the layer for use with getShape(). Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE. void close() Close layer previously opened with open(). shapeObj getShape(int tileindex, int shapeindex) Retrieve shapeObj from a layer by index. I believe that the shapepath and tileindex arguments are simply ignored by oraclespatial and postgis... so you could simply pass "" and -1 respectively. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From carlson14 at Thu Jan 10 16:25:46 2002 From: carlson14 at (John Carlson) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 16:25:46 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] linkage problem? In-Reply-To: <7CDD7B94357FD5119E800002A537C46E22FE08@s5-ccr-r1.ccrs.nrca> Message-ID: <> Specificallly, I mean the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variable. I don't really know how PHP works at all. I've never used it. The environment you start the web server in may be different than your user environment. John At 03:14 PM 1/9/2002 -0500, Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote: >What do you mean by context exactly? The common problem here would be the >linker, but they abviously both share .. oh wait maybe not, could it because >I think that system may have 2 linkers on it ... the Solaris LD and the GNU >LD ... hmmm I'll look into that ... > >Thanks! >J.F. > >-----Original Message----- >From: John Carlson [mailto:carlson14 at] >Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 3:06 PM >To: Doyon, Jean-Francois; 'mapserver-users at' >Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] linkage problem? > > >I suspect there's a difference in your environment between the web server >context >and your command line context. But I don't guarantee that. > >John > >At 02:38 PM 1/9/2002 -0500, Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote: > >Hello all, > > > >I just tried to look at this problem again, and am still baffled. > > > >"ldd" suggests everything is fine! And the compile went > >without a hitch (Excpet for the odd usual warnings). > > > >I'm still not sure where the "main" symbol is supposed to come from, or why > >"httpd" is the one throwing the exception ... shouldn't it be > >complaining? > > > >Any help would be greatly appreciated! > > > >Thanks! > >J.F. > > > >-----Original Message----- > >From: Doyon, Jean-Francois [mailto:Jean-Francois.Doyon at] > >Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 11:21 AM > >To: 'mapserver-users at' > >Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP Problem > > > > > >Hello, > > > >I jus tried to compile/setup PHP mapscript for the first time in a while >and > >am having problems. > > > >The machine is a SunOS 5.8 with Apache 1.3.20 and PHP 4.0.6 compiled with: > >'./configure' '--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs' '--without-mysql' > >'--with-system-regex' '--with-yaz' > > > >phpinfo() works fine. > > > >Then I compile Mapserver from the official 3.5 tarball using: > > > >./configure --with-proj --with-wmsclient --with-gdal --with-ogr > >--with-php=/usr/src/php-4.0.6/ --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs > > > >No problems there, apart from the odd warning. > > > >But when I try to use dl() just before the phpinfo() I get: > > > >Warning: Unable to load dynamic library > >'/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20001222/' >- > > /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file > >/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20001222/ > >symbol main: referenced symbol not found in /home/httpd/html/info.php on > >line 3 > > > > > >Anybody seen this before? The ldd output looks fine, so all the libs are OK > >... I'm not sure what that symbol is ... "main" .. sounds to me like it > >should be internal, so how could it not find it? :) > > > >Help! > > > >Thanks, > > > >Jean-Fran?ois Doyon > >Internet Service Development and Systems Support > >GeoAccess Division > >Canadian Center for Remote Sensing > >Natural Resources Canada > > > >Phone: (613) 992-4902 > >Fax: (613) 947-2410 From TCHaddad at Thu Jan 10 17:50:32 2002 From: TCHaddad at (TCHaddad) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 20:50:32 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapserver --> PDF ? Message-ID: <> I've got a CGI MS 3.5 app running on NT/2000 that I would like to add a "Print to PDF" function to (like in the LandView demo?). I've seen reference to shp2PDF in the archive - is that what I need? If so, it doesn't seem to be included with the zipped up binary I downloaded - where do I get it? If not, what alternatives do I have? thanks for any help, tanya From warmerdam at Thu Jan 10 17:49:40 2002 From: warmerdam at (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 20:49:40 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Rotating a map References: Message-ID: <> Tyler Mitchell wrote: > Hi guys, what would you do to rotate the orientation of your map? Is > using Proj realistic or not? > I saw some emails back in July about this question - has anyone gone > anywhere with this idea? Tyler, I have successfully used the resampling code in MapServer to do some rotation of an ortho image. In my particular test the georeferencing information in a GeoTIFF file included rotational coefficients as shown here: warmerda at gdal[483]% listgeo small.tif Geotiff_Information: Version: 1 Key_Revision: 1.0 Tagged_Information: ModelTransformationTag (4,4): 0.999978707 -0.0065257527 0 467086.89 -0.0065257527 -0.999978707 0 5365917.48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 End_Of_Tags. Keyed_Information: End_Of_Keys. End_Of_Geotiff. As it happens GDAL will read these in and use these rotational coefficients when going through the resampling process, so the image gets rotated back to north-up. You can accomplish the same thing by putting rotational coefficients in a world file. The above file would have a world file that looks like this: warmerda at gdal[487]% more small.tfw 0.9999787070 -0.0065257531 -0.0065257527 -0.9999787072 467087.3871740954 5365916.9739565337 Please feel free to contact me if you have problems settings this up and doing it. It is a rather esoteric use of the mapserver resampling logic. PS. I have placed this text in the Wiki as: Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From morissette at Thu Jan 10 20:18:00 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 23:18:00 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Feature Info Query on 3.5 References: <032801c1989c$8d1ad2b0$> Message-ID: <> > Trem Stamp wrote: > > Can anyone tell me if mapserv 3.5 currently supports a feature query > that can return xml, gml or html. Last time I tried it just returned > a text file with all attributes? Are there currently any other > INFO_FORMAT types for returning data. > I believe that Steve added GML featureInfo output shortly before the 3.5 release. With respect to INFO_FORMAT=MIME, the 3.5 version always returns the same text/plain output. Query templates aren't supported yet but they should be eventually (templates are simply ignored at the moment). That should allow full control on featureInfo output, including control of which attributes are returned, and even generating XML output if you like (if you provide an XML template). > > Does anyone know if this capability is close to completion or buried > under the many other enhancements I know are being worked hard upon? > I can't confirm when this will be available... it's on our very long list of features to implement. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From cabral at Fri Jan 11 05:40:36 2002 From: cabral at (Rodrigo Cabral) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 11:40:36 -0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] oraclespatial query error 'function not implemented yet' References: <> Message-ID: <002601c19aa5$8d29e920$0207a8c0@naumaki> Dear Hanna: I plan to finish the rest of MapServer's Oracle Spatial functions anytime soon. It's just that I don't have time right now to work with it. I'm creating an Information System that's also linked to geographical information, using Oracle Spatial. I'm using OCI's PHP functions to do the query part you're trying to do. I'm not sure if you're working with MapServer's CGI version and HTML templates, or if you're already using MapScript and PHP (which would make things easier). Anyway this is how it works. Upon a click or selection in the (web) map, you must identify in your html/javascript code the following variables: - map image width and height (imgsize) - current image extents (imgext) - query coordinate: let's say a box query (x1, y1, x2, y2) Then you should create a javascript function to convert (xi,yi) which are in image coordinates to (qxi,qyi) in map coordinates. Here's my function: Let's give some sample values to these variables: imgsize = '300+200'; imgext = '1000+2000+3000+4000'; url_query = 'http://myhost/myquery.php'; This would mean that the image has 300 pixels for width, and 200 pixels for height; and that current image extents are minx=1000, miny=2000, maxx=3000, maxy=4000 (it varies as you pan, zoom in or out). As you can tell, this is very similar to how MapServer CGI's version work with variables. You may notice that Y coordinates are translated differently from X coordinates because Y coordinates are top-down in image units and bottom-up in map units; X coordinates on both cases are left-right. Now, the file myquery.php will receive the query box, in map coordinates, so it can use PHP OCI's functions to perform the queries. This is how the file should looks like (note that '+' chars in the query box are converted to spaces automatically for the PHP script): Now, the question is: isn't simplier using CGI's version of MapServer? Well, could be. But here are the advantadges of this approach: 1) It's faster! Because you access directly Oracle's database, bypassing MapServer. 2) It's more flexible! Because you can create your own query with custom joins and the works! 3) Independent! Because "myquery.php" can receive queries from other scripts, which enables you to allow the user to manually enter information for the query! For instance, let's say you have the coordinate of a ship given by a GPS and you want to know what do you have nearby. Just send the GPS coordinates to your PHP query file and you have your query done! MapServer is never used/needed in this case. I will still finish MapServer's Oracle Spatial functions in the near future, because it's important to have this option available to users. On the other hand, that's certainly a feature I won't need to use because the one I just showed you I consider to be better... Please, feel free to contact me if you need anything else. I'm curious to know if my solution worked for ya. Cheers, Rod. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jensen, Hannah ERDC-CRREL-NH" To: Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 8:03 PM Subject: [mapserver-users] oraclespatial query error 'function not implemented yet' Hello. I'm trying to query an Oracle spatial point layer and not having much luck. If a click finds no results, I get the expected error. If it finds a shape, I get: msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape(): OracleSpatial error. Function not implemented yet Will this function be implemented soon? Is there a workaround for now? Thanks for any info! Cheers, Hannah Hannah Jensen (603) 646-4145 Remote Sensing / GIS Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL) US Army Corps of Engineers 72 Lyme Rd, Hanover, NH 03755-1290 From jimburnett at Fri Jan 11 05:49:50 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 08:49:50 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript References: <028601c1995a$cf0dd0a0$8e00a8c0@archtechjoe> <> <002f01c19a24$ab27d8a0$6400a8c0@archtechjoe> <> Message-ID: <001201c19aa6$dc59b600$201f0cd8@jburnett> I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt it require the index of the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I think you can get the shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to work correctly. Do you have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting the shape by class, not by the shape index? -jim- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel Morissette" To: "Joseph Archibald" Cc: "mapserver-users" Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 6:03 PM Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript > Joseph Archibald wrote: > > > > Can you query a layer and get a bounding box back? > > > > I need to zoom the map after a sql query. I am currently doing this from > > opening a shape file, finding the record and getting the bounding box of > > that record. Calculate the center point and zoomscale on that point. > > > > I am using mapinfo .tab files and don't want to convert the tab to > > shapefiles after getting new .tab files. > > > > You can use the new layerObj methods open()/close() and getShape() to do > the equivalent of what you used to do with shapefiles to read the > bounding box of selected shapes. These new methods will work with any > data source supported by MapServer and not just shapefiles. > > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Daniel Morissette morissette at > DM Solutions Group > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if > you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. > > From est-n-alves at Fri Jan 11 07:16:09 2002 From: est-n-alves at (Nuno Alves) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 15:16:09 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Message-ID: I all. I've allready posted a message about mapserver generats blank images. One new thing: I think the blank images generated by mapserver are due to the URL imgext request, that asks for a box bigger than the original extensions defined in the original .MAP file. How can i correct this problem? I allready see a message posted in the mailing list with the same problem, but i could not find any response to it. I'm using mapserver 3.5 compiled with Postgis, OGR (in gdal) and GD-1.2 for GIF support. My data files are in .TAB format. I send here to a zip file with my Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. (sorry about my english) <> <<...OLE_Obj...>> Nuno Ricardo Ribeiro Alves PT Inova??o, S.A. Servi?os e Redes M?veis * R. Eng? Jos? Ferreira Pinto Basto - 3810 Aveiro * mailto:est-n-alves at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Type: application/octet-stream Size: 1923 bytes Desc: not available URL: From ed at Fri Jan 11 07:50:07 2002 From: ed at (Ed McNierney) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 10:50:07 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Message-ID: <> Nuno - How large is the image you are requesting? MapServer is compiled to limit images (by default) to 1024 x 1024 pixels, to prevent users from generating requests for enormous maps that would slow down your server. It is easy to rebuild MapServer and change this limit, but if you are asking for an image greater than 1024 pixels in either dimension, this is probably your problem. - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: Nuno Alves [mailto:est-n-alves at] Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:16 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! I all. I've allready posted a message about mapserver generats blank images. One new thing: I think the blank images generated by mapserver are due to the URL imgext request, that asks for a box bigger than the original extensions defined in the original .MAP file. How can i correct this problem? I allready see a message posted in the mailing list with the same problem, but i could not find any response to it. I'm using mapserver 3.5 compiled with Postgis, OGR (in gdal) and GD-1.2 for GIF support. My data files are in .TAB format. I send here to a zip file with my Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. (sorry about my english) <> <<...OLE_Obj...>> Nuno Ricardo Ribeiro Alves PT Inova??o, S.A. Servi?os e Redes M?veis * R. Eng? Jos? Ferreira Pinto Basto - 3810 Aveiro * mailto:est-n-alves at From jimburnett at Fri Jan 11 07:58:02 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 10:58:02 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapscript Message-ID: <008d01c19ab8$c9d05c20$201f0cd8@jburnett> I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt it require the index of the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I think you can get the shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to work correctly. Do you have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting the shape by class, not by the shape index? -jim- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dems at Fri Jan 11 08:15:01 2002 From: dems at (Daniel Ems) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 11:15:01 -0500 (EST) Subject: [mapserver-users] 3.5 compile error Message-ID: I am trying to compile version 3.5 with pdf support. I added the four directories mentioned in the output from the pdf "make" command to my /etc/ file and I ran ldconfig. However, when running "make" for mapserver, I get the following error. Any ideas? gcc -O2 -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_PROJ_API_H -DUSE_WMS -DUSE_TIFF -DUSE_JPEG -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_GDAL -I/usr/include -I/root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib -I/root/mapserver/sources/proj-4.4.5//src -I/usr/local/include shp2img.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -L/root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib/lib -lPDF -ltiff -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -L/root/mapserver/sources/proj-4.4.5//src/.libs -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal.1.1 -lm -o shp2img /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lPDF collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 Thanks! -- Daniel Ems AM/FM/GIS Technical Support Spatial Data Integrations, Inc. From TMitchell at Fri Jan 11 08:32:05 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 08:32:05 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Rotating a map Message-ID: Frank Warmerdam wrote: >As it happens GDAL will read these in and use these rotational coefficients >when going through the resampling process, so the image gets rotated back >to north-up. You can accomplish the same thing by putting rotational >coefficients in a world file. The above file would have a world file that >looks like this: Will this only apply to an image layer as it is loaded? What about changing the whole map before it is display in the browser - any ideas? Frank Warmerdam To: Tyler Mitchell Sent by: cc: UMN MapServer owner-mapserver-users at lists.g Fax to: Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Rotating a map 01/10/2002 05:49 PM Please respond to warmerdam Tyler Mitchell wrote: > Hi guys, what would you do to rotate the orientation of your map? Is > using Proj realistic or not? > I saw some emails back in July about this question - has anyone gone > anywhere with this idea? Tyler, I have successfully used the resampling code in MapServer to do some rotation of an ortho image. In my particular test the georeferencing information in a GeoTIFF file included rotational coefficients as shown here: warmerda at gdal[483]% listgeo small.tif Geotiff_Information: Version: 1 Key_Revision: 1.0 Tagged_Information: ModelTransformationTag (4,4): 0.999978707 -0.0065257527 0 467086.89 -0.0065257527 -0.999978707 0 5365917.48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 End_Of_Tags. Keyed_Information: End_Of_Keys. End_Of_Geotiff. As it happens GDAL will read these in and use these rotational coefficients when going through the resampling process, so the image gets rotated back to north-up. You can accomplish the same thing by putting rotational coefficients in a world file. The above file would have a world file that looks like this: warmerda at gdal[487]% more small.tfw 0.9999787070 -0.0065257531 -0.0065257527 -0.9999787072 467087.3871740954 5365916.9739565337 Please feel free to contact me if you have problems settings this up and doing it. It is a rather esoteric use of the mapserver resampling logic. PS. I have placed this text in the Wiki as: Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From joao at Fri Jan 11 08:44:36 2002 From: joao at (joao at Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 16:44:36 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Message-ID: <> Hello all, i had instaling postgis with the following option: /configure --with-postgis=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config after 'make' the this error has returned mapserv: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory how can i fix that? Thanks Jo?o -- From dems at Fri Jan 11 09:59:01 2002 From: dems at (Daniel Ems) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 12:59:01 -0500 (EST) Subject: [mapserver-users] 3.5 compile error In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Steve, Thanks for the suggestion! It got me one step further, but now I have a new error while running make on mapserver. It appears to be an issue with a .c file, which I have little experience with. Any suggestions? shp2pdf.c: In function `main': shp2pdf.c:51: warning: unused variable `FontHash' shp2pdf.c:50: warning: unused variable `MapPixelSize' shp2pdf.c:49: warning: unused variable `MapScaleFactor' shp2pdf.c:37: warning: unused variable `img' gcc -O2 -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ -DUSE_PROJ_API_H -DUSE_WMS -DUSE_TIFF -DUSE_JPEG -DUSE_GD_PNG -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_GDAL -I/usr/include -I/root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib -I/root/mapserver/sources/proj-4.4.5//src -I/usr/local/include shp2pdf.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -L/root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib/lib -lpdf -ltiff -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz -L/root/mapserver/sources/proj-4.4.5//src/.libs -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal.1.1 -lm -o shp2pdf shp2pdf.o: In function `main': shp2pdf.o(.text+0x4d7): undefined reference to `msDrawMapPDF' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [shp2pdf] Error 1 Thanks! Daniel Ems AM/FM/GIS Technical Support Spatial Data Integrations, Inc. On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > Daniel, > > do an: > > ls /root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib/lib > > you should have a file something like libpdf.* or libPDF.* if the is the > former the you should be using -lpdf and not -lPDF > > -Steve > > Daniel Ems wrote: > > > > I am trying to compile version 3.5 with pdf support. I added the four > > directories mentioned in the output from the pdf "make" command to my > > /etc/ file and I ran ldconfig. However, when running "make" for > > mapserver, I get the following error. Any ideas? > > > > gcc -O2 -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ > > -DUSE_PROJ_API_H -DUSE_WMS -DUSE_TIFF -DUSE_JPEG -DUSE_GD_PNG > > -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_GDAL > > -I/usr/include -I/root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib > > -I/root/mapserver/sources/proj-4.4.5//src -I/usr/local/include > > shp2img.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz > > -L/root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib/lib -lPDF -ltiff -ljpeg > > -lfreetype -lpng -lz -L/root/mapserver/sources/proj-4.4.5//src/.libs > > -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal.1.1 -lm -o shp2img > > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lPDF > > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status > > make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 > > > > Thanks! > > > > -- > > Daniel Ems > > > > AM/FM/GIS Technical Support > > Spatial Data Integrations, Inc. > From TMitchell at Fri Jan 11 10:06:49 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 10:06:49 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Manipulating map image with imagemagick Message-ID: Anyone currently manipulating their mapserver output with imagemagick? I'd like to figure a way to pass the final map image to a perl script (which will run imagemagick manipulation routines) and then have my mapserver page display a different image. But I'm not quite sure whether I should get into mapscript, php, javascript or what? From woodbri at Fri Jan 11 10:20:26 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 13:20:26 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Manipulating map image with imagemagick References: Message-ID: <> Tyler, You need to write a Perl cgi script which can either use mapscript or just make CGI calls to mapserver. When you get the name of the image file back, you can have Perl call imagemagick to rotate the image and pass the new image to the browser. I know this is thin on details, but it's a high level strategy that would allow you to do this. -Steve Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > Anyone currently manipulating their mapserver output with imagemagick? > I'd like to figure a way to pass the final map image to a perl script > (which will run imagemagick manipulation routines) and then have my > mapserver page display a different image. But I'm not quite sure whether I > should get into mapscript, php, javascript or what? From pramsey at Fri Jan 11 11:08:35 2002 From: pramsey at (Paul Ramsey) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 11:08:35 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Manipulating map image with imagemagick References: <> Message-ID: <> #!/bin/csh echo "Content-type: image/png" echo "" lynx -dump "${QUERY_STRING}" | convert -flip - png:- Here's how I did it... Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > Tyler, > > You need to write a Perl cgi script which can either use mapscript or > just make CGI calls to mapserver. When you get the name of the image > file back, you can have Perl call imagemagick to rotate the image and > pass the new image to the browser. > > I know this is thin on details, but it's a high level strategy that > would allow you to do this. > > -Steve > > Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > > > Anyone currently manipulating their mapserver output with imagemagick? > > I'd like to figure a way to pass the final map image to a perl script > > (which will run imagemagick manipulation routines) and then have my > > mapserver page display a different image. But I'm not quite sure whether I > > should get into mapscript, php, javascript or what? -- __ / | Paul Ramsey | Refractions Research | Email: pramsey at | Phone: (250) 885-0632 \_ From lfilak at Fri Jan 11 11:41:40 2002 From: lfilak at (Lowell Filak) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 11:41:40 -0800 (PST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapscript In-Reply-To: <008d01c19ab8$c9d05c20$201f0cd8@jburnett> Message-ID: <> If you mean by saying "Not all databases will have this Index" that you exported/imported the data from a DBF file into an RDBMS and now that database does not have the index... What we ended up doing is making sure that during the import of the DBF data into the RDBMS the record number from the DBF file carried through to the database (it's easy - without applying an index to the DBF file it appears to be ordered by number) Hope that can help. Lowell Filak --- Jim Burnett wrote: > I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt > it require the index of > the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I > think you can get the > shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to > work correctly. Do you > have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting > the shape by class, not by > the shape index? > > > -jim- > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! From jimburnett at Fri Jan 11 12:08:25 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 15:08:25 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapscript References: <> Message-ID: <001b01c19adb$bc5866f0$201f0cd8@jburnett> The only thing I can see is the field that they used to link the data with, no index like the indexes for each shape/polygon. -jim- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lowell Filak" To: "Jim Burnett" ; "Mapserver Users Group" Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 2:41 PM Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Mapscript > If you mean by saying "Not all databases will have > this Index" that you exported/imported the data from a > DBF file into an RDBMS and now that database does not > have the index... > What we ended up doing is making sure that during the > import of the DBF data into the RDBMS the record > number from the DBF file carried through to the > database (it's easy - without applying an index to the > DBF file it appears to be ordered by number) > Hope that can help. > Lowell Filak > > --- Jim Burnett wrote: > > I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt > > it require the index of > > the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I > > think you can get the > > shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to > > work correctly. Do you > > have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting > > the shape by class, not by > > the shape index? > > > > > > -jim- > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! > > From bfraser at Fri Jan 11 12:11:05 2002 From: bfraser at (Brent Fraser) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 13:11:05 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] labeling a graticule Message-ID: <044a01c19adc$199bad40$390002c0@servo> Steve (and others), Any thoughts on how to get perimeter labels for a graticule? I'd like the labels to be at the perimeter (just inside) of the map graphic just above (or beside) the line of latitude or longitude. Right now they tend to be scattered through out the map (see attached gif). I've got a shapefile with line segments and the value of the lat/lon line as an attribute as well as a "level" attribute so the interval will change with the scale. Here's the portion of my map file: LABEL COLOR 255 255 0 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arialbd SIZE 12 POSITION UL ANGLE AUTO OFFSET 4 4 PARTIALS FALSE END # Label Of course what I'd really want is a native MapServer Graticule object with lots of options for line drawing and labelling on the outside perimeter of the map graphic. Maybe v3.6? Thanks! Brent Fraser bfraser at GeoAnalytic Inc. #300 , 700 - 4th Avenue SW Calgary, AB Canada T2P 3J4 Tel: (403)213-2700 Fax: (403)213-2707 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: test.gif Type: application/octet-stream Size: 8645 bytes Desc: not available URL: From davehowlett at Fri Jan 11 15:13:23 2002 From: davehowlett at (Dave Howlett) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 17:13:23 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Rotating a map References: Message-ID: <> Yes using Proj can help you out there. It may depend on what type of projection you intend to use. I'm using a Lambert Conformal Conic projection and can turn the map by changing what is specified as my central meridian. This is my normal output projection for Canada: PROJECTION "proj=lcc" "ellps=GRS80" "lat_0=49" "lon_0=-95" "lat_1=49" "lat_2=77" END If I change lon_0 to -5 then the image will be rotated by 90 degrees clockwise, and St. John's ends up becoming the Miami of Canada. Hope this helps! Dave Tyler Mitchell wrote: > Frank Warmerdam wrote: > > >As it happens GDAL will read these in and use these rotational > coefficients > >when going through the resampling process, so the image gets rotated back > >to north-up. You can accomplish the same thing by putting rotational > >coefficients in a world file. The above file would have a world file that > >looks like this: > > Will this only apply to an image layer as it is loaded? > What about changing the whole map before it is display in the browser - any > ideas? > > > Frank Warmerdam > To: Tyler Mitchell > Sent by: cc: UMN MapServer > owner-mapserver-users at lists.g Fax to: > Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Rotating a map > > > 01/10/2002 05:49 PM > Please respond to warmerdam > > > > Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > > Hi guys, what would you do to rotate the orientation of your map? Is > > using Proj realistic or not? > > I saw some emails back in July about this question - has anyone gone > > anywhere with this idea? > > Tyler, > > I have successfully used the resampling code in MapServer to do some > rotation of an ortho image. In my particular test the georeferencing > information in a GeoTIFF file included rotational coefficients as shown > here: > > warmerda at gdal[483]% listgeo small.tif > Geotiff_Information: > Version: 1 > Key_Revision: 1.0 > Tagged_Information: > ModelTransformationTag (4,4): > 0.999978707 -0.0065257527 0 467086.89 > -0.0065257527 -0.999978707 0 5365917.48 > 0 0 0 0 > 0 0 0 1 > End_Of_Tags. > Keyed_Information: > End_Of_Keys. > End_Of_Geotiff. > > As it happens GDAL will read these in and use these rotational coefficients > when going through the resampling process, so the image gets rotated back > to north-up. You can accomplish the same thing by putting rotational > coefficients in a world file. The above file would have a world file that > looks like this: > > warmerda at gdal[487]% more small.tfw > 0.9999787070 > -0.0065257531 > -0.0065257527 > -0.9999787072 > 467087.3871740954 > 5365916.9739565337 > > Please feel free to contact me if you have problems settings this up and > doing it. It is a rather esoteric use of the mapserver resampling logic. > > PS. I have placed this text in the Wiki as: > > > > Best regards, > -- > ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- > > I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, > warmerdam at > light and sound - activate the windows | > and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From morissette at Fri Jan 11 14:14:32 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 17:14:32 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript References: <028601c1995a$cf0dd0a0$8e00a8c0@archtechjoe> <> <002f01c19a24$ab27d8a0$6400a8c0@archtechjoe> <> <001201c19aa6$dc59b600$201f0cd8@jburnett> Message-ID: <> Jim Burnett wrote: > > I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt it require the index of > the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I think you can get the > shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to work correctly. Do you > have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting the shape by class, not by > the shape index? > I think I see what you mean: reocrds obtained from a RDBMS won't carry a unique shape_id the same way as shapefiles and other file-based formats will. So you don't have any shape_id to pass to getShape() after a query. I don't know about SDE and PostGIS, but I have used SDO before (outside of the MapServer world) and I believe that there is nothing in OracleSpatial that can easily be mapped to a shape_id. I guess the best ones to answer this question are the developers of the SDO, SDE, and/or PostGIS connections: Do the database-based connections in MapServer have any equivalent of a shape_id? If not then what should one do to retrieve the shapes returned by a queryByPoint() in MapScript for instance? -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From hugues at Fri Jan 11 15:40:51 2002 From: hugues at (PARVILLERS) Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 00:40:51 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver & oracle on NT Message-ID: <> Hello, can anybody explain me how to set up mapserver 3.5 to get spatial data from Oracle 8i (SDO) ? It seems to be possible but I did not understand how to do that ! Many tks in advance Happy New Year Hugues France From cabral at Sat Jan 12 05:11:04 2002 From: cabral at (Rodrigo Cabral) Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 11:11:04 -0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript References: <028601c1995a$cf0dd0a0$8e00a8c0@archtechjoe> <> <002f01c19a24$ab27d8a0$6400a8c0@archtechjoe> <> <001201c19aa6$dc59b600$201f0cd8@jburnett> <> Message-ID: <001301c19b6a$97bbf200$0207a8c0@naumaki> Hello all, Well, I'll try to shed some light into this discussion, regarding the SDO part. About the shape_id, there are a few alternatives for Oracle Spatial, but it will depend on how I will provide support for the last functions that are missing implementation in our MapServer-SDO interface. In Oracle Spatial I can provide a shape_id by using a "rownum" request in the SELECT statement. Therefore, it will give me numbered ids that could be used for uniquely identifying each record. On the other hand, it's also very common for the user to define a column which is the unique key for the table, namely a GID. So it would be a matter of including in the mapfile "DATA" definition the name of the shape_id column, like this: DATA "shape_column FROM mytable" (as it's today) DATA "shape_column,shape_id FROM mytable" (could be implemented) But as I mentioned recently in another email, Oracle Spatial has a good set of functions for performing spatial queries in the database. So, for the time being, I'm using those functions instead of going through MapServer's interface. I have 3 very good reasons why one should choose this approach. Please check the following URL, which is an loong email on the subject. Rod. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel Morissette" To: "Jim Burnett" Cc: "mapserver-users" Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 8:14 PM Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript Jim Burnett wrote: > > I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt it require the index of > the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I think you can get the > shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to work correctly. Do you > have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting the shape by class, not by > the shape index? > I think I see what you mean: reocrds obtained from a RDBMS won't carry a unique shape_id the same way as shapefiles and other file-based formats will. So you don't have any shape_id to pass to getShape() after a query. I don't know about SDE and PostGIS, but I have used SDO before (outside of the MapServer world) and I believe that there is nothing in OracleSpatial that can easily be mapped to a shape_id. I guess the best ones to answer this question are the developers of the SDO, SDE, and/or PostGIS connections: Do the database-based connections in MapServer have any equivalent of a shape_id? If not then what should one do to retrieve the shapes returned by a queryByPoint() in MapScript for instance? -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From cabral at Sat Jan 12 15:46:53 2002 From: cabral at (Rodrigo Cabral) Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2002 21:46:53 -0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver & oracle on NT References: <> Message-ID: <001101c19bc3$6a463ac0$0207a8c0@naumaki> Hugues, I have never compiled MapServer in Windows NT. But, if you have a working MapServer version with Oracle Spatial support, then you're half way to doing what you want. You can confirm this by using mapserv -v, which would give you a ORACLESPATIAL string in the INPUT section. I didn't compile MapServer for Windows, and I don't have access to any binary, in case you're wondering. But there might be someone in this list that could have it. Anyone? After that, you would need to define a layer with a ORACLESPATIAL connection, and the works. There's lots of materials about that in this list. Here's a few which contains bug reports and workarounds, small howtos, etc.: - - - - - Rod. ----- Original Message ----- From: "PARVILLERS" To: Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 9:40 PM Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver & oracle on NT Hello, can anybody explain me how to set up mapserver 3.5 to get spatial data from Oracle 8i (SDO) ? It seems to be possible but I did not understand how to do that ! Many tks in advance Happy New Year Hugues France From joemayfair at Sat Jan 12 23:30:05 2002 From: joemayfair at (Walt Lin) Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 02:30:05 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] point labels conflict with other dots, not other labels Message-ID: <20020113073005.GA28276@eggbert> Hi-- I have a problem with the way mapserver labels my cities layer for the US (points). I'm trying to get good priority labelling-- ie at higher levels, the more important cities show up. So here's the problem: it seems that mapserver won't draw the label for a point if that label will conflict with another red dot representing a city point-- *NOT* another city *label*, which is what I want. e.g.: St. Paul and Minneapolis are right next to each other, so mapserver won't label either of them, because each of those labels conflicts with the dot representing the other city. However, I would like mapserver to label one of them (the most populous), and then not label the other because it would conflict with the first *label*. I've tried combinations of LABELCACHE and POSTLABELCACHE but those don't do what I would like. Can I accomplish this? Any suggestions? Besides deleting points that are close together, because I want to keep all the red dots. Also, without reading code (or, could Steve/someone else point me to where in the code I should start reading), could anyone explain briefly how mapserver does the labelling conflicts, especially with multiple layers? Does it just start last layer first, drawing labels that don't conflict with any drawn features or other drawn labels, and move towards the first layer? Thanks. Walt From XSun at Sun Jan 13 09:40:07 2002 From: XSun at (XSun at Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 12:40:07 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapfile errors Message-ID: Hello list, I want to to try MapServer workbench . after I compile the tcl software. I want to try to compile the mapscrpt/tcl . But I failed . It told me that no swig.h . I search all the directory about this file and did not find it. Can someone help me? Thanks in advanced. Xsun From XSun at Sun Jan 13 09:48:01 2002 From: XSun at (XSun at Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 12:48:01 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] swig.h ? Message-ID: Hello list, I want to to try MapServer workbench . after I compile the tcl software. I want to try to compile the mapscrpt/tcl . But I failed . It told me that no swig.h . I search all the directory about this file and did not find it. Can someone help me? Thanks in advanced. Xsun From nsmith at Sun Jan 13 10:06:07 2002 From: nsmith at (nsmith at Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 13:06:07 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Problem with tcl mapscript Message-ID: <> I've installed mapserver 3.5 (running on YellowDog linux 2.1): demo works fine. Now I want to use msworkbench tools, so I'm trying to make mapscript tcl interface. Everything compiles fine, but when I try to run the included example shpinfo.tcl I get the following error: couldn't find procedure Mapscript_Init while executing "load /usr/lib/MapscriptTcl1.1/" ("package ifneeded" script) invoked from within "package require Mapscript" (file "./examples/shpinfo.tcl" line 7) I've got swig 1.1 (883 release), tcl 8.3. Based on the README file, I thought I would make clean, then try to configure with --with-linker-cc and recompile. Same results. Am I missing something obvious? Any help appreciated -- I couldn't find anything that sounded like this in the list archives. Neel Smith nsmith at From woodbri at Sun Jan 13 10:14:49 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 13:14:49 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Problem with tcl mapscript References: <> Message-ID: <> Neel, try: make clean rm config.cache ./configure .... make -Steve nsmith at wrote: > > I've installed mapserver 3.5 (running on YellowDog linux 2.1): demo > works fine. Now I want to use msworkbench tools, so I'm trying to make > mapscript tcl interface. > > Everything compiles fine, but when I try to run the included example > shpinfo.tcl I get the following error: > > couldn't find procedure Mapscript_Init > while executing > "load /usr/lib/MapscriptTcl1.1/" > ("package ifneeded" script) > invoked from within > "package require Mapscript" > (file "./examples/shpinfo.tcl" line 7) > > I've got swig 1.1 (883 release), tcl 8.3. Based on the README file, I > thought I would make clean, then try to configure with --with-linker-cc > and recompile. Same results. > > Am I missing something obvious? Any help appreciated -- I couldn't find > anything that sounded like this in the list archives. > > Neel Smith > nsmith at From nsmith at Sun Jan 13 10:23:33 2002 From: nsmith at (nsmith at Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 13:23:33 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Problem with tcl mapscript In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: On Sunday, January 13, 2002, at 01:14 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > try: > > make clean > rm config.cache > ./configure .... > make > > -Steve Only config.cache I had was in Mapserver source root, but I mv'ed that out of sight for good measure, and repeated make clean ./configure ... make with same results when running example script: couldn't find procedure Mapscript_Init while executing "load /usr/lib/MapscriptTcl1.1/" ("package ifneeded" script) invoked from within "package require Mapscript" (file "mapserver_3.5/mapscript/tcl/examples/shpinfo.tcl" line 7) From jimburnett at Sun Jan 13 11:54:21 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 14:54:21 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript References: <028601c1995a$cf0dd0a0$8e00a8c0@archtechjoe> <> <002f01c19a24$ab27d8a0$6400a8c0@archtechjoe> <> <001201c19aa6$dc59b600$201f0cd8@jburnett> <> <001301c19b6a$97bbf200$0207a8c0@naumaki> Message-ID: <000e01c19c6c$246ae1f0$201f0cd8@jburnett> well, I am using MySQL server, not oracle, should this work with any sql engine? -jim ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rodrigo Cabral" To: Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 8:11 AM Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript > Hello all, > > Well, I'll try to shed some light into this discussion, regarding the SDO > part. About the shape_id, there are a few alternatives for Oracle > Spatial, but it will depend on how I will provide support for the last > functions that are missing implementation in our MapServer-SDO interface. > > In Oracle Spatial I can provide a shape_id by using a "rownum" request in > the SELECT statement. Therefore, it will give me numbered ids that could be > used for uniquely identifying each record. On the other hand, it's also very > common for the user to define a column which is the unique key for the > table, namely a GID. So it would be a matter of including in the mapfile > "DATA" definition the name of the shape_id column, like this: > > DATA "shape_column FROM mytable" (as it's today) > DATA "shape_column,shape_id FROM mytable" (could be implemented) > > But as I mentioned recently in another email, Oracle Spatial has a good set > of functions for performing spatial queries in the database. So, for the > time being, I'm using those functions instead of going through MapServer's > interface. I have 3 very good reasons why one should choose this approach. > Please check the following URL, which is an loong email on the subject. > > > > Rod. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Daniel Morissette" > To: "Jim Burnett" > Cc: "mapserver-users" > Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 8:14 PM > Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript > > > Jim Burnett wrote: > > > > I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt it require the index of > > the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I think you can get the > > shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to work correctly. Do you > > have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting the shape by class, not > by > > the shape index? > > > > I think I see what you mean: reocrds obtained from a RDBMS won't carry a > unique shape_id the same way as shapefiles and other file-based formats > will. So you don't have any shape_id to pass to getShape() after a > query. I don't know about SDE and PostGIS, but I have used SDO before > (outside of the MapServer world) and I believe that there is nothing in > OracleSpatial that can easily be mapped to a shape_id. > > I guess the best ones to answer this question are the developers of the > SDO, SDE, and/or PostGIS connections: Do the database-based connections > in MapServer have any equivalent of a shape_id? If not then what should > one do to retrieve the shapes returned by a queryByPoint() in MapScript > for instance? > > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Daniel Morissette morissette at > DM Solutions Group > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if > you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. > > > > From jimburnett at Sun Jan 13 12:01:03 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 15:01:03 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript References: <028601c1995a$cf0dd0a0$8e00a8c0@archtechjoe> <> <002f01c19a24$ab27d8a0$6400a8c0@archtechjoe> <> <001201c19aa6$dc59b600$201f0cd8@jburnett> <> Message-ID: <008501c19c6d$098ba6c0$201f0cd8@jburnett> I was thinking you would abtain the shape just like you would a map, using a Class expression, and it even looks like the shapeObj will do that, but it doesnt seem to work. dl(""); require "config.php"; $mapObj = ms_newMapObj("$mapfilePath/"); $layObj=$mapObj->getLayer(0); $shapObj= ms_newShapeObj(2); $img = $mapObj->prepareImage(); $tt = $shapObj->draw($mapObj,$layObj,$img,0,""); if ( $tt ) { header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("content-type: image/png"); $img->saveImage("",MS_PNG,0,0, 80); $img->free(); }else{ $lname = $layObj->name; $numclasses = $layObj->numclasses; $cObj = $layObj->getClass(0); $cname = $cObj->name; $shpidx = $shapObj->index; print ":$tt:$lname::$numclasses::$cname::$shpidx"; die ; } -jim- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel Morissette" To: "Jim Burnett" Cc: "mapserver-users" Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 5:14 PM Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript > Jim Burnett wrote: > > > > I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt it require the index of > > the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I think you can get the > > shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to work correctly. Do you > > have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting the shape by class, not by > > the shape index? > > > > I think I see what you mean: reocrds obtained from a RDBMS won't carry a > unique shape_id the same way as shapefiles and other file-based formats > will. So you don't have any shape_id to pass to getShape() after a > query. I don't know about SDE and PostGIS, but I have used SDO before > (outside of the MapServer world) and I believe that there is nothing in > OracleSpatial that can easily be mapped to a shape_id. > > I guess the best ones to answer this question are the developers of the > SDO, SDE, and/or PostGIS connections: Do the database-based connections > in MapServer have any equivalent of a shape_id? If not then what should > one do to retrieve the shapes returned by a queryByPoint() in MapScript > for instance? > > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Daniel Morissette morissette at > DM Solutions Group > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if > you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. > From est-n-alves at Mon Jan 14 02:39:17 2002 From: est-n-alves at (Nuno Alves) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 10:39:17 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Message-ID: In the beggining i had an image with 600x600 pixels, but now i'm using one with 300x300 with the same results. Could it be a mapserver bug? Thanks. -----Original Message----- From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] Sent: sexta-feira, 11 de Janeiro de 2002 15:50 To: Nuno Alves; mapserver-users at Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Nuno - How large is the image you are requesting? MapServer is compiled to limit images (by default) to 1024 x 1024 pixels, to prevent users from generating requests for enormous maps that would slow down your server. It is easy to rebuild MapServer and change this limit, but if you are asking for an image greater than 1024 pixels in either dimension, this is probably your problem. - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: Nuno Alves [mailto:est-n-alves at] Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:16 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! I all. I've allready posted a message about mapserver generats blank images. One new thing: I think the blank images generated by mapserver are due to the URL imgext request, that asks for a box bigger than the original extensions defined in the original .MAP file. How can i correct this problem? I allready see a message posted in the mailing list with the same problem, but i could not find any response to it. I'm using mapserver 3.5 compiled with Postgis, OGR (in gdal) and GD-1.2 for GIF support. My data files are in .TAB format. I send here to a zip file with my Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. (sorry about my english) <> <<...OLE_Obj...>> Nuno Ricardo Ribeiro Alves PT Inova??o, S.A. Servi?os e Redes M?veis * R. Eng? Jos? Ferreira Pinto Basto - 3810 Aveiro * mailto:est-n-alves at From ed at Mon Jan 14 05:54:11 2002 From: ed at (Ed McNierney) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 08:54:11 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Message-ID: <> Nuno - It could *always* be a MapServer bug, but that's really not very likely in this case. When you say you get a "blank image", what exactly happens? Does your browser display a valid image file (i.e. one you could right-click on and save to your local disk) that's just set to the background color, or does your browser display a "broken link" icon with no image at all? The "broken link" problem often occurs if there is either an error in the addressing of your tmp directory or an error with the permissions on that directory. - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: Nuno Alves [mailto:est-n-alves at] Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 5:39 AM To: Ed McNierney; MAPSERVER (E-mail) Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! In the beggining i had an image with 600x600 pixels, but now i'm using one with 300x300 with the same results. Could it be a mapserver bug? Thanks. -----Original Message----- From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] Sent: sexta-feira, 11 de Janeiro de 2002 15:50 To: Nuno Alves; mapserver-users at Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Nuno - How large is the image you are requesting? MapServer is compiled to limit images (by default) to 1024 x 1024 pixels, to prevent users from generating requests for enormous maps that would slow down your server. It is easy to rebuild MapServer and change this limit, but if you are asking for an image greater than 1024 pixels in either dimension, this is probably your problem. - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: Nuno Alves [mailto:est-n-alves at] Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:16 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! I all. I've allready posted a message about mapserver generats blank images. One new thing: I think the blank images generated by mapserver are due to the URL imgext request, that asks for a box bigger than the original extensions defined in the original .MAP file. How can i correct this problem? I allready see a message posted in the mailing list with the same problem, but i could not find any response to it. I'm using mapserver 3.5 compiled with Postgis, OGR (in gdal) and GD-1.2 for GIF support. My data files are in .TAB format. I send here to a zip file with my Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. (sorry about my english) <> <<...OLE_Obj...>> Nuno Ricardo Ribeiro Alves PT Inova??o, S.A. Servi?os e Redes M?veis * R. Eng? Jos? Ferreira Pinto Basto - 3810 Aveiro * mailto:est-n-alves at From est-n-alves at Mon Jan 14 07:13:08 2002 From: est-n-alves at (Nuno Alves) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:13:08 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Message-ID: Yes, i've got a valid image. The problem is that in some position (of zoom) i can't see some layers, but then, i make some PAN's and the image appear. I sent here a file with my, demo.htm, a log.txt file where you can see the URL before the zoom - the initial URL - and the respective image "before.gif", and after the zoom in with the respective image "after.gif". I post too in the log.txt file the extents of the .TAB files that i use. Thanks for the help allready given. -----Original Message----- From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] Sent: segunda-feira, 14 de Janeiro de 2002 13:54 To: Nuno Alves; MAPSERVER (E-mail) Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Nuno - It could *always* be a MapServer bug, but that's really not very likely in this case. When you say you get a "blank image", what exactly happens? Does your browser display a valid image file (i.e. one you could right-click on and save to your local disk) that's just set to the background color, or does your browser display a "broken link" icon with no image at all? The "broken link" problem often occurs if there is either an error in the addressing of your tmp directory or an error with the permissions on that directory. - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: Nuno Alves [mailto:est-n-alves at] Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 5:39 AM To: Ed McNierney; MAPSERVER (E-mail) Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! In the beggining i had an image with 600x600 pixels, but now i'm using one with 300x300 with the same results. Could it be a mapserver bug? Thanks. -----Original Message----- From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] Sent: sexta-feira, 11 de Janeiro de 2002 15:50 To: Nuno Alves; mapserver-users at Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Nuno - How large is the image you are requesting? MapServer is compiled to limit images (by default) to 1024 x 1024 pixels, to prevent users from generating requests for enormous maps that would slow down your server. It is easy to rebuild MapServer and change this limit, but if you are asking for an image greater than 1024 pixels in either dimension, this is probably your problem. - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: Nuno Alves [mailto:est-n-alves at] Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:16 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! I all. I've allready posted a message about mapserver generats blank images. One new thing: I think the blank images generated by mapserver are due to the URL imgext request, that asks for a box bigger than the original extensions defined in the original .MAP file. How can i correct this problem? I allready see a message posted in the mailing list with the same problem, but i could not find any response to it. I'm using mapserver 3.5 compiled with Postgis, OGR (in gdal) and GD-1.2 for GIF support. My data files are in .TAB format. I send here to a zip file with my Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. (sorry about my english) <> <<...OLE_Obj...>> Nuno Ricardo Ribeiro Alves PT Inova??o, S.A. Servi?os e Redes M?veis * R. Eng? Jos? Ferreira Pinto Basto - 3810 Aveiro * mailto:est-n-alves at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Type: application/octet-stream Size: 6944 bytes Desc: not available URL: From ed at Mon Jan 14 08:03:31 2002 From: ed at (Ed McNierney) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 11:03:31 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Message-ID: <> Nuno - OK - let me restate the problem. Your images are working properly, but for certain map image requests one or more of your map layers is not being drawn. In the "before" and "after" images you attach in the Zip file, it appears that you zoomed in a little bit (shifting the map center a little) and the blue data layer disappeared (but the other layers remain). I'm guessing that this is the "agua" layer in your MAP file. Your data layers seem to be MapInfo TAB files accessed via OGR using STYLEITEM "auto" for attributes. I am not an OGR or MapInfo user at all, so I really can't help there. Perhaps someone who knows that material better can take a look! - Ed -----Original Message----- From: Nuno Alves [mailto:est-n-alves at] Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 10:13 AM To: Ed McNierney; MAPSERVER (E-mail) Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Yes, i've got a valid image. The problem is that in some position (of zoom) i can't see some layers, but then, i make some PAN's and the image appear. I sent here a file with my, demo.htm, a log.txt file where you can see the URL before the zoom - the initial URL - and the respective image "before.gif", and after the zoom in with the respective image "after.gif". I post too in the log.txt file the extents of the .TAB files that i use. Thanks for the help allready given. -----Original Message----- From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] Sent: segunda-feira, 14 de Janeiro de 2002 13:54 To: Nuno Alves; MAPSERVER (E-mail) Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Nuno - It could *always* be a MapServer bug, but that's really not very likely in this case. When you say you get a "blank image", what exactly happens? Does your browser display a valid image file (i.e. one you could right-click on and save to your local disk) that's just set to the background color, or does your browser display a "broken link" icon with no image at all? The "broken link" problem often occurs if there is either an error in the addressing of your tmp directory or an error with the permissions on that directory. - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: Nuno Alves [mailto:est-n-alves at] Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 5:39 AM To: Ed McNierney; MAPSERVER (E-mail) Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! In the beggining i had an image with 600x600 pixels, but now i'm using one with 300x300 with the same results. Could it be a mapserver bug? Thanks. -----Original Message----- From: Ed McNierney [mailto:ed at] Sent: sexta-feira, 11 de Janeiro de 2002 15:50 To: Nuno Alves; mapserver-users at Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! Nuno - How large is the image you are requesting? MapServer is compiled to limit images (by default) to 1024 x 1024 pixels, to prevent users from generating requests for enormous maps that would slow down your server. It is easy to rebuild MapServer and change this limit, but if you are asking for an image greater than 1024 pixels in either dimension, this is probably your problem. - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: Nuno Alves [mailto:est-n-alves at] Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:16 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] Imgext error! I all. I've allready posted a message about mapserver generats blank images. One new thing: I think the blank images generated by mapserver are due to the URL imgext request, that asks for a box bigger than the original extensions defined in the original .MAP file. How can i correct this problem? I allready see a message posted in the mailing list with the same problem, but i could not find any response to it. I'm using mapserver 3.5 compiled with Postgis, OGR (in gdal) and GD-1.2 for GIF support. My data files are in .TAB format. I send here to a zip file with my Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. (sorry about my english) <> <<...OLE_Obj...>> Nuno Ricardo Ribeiro Alves PT Inova??o, S.A. Servi?os e Redes M?veis * R. Eng? Jos? Ferreira Pinto Basto - 3810 Aveiro * mailto:est-n-alves at From jimburnett at Mon Jan 14 08:04:35 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 11:04:35 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapscript References: <> Message-ID: <017f01c19d15$2b029c70$201f0cd8@jburnett> OK, I understand how this might work, but what if someone goes back and delets some polygons, then the records become out of sync and wont match up. -jim- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lowell Filak" To: "Jim Burnett" ; "Mapserver Users Group" Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 2:41 PM Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Mapscript > If you mean by saying "Not all databases will have > this Index" that you exported/imported the data from a > DBF file into an RDBMS and now that database does not > have the index... > What we ended up doing is making sure that during the > import of the DBF data into the RDBMS the record > number from the DBF file carried through to the > database (it's easy - without applying an index to the > DBF file it appears to be ordered by number) > Hope that can help. > Lowell Filak > > --- Jim Burnett wrote: > > I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt > > it require the index of > > the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I > > think you can get the > > shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to > > work correctly. Do you > > have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting > > the shape by class, not by > > the shape index? > > > > > > -jim- > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! > > From pagurekd at Mon Jan 14 08:13:50 2002 From: pagurekd at (Debbie Pagurek) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 11:13:50 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] WMS - online resource URL question Message-ID: I'd like to replace the map= part of my URL using the directions outlined in the "More About the Online Resource URL" section at This URL works: According to the directions, here's the shell script I'm using: shell script called wmseco=/home/httpd/htdocs/mapdata/eco/ export wmseco /home/httpd/cgi-bin/mapserver what needs to be changed in Is this what wms_onlineresource should look like? # "wms_onlineresource" "" What is the proper URL to use to access my application via WMS? I'm using a Linux server. I'm getting an "Internal Server Error". I'd appreciate any help I can get, thanks in advance. D. Pagurek From Pietro.Musella at Mon Jan 14 08:48:42 2002 From: Pietro.Musella at (Musella Pietro) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 17:48:42 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] UNSUBSCRIBE Message-ID: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jimburnett at Mon Jan 14 08:53:11 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 11:53:11 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapscript - showing polygons Message-ID: <01b601c19d1b$f3b8fff0$201f0cd8@jburnett> OK, How do I use a class epxression to get a polygon, or shape from a shapefile? I can't use the shape files index number because we change the maps and information daily so there is no way to keep the indexes in sync. Adding an auto-increment number just doesnt cut it, especially when there is no way of telling in which order it will add them. Plus there maybe null, or diferent number fo records compaired to number of indexs in the shapegfile. -jim- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From imap at Mon Jan 14 09:12:26 2002 From: imap at (imap at Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 12:12:26 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] list question Message-ID: <> Would it be possible for the umn list maintainer to create a daily digest list for mapserver-users? there is a natural benefit to grouping the message by daily threads.. and the volume large enough. I have it for other majordomo lists and they are pretty useful. BTW - I think wiki thing at is kinda cool. Thank you, Chris Stuber (mapsurfer) Silicon Mapping Solution, Inc (410)257-3187 From pagurekd at Mon Jan 14 09:22:01 2002 From: pagurekd at (Debbie Pagurek) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 12:22:01 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] WMS - online resource URL question - figured it out. Message-ID: Hi all, we figured this out today. The documentation wasn't very clear. We had the script in the wrong directory and we hadn't set the MS_MAPFILE variable. D. Pagurek From jimburnett at Mon Jan 14 10:35:10 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 13:35:10 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapscript & Mapserver Chat Room ( IRC ) Message-ID: <01d101c19d2a$32d59550$201f0cd8@jburnett> I am not sure if there is arleady one out there, but if anyone wants they can join my channel #mapserver on This is a private server. Also, about the shape index problem I am having, could I use the ShapeObj object with the draw method to get the shape via a class instead of by the shapes index? -jim- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From FradshamT at DFO-MPO.GC.CA Mon Jan 14 11:02:39 2002 From: FradshamT at DFO-MPO.GC.CA (FradshamT at DFO-MPO.GC.CA) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 14:02:39 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Security Problem Message-ID: <> Dear MapServer Community, First I would like to say great work on all the designs, coding and documentation for MapServer 3.5. I am normally an ArcIMS admin but I now have an opportunity to work with MapServer and it has been great. I am using MapServer 3.5 (custom build) on Windows 2000 Server with IIS 5.0 MapServer version 3.5 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=TTF SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=OGR INPUT=SHAPEFILE I am using Microsoft Security Application Toolkit which basically locks down everything and you unlock what you need with regards to web apps. Everything works great, except for one thing. Where does the xml file for the GetCapabilities Request Get written to? For some reason when I put in a request to the WMS Server: http://myserver/scripts/mapserv.exe?&map=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\OceansIMS\demo\o I get prompted for a windows authentication request. But if I use the demoapp request http://myserver/OceansIMS/demo/oceans_init.html Which uses the same map file, the app continues normally without any login request. This is because I set the appropriate security on the IMAGEPATH directory for which the temp images are written, but any request to the WMS Service and I get prompted for a login everytime. Any help would be appreciated. Trevor Fradsham Systems Analyst - GIS Fisheries & Oceans Canada -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From teb at Mon Jan 14 13:36:32 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 15:36:32 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Expression statement (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- X-Sender: geo402 at Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 16:58:06 +0000 To: mapserver-info at From: "Stephen D. King" Subject: Expression statement Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Scanner: exiscan *16QAUW-0003fz-00*CIeUL4fe4fk* Hi, I am trying to get mapserver to display classes from one shapefile - without success - I just get a blank image. I can get it to display the shapefile without the class divisions. The shapefile is called Gr_nhs.shp It is divided up into 23 classes. Each class takes its value from the Grid_code attribute field. -9999 is unknown, the remaining values are from 1-22 In my map file, the layer definition is as follows: LAYER NAME Gr_nhs TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT DATA Gr_nhs CLASSITEM "Grid_code" CLASS Name "Unknown" EXPRESSION ([Grid_code] eq -9999) COLOR 210 275 25 END END END # Map file I have tried various combinations for the expression - can anyone help? Thanks, Stephen ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From woodbri at Mon Jan 14 13:59:45 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 16:59:45 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Expression statement (FWD) References: <> Message-ID: <> Stephen, CLASSITEM and EXPRESSION items are case sensitive. Column names in my shape files are all uppercase (but then I never tried to make any that were mixed case :) So, you might want to check the case with dbfdump --info Gr_nhs.dbf if you have the perl version of dbfdump installed. Otherwise you might try: LAYER NAME Gr_nhs TYPE POLYGON STATUS DEFAULT DATA Gr_nhs CLASSITEM "GRID_CODE" CLASS Name "Unknown" EXPRESSION ([GRID_CODE] eq -9999) COLOR 210 275 25 END END END # Map file Hope this helps, -Steve teb wrote: > > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- > > X-Sender: geo402 at > Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 16:58:06 +0000 > To: mapserver-info at > From: "Stephen D. King" > Subject: Expression statement > Mime-Version: 1.0 > X-Scanner: exiscan *16QAUW-0003fz-00*CIeUL4fe4fk* > > Hi, > > I am trying to get mapserver to display classes from one shapefile - > without success - I just get a blank image. I can get it to display the > shapefile without the class divisions. > > The shapefile is called Gr_nhs.shp > > It is divided up into 23 classes. Each class takes its value from the > Grid_code attribute field. -9999 is unknown, the remaining values are from > 1-22 > > In my map file, the layer definition is as follows: > > LAYER > NAME Gr_nhs > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS DEFAULT > DATA Gr_nhs > CLASSITEM "Grid_code" > > CLASS > Name "Unknown" > EXPRESSION ([Grid_code] eq -9999) > COLOR 210 275 25 > END > END > END # Map file > > I have tried various combinations for the expression - can anyone help? > > Thanks, > > Stephen > > ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From mgiesbrecht at Mon Jan 14 15:35:47 2002 From: mgiesbrecht at (Mark Giesbrecht) Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 16:35:47 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] Expression statement (FWD) References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi Teb, If I'm not mistaken, I think that the field within the square brackets [] must be uppercase. There are also two other things you may want to check out: 1. It may sound silly, but if Grid_code is defined within the dbf as a string, you'll want to encapsulate -9999 in single quotes. 2. Another silly thing; be sure of your EXTENTS; if your expression proves true, but does not show, it could be that you're off in another part of the world. Hope this helps, Mark teb wrote: > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- > > X-Sender: geo402 at > Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 16:58:06 +0000 > To: mapserver-info at > From: "Stephen D. King" > Subject: Expression statement > Mime-Version: 1.0 > X-Scanner: exiscan *16QAUW-0003fz-00*CIeUL4fe4fk* > > Hi, > > I am trying to get mapserver to display classes from one shapefile - > without success - I just get a blank image. I can get it to display the > shapefile without the class divisions. > > The shapefile is called Gr_nhs.shp > > It is divided up into 23 classes. Each class takes its value from the > Grid_code attribute field. -9999 is unknown, the remaining values are from > 1-22 > > In my map file, the layer definition is as follows: > > LAYER > NAME Gr_nhs > TYPE POLYGON > STATUS DEFAULT > DATA Gr_nhs > CLASSITEM "Grid_code" > > CLASS > Name "Unknown" > EXPRESSION ([Grid_code] eq -9999) > COLOR 210 275 25 > END > END > END # Map file > > I have tried various combinations for the expression - can anyone help? > > Thanks, > > Stephen > > ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- -- Mark Giesbrecht, M.Sc. GIS Programmer/Analyst ER Mapper Technical Support GeoArctic International Services Ltd. mgiesbrecht at phone: (403) 290-1320 fax: (403) 264-5848 From hugues at Mon Jan 14 15:37:10 2002 From: hugues at (PARVILLERS) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 00:37:10 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver & oracle on NT References: <> <001101c19bc3$6a463ac0$0207a8c0@naumaki> Message-ID: <> Hello rodrigo, We are near to success in WIN32 Mapserver with SDO since actually the connection to Oracle is OK (but with the way around of course since we use SRID on your datas :-) ) but we still have a problem on GD. It is now midnight so we shall see tomorrow. msDrawReferenceMap(): GD library error. Unable to initialize image Shall tell you one more time when it is Ok 110 %! Do you intend to make an evolution for unsetted SRID? For myself I have opened a TAR on Oracle Metalink which has been qualified as bug to have the SDO_EXTENT_OF returning a SRID when the table it works on has a SRID (the small rectangle over all the geometries of a table). Regards HuguesP. Rodrigo Cabral a ?crit : > Hugues, > > I have never compiled MapServer in Windows NT. But, if you have a working > MapServer version with Oracle Spatial support, then you're half way to doing > what you want. You can confirm this by using mapserv -v, which would give > you a ORACLESPATIAL string in the INPUT section. > > I didn't compile MapServer for Windows, and I don't have access to any > binary, in case you're wondering. But there might be someone in this list > that could have it. Anyone? > > After that, you would need to define a layer with a ORACLESPATIAL > connection, and the works. There's lots of materials about that in this > list. Here's a few which contains bug reports and workarounds, small howtos, > etc.: > > - > - > - > - > - > > Rod. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "PARVILLERS" > To: > Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 9:40 PM > Subject: [mapserver-users] mapserver & oracle on NT > > Hello, > > can anybody explain me how to set up mapserver 3.5 to get spatial data > from Oracle 8i (SDO) ? > It seems to be possible but I did not understand how to do that ! > > Many tks in advance > Happy New Year > > Hugues > France From theflan at Mon Jan 14 17:29:18 2002 From: theflan at (Marie Flanagan) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 01:29:18 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Help please....! Message-ID: <00a701c19d64$0db15360$> Hello all, Apologies in advance if this mail is annoying but I am new to GIS and am at the stage of trying to identify a product that will satisfy our mapping requirements on the internet and I'm finding it difficult to find straightforward answers to my questions given the volume of information out there. I am looking for digital data for the Sydney area (and perhaps other areas in Australia at a later stage) - boundaries, roads, parks, water, etc - the usual paper map stuff in enough detail for someone to find their way around. I want to use the data to produce maps dynamically on the internet and overlay the maps with public transport bus/train/ferry stops and maybe other information. Can you help direct me towards a source of data? what format is it in? do I need to convert it / store this data in a database? The software I'm looking at as a mapping server is Mapserver and Mapinfo's MapXtreme. I was also looking at ESRI ArcIMS but from what I've read so far it may be overkill for our needs. Thanks in anticipation for any help you can provide. Regards, Marie Flanagan -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From s.d.king at Tue Jan 15 00:46:22 2002 From: s.d.king at (Stephen D. King) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 08:46:22 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Expression Statement Message-ID: <> Thank you Stephen and Mark for your help with the EXPRESSION statement. It was indeed that Grid_code needed to be in uppercase between the square brackets. My problem seems to be solved now. Kind regards, Stephen From jef.mony at Tue Jan 15 01:03:55 2002 From: jef.mony at (jef.mony at Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:03:55 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] =?ISO-8859-1?Q?forum_fran=E7ais?= Message-ID: <3C43FE8B.20418.8FB16F@localhost> Bonjour, J'?cris ce mail en fran?ais car il est destin? aux utilisateurs fran?ais et francophones de Mapserver. J'ai en projet de mettre en place un forum (de type board) d'utilisateurs francophones de Mapserver afin de nous identifier et voir si ce syst?me commence ? se diffuser et de nous permettre l'?change d'exp?rience en fran?ais. Pourriez vous me donner votre avis avant que je le mette en place. Merci, jef From dems at Tue Jan 15 11:19:07 2002 From: dems at (Daniel Ems) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 14:19:07 -0500 (EST) Subject: [mapserver-users] 3.5 compile error In-Reply-To: Message-ID: Steve, I keep forgeting to CC my responses to the entire list. Here was what I meant to send before! --------------------------------------- Andrew, I have a solution to the problem (thanks to some help from Kendall Sears). When I configured mapserver 3.5, I used the --with-pdf flag and pointed it to the pdf *source* directory. I removed the directory information from this flag, recompiled mapserver, and it worked. When I execute map2pdf, I get some real output. I hope it works for you, Andrew... Daniel Ems AM/FM/GIS Technical Support On Tue, 15 Jan 2002, Stephen Lime wrote: > Daniel: I'll have to have the PDF authors check their code to make sure it builds ok. I thought all was well with it. Can you build without the PDF option enabled? > > Steve > > Stephen Lime > Data & Applications Manager > > Minnesota DNR > 500 Lafayette Road > St. Paul, MN 55155 > 651-297-2937 > > >>> Daniel Ems 01/11/02 11:59AM >>> > > Steve, > > Thanks for the suggestion! It got me one step further, but now I have a > new error while running make on mapserver. It appears to be an issue > with a .c file, which I have little experience with. Any suggestions? > > shp2pdf.c: In function `main': > shp2pdf.c:51: warning: unused variable `FontHash' > shp2pdf.c:50: warning: unused variable `MapPixelSize' > shp2pdf.c:49: warning: unused variable `MapScaleFactor' > shp2pdf.c:37: warning: unused variable `img' > gcc -O2 -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ > -DUSE_PROJ_API_H -DUSE_WMS -DUSE_TIFF -DUSE_JPEG -DUSE_GD_PNG > -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_GDAL > -I/usr/include -I/root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib > -I/root/mapserver/sources/proj-4.4.5//src -I/usr/local/include > shp2pdf.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz > -L/root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib/lib -lpdf -ltiff -ljpeg > -lfreetype -lpng -lz -L/root/mapserver/sources/proj-4.4.5//src/.libs > -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal.1.1 -lm -o shp2pdf > shp2pdf.o: In function `main': > shp2pdf.o(.text+0x4d7): undefined reference to `msDrawMapPDF' > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status > make: *** [shp2pdf] Error 1 > > Thanks! > > Daniel Ems > AM/FM/GIS Technical Support > Spatial Data Integrations, Inc. > > > On Fri, 11 Jan 2002, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > > Daniel, > > > > do an: > > > > ls /root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib/lib > > > > you should have a file something like libpdf.* or libPDF.* if the is the > > former the you should be using -lpdf and not -lPDF > > > > -Steve > > > > Daniel Ems wrote: > > > > > > I am trying to compile version 3.5 with pdf support. I added the four > > > directories mentioned in the output from the pdf "make" command to my > > > /etc/ file and I ran ldconfig. However, when running "make" for > > > mapserver, I get the following error. Any ideas? > > > > > > gcc -O2 -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA -DUSE_EPPL -DUSE_PROJ > > > -DUSE_PROJ_API_H -DUSE_WMS -DUSE_TIFF -DUSE_JPEG -DUSE_GD_PNG > > > -DUSE_GD_JPEG -DUSE_GD_WBMP -DUSE_GD_FT -DUSE_PDF -DUSE_GDAL > > > -I/usr/include -I/root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib > > > -I/root/mapserver/sources/proj-4.4.5//src -I/usr/local/include > > > shp2img.o -L. -lmap -lgd -L/usr/lib -lgd -ljpeg -lfreetype -lpng -lz > > > -L/root/mapserver/sources/pdflib-4.0.1/pdflib/lib -lPDF -ltiff -ljpeg > > > -lfreetype -lpng -lz -L/root/mapserver/sources/proj-4.4.5//src/.libs > > > -lproj -ljpeg -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal.1.1 -lm -o shp2img > > > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lPDF > > > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status > > > make: *** [shp2img] Error 1 > > > > > > Thanks! > > > > > > -- > > > Daniel Ems > > > > > > AM/FM/GIS Technical Support > > > Spatial Data Integrations, Inc. > > > > -- Daniel Ems AM/FM/GIS Technical Support Spatial Data Integrations, Inc. From TMitchell at Tue Jan 15 11:31:29 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 11:31:29 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] FYI Newbies: when make doesn't work Message-ID: Hi guys, I'm just building mapserver right now with as many of the options as I could feasibly get together. I ran "./configure" and it appeared to work correctly. When I went to run "make" though I get a cryptic error: "no input files" and it didn't do anything. Well, turns out, after 20 minutes of confusion (it had always compiled just fine before!!) I realized what I had done. I was trying to build in php/mapscript support so I used the "--with-php" option. I had to tell it more specifically where to look for pg_config, so I used: "--with-php=/usr/local/bin" - that wasn't right. I didn't notice it during the ./configure process, but it was complaining a dozen or so lines from the end - saying that I had specified a directory. So I then had to change it to "--with-php=/usr/local/bin/pg_config" and now "make" actually does something :) So I learned my lesson - sometimes the "--with" options need a directory (ie. --with-gdal=/usr/src/gdal) and sometimes, like above, they need a path to a specific file. I assume this applies to more than just my php example. So, for those of you who may come after me and who are just as green, hopefully you'll find this when you search the mail archive and not give up on MapServer due to your ignorance....persevere :) I hope it helps. Take care, Tyler From TMitchell at Tue Jan 15 12:06:16 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 12:06:16 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] FYI Newbies: when make doesn't work Message-ID: Great idea. I actually just did some edits! I had made up the examples from my head and made them wrong. I was having problems with the --with-postgis option, not php. And my last example about --with-gdal only needing a folder was wrong too. But the --with-proj only needs a folder so I sub'd that in. Jamie Smedsmo> cc: Fax to: 01/15/2002 Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] FYI Newbies: when make doesn't work 12:06 PM Hi Tyler, This seemed like a good little tidbit, so I added it to the wiki. Thanks, Jamie Tyler Mitchell wrote: >Hi guys, >I'm just building mapserver right now with as many of the options as I >could feasibly get together. I ran "./configure" and it appeared to work >correctly. When I went to run "make" though I get a cryptic error: "no >input files" and it didn't do anything. >Well, turns out, after 20 minutes of confusion (it had always compiled just >fine before!!) I realized what I had done. I was trying to build in >php/mapscript support so I used the "--with-php" option. >I had to tell it more specifically where to look for pg_config, so I used: >"--with-php=/usr/local/bin" - that wasn't right. I didn't notice it during >the ./configure process, but it was complaining a dozen or so lines from >the end - saying that I had specified a directory. So I then had to change >it to "--with-php=/usr/local/bin/pg_config" and now "make" actually does >something :) >So I learned my lesson - sometimes the "--with" options need a directory >(ie. --with-gdal=/usr/src/gdal) and sometimes, like above, they need a path >to a specific file. I assume this applies to more than just my php >example. > >So, for those of you who may come after me and who are just as green, >hopefully you'll find this when you search the mail archive and not give up >on MapServer due to your ignorance....persevere :) > >I hope it helps. >Take care, >Tyler > > > From steve.lime at Tue Jan 15 12:32:09 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 14:32:09 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] labeling a graticule Message-ID: One idea would be to do a bit of pre processing of the data to affect the order of the segments in the file. For you might bust the graticule into two files, one for horizontal and one for vertical segments. Then add a new attribute called AVG or something and populate it with the average x or y coordinate (depending on orientation). Now sort the two shapefiles on that attribute, this will order the shapefile left to right and top to bottom (or whichever direction you wish). Finally append them together (a quick mapscript script would work). Because of the way MapServer builds its label cache the effect (I think) would be to concentrate labels along an edge of the map. Since your labels are popped into the cache say left to right then the rightmost label would always be displayed by using the label MINDISTANCE and MINFEATURESIZE options. Might be worth a try and would just require a couple of short mapscript scripts to build the data. As for a graticule object, I've thought about such for quite a while but have never got around to adding it. Could you add it to bugzilla so we don't loose the idea? Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> "Brent Fraser" 01/11/02 02:11PM >>> Steve (and others), Any thoughts on how to get perimeter labels for a graticule? I'd like the labels to be at the perimeter (just inside) of the map graphic just above (or beside) the line of latitude or longitude. Right now they tend to be scattered through out the map (see attached gif). I've got a shapefile with line segments and the value of the lat/lon line as an attribute as well as a "level" attribute so the interval will change with the scale. Here's the portion of my map file: LABEL COLOR 255 255 0 TYPE TRUETYPE FONT arialbd SIZE 12 POSITION UL ANGLE AUTO OFFSET 4 4 PARTIALS FALSE END # Label Of course what I'd really want is a native MapServer Graticule object with lots of options for line drawing and labelling on the outside perimeter of the map graphic. Maybe v3.6? Thanks! Brent Fraser bfraser at GeoAnalytic Inc. #300 , 700 - 4th Avenue SW Calgary, AB Canada T2P 3J4 Tel: (403)213-2700 Fax: (403)213-2707 From steve.lime at Tue Jan 15 15:14:31 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 17:14:31 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript Message-ID: Check with Rodrigo, and the PostGIS folks to be sure but most databases would have to maintain some type of an rowid for efficiency. None of the developers balked at the notion of an integral index, but I'll have to check the code to see how they implemented it. SDE maintains a virtual record counter and has a function in it's C API that maps almost directly to the getShape method. This allows for fast access to a record set after a complex query has been done (no need to redo it). If that's not the case with SDO and PostGIS then I think we could work around it by requiring an integral key of a predefined name and hide access using it within the vendor specific code. When a shape is fetched from any data source the index structure member is *supposed* to contain that unique id. It's that id that is also stored in the query cache. I checked the source and all connection types implement a msXXXLayerGetShape function. SDO support for that function isn't complete but it is for all other data sources. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Daniel Morissette 01/11/02 04:14PM >>> Jim Burnett wrote: > > I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt it require the index of > the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I think you can get the > shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to work correctly. Do you > have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting the shape by class, not by > the shape index? > I think I see what you mean: reocrds obtained from a RDBMS won't carry a unique shape_id the same way as shapefiles and other file-based formats will. So you don't have any shape_id to pass to getShape() after a query. I don't know about SDE and PostGIS, but I have used SDO before (outside of the MapServer world) and I believe that there is nothing in OracleSpatial that can easily be mapped to a shape_id. I guess the best ones to answer this question are the developers of the SDO, SDE, and/or PostGIS connections: Do the database-based connections in MapServer have any equivalent of a shape_id? If not then what should one do to retrieve the shapes returned by a queryByPoint() in MapScript for instance? -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From woodbri at Tue Jan 15 15:39:30 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 18:39:30 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Debugging PHP/Mapscript Message-ID: <> Daniel, I have finally gotten around to trying to debug the PHP3/Mapscript problem I was having. You said I should build PHP/Mapscript as a static php CGI executable so I can run it in gdb. All the documentation only talks about building it as a DSO module for apache. Can you send me a link or have someone add it to Wiki? I think this would be a great help to aid others that might want to work with PHP3 and Mapscript. Also have you guys posted documentation on how to build Mapscript for PHP4 and MapServer 3.5? on Wiki? Thanks, -Steve From dblasby at Tue Jan 15 16:34:54 2002 From: dblasby at (Dave Blasby) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:34:54 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Mapscript References: Message-ID: <> > I guess the best ones to answer this question are the developers of the > SDO, SDE, and/or PostGIS connections: Do the database-based connections > in MapServer have any equivalent of a shape_id? If not then what should > one do to retrieve the shapes returned by a queryByPoint() in MapScript > for instance? PostGIS uses the system "oid" (Object ID) column. Each row in the database has a unique "oid". Its not the most efficient way, but its always available. dave From woodbri at Tue Jan 15 16:38:19 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 19:38:19 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] MS3.5 MapScript & PHP3 Message-ID: <> Hi all, Does anyone have PHP/Mapscript built and running with the released version of MapServer 3.5? Would you please contact me off list. Thanks, -Steve Woodbridge From morissette at Tue Jan 15 16:50:28 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 19:50:28 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Debugging PHP/Mapscript References: <> Message-ID: <> Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > I have finally gotten around to trying to debug the PHP3/Mapscript > problem I was having. You said I should build PHP/Mapscript as a static > php CGI executable so I can run it in gdb. > Actually, I meant compile PHP as a CGI executable instead of as an Apache DSO. And then you still compile PHP MapScript the same way, as a file that will be loaded by PHP at runtime. Once you're all setup, you can debug a PHP script that crashes using the 'php' CGI executable in gdb with: $ gdb ./php ... (gdb) run /path/to/test.php ... Here is the fun part: If you need to setup a breakpoint inside then you have to: - First set a breakpoint in php_dl() - start the program, when it reaches php_dl(), type "finish" to let php_dl() finish its execution - debugger will stop again at the end of php_dl(), after is loaded... then you can set breakpoints anywhere in and enjoy gdb! :) - Make sure you disable all breakpoints before re-running the program or gdb will keep complaining about them There may be ways to automate this in gdb but I never looked into that any further... I welcome suggestions. > All the documentation only talks about building it as a DSO module for > apache. Can you send me a link or have someone add it to Wiki? I think > this would be a great help to aid others that might want to work with > PHP3 and Mapscript. > You should be able to find detailed information at I believe that PHP's default 'configure' behavior is to build a 'php' CGI executable. It's the --with-apxs and/or --with-apache PHP configure options that enable PHP to be built as an Apache DSO. So basically to build PHP as a CGI simply make sure that you don't provide the --with-apxs or --with-apache switch to the PHP configure. It is also good practice when building PHP as a CGI to include the --enable-force-cgi-redirect switch for security reasons. Then once you have a 'php' executable, copy it to your server's cgi-bin directory and add to your httpd.conf: AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3 AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .phtml AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php Action application/x-httpd-php3 /cgi-bin/php The same works for PHP3 or PHP4 as a CGI. Note: Make sure you don't have an old PHP DSO already preloaded in your Apache... this is common with preinstalled Apache on RedHat systems for instance. If you're in that situation and don't feel like recompiling Apache then you can bypass the module by removing the original AddType lines and using another type for your PHP CGI AddType and Action directives, e.g. AddType application/x-httpd-php-cgi .php3 AddType application/x-httpd-php-cgi .phtml AddType application/x-httpd-php-cgi .php Action application/x-httpd-php-cgi /cgi-bin/php > Also have you guys posted documentation on how to build Mapscript for > PHP4 and MapServer 3.5? on Wiki? > Nothing special to say there... MapServer's configure takes care of it all on most platforms... here are some detailed steps (hopefully I didn't forget anything): 1- Compile and install PHP as a CGI as described above 2- Run configure in your mapserver dir. with the --with-php switch: ./configure --with-php=/path/to/php-src-that-you-just-compiled ... 3- run 'make', that will automagically build mapserv, etc. ... and in mapserver/mapscript/php3 4- Edit your php.ini and make sure extensions_dir is set to point to a valid location (e.g. /usr/local/lib/php4) 5- Copy to your extensions_dir 6- Make sure all libs used in your MapServer build are included in your runtime library path. See the PHP MapScript install FAQ about this common problem: 7- You're ready to use dl(""); to load and use PHP MapScript in your PHP apps. See also the PHPMapScript-install-HOWTO for more info:" I hope that helps... P.S. I have added a copy of this message in the Wiki at -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From woodbri at Tue Jan 15 17:05:46 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 20:05:46 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Debugging PHP/Mapscript References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Daniel, Thank you for you help, this has been very instructive. I will also add it to Wiki for future reference. I just tried the php3/examples/test_draw_map.phtml file on my which is working with 3.5 and it ran fine? So I am now wondering if the problem may not lie in the gmap75 stuff. I will check the map file to make sure it has the lastest 3.5 changes applied to it. Many thanks for you support. -Steve Daniel Morissette wrote: > > Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > > > I have finally gotten around to trying to debug the PHP3/Mapscript > > problem I was having. You said I should build PHP/Mapscript as a static > > php CGI executable so I can run it in gdb. > > > > Actually, I meant compile PHP as a CGI executable instead of as an > Apache DSO. And then you still compile PHP MapScript the same way, as a > file that will be loaded by PHP at runtime. > > Once you're all setup, you can debug a PHP script that crashes using the > 'php' CGI executable in gdb with: > > $ gdb ./php > ... > (gdb) run /path/to/test.php > ... > > Here is the fun part: If you need to setup a breakpoint inside > then you have to: > > - First set a breakpoint in php_dl() > - start the program, when it reaches php_dl(), type "finish" to let > php_dl() finish its execution > - debugger will stop again at the end of php_dl(), after > is loaded... then you can set breakpoints anywhere > in and enjoy gdb! :) > - Make sure you disable all breakpoints before re-running the program > or gdb will keep complaining about them > > There may be ways to automate this in gdb but I never looked into that > any further... I welcome suggestions. > > > All the documentation only talks about building it as a DSO module for > > apache. Can you send me a link or have someone add it to Wiki? I think > > this would be a great help to aid others that might want to work with > > PHP3 and Mapscript. > > > > You should be able to find detailed information at > > > I believe that PHP's default 'configure' behavior is to build a 'php' > CGI executable. It's the --with-apxs and/or --with-apache PHP configure > options that enable PHP to be built as an Apache DSO. > > So basically to build PHP as a CGI simply make sure that you don't > provide the --with-apxs or --with-apache switch to the PHP configure. > It is also good practice when building PHP as a CGI to include the > --enable-force-cgi-redirect switch for security reasons. > > Then once you have a 'php' executable, copy it to your server's cgi-bin > directory and add to your httpd.conf: > > AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3 > AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .phtml > AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php > > Action application/x-httpd-php3 /cgi-bin/php > > The same works for PHP3 or PHP4 as a CGI. > > Note: Make sure you don't have an old PHP DSO already preloaded in your > Apache... this is common with preinstalled Apache on RedHat systems for > instance. If you're in that situation and don't feel like recompiling > Apache then you can bypass the module by removing the original AddType > lines and using another type for your PHP CGI AddType and Action > directives, e.g. > > AddType application/x-httpd-php-cgi .php3 > AddType application/x-httpd-php-cgi .phtml > AddType application/x-httpd-php-cgi .php > > Action application/x-httpd-php-cgi /cgi-bin/php > > > Also have you guys posted documentation on how to build Mapscript for > > PHP4 and MapServer 3.5? on Wiki? > > > > Nothing special to say there... MapServer's configure takes care of it > all on most platforms... here are some detailed steps (hopefully I > didn't forget anything): > > 1- Compile and install PHP as a CGI as described above > > 2- Run configure in your mapserver dir. with the --with-php switch: > ./configure --with-php=/path/to/php-src-that-you-just-compiled ... > > 3- run 'make', that will automagically build mapserv, etc. > ... and in mapserver/mapscript/php3 > > 4- Edit your php.ini and make sure extensions_dir is set to point to a > valid location (e.g. /usr/local/lib/php4) > > 5- Copy to your extensions_dir > > 6- Make sure all libs used in your MapServer build are included in your > runtime library path. See the PHP MapScript install FAQ about this > common problem: > > > 7- You're ready to use dl(""); to load and use PHP > MapScript in your PHP apps. > > See also the PHPMapScript-install-HOWTO for more info:" > > > I hope that helps... > > P.S. I have added a copy of this message in the Wiki at > > > -- > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Daniel Morissette morissette at > DM Solutions Group > ------------------------------------------------------------ > Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if > you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From morissette at Tue Jan 15 17:32:40 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 20:32:40 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Debugging PHP/Mapscript References: <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > I just tried the php3/examples/test_draw_map.phtml file on my > which is working with 3.5 and it ran fine? So I am now wondering if the > problem may not lie in the gmap75 stuff. I will check the map file to > make sure it has the lastest 3.5 changes applied to it. > Steve, Make sure you're using the 3.5-release copy of GMap... we've placed a new copy on our download site with all the 3.5 changes a few days ago: and I've added a .tar.gz copy of the same a few minutes ago: -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From woodbri at Tue Jan 15 18:53:12 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 21:53:12 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Debugging PHP/Mapscript References: <> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> Daniel, I grabbed the gmap75 release stuff and got the same behavior. I also added to the bottom of the test_draw_map.php3 the following loop that will cause it to segv the also: for ($i=0; $i<$map->numlayers; $i++) { $mlay = $map->getLayer($i); printf("layer %2d = %s\n", $i, $mlay->{name}); } So, I am off to build a debug version of php3. One thing I remembered about my builds is that PHP3 is configured --with-system-regex but when mapscript tries to build it insists on trying to use the stuff in the php-3.0.18/regex directory which was not compiled. I run make in that directory and then mapscript is happy and links in that stuff. Now that I think about it that doesn't seem like a good thing, because I now have two version of regex loaded: the system lib and the php dir! Any thoughts on this? I'll let you know how my debug session goes. -Steve Daniel Morissette wrote: > > Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > > > I just tried the php3/examples/test_draw_map.phtml file on my > > which is working with 3.5 and it ran fine? So I am now wondering if the > > problem may not lie in the gmap75 stuff. I will check the map file to > > make sure it has the lastest 3.5 changes applied to it. > > > > Steve, > > Make sure you're using the 3.5-release copy of GMap... we've placed a > new copy on our download site with all the 3.5 changes a few days ago: > > > > and I've added a .tar.gz copy of the same a few minutes ago: > > From jef.mony at Wed Jan 16 01:18:03 2002 From: jef.mony at (jef.mony at Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 10:18:03 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] =?ISO-8859-1?Q?forum_fran=E7ais?= Message-ID: <3C45535B.10310.DF29A@localhost> Bonjour ? tous, Une journ?e ? pr?s mon premier message j'ai re?u quelques messages d'encourragement qui me font penser que ce projet pourrait remplir une r?elle fonction. Je vais donc mettre cela en place et je pense que cela sera disponible dans ? peu pr?s une semaine. Je pr?ciserai l'url de ce forum par le bias de cette liste de diffusion et par un mail adress? directement aux personnes m'ayant r?pondu pour me confirmer leur int?r?t face ? ce projet. Si les uns ou les autres avez des id?es sur les premiers th?mes de discution ? cr?er je suis ? votre ?coute (j'ai d?j? une demande sur Mapserver avec Oracle Spatial). A+, Jef From aa_pranav at Wed Jan 16 01:48:14 2002 From: aa_pranav at (aa_pranav at Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 15:18:14 +0530 Subject: [mapserver-users] Diffrence in Proj4 and MapX values Message-ID: <001101c19e73$21861eb0$> hi I have been trying to project lat/long values to robinson projection using Proj4 library But the result given by pro4 library is diffrent from those when evaluated by MapX For eg. In Proj4: Input lat/long (78.410700,23.271500) Output in Robinson projection is (7233791.379929,2488879.797312) unit is meters For the same input in MapX lat/long (78.410700,23.271500) Output in Robinson projection is 7231619.5648,2488958.638 Thus is is appox a diffrence of 2172 meters in x and 79 meters in y Their is never a accurate match for Pro4 projected value and MapX projected value. Can anybody help me to resolve it Regads Pranav -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rich at Wed Jan 16 07:24:20 2002 From: rich at (Richard Greenwood) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 08:24:20 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] Diffrence in Proj4 and MapX values In-Reply-To: <001101c19e73$21861eb0$> Message-ID: <> Be sure your projection and datum are the same for MapX and Proj4. It looks like you used the MapX "generic" lat/long for the MapX input, which can lead to strange behavior (MapX will match the projection to other layer present in the workspace). And it looks like MapX defaults to NAD27 for the Robinson. Rich 7,231,574.7, 2,489,028.1 At 03:18 PM 1/16/2002 +0530, you wrote: >hi >I have been trying to project lat/long values to robinson projection using >Proj4 library >But the result given by pro4 library is diffrent from those when evaluated >by MapX > >For eg. >In Proj4: Input lat/long (78.410700,23.271500) >Output in Robinson projection is (7233791.379929,2488879.797312) unit is >meters > > >For the same input in MapX lat/long (78.410700,23.271500) >Output in Robinson projection is 7231619.5648,2488958.638 > >Thus is is appox a diffrence of 2172 meters in x >and 79 meters in y > >Their is never a accurate match for Pro4 projected value and MapX >projected value. >Can anybody help me to resolve it > >Regads >Pranav -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve.lime at Wed Jan 16 09:13:31 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 11:13:31 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Feature Info Query on 3.5 Message-ID: GML output is there for WMS although it has only been tested lightly. I hope to add it to the CGI version shortly. The only issue is how to trigger GML vs normal templated query output. I've added this to bugzilla so as not to loose it... Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Daniel Morissette 01/10/02 10:18PM >>> > Trem Stamp wrote: > > Can anyone tell me if mapserv 3.5 currently supports a feature query > that can return xml, gml or html. Last time I tried it just returned > a text file with all attributes? Are there currently any other > INFO_FORMAT types for returning data. > I believe that Steve added GML featureInfo output shortly before the 3.5 release. With respect to INFO_FORMAT=MIME, the 3.5 version always returns the same text/plain output. Query templates aren't supported yet but they should be eventually (templates are simply ignored at the moment). That should allow full control on featureInfo output, including control of which attributes are returned, and even generating XML output if you like (if you provide an XML template). > > Does anyone know if this capability is close to completion or buried > under the many other enhancements I know are being worked hard upon? > I can't confirm when this will be available... it's on our very long list of features to implement. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From steve.lime at Wed Jan 16 09:20:06 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 11:20:06 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapserver --> PDF ? Message-ID: You have a couple of options: 1) Build true vector pdf's using the shp2pdf program. You'll have to request a binary version from someone. 2) Use pdflib in conjunction with MapServer raster output to build a PDF. That's what is done using LandView. Not as sophisticated as 1) but can produce very nice results. In addition you have a bit more control and can add elements like titles, legends and so forth a bit easier. Pdflib is available at I'll gladly share my perl scripts that drive LandView if anyone is interested. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> "TCHaddad" 01/10/02 07:50PM >>> I've got a CGI MS 3.5 app running on NT/2000 that I would like to add a "Print to PDF" function to (like in the LandView demo?). I've seen reference to shp2PDF in the archive - is that what I need? If so, it doesn't seem to be included with the zipped up binary I downloaded - where do I get it? If not, what alternatives do I have? thanks for any help, tanya From dblasby at Wed Jan 16 09:39:37 2002 From: dblasby at (Dave Blasby) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 09:39:37 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Proposal: "DEBUG true" for layers Message-ID: <> I'm getting a several questions from people regarding why certain SQL statements are not functioning as expected with the PostGIS connector. I'm sure the folk doing the oraclespatial and SDE would appreciated this as well. I'd like to add code like: if (layerinfo->debug) { fprintf(stderr,"the sql statement was: %s\n", sql); } To do this: 1. Add another item to the layerObj structure char debug; //default = false. true=print out debug info for this layer 2. Add code to the parser to hand the "DEBUG true/false" option for layers. Default should be false. I'd do it myself, but I dont want to mess with the parser. Do folk think this is worth adding? dave From morissette at Wed Jan 16 10:15:33 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:15:33 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Proposal: "DEBUG true" for layers References: <> Message-ID: <> Dave, and all, Why not have the DEBUG flag in the web object instead so that it applies to all of MapServer. There are other situations (outside of layer context) where some debug information could be useful. Actually, there is already a LOG paramater in the WEB object but I don't think it does much. Perhaps instead of a DEBUG flag, the LOG parameter could be used to control debug output, and the LOG value if it is set would be the filename where the debug output should be sent. BTW, about using fprintf(stderr, ...), using this makes Apache hang on Windows in some circumstances, so we have implemented a msDebug() function in maperror.c that takes printf-style arguments and that we use instead. It writes to stderr on Unix, and simply does nothing on Windows. If we were to implement DEBUG or LOG support then I think all the debug and logfile logic should be contained in that function and your code would simply call msDebug(). And of course the Windows case in msDebug() would have to be fixed. Just my 0.02$ Daniel -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. Dave Blasby wrote: > > I'm getting a several questions from people regarding why certain SQL > statements are not functioning as expected with the PostGIS connector. > I'm sure the folk doing the oraclespatial and SDE would appreciated this > as well. > > I'd like to add code like: > > if (layerinfo->debug) > { > fprintf(stderr,"the sql statement was: %s\n", sql); > } > > To do this: > 1. Add another item to the layerObj structure > char debug; //default = false. true=print out debug info for this > layer > 2. Add code to the parser to hand the "DEBUG true/false" option for > layers. Default should be false. > > I'd do it myself, but I dont want to mess with the parser. > > Do folk think this is worth adding? > > dave From steve.lime at Wed Jan 16 10:46:52 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 12:46:52 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Proposal: "DEBUG true" for layers Message-ID: Actually there is another debuging tool. You can set an environment variable called MS_ERRORFILE to point to a file (or stderr,stdout) and all calls to msSetError(...) are logged there along with a timestamp. You can plop msSetError calls strategically in the code for debugging. This is server-wide, but might be particularly effective in combination with a mapfile based debug flag which could unlock more complete messaging as in Dave's example. I'd be in favor of a map level (i.e. DEBUG in the outtermost object) if anything. You need to control where to write the debugging messages so although this is two steps: 1) set error file location and 2) set debug variable you'd have total control on any platform. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Daniel Morissette 01/16/02 12:15PM >>> Dave, and all, Why not have the DEBUG flag in the web object instead so that it applies to all of MapServer. There are other situations (outside of layer context) where some debug information could be useful. Actually, there is already a LOG paramater in the WEB object but I don't think it does much. Perhaps instead of a DEBUG flag, the LOG parameter could be used to control debug output, and the LOG value if it is set would be the filename where the debug output should be sent. BTW, about using fprintf(stderr, ...), using this makes Apache hang on Windows in some circumstances, so we have implemented a msDebug() function in maperror.c that takes printf-style arguments and that we use instead. It writes to stderr on Unix, and simply does nothing on Windows. If we were to implement DEBUG or LOG support then I think all the debug and logfile logic should be contained in that function and your code would simply call msDebug(). And of course the Windows case in msDebug() would have to be fixed. Just my 0.02$ Daniel -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. Dave Blasby wrote: > > I'm getting a several questions from people regarding why certain SQL > statements are not functioning as expected with the PostGIS connector. > I'm sure the folk doing the oraclespatial and SDE would appreciated this > as well. > > I'd like to add code like: > > if (layerinfo->debug) > { > fprintf(stderr,"the sql statement was: %s\n", sql); > } > > To do this: > 1. Add another item to the layerObj structure > char debug; //default = false. true=print out debug info for this > layer > 2. Add code to the parser to hand the "DEBUG true/false" option for > layers. Default should be false. > > I'd do it myself, but I dont want to mess with the parser. > > Do folk think this is worth adding? > > dave From dblasby at Wed Jan 16 11:27:25 2002 From: dblasby at (Dave Blasby) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 11:27:25 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Proposal: "DEBUG true" for layers Message-ID: <> I like the suggestions that daniel and stephen made. Perhaps we could make things easier and do something like a high-level option like: DEBUG off/weberror/fname And then expose a function that can be called anywhere in mapserver (i.e. msDebugMessage(...) ) that would: a) do nothing if DEBUG off b) send to the webserver error log if DEBUG weberror c) append to a file if DEBUG fname (watch for security issues) msDebugMessage(...) would act just like printf(...). This way, as a programmer, I can just riddle my code with msDebugMessage(...) calls and not have to think about anything else. dave ps. The reason I originally suggested putting it in a layer object was to limit the amount of output generated. I mean, if you have 10 layer, you could have 100's of debug messages... From steve.lime at Wed Jan 16 11:43:42 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:43:42 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Proposal: "DEBUG true" for layers Message-ID: I thought about that but many times a mapObj isn't available to parts of the code where you might want to debug which is why I went with the ENV variable in the first place. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Dave Blasby 01/16/02 01:27PM >>> I like the suggestions that daniel and stephen made. Perhaps we could make things easier and do something like a high-level option like: DEBUG off/weberror/fname And then expose a function that can be called anywhere in mapserver (i.e. msDebugMessage(...) ) that would: a) do nothing if DEBUG off b) send to the webserver error log if DEBUG weberror c) append to a file if DEBUG fname (watch for security issues) msDebugMessage(...) would act just like printf(...). This way, as a programmer, I can just riddle my code with msDebugMessage(...) calls and not have to think about anything else. dave ps. The reason I originally suggested putting it in a layer object was to limit the amount of output generated. I mean, if you have 10 layer, you could have 100's of debug messages... From steve.lime at Wed Jan 16 12:44:22 2002 From: steve.lime at (Stephen Lime) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 14:44:22 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] point labels conflict with other dots, not other labels Message-ID: With "TYPE POINT" the markers themselves are considered paramount and every effort is made not to allow labels to obscure other points. I think that's what you're running into. Keep in mind that all of the markers are laid down first and labels are placed around them. What you probably want is to use "TYPE ANNOTATION". In that case the label and the marker are considered as one entity and unless both can be placed on the map without colliding with previously placed markers/labels they won't be placed. In this case markers are laid down with the label so there is far more room to put stuff (at the begining). That said, the key to getting things on the map according to some parameter (say population) is to control how they are placed into the label cache. You do that by sorting your shapefile. Let's say you sort cities by population in ascending order. That means big cities will be placed in the cache AFTER small one. Since MapServer steps through the cache backwards the large cities will be rendered first and small ones only placed if there is room. The label cache covers ALL layers so moving backwards also means that the last layers in the mapfile are labeled first. Often this means that you might store feature names in a seperate layer than the feature is rendered in. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Walt Lin 01/13/02 01:30AM >>> Hi-- I have a problem with the way mapserver labels my cities layer for the US (points). I'm trying to get good priority labelling-- ie at higher levels, the more important cities show up. So here's the problem: it seems that mapserver won't draw the label for a point if that label will conflict with another red dot representing a city point-- *NOT* another city *label*, which is what I want. e.g.: St. Paul and Minneapolis are right next to each other, so mapserver won't label either of them, because each of those labels conflicts with the dot representing the other city. However, I would like mapserver to label one of them (the most populous), and then not label the other because it would conflict with the first *label*. I've tried combinations of LABELCACHE and POSTLABELCACHE but those don't do what I would like. Can I accomplish this? Any suggestions? Besides deleting points that are close together, because I want to keep all the red dots. Also, without reading code (or, could Steve/someone else point me to where in the code I should start reading), could anyone explain briefly how mapserver does the labelling conflicts, especially with multiple layers? Does it just start last layer first, drawing labels that don't conflict with any drawn features or other drawn labels, and move towards the first layer? Thanks. Walt From keon at Wed Jan 16 13:37:01 2002 From: keon at (Dylan Keon) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 13:37:01 -0800 (PST) Subject: [mapserver-users] --with-gdal problem In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hello all, I successfully configured and installed MapServer 3.5 (including MapScript) with PHP 4.0.6 on my Linux box. After reading a bit more, I decided to reconfigure and compile with gdal. I configured/compiled gdal, reconfigured/recompiled mapserver (doing make clean, then make), and replaced the old mapserv binary in my cgi-bin directory with the new mapserv. However, when trying to access the Itasca demo, I received a 500 error. The server log says "mapserv: error while loading shared libraries: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory." was successfully created. Do I just have it in the wrong place? Or am I doing something else wrong? It's in the directory that --with-gdal was pointed to when configuring MapServer. I reconfigured/recompiled MapServer without gdal and it worked just fine once again. Thanks from a newbie :-) --Dylan Keon From mscharber at Wed Jan 16 18:21:37 2002 From: mscharber at (Michael Scharber) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 18:21:37 -0800 (PST) Subject: [mapserver-users] projection question Message-ID: Hi there, Does anyone know if it's possible to get mapserv to use new lat_0 and/or lon_0 parameters for a projection defined in a PROJECTION section of a .map file, on subsequent user requests? I'm using the following initial parameters with mapserver 3.5 (cvs from 2001 08 01) and proj 4.4.3: PROJECTION "proj=ortho" "lat_0=0" "lon_0=-110" END How can each call to mapserv re-center the next image, in the given projection, at the location clicked by the user? Thanks in advance. Michael ******************************************************* Michael Scharber Scripps Institution of Oceanography Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics 8785 Biological Grade IGPP Room 4212 La Jolla, CA 92037 mscharber at (858)534-1750 ******************************************************* From woodbri at Wed Jan 16 18:20:41 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 21:20:41 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Apache + PHP3 + MS3.5 + PHPMapScript Message-ID: <> Hi all, I finally have this all working after a long ordeal. But before I go into the details, I want to give public THANKS to Daniel Morissette of DM Solutions Group. He provided significant support and advice that enabled me to work through many issues. I seems straight forward after the fact, but it was not intuitive and I seemed to have turn down every dead end that exsisted. So Daniel, Thanks!, your assistance is greatly apreaciated. Now the details before they escape my seive of brain. My configuration: RedHat 6.2, Linux 2.2.18 apache_1.3.22.tar.gz php-3.0.18.tar.gz mapServer 3.5 Released I made scripts with all the configure parameters so I could have some repeatability and to verify what I actually ran last. I also did a "make clean" and "rm config.cache" in the scripts so when I made changes I was sure they were used. Here are a few of the problems that I ran into: 1) building things as DSO is very different than build things as static or CGI. After I got PHP3 built for debugging and found out that my multiple version of regex was causing memory structures to be miss-aligned, it still took me another half a day to get a working version to build. And worst of all the interdependance between apache/php3/mapscript is pathological at best. 2) TOO many versions of regex! There is one bundled with apache, another one bundled with php3, a system version (regex.h) and an rx lib version. Everybody needs to use the SAME version. I could ONLY get things to work when I forced everyone to use the system-regex. First off if you read the WMS documentation it talks about rx lib, just forget about this (IE: Dont down load it! I did and had to uninstall it to get mapserver to build in the first place). This required finding and setting --disable-rule=WANTHSREGEX=no in apache so it does not use its bundled version. For PHP3, if you are building the CGI version then you can specify --with-system-regex and your home free, BUT if your building a DSO with --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs then it will look at the /usr/sbin/apxs to see if apache was built with its bundled regex and if it was then it will ignore the --with-system-regex. Also when you configure mapserver, it will look at the php's config.h file to determine if it should use the php bundled version of regex or not. 3) Build PHP3 as a DSO. There is a nasty problem that apxs is broken. This is easily fixed if you edit /usr/sbin/apxs and search for "-shared" and insert before it "-export-dynamic " before you run make on php3. Also be aware that if you rebuild and install apache it you will need to fix apxs again. 4) Open Issues: a) I never got the CGI version of PHP3 to work with my build of apache. b) When I build apache using the config below php4 broke and I have not gone back to look into that issue. So like I said, it seems pretty simple in hindsight, but I had spent the better part of 5 days over the last 2 weeks working on this. It was easier to set up my Linux firewall :) My scripts for apache, php3 and mapserver follow: [woodbri at linus linux]$ cat doit-apache make clean rm config.cache ./configure --enable-module=all --enable-shared=max --with-layout=RedHat --disable-rule=WANTHSREGEX=no make [woodbri at linus linux]$ cat doit-php3 make clean rm config.cache ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-config-file-path=/etc/httpd \ --enable-safe-mode \ --enable-versioning \ --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs \ --enable-force-cgi-redirect \ --enable-discard-path \ --with-exec-dir=/usr/bin \ --with-system-regex \ --with-zlib \ --with-gdbm \ --disable-debug \ --enable-debugger \ --enable-magic-quotes \ --enable-track-vars \ --enable-sysvsem \ --enable-sysvshm \ --enable-track-vars \ --with-xml \ --with-ftp \ --with-jpeg \ --without-ttf \ --with-gd \ --with-mysql=/usr make [woodbri at linus mapserver]$ cat doit-3.5 make clean rm config.cache ./configure \ --with-perl-options=PREFIX=/usr \ --with-ogr --with-gdal \ --with-wmsclient \ --with-proj \ --with-php=/home/woodbri/linux/php-3.0.18 \ --with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs make From thfischer at Thu Jan 17 06:33:20 2002 From: thfischer at (thorsten fischer) Date: 17 Jan 2002 15:33:20 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] More TrueType woes Message-ID: <1011278001.22517.3.camel@grobi> Ladies and gentlemappers, I encounter more weird TrueType behaviour. TrueType fonts not working was the last hindrance to deliver the application to the client, and thanks to this list i had fonts up and running properly. Unfortunately, at the client's site, font creation in maps break horribly. Where at my development system everything is looking great (anti-aliasing, nice black Times font with white border, scaling properly when zooming in and out), they look like &$%! on the target system. Borders show deep artifacts, no anti-aliasing is seen, and colors of the labels change (!) when you zoom (!!) or pan (!!!). Unfortunately, I have no screenshot available. Strange enough, the .tif images below that and the vector layers generated from shape files get displayed properly. This is not a matter of screen resolution or color depth on the client's browser (I checked that first). The installation process and scripts for the mapserver setup (including the TrueType font files), as well as the libraries used and the operation system version below it are the same as on my development system. I spent some hours figuring this out, but to no avail. Any hint out there? Pointers to obvious solutions are appreciated too, maybe I missed something. cheers (trying to), thorsten -- Thorsten Fischer thfischer at --------------------------------------------------------- MapMedia - Kartographie und raumbezogene Informationssysteme Am Borsigturm 42 13507 Berlin Deutschland tel: +49 (0)30 43032102 --------------------------------------------------------- From woodbri at Thu Jan 17 06:53:24 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 09:53:24 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] User Layer Attributes Enhancement Message-ID: <> Hi all, I had a thought along the lines of the Layer Debug attribute. It would be nice to have say User1, User2, User3 Attributes on layer objects that could be defined in the map file and referenced via mapscript. One use I had for one of these would be to set a flag as to which layers you might want to show on a user interface legend/control table like in gmap75. By setting it in the map file you can decide which layers you want to generate in the legend/control without having to explicitly list the layers in the mapscript code which would lead to a separation of the navigation script from the map file being displayed. In the case of gmap, you would also have to have all the possible legend items generated as images so also having an easy way to generate the individual legend images would be great, but I think this can be done with a simple mapscript if I think about it a little. -Steve From zoops4 at Thu Jan 17 07:39:10 2002 From: zoops4 at (Vid Bijelic) Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 07:39:10 -0800 (PST) Subject: [mapserver-users] --with-gdal problem In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Hi, This problem is so common that solution should be included in installation instructions. I had a similar problem with Proj4, here is the e-mail help I received. ------------------------ You probably installed proj.4 in a place that has no entry in /etc/ Add a line like /usr/local/GIS/lib or wherever your library is to /etc/ and run the 'ldconfig' command. ------------------------- I user ldconfig -v Vid --- Dylan Keon wrote: > Hello all, > > I successfully configured and installed MapServer > 3.5 (including > MapScript) with PHP 4.0.6 on my Linux box. After > reading a bit more, I > decided to reconfigure and compile with gdal. I > configured/compiled gdal, > reconfigured/recompiled mapserver (doing make clean, > then make), and > replaced the old mapserv binary in my cgi-bin > directory with the new > mapserv. However, when trying to access the Itasca > demo, I received a 500 > error. The server log says "mapserv: error while > loading shared > libraries: cannot load shared object > file: No such file or > directory." > > was successfully created. Do I just > have it in the wrong > place? Or am I doing something else wrong? It's in > the directory that > --with-gdal was pointed to when configuring > MapServer. I > reconfigured/recompiled MapServer without gdal and > it worked just fine > once again. > > Thanks from a newbie :-) > > --Dylan Keon > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! From s.d.king at Thu Jan 17 10:11:33 2002 From: s.d.king at (Stephen D. King) Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 18:11:33 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Using frames Message-ID: <> I wondered whether anyone has an example of using MapServer in a frameset, or in inline frames, so that, for example, the legend, the map control tools and the map can all be in different frames. I have looked though the user list, but can't find any links to examples of this in use. If anyone has any examples of how you might code this, that would be great! Many thanks, Stephen From woodbri at Thu Jan 17 10:51:39 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 13:51:39 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Using frames References: <> Message-ID: <> "Stephen D. King" wrote: > > I wondered whether anyone has an example of using MapServer in a frameset, > or in inline frames, so that, for example, the legend, the map control > tools and the map can all be in different frames. I have looked though the > user list, but can't find any links to examples of this in use. If anyone > has any examples of how you might code this, that would be great! > > Many thanks, > > Stephen From geokevo at Thu Jan 17 10:57:34 2002 From: geokevo at (Kevin Jones) Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 13:57:34 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] image catalog shapefile generation Message-ID: Hello-- I'm trying to create an image catalog (aka raster catalog, aka tile index) from a set of images. I'm hoping to find an image catalog generator which will: a) recurse subdirectories (i.e. include images located in directories below the working directory) b) support the ECW file format, as many of our images are ECWs c) preferably take the form of a shapefile rather than a DBF. I've tried gdaltindex.exe, which does c), but not a) and b). Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Cheers, Kev Jones GIS Specialist Terralogic / Questerra _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From ed at Thu Jan 17 11:34:57 2002 From: ed at (Ed McNierney) Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 14:34:57 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] image catalog shapefile generation Message-ID: <> Kev - You should be able to get gdaltindex to do this. For (a), it won't recurse subdirectories but you can run it multiple times and it'll append the output each time; you can create a batch file or command line to do the directory recursion. For (b), I haven't tried it but GDAL has ECW support (Windows only) that's not part of the standard build. If you download GDAL 1.1.5 and build it, you can modify it to include the ECW driver and then I think gdaltindex will do what you need. - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: Kevin Jones [mailto:geokevo at] Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 1:58 PM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] image catalog shapefile generation Hello-- I'm trying to create an image catalog (aka raster catalog, aka tile index) from a set of images. I'm hoping to find an image catalog generator which will: a) recurse subdirectories (i.e. include images located in directories below the working directory) b) support the ECW file format, as many of our images are ECWs c) preferably take the form of a shapefile rather than a DBF. I've tried gdaltindex.exe, which does c), but not a) and b). Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Cheers, Kev Jones GIS Specialist Terralogic / Questerra _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From hugues at Thu Jan 17 13:48:38 2002 From: hugues at (PARVILLERS) Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 22:48:38 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Please to announce Mapserver 3.5 works fine with Oracle SDO on NT Message-ID: <> I'm pleased to let you know that Mapserver 3.5 works fine on NT/W2000 with the maporaclespatial.c extension for Oracle Spatial, Rodigro has created. Regards. Hugues P. From morissette at Thu Jan 17 17:18:59 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 20:18:59 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Compiling PHP MapScript on an ISP's server References: <> Message-ID: <> Hi Shreepad, I'm sure you're not the only one who run into that kind of situation, so I'll CC: my reply to the mapserver-users list for the benefit of other users... Shreepad wrote: > > hi > i am using PHP MapScript on linux > the mapserver is loaded at my ISP (Internet service provider ) 's > server > the isp is > i am trying to load phpmap script , as the isp server has php4.06 > version i have loaded the mapserver 3.5 so that they can match > but whenever i tried to do > ./configure --with-php=/usr/local/bin > it gives me error > > [valuecad at walnut mapserver_3.5]$ ./configure > --with-php4.06=/usr/local/bin/ > configure: error: php4.06: invalid package name > [valuecad at walnut mapserver_3.5]$ ./configure > --with-php=/usr/local/bin/ ... > checking for PHP/MapScript module options... > checking whether 'perl -V' works... yes > checking for location of config.h or php_config.h... configure: error: > !!! Could not find config.h or php_config.h in > /usr/local/bin/. !!! > !!! Has PHP been configured yet? > !!! > [valuecad at walnut mapserver_3.5]$ > it is isp server so i do not have any control over the config.h file > please let me know how can i go about it > what should i tell my isp to do to get map script work > The way MapServer's configure works at the moment, you have to point --with-php to the location of the PHP source tree where you configured and compiled PHP and where php_config.h can be found. We also need access to all the PHP development headers in order to build/compile. So you have 2 options: 1- Ask your ISP to give you access to a copy of the PHP source that they configured and used to compile PHP. Most ISP would say no to that request. 2- Try to make one up yourself: - dowload the php 4.0.6 source and extract it in your account - create a small test.php that calls and look for the configure options in the phpinfo output. - call PHP's configure in your account with exactly the same configure options that you found in the phpinfo output You may have to take out some PHP configure options in order to complete this step as you may not have full access to all the packages that your ISP compiled with, but hopefully the most important options (regex, apxs, ttf) will work. No need to recompile PHP in your account... you just need to configure it. Then reconfigure MapServer and point it to the properly configured PHP source in your account. That should get you rolling. Good Luck! -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From raanders at Thu Jan 17 18:15:23 2002 From: raanders at (Roderick A. Anderson) Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 18:15:23 -0800 (PST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Demo using PostGIS ... Message-ID: I'm bringing a new PostgreSQL testbed server online in the next few days. Since I can't seem to find the time to get good PostGIS data and learn the fun parts of mapserver I'd like to offer access to the server for the data for a demo using PostGIS and mapserver. I'll learn by copying the work of great minds. I'm thinking a readonly database and I may have to throttle it some if it starts eating too much bandwidth. This make sense and is there any interest with these caveats? Cheers, Rod -- Let Accuracy Triumph Over Victory Zetetic Institute "David's Sling" Marc Stiegler From morissette at Thu Jan 17 19:22:51 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 22:22:51 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] User Layer Attributes Enhancement References: <> Message-ID: <> Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > I had a thought along the lines of the Layer Debug attribute. It would > be nice to have say User1, User2, User3 Attributes on layer objects that > could be defined in the map file and referenced via mapscript. > This is already avaiable using METADATA tags at the layer and at the web object level. Metadata is accessible in MapScript via the getMetaData() and setMetaData() methods of layerObj and mapObj. We use it a lot to store WMS-related information in a MapServer WMS for instance, and you can create metadata entries with any name you like. e.g. LAYER TYPE ... ... METADATA "wms_srs" "EPSG:4269 EPSG:32182" "legend_icon" "Icons/none.gif" "wms_title" "Water (Lakes) (a)" "wms_boundingbox" "EPSG:32182 42708.6 5.27438e+06 5270155.72117e+06" "wms_latlonboundingbox" "-59.7807 47.5557 -52.7934 51.6261" "wms_connectiontimeout" "60" END ... END > One use I had for one of these would be to set a flag as to which layers > you might want to show on a user interface legend/control table like in > gmap75. By setting it in the map file you can decide which layers you > want to generate in the legend/control without having to explicitly list > the layers in the mapscript code which would lead to a separation of the > navigation script from the map file being displayed. > > In the case of gmap, you would also have to have all the possible legend > items generated as images so also having an easy way to generate the > individual legend images would be great, but I think this can be done > with a simple mapscript if I think about it a little. > You've got a good point here: there are several things in GMap that can be done in much more generic ways with today's version of MapServer and MapScript. Please keep in mind that GMap was the first application that was built (a while ago) to test PHP MapScript as we were implementing it and it's not the best example of good and efficient usage of today's version of MapScript. We still distribute it to help new users get started because it's a relatively simple application and that's the most complete "free" app that we have to distribute today. Most of the applications that we build these days take advantage of the latest MapScript features and thus are much more generic, powerful and complex... yes, all at once! ;) But these apps are built for some of our clients and for this reason their source code cannot be distributed. Best Regards, -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From fuerp at Thu Jan 17 21:49:43 2002 From: fuerp at (Christian Fuerpass) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 06:49:43 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Using frames References: <> Message-ID: <> Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe: We use 5 different frames: one for the map title, one for the dynamical generated legend, one for the map, one for the navigation tools and one for the query information. Stephen D. King wrote: > I wondered whether anyone has an example of using MapServer in a > frameset, or in inline frames, so that, for example, the legend, the > map control tools and the map can all be in different frames. I have > looked though the user list, but can't find any links to examples of > this in use. If anyone has any examples of how you might code this, > that would be great! > > Many thanks, > > Stephen > > > -- ________________________________________________________ Institut fuer Geographie der Universitaet Wien Kartographie und Geoinformation Deptartment of Geography and Regional Science University of Vienna Cartography and GIS Tel: (+43 1) 4277 48658 Fax: (+43 1) 4277 48649 E-Mail: mailto:fuerp at Snail-Mail: Universitaetstr. 7, A-1010 Wien, AUSTRIA WWW: _______________________________________________________ From twan at Fri Jan 18 04:46:14 2002 From: twan at (Twan Kogels) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 13:46:14 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Dynamic generated layer? Message-ID: <> Hello all, I have a postgis layer in my .map file, this postgis layers displays all big towns of my country. I have set the "data" property of the postgis layer to "the_geom from towns" and the "filter" property to "big=1", this way it will display all big towns. No problem here. But now i'm planning to implement a search function. So i wrote a php script (mapscript) which sets the "data" en "filter" properties in the code, pseudo code: $layer->setFilter("name='$name'"); $layer->set("data", "the_geom from towns"); This will display all towns with names which matches "name='$name'". But when i do this the orginal towns will disappear, i don't want that to happen. Is it possible to have the orginal towns layer and on top of that a dynamic generated layer of the search result? Thanks! -twan -- From armin.burger at Fri Jan 18 05:11:07 2002 From: armin.burger at (Armin Burger) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 14:11:07 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] image catalog shapefile generation Message-ID: <> Kev, if you have ArcView3 available I could send you a script that does that. There's a (free?) AV extension for ECW image support available under I haven't tested the script with ecw images but normally it should work. Armin > Hello-- > I'm trying to create an image catalog (aka raster catalog, aka tile index) > from a set of images. I'm hoping to find an image catalog generator which > will: > a) recurse subdirectories (i.e. include images located in directories below > the working directory) > b) support the ECW file format, as many of our images are ECWs > c) preferably take the form of a shapefile rather than a DBF. > I've tried gdaltindex.exe, which does c), but not a) and b). Any > suggestions would be much appreciated. > Cheers, > Kev Jones > GIS Specialist > Terralogic / Questerra > _________________________________________________________________ > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: -- Armin Burger Territorium Online Siemensstrasse/Via Siemens 19 - 39100 Bozen/Bolzano - Italia email: armin.burger at tel: +39-0471-568185 / fax -- 568078 From woodbri at Fri Jan 18 05:29:40 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 08:29:40 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Developing Skins for Mapserver Apps References: <> <> Message-ID: <> This started as a reply to Daniel's reply to Re: [mapserver-users] User Layer Attributes Enhancement but I think a more generic discussion on developing a standard for Mapserver Skins might be appropriate. Assuming that some people are interested in pursuing this we could create SkinsDevelopment area on Wiki to collaberate the effort. I think gmap is a great example of what can be done and I appreciate that is has been made available. While looking it over and planning my own navigation interface I thought that it would be great for everyone if we could make navigation interfaces like "skins." It would be really cool of you could drop a "skin" into a directory with a map file and it would just work! You might need to run a utility to init the "skin", but after that it would be fully functional. There would still be a need to customize the interface to deal with non-navigation specific stuff like for example at the Candian Endangered Species site, but in general building the navigation and basic query should be able to be easily defined using a "skin" like approach and an initialization utility. Skins could also be writen in both PHP and Perl. To accomplish this, you would need to be able to discover what is in a map file (doable today) and maybe via the metadata get info on what should be exposed via the skin. And if you wanted to use an external legend/control like gmap you would need to be able to generate the graphics durning the initialization process. This would have to be done in a standardized way in the map file so different skins would be able to do the discovery. I send the following to Steve Lime off list, but maybe I should have sent it to the list as we may be closer than I thought: ------------------ included mail --------------------------------- Subject: Better Mapscript Control of Legends Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 17:15:42 -0500 Hi Stephen, I wanted to bounce an idea around with you to see what you thought. I just started playing with gmap75 and PHP/Mapscript and one of things I noticed is that you don't get a whole lot of control over the Legend, but wait I'm a little ahead of myself. What I would like to be able to do is build a navigation user interface that is not dependent on knowing what is in the map file. I like what DM Solutions has done with their HTML Legend/Control which combines the display of a Legend and the Control to turn the layers on and off. Unfortunately their code has to explicitly reference the layers by name in the map file, so if you want to move their navigation interface to another map file you have to recode all the layers. I can get all the layer names via mapscript so I can dynamically generate the code to turn layers on/off by their name. What is missing is the ability to easily get at the graphics (IE: Legend pieces) either at deployment or via mapscript. Integrating the control and the legend save screen real estate and simplifies the user interface. Now I see that there are some problems, like the graphics change with scale, but for a given map file the set of graphics icons is constant unless you change the mapfile by editing it or via mapscript so you could potentially run a utility to generate all the legend icon pieces using some automatic name generation that conbined layer+scale then if that name was accessible via mapscript then the mapscript could generate a link to it. The idea would be to generate multiple say Road icons if there were multiple Road displays based on scale, so you might generate road1.gif, road2.gif, etc. Then have an attribute for the layer the would return which road?.gif to use for the given map scale being generated. This might be easily calculated in mapscript from other info so the attribute might not be required. There probably is a better way to do this, but I don't think I know enough yet. I took a quick look at maplegend.c to see if it might be cloned to make a utility to generate all the posible legend icon images. I think it might be done without too much trouble, but coordinating that names to the scale I'm not so sure about. Anyway I think the goal of being able to create modular navigation widgets that anyone can easily drop on a mapfile would be a cool idea. It would be like "Skins" that other application offer. You might have some other ideas which I would be interested in hearing about. Thank you for your time and for Mapserver it really is great! Best regards, -Stephen Woodbridge From jimburnett at Fri Jan 18 06:50:04 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 09:50:04 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mr SID Message-ID: <006301c1a02f$6a5f6bb0$6401a8c0@jburnett> Anyone here get MR SID Arial photos working? -jim- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From steve.lime at Fri Jan 18 07:27:27 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 09:27:27 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Demo using PostGIS ... Message-ID: It would be interesting to have a postGIS ready version of the shapefiles used in the itasca demo. Perhaps someone could prepare that? It could be distributed, along with a PostGIS version of the map file as part of the main demo. I'd take care of that part if the data were somehow available. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> "Roderick A. Anderson" 01/17/02 08:15PM >>> I'm bringing a new PostgreSQL testbed server online in the next few days. Since I can't seem to find the time to get good PostGIS data and learn the fun parts of mapserver I'd like to offer access to the server for the data for a demo using PostGIS and mapserver. I'll learn by copying the work of great minds. I'm thinking a readonly database and I may have to throttle it some if it starts eating too much bandwidth. This make sense and is there any interest with these caveats? Cheers, Rod -- Let Accuracy Triumph Over Victory Zetetic Institute "David's Sling" Marc Stiegler From sutton_t at Fri Jan 18 07:29:15 2002 From: sutton_t at (Tim Sutton) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 15:29:15 +0000 (GMT) Subject: [mapserver-users] Developing Skins for Mapserver Apps In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Stephen I think this is a great idea. My demo app at uses a similar approach. It is a heavily modified version of gmap that separates the presentation from the map logic. There are independent files for the legend, page layout, map, help and mapserver logic. It is all done in php4 and DHTML. I will be releasing the source shortly for public consumption, so it may form a good starting point for further refining a skinnable maperver environment. It allows the look of the site to be changed without it affecting the map functionality in any way. I will post a note to the list when the source is packaged up and ready to be downloaded. Cheers Tim On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > This started as a reply to Daniel's reply to Re: [mapserver-users] User > Layer Attributes Enhancement but I think a more generic discussion on > developing a standard for Mapserver Skins might be appropriate. Assuming > that some people are interested in pursuing this we could create > SkinsDevelopment area on Wiki to collaberate the effort. > > I think gmap is a great example of what can be done and I appreciate > that is has been made available. While looking it over and planning my > own navigation interface I thought that it would be great for everyone > if we could make navigation interfaces like "skins." It would be really > cool of you could drop a "skin" into a directory with a map file and it > would just work! You might need to run a utility to init the "skin", but > after that it would be fully functional. There would still be a need to > customize the interface to deal with non-navigation specific stuff like > for example at the Candian Endangered Species site, but in general > building the navigation and basic query should be able to be easily > defined using a "skin" like approach and an initialization utility. > Skins could also be writen in both PHP and Perl. > > To accomplish this, you would need to be able to discover what is in a > map file (doable today) and maybe via the metadata get info on what > should be exposed via the skin. And if you wanted to use an external > legend/control like gmap you would need to be able to generate the > graphics durning the initialization process. This would have to be done > in a standardized way in the map file so different skins would be able > to do the discovery. > > I send the following to Steve Lime off list, but maybe I should have > sent it to the list as we may be closer than I thought: > > ------------------ included mail --------------------------------- > Subject: Better Mapscript Control of Legends > Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 17:15:42 -0500 > > Hi Stephen, > > I wanted to bounce an idea around with you to see what you thought. I > just started playing with gmap75 and PHP/Mapscript and one of things I > noticed is that you don't get a whole lot of control over the Legend, > but wait I'm a little ahead of myself. > > What I would like to be able to do is build a navigation user interface > that is not dependent on knowing what is in the map file. I like what DM > Solutions has done with their HTML Legend/Control which combines the > display of a Legend and the Control to turn the layers on and off. > > Unfortunately their code has to explicitly reference the layers by name > in the map file, so if you want to move their navigation interface to > another map file you have to recode all the layers. > > I can get all the layer names via mapscript so I can dynamically > generate the code to turn layers on/off by their name. What is missing > is the ability to easily get at the graphics (IE: Legend pieces) either > at deployment or via mapscript. Integrating the control and the legend > save screen real estate and simplifies the user interface. > > Now I see that there are some problems, like the graphics change with > scale, but for a given map file the set of graphics icons is constant > unless you change the mapfile by editing it or via mapscript so you > could potentially run a utility to generate all the legend icon pieces > using some automatic name generation that conbined layer+scale then if > that name was accessible via mapscript then the mapscript could generate > a link to it. The idea would be to generate multiple say Road icons if > there were multiple Road displays based on scale, so you might generate > road1.gif, road2.gif, etc. Then have an attribute for the layer the > would return which road?.gif to use for the given map scale being > generated. This might be easily calculated in mapscript from other info > so the attribute might not be required. > > There probably is a better way to do this, but I don't think I know > enough yet. I took a quick look at maplegend.c to see if it might be > cloned to make a utility to generate all the posible legend icon images. > I think it might be done without too much trouble, but coordinating that > names to the scale I'm not so sure about. > > Anyway I think the goal of being able to create modular navigation > widgets that anyone can easily drop on a mapfile would be a cool idea. > It would be like "Skins" that other application offer. > > You might have some other ideas which I would be interested in hearing > about. > > Thank you for your time and for Mapserver it really is great! > > Best regards, > -Stephen Woodbridge > -- ----------------------------------------------------- Tim Sutton WRc plc Consultant, GIS Solutions Group Frankland Road Direct line: +44 (0) 1793 865056 Blagrove Switchboard: +44 (0) 1793 865000 Swindon Fax: +44 (0) 1793 865001 Wiltshire SN5 8YF United Kingdom WRc - Solutions for Water, Waste and the Environment ----------------------------------------------------- From teb at Fri Jan 18 07:56:52 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 09:56:52 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] MapObjects MapServer .MAP Editor (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- From: Charles Young To: "'mapserver-info at'" Subject: MapObjects MapServer .MAP Editor Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 20:41:42 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Hi, A question if I may. Do you know of any MapObjects MapServer .MAP Editors? I want to package MapServer with a MapObjects LT application that can be used to create the .MAP files e.g. create the colours, text, etc. Do you know of any other, besides the ArcView .MAP editor, .MAP Editors? Cheers Charles ------------------------------------------------------ Spatial Dimension Pty LTD Cape Town South Africa Tel: +2721 531 3132 Fax: +2721 531 4209 Cell: 083 679 1789 Web: ------------------------------------------------------ "Every man dies, but not every man lives." ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From woodbri at Fri Jan 18 08:07:04 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:07:04 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Developing Skins for Mapserver Apps References: Message-ID: <> Tim, Great, When you are ready add a note(s) to the appropriate pages off of Thanks, -Steve Tim Sutton wrote: > > Hi Stephen > > I think this is a great idea. My demo app at > > > > uses a similar approach. It is a heavily modified version of gmap that > separates the presentation from the map logic. There are independent > files for the legend, page layout, map, help and mapserver logic. It > is all done in php4 and DHTML. I will be releasing the source shortly > for public consumption, so it may form a good starting point for > further refining a skinnable maperver environment. It allows the look > of the site to be changed without it affecting the map functionality > in any way. > > I will post a note to the list when the source is packaged up and > ready to be downloaded. > > Cheers > > Tim > > On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > > This started as a reply to Daniel's reply to Re: [mapserver-users] User > > Layer Attributes Enhancement but I think a more generic discussion on > > developing a standard for Mapserver Skins might be appropriate. Assuming > > that some people are interested in pursuing this we could create > > SkinsDevelopment area on Wiki to collaberate the effort. > > > > I think gmap is a great example of what can be done and I appreciate > > that is has been made available. While looking it over and planning my > > own navigation interface I thought that it would be great for everyone > > if we could make navigation interfaces like "skins." It would be really > > cool of you could drop a "skin" into a directory with a map file and it > > would just work! You might need to run a utility to init the "skin", but > > after that it would be fully functional. There would still be a need to > > customize the interface to deal with non-navigation specific stuff like > > for example at the Candian Endangered Species site, but in general > > building the navigation and basic query should be able to be easily > > defined using a "skin" like approach and an initialization utility. > > Skins could also be writen in both PHP and Perl. > > > > To accomplish this, you would need to be able to discover what is in a > > map file (doable today) and maybe via the metadata get info on what > > should be exposed via the skin. And if you wanted to use an external > > legend/control like gmap you would need to be able to generate the > > graphics durning the initialization process. This would have to be done > > in a standardized way in the map file so different skins would be able > > to do the discovery. > > > > I send the following to Steve Lime off list, but maybe I should have > > sent it to the list as we may be closer than I thought: > > > > ------------------ included mail --------------------------------- > > Subject: Better Mapscript Control of Legends > > Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 17:15:42 -0500 > > > > Hi Stephen, > > > > I wanted to bounce an idea around with you to see what you thought. I > > just started playing with gmap75 and PHP/Mapscript and one of things I > > noticed is that you don't get a whole lot of control over the Legend, > > but wait I'm a little ahead of myself. > > > > What I would like to be able to do is build a navigation user interface > > that is not dependent on knowing what is in the map file. I like what DM > > Solutions has done with their HTML Legend/Control which combines the > > display of a Legend and the Control to turn the layers on and off. > > > > Unfortunately their code has to explicitly reference the layers by name > > in the map file, so if you want to move their navigation interface to > > another map file you have to recode all the layers. > > > > I can get all the layer names via mapscript so I can dynamically > > generate the code to turn layers on/off by their name. What is missing > > is the ability to easily get at the graphics (IE: Legend pieces) either > > at deployment or via mapscript. Integrating the control and the legend > > save screen real estate and simplifies the user interface. > > > > Now I see that there are some problems, like the graphics change with > > scale, but for a given map file the set of graphics icons is constant > > unless you change the mapfile by editing it or via mapscript so you > > could potentially run a utility to generate all the legend icon pieces > > using some automatic name generation that conbined layer+scale then if > > that name was accessible via mapscript then the mapscript could generate > > a link to it. The idea would be to generate multiple say Road icons if > > there were multiple Road displays based on scale, so you might generate > > road1.gif, road2.gif, etc. Then have an attribute for the layer the > > would return which road?.gif to use for the given map scale being > > generated. This might be easily calculated in mapscript from other info > > so the attribute might not be required. > > > > There probably is a better way to do this, but I don't think I know > > enough yet. I took a quick look at maplegend.c to see if it might be > > cloned to make a utility to generate all the posible legend icon images. > > I think it might be done without too much trouble, but coordinating that > > names to the scale I'm not so sure about. > > > > Anyway I think the goal of being able to create modular navigation > > widgets that anyone can easily drop on a mapfile would be a cool idea. > > It would be like "Skins" that other application offer. > > > > You might have some other ideas which I would be interested in hearing > > about. > > > > Thank you for your time and for Mapserver it really is great! > > > > Best regards, > > -Stephen Woodbridge > > > > -- > ----------------------------------------------------- > Tim Sutton WRc plc > Consultant, GIS Solutions Group Frankland Road > Direct line: +44 (0) 1793 865056 Blagrove > Switchboard: +44 (0) 1793 865000 Swindon > Fax: +44 (0) 1793 865001 Wiltshire SN5 8YF > United Kingdom > > WRc - Solutions for Water, Waste and the Environment > ----------------------------------------------------- From frank.koormann at Fri Jan 18 08:13:15 2002 From: frank.koormann at (Frank Koormann) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:13:15 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Dynamic generated layer? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Twan, * Twan Kogels (twan at [020118 15:38]: > Hello all, > [...] > > But now i'm planning to implement a search function. So i wrote a php > script (mapscript) which sets the "data" en "filter" properties in the > code, pseudo code: > > $layer->setFilter("name='$name'"); > $layer->set("data", "the_geom from towns"); > > This will display all towns with names which matches "name='$name'". But > when i do this the orginal towns will disappear, i don't want that to > happen. > > Is it possible to have the orginal towns layer and on top of that a dynamic > generated layer of the search result? This can easily be acheived by using a seperate layer definition for the search, with "STATUS OFF" in the map file. Activating this layer explicitely and setting filter etc. will result in the functionality you need. Regards, Frank -- Frank Koormann Professional Service around Free Software ( FreeGIS Project ( From jimburnett at Fri Jan 18 08:23:50 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:23:50 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] TIFs with Mapscript Message-ID: <009101c1a03c$83420b30$6401a8c0@jburnett> How does one go about using tif files? I have some large tif file whic hare arial photos, and I programmed them into my mapfile, but they dont work. I get this error Error in readWorldFile( Unable to open world file for reading. ) -jim -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From twan at Fri Jan 18 09:29:12 2002 From: twan at (Twan Kogels) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 18:29:12 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Dynamic generated layer? In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Frank, > > > > Is it possible to have the orginal towns layer and on top of that a > dynamic > > generated layer of the search result? > >This can easily be acheived by using a seperate layer definition for the >search, with "STATUS OFF" in the map file. Activating this layer >explicitely and setting filter etc. will result in the functionality you >need. That's a really easy solution! I will implement your solution. Just for curiousity: i saw that mapscript allows me to create a layer with the ms_newLayerObj() function. When using this function to create a layer, will there be a performance hit? Or is creating a layer with mapscript just as efficient as a layer in a .map file. Thanks! Twan -- From steve.lime at Fri Jan 18 11:30:08 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 13:30:08 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Dynamic generated layer? Message-ID: It's just as efficient as from a map file, they populate the exact same C structure. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Twan Kogels 01/18/02 11:29AM >>> Frank, > > > > Is it possible to have the orginal towns layer and on top of that a > dynamic > > generated layer of the search result? > >This can easily be acheived by using a seperate layer definition for the >search, with "STATUS OFF" in the map file. Activating this layer >explicitely and setting filter etc. will result in the functionality you >need. That's a really easy solution! I will implement your solution. Just for curiousity: i saw that mapscript allows me to create a layer with the ms_newLayerObj() function. When using this function to create a layer, will there be a performance hit? Or is creating a layer with mapscript just as efficient as a layer in a .map file. Thanks! Twan -- From armin.burger at Fri Jan 18 15:09:20 2002 From: armin.burger at (Armin Burger) Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 00:09:20 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapScript PHP compile error Message-ID: <> Hello, I got the error below when trying to compile mapserver with the following configuration: ./configure --with-gd=/usr/local/include/ --with-tiff --with-jpeg --with-zlib --with-png --with-freetype=/usr/local/include/freetype/ --with-proj --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/ --with-postgis --with-php=/usr/include/php4/ --with-apxs --with-ogr --with-wmsclient php_mapscript.c:459: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast php_mapscript.c:459: initializer element is not computable at load time php_mapscript.c:459: (near initialization for `php3_ms_module_entry.size') php_mapscript.c:459: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast php_mapscript.c:459: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast php_mapscript.c:459: initializer element is not computable at load time php_mapscript.c:459: (near initialization for `php3_ms_module_entry.zend_debug') php_mapscript.c:459: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast php_mapscript.c:459: initializer element is not computable at load time php_mapscript.c:459: (near initialization for `php3_ms_module_entry.zts') php_mapscript.c:462: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type php_mapscript.c: In function `php3_ms_img_saveImage': php_mapscript.c:4068: warning: implicit declaration of function `php_header' make[1]: *** [php_mapscript.o] Error 1 The error appeared both with the current nightly build (15 Jan) and an older version from 15 Dec. I compiled under Debian 3 Linux. I did not have this error when compiling with Mandrake. As suggested earlier by Daniel Morissette, I commented out the first line in the php makefile starting with 'CC'. Dropping php support and everything went fine. Any help? Best regards Armin From woodbri at Sat Jan 19 07:05:13 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 10:05:13 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Skins Development on Wiki Message-ID: <> Hi all, If you are interested, I ahve created an area on Wiki for Skins Development at I have also added a small snippet of PHP code that lists the layer and class names and generates either a mselect control or a checkbox list control for selecting layers. You can go directly to my snippet at -Steve From hugues at Sat Jan 19 18:47:47 2002 From: hugues at (PARVILLERS) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 03:47:47 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Make GD with True Type / NT Message-ID: <> Hello can somebody help me to build GD and the MapServ with a working FreeType to be able to use True Type Font ? Altough I get the "supports=TTF" from the MapServ exe I also get following message at execution : msGetLabelSize(): TrueType Font error. libgd was not built with TrueType font support Tks in advance Regards Hugues P. France From marin at Sat Jan 19 19:07:45 2002 From: marin at (Ma) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 03:07:45 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] WAP applications? Message-ID: <> Where can I find samples of wap applications, wml templates, queries, etc? URL? -- Ma From david.armstrong at Sun Jan 20 01:41:36 2002 From: david.armstrong at (David Armstrong) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 09:41:36 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Projection problem Message-ID: <000701c1a196$a71c2350$4f00a8c0@davidpc> Could someone on the list please check the attached map file for whatever reason i am unable to get the gps layer projection to work , am i missing some crucial entrys the map layer appears to work ok but not able to overlay the GPS wgs84 layer This is driving me nuts! Regards Dave From david.armstrong at Sun Jan 20 02:08:01 2002 From: david.armstrong at (David Armstrong) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 10:08:01 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] projection problem Message-ID: <000901c1a19a$58028440$4f00a8c0@davidpc> Could someone on the list please check the attached map file for whatever reason i am unable to get the gps layer projection to work , am i missing some crucial entrys the map layer appears to work ok but not able to overlay the GPS wgs84 layer This is driving me nuts! Regards Dave <>--- map file -----<> map extent 2768239.002073439 504002.5248415045 3462077.742742627 895960.5502721686 # extent 2929104.53692815 -534387.296051676 3296713.81437212 -864213.337652181 imagecolor 255 255 255 name "FINAL" shapepath "data" size 600 600 status on # SYMBOLSET "symbols\all.sym" SYMBOLSET "symbols\symbols.sym" #set map output to projection required #note that extents need to be set to the same as the output map projection # not needed here as the map is the same as the output map projection required # 4204: texas south central: nad27 PROJECTION proj=lcc lat_1=28.383333333 lat_2=30.283333333 lat_0=27.833333333 lon_0=-99.000000000 x_0=609601.219 y_0=0.000 ellps=clrk66 datum=NAD27 to_meter=0.3048006096 END #end projection # 1 scalebar #none scalebar backgroundcolor 255 255 0 color 255 255 255 imagecolor 255 255 255 intervals 4 outlinecolor 0 0 0 size 200 7 status on style 0 transparent true units feet # 1 label #none label backgroundcolor 0 0 0 color 255 255 0 size tiny end end # 2 layer Grant LAYER # CLASSITEM "ContractID" DATA Grant GROUP Grant # LABELCACHE on # LABELITEM "ContractID" NAME Grant # POSTLABELCACHE true STATUS ON TYPE POINT #set projection of gps , note that this needs to be wgs84 in decimal degrees for gps #WGS84 Decimal Degrees (EPSG 4326) PROJECTION proj=latlong datum=WGS84 END # 1 class Grant_1 CLASS BACKGROUNDCOLOR 128 128 128 SYMBOL "circle" SIZE 16 COLOR 110 110 128 NAME 'Grant_1' OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END END # 3 layer roadharr_orig layer classitem "FNODE_" data "roadharr_orig" group "roadharr_orig" labelcache on labelitem "FNODE_" name "roadharr_orig" postlabelcache true status on type line #set projection of map layer, #not sure if we need this as the map is the same as the output map # we should get away with setting the output map projection and only the gps layer #NAD_1927_Stateplane_Texas_South_Central_Fips_4204 PROJECTION proj=lcc lat_1=28.383333333 lat_2=30.283333333 lat_0=27.833333333 lon_0=-99.000000000 x_0=609601.219 y_0=0.000 ellps=clrk66 datum=NAD27 to_meter=0.3048006096 END # 1 class roadharr_orig_1 class backgroundcolor 128 128 128 color 128 128 128 name "roadharr_orig_1" outlinecolor 0 0 0 end end # 4 web FINAL.html web footer "FINAL_footer.html" header "FINAL_header.html" imagepath "c:\phpdev\www\tmp\" imageurl "/tmp/" template "FINAL.html" end # 5 querymap hilite querymap color 255 0 0 size 200 200 status on style hilite end # 6 reference graphics/reference.gif reference color -1 -1 -1 extent 2768239.002073439 504002.5248415045 3462077.742742627 895960.5502721686 #extent 2929104.53693 534387.296052 3296713.81437 952327.2342 image "graphics/reference.gif" outlinecolor 255 0 0 size 120 120 status on end # 7 legend #none legend keysize 18 12 status on # 1 label #none label color 0 0 89 size medium type bitmap end end end <> end map file <> From gerry at Sun Jan 20 05:50:51 2002 From: gerry at (Gerry Creager N5JXS) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 07:50:51 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] projection problem References: <000901c1a19a$58028440$4f00a8c0@davidpc> Message-ID: <> WGS84 is the correct datum for GPS data (assuming your GPS didn't diddle them for you: not all 3 param transforms in the lowcost receivers are created equally), and GRS80 is the definitive ellipsoid for WGS84. These could well cause your problem. A transformation of the basemap data to NAD83 would yield a much better fit, as it's clinically indistinguishable from WGS84 save at the lowest levels. gerry -- David Armstrong wrote: > > Could someone on the list please check the attached map file > for whatever reason i am unable to get the gps layer projection to work , am > i missing some crucial entrys > the map layer appears to work ok but not able to overlay the GPS wgs84 > layer > This is driving me nuts! > > Regards > Dave > > <>--- map file -----<> > > map > > extent 2768239.002073439 504002.5248415045 3462077.742742627 > 895960.5502721686 > > # extent 2929104.53692815 -534387.296051676 > 3296713.81437212 -864213.337652181 > > imagecolor 255 255 255 > > name "FINAL" > > shapepath "data" > > size 600 600 > > status on > > # SYMBOLSET "symbols\all.sym" > > SYMBOLSET "symbols\symbols.sym" > > #set map output to projection required > > #note that extents need to be set to the same as the output map projection > > # not needed here as the map is the same as the output map projection > required > > # 4204: texas south central: nad27 > > PROJECTION > > proj=lcc > > lat_1=28.383333333 > > lat_2=30.283333333 > > lat_0=27.833333333 > > lon_0=-99.000000000 > > x_0=609601.219 > > y_0=0.000 > > ellps=clrk66 > > datum=NAD27 > > to_meter=0.3048006096 > > END #end projection > > # 1 scalebar #none > > scalebar > > backgroundcolor 255 255 0 > > color 255 255 255 > > imagecolor 255 255 255 > > intervals 4 > > outlinecolor 0 0 0 > > size 200 7 > > status on > > style 0 > > transparent true > > units feet > > # 1 label #none > > label > > backgroundcolor 0 0 0 > > color 255 255 0 > > size tiny > > end > > end > > # 2 layer Grant > > LAYER > > # CLASSITEM "ContractID" > > DATA Grant > > GROUP Grant > > # LABELCACHE on > > # LABELITEM "ContractID" > > NAME Grant > > # POSTLABELCACHE true > > STATUS ON > > TYPE POINT > > #set projection of gps , note that this needs to be wgs84 in decimal degrees > for gps > > #WGS84 Decimal Degrees (EPSG 4326) > > PROJECTION > > proj=latlong > > datum=WGS84 > > END > > # 1 class Grant_1 > > CLASS > > BACKGROUNDCOLOR 128 128 128 > > SYMBOL "circle" > > SIZE 16 > > COLOR 110 110 128 > > NAME 'Grant_1' > > OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 > > END > > END > > # 3 layer roadharr_orig > > layer > > classitem "FNODE_" > > data "roadharr_orig" > > group "roadharr_orig" > > labelcache on > > labelitem "FNODE_" > > name "roadharr_orig" > > postlabelcache true > > status on > > type line > > #set projection of map layer, > > #not sure if we need this as the map is the same as the output map > > # we should get away with setting the output map projection and only the gps > layer > > #NAD_1927_Stateplane_Texas_South_Central_Fips_4204 > > PROJECTION > > proj=lcc > > lat_1=28.383333333 > > lat_2=30.283333333 > > lat_0=27.833333333 > > lon_0=-99.000000000 > > x_0=609601.219 > > y_0=0.000 > > ellps=clrk66 > > datum=NAD27 > > to_meter=0.3048006096 > > END > > # 1 class roadharr_orig_1 > > class > > backgroundcolor 128 128 128 > > color 128 128 128 > > name "roadharr_orig_1" > > outlinecolor 0 0 0 > > end > > end > > # 4 web FINAL.html > > web > > footer "FINAL_footer.html" > > header "FINAL_header.html" > > imagepath "c:\phpdev\www\tmp\" > > imageurl "/tmp/" > > template "FINAL.html" > > end > > # 5 querymap hilite > > querymap > > color 255 0 0 > > size 200 200 > > status on > > style hilite > > end > > # 6 reference graphics/reference.gif > > reference > > color -1 -1 -1 > > extent 2768239.002073439 504002.5248415045 3462077.742742627 > 895960.5502721686 > > #extent 2929104.53693 534387.296052 3296713.81437 952327.2342 > > image "graphics/reference.gif" > > outlinecolor 255 0 0 > > size 120 120 > > status on > > end > > # 7 legend #none > > legend > > keysize 18 12 > > status on > > # 1 label #none > > label > > color 0 0 89 > > size medium > > type bitmap > > end > > end > > end > > <> end map file <> -- Gerry Creager -- gerry at Network Engineering Academy for Advanced Telecommunications and Learning Technologies Texas A&M University 979.458.4020 (Phone) -- 979.847.8578 (Fax) From philip_mccarthy at Sun Jan 20 09:53:05 2002 From: philip_mccarthy at (Philip McCarthy) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 17:53:05 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Fw: <<< A Simple Problem >>> Message-ID: Hello All I need to do is display a single layer on a map. Simple, but not for me! I'm using MapServer 3.5 on Win2k. I have the demo working fine, but can't get any of my own maps to display. I have a shape file made in ArcView 3.1. I've tried following examples and playing with the code to get it to work, but no luck all I get is a blank map (no errors) Do I need to do anything to the shape file? Can someone please give me some guidance thanks from Phil -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at Sun Jan 20 10:26:24 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 13:26:24 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Fw: <<< A Simple Problem >>> References: Message-ID: <> Phil, Typically the thing that trips up most people is that they need to change the extents of the map file to match the extents of their shape file. If you have shpdump it will display the extents of the file as the first thing it dumps. -Steve W. > Philip McCarthy wrote: > > Hello > > All I need to do is display a single layer on a map. Simple, but not > for me! > > I'm using MapServer 3.5 on Win2k. I have the demo working fine, but > can't get any of my own maps to display. > > I have a shape file made in ArcView 3.1. I've tried following examples > and playing with the code to get it to work, but no luck all I get is > a blank map (no errors) > > Do I need to do anything to the shape file? > > Can someone please give me some guidance > > thanks > > from Phil From woodbri at Sun Jan 20 12:24:34 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 15:24:34 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Another Skins Snippet Message-ID: <> Hi all, I have created a utility that will create legend icons that might be useful to people developing user interfaces and/or MS-Skins and posted a link to the source at: They are not true icons, but rather small image files that are identical to the existing mapserver legend only each line of the legend is a separate imagefile and I make all possible legend variants based on the classes. If a class is not named it is ignored. Hope you find this a useful tool. -Steve W. From woodbri at Sun Jan 20 12:48:45 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 15:48:45 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript $map->imagetype ?? Message-ID: <> Hi mapscript developers, Is the the $map->imagetype attribute supported in mapscript? It doesn't seem to be supported :( If not, could you please add it to your list of enhancements. There is no easy way to figure out what file extension should be used without passing that info along to mapscript. For example, the legendicons utility generates a bunch of icons, then later in mapscript you want to build links to the appropriate icon, you need to be able to construct the icon's filename. Its extension is based on imagetype! Thanks, -Steve W. From morissette at Sun Jan 20 13:47:04 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 16:47:04 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript $map->imagetype ?? References: <> Message-ID: <> Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > Is the the $map->imagetype attribute supported in mapscript? > It doesn't seem to be supported :( > If not, could you please add it to your list of enhancements. > It should have been supported but was probably omitted by accident. I've added map->imagetype and $map->imagequality to PHP MapScript in CVS. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From info at Sun Jan 20 14:56:38 2002 From: info at (Luca Pescatore) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 23:56:38 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] OGR Support In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Hi, i'm trying to compie MapServer with OGR Support, it seem to be configured correctly but when i use php_info don't get OGR Support Mapserver is 3.5 configure options are : ./configure --with-ogr=/usr/src/gdal-1.1.5/ogr --with-php=/usr/src/php-4.0.6/ --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs Configure output (partial output) >checking whether we should include OGR support... > using OGR from /usr/src/gdal-1.1.5/ogr. >checking if GDAL support requested... no php_info output : MapScript Version (Nov 27, 2001) MapServer version 3.5 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=TTF INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=JPEG INPUT=SHAPEFILE What's wrong ? I need to compile OGR Support because i need to read some map file like in and (are in SHP and MapInfo format) Someone have a little snippet of code that display a rectangle or a point on a map ? Best Regards, Luca From Antti.Roppola at Sun Jan 20 16:32:02 2002 From: Antti.Roppola at (Antti.Roppola at Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 11:32:02 +1100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Developing Skins for Mapserver Apps Message-ID: <595FE28AB1EBD111920F0060B06B3DD70730C57A@ACTMAIL2> Hi all, I have been working on something like that. We have a couple of Mapserver apps up, and already, trying to keep the content and the supporting HTML is sync is a pain. Currently, I have a PHP app that recurses through a .map file and builds an interface based entirely on what it finds there. Here is an example: for($n=0; $n < $map->{numlayers}; $n++) { // Create gadgets while layers exist in $map $layer = $map->getlayer($n); $layer_name = $layer->{name}; if($layer_select[$n]==1) { $checked="checked"; $layer = $map->getlayer($n); $layer->set("status", 1); } else { $checked=""; } echo("$layer_name
\n"); } This is a *bit* silly (to build the form on every transaction even if the map file hasn't changed), but it would be easy to build in hooks to cache all this work so it's only done when the map file changes. Hopefully I'll put the whole thing up for FTP once it's completed, I am currently doing Zoom & Pan, & was able to re-use Daniel's GMap code to do the query function. Reusable code is good... :o) Cheers, Antti -----Original Message----- From: Stephen Woodbridge [mailto:woodbri at] if we could make navigation interfaces like "skins." It would be really cool of you could drop a "skin" into a directory with a map file and it would just work! You might need to run a utility to init the "skin", but To accomplish this, you would need to be able to discover what is in a map file (doable today) and maybe via the metadata get info on what should be exposed via the skin. And if you wanted to use an external From hugues at Sun Jan 20 17:28:49 2002 From: hugues at (PARVILLERS) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 02:28:49 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Poor Performance with Oracle Spatial / Turn Around Message-ID: <> Hello I discovered a poor performance on Oracle Spatial due to following: If you use simple way to get geometry for example "geometry from table_name" Then , thanks to Rodrigo, the cartridge will apply an SDO FILTER to limit the selected raws on the window on screen. But, it seems that Oracle uses by itself the all_sdo_geom_metadata view which is not at all efficient view ! So to turn this around, you may define a synonym in your schema to make "all_sdo_geom_metadata" equal to "mdsys.user_sdo_geom_metadata". For my own I use 81725 with 2 spatial patches on W2K and it works very much better now. Hope it helps ! Regards Hugues P. From trem at Sun Jan 20 20:35:07 2002 From: trem at (Trem Stamp) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:35:07 +1100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Error with stable build of mapserv 3.5 Message-ID: <01b001c1a235$015a0e10$> Hi, We have just rebuilt the mapserv executable using the 18 December stable build and are using the same mapfiles that worked with a build prior to this. (working on a Solaris box) I seem to get errors with the new build however. getSymbol(): Symbol definition error. (Points):(4) The Urls are: The map file is the same in both cases. Working: Not working: The mapfile remains the same: # # Start of layer definitions bash-2.04$ cat # # Start of map file - created Tue Aug 29 15:24:42 2000 # NAME demo EXTENT -180 -90 180 90 SHAPEPATH "/www/hosted/maps-dev/htdocs/mapserv/data/urban" SYMBOLSET "/www/hosted/maps-dev/htdocs/mapserv/symbology/symbol.sym" FONTSET "/www/hosted/maps-dev/htdocs/mapserv/fonts/fonts.list" PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END # # Contains the map metadata (capabilities) # WEB METADATA "wms_abstract" "This map file serves cadastral data which may be used for backdrops to base maps" "wms_keywordlist" "Shapefile, MapInfo data, towns, places, gazetteer" "wms_contactperson" "Trem Stamp" "wms_contactorganization" "Social Change Online" "wms_contactposition" "Application Developer" "wms_addresstype" "Mapping research and development" "wms_address" "248, Johnston Street" "wms_city" "Annandale" "wms_stateorprovince" "New South Wales" "wms_postcode" "2038" "wms_country" "Australia" "wms_contactvoicetelephone" "none" "wms_contactfacsimiletelephone" "(02) 9692 5192" "wms_contactelectronicmailaddress" "trem at" "wms_accesscontraints" "none" "wms_title" "WMS Server: Base maps" "wms_fees" "none" "wms_onlineresource" "" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326 EPSG:4202" END END # # Start of layer definitions # LAYER NAME populated TYPE annotation STATUS ON CONNECTIONTYPE OGR CONNECTION "/www/hosted/maps-dev/htdocs/mapserv/data/urban/populated.shp" METADATA "wms_title" "towns in NSW" "wms_extent" "138 -39.0 154 -28" END PROJECTION "init=epsg:4326" END CLASSITEM Pppttype CLASS NAME "townname" EXPRESSION "2" TEXT ([Ppptname]) SYMBOL town SIZE 11 OUTLINECOLOR 6 70 6 COLOR 255 0 102 LABEL COLOR 0 0 0 FORCE false POSITION ul MINSIZE 5 MAXSIZE 36 MINDISTANCE 5 SIZE 10 TYPE truetype FONT arial_bold END END END END END Does anyone know why the latest build will no longer work with the latest build? I noticed that the new build has SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER rather than the old SUPPORTS=WMS - will this have any effect? Cheers, Trem -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at Sun Jan 20 20:53:47 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 23:53:47 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Error with stable build of mapserv 3.5 References: <01b001c1a235$015a0e10$> Message-ID: <> Trem, There was a last minute change to the map file in the released version of 3.5. Check your symbol.sym file and change FILLED to FILLED TRUE, also ANTIALIAS also must be ANTIALIAS TRUE -Steve W. > Trem Stamp wrote: > > Hi, > > We have just rebuilt the mapserv executable using the 18 December > stable build and are using the same mapfiles that worked with a build > prior to this. (working on a Solaris box) > > I seem to get errors with the new build however. > > getSymbol(): Symbol definition error. (Points):(4) > > > The Urls are: > The map file is the same in both cases. > > Working: > > > Not working: > > > > The mapfile remains the same: > > # > # Start of layer definitions > bash-2.04$ cat > # > # Start of map file - created Tue Aug 29 15:24:42 2000 > # > > NAME demo > EXTENT -180 -90 180 90 > SHAPEPATH "/www/hosted/maps-dev/htdocs/mapserv/data/urban" > SYMBOLSET "/www/hosted/maps-dev/htdocs/mapserv/symbology/symbol.sym" > FONTSET "/www/hosted/maps-dev/htdocs/mapserv/fonts/fonts.list" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END > > > # > # Contains the map metadata (capabilities) > # > > WEB > METADATA > "wms_abstract" "This map file serves cadastral data which may be > used for backdrops to base maps" > "wms_keywordlist" "Shapefile, MapInfo data, towns, places, > gazetteer" > "wms_contactperson" "Trem Stamp" > "wms_contactorganization" "Social Change Online" > "wms_contactposition" "Application Developer" > "wms_addresstype" "Mapping research and development" > "wms_address" "248, Johnston Street" > "wms_city" "Annandale" > "wms_stateorprovince" "New South Wales" > "wms_postcode" "2038" > "wms_country" "Australia" > "wms_contactvoicetelephone" "none" > "wms_contactfacsimiletelephone" "(02) 9692 5192" > "wms_contactelectronicmailaddress" "trem at" > "wms_accesscontraints" "none" > "wms_title" "WMS Server: Base maps" > "wms_fees" "none" > "wms_onlineresource" > "" > "wms_srs" "EPSG:4326 EPSG:4202" > END > END > > # > # Start of layer definitions > # > > > LAYER > NAME populated > TYPE annotation > STATUS ON > CONNECTIONTYPE OGR > CONNECTION > "/www/hosted/maps-dev/htdocs/mapserv/data/urban/populated.shp" > > METADATA > "wms_title" "towns in NSW" > "wms_extent" "138 -39.0 154 -28" > END > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:4326" > END > CLASSITEM Pppttype > CLASS > NAME "townname" > EXPRESSION "2" > TEXT ([Ppptname]) > SYMBOL town > SIZE 11 > OUTLINECOLOR 6 70 6 > COLOR 255 0 102 > LABEL > COLOR 0 0 0 > FORCE false > POSITION ul > MINSIZE 5 > MAXSIZE 36 > MINDISTANCE 5 > SIZE 10 > TYPE truetype > FONT arial_bold > END > END > END > > > > END > > > END > > > Does anyone know why the latest build will no longer work with the > latest build? > I noticed that the new build has SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER rather than the > old SUPPORTS=WMS - will this have any effect? > > > Cheers, > > Trem > > From joemayfair at Sun Jan 20 21:39:46 2002 From: joemayfair at (Walt Lin) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 00:39:46 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] featureObj in mapscript Message-ID: <20020121053946.GA18396@eggbert> Hi, I have a question about generating a new featureObj and using it in mapscript (mapserver 3.3). I want to recreate this through mapscript: FEATURE POINTS 620 277 END TEXT 'some text' END I want to do this through mapscript because I want the coordinates in the POINTS to be dynamic. I can do this fine: my $feature = new featureObj; $feature->{text} = "some text"; but when i try any of these, mapscript just hangs until i kill it. $feature->add("620 277"); $feature->add("POINTS 620 277 END"); $feature->add("620,277"); what is the correct way to do this? (and no, i cannot set $feature->{points}). It seems like the documentation is lacking here. Thanks, Walt From trem at Sun Jan 20 22:17:12 2002 From: trem at (Trem Stamp) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 17:17:12 +1100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Feature query with gml return Message-ID: <021801c1a243$4406f620$> Hi all, I posted a query regarding feature info and the return of gml for a feature recently. I have since got the stable build for mapserv3.5 (Solaris) compiled as of December 18th, which I understand has the ability to return gml. My feature retrun still seems to ignore the template file however and just return text. Is there anything I'm missing? Does anyone have a working example of this? Cheers, Trem -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From woodbri at Mon Jan 21 05:57:00 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 08:57:00 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Feature query with gml return References: <021801c1a243$4406f620$> Message-ID: <> Trem, I changed your URL so it ended with INFO_FORMAT=GML and it spit back a gml header, but the actual query results seemed to be missing but I think this is "HOW" you would go about doing it. -Steve W > Trem Stamp wrote: > > Hi all, > > I posted a query regarding feature info and the return of gml for a > feature recently. > > I have since got the stable build for mapserv3.5 (Solaris) compiled as > of December 18th, which I understand has the ability to return gml. > > My feature retrun still seems to ignore the template file however and > just return text. > > > Is there anything I'm missing? Does anyone have a working example of > this? > > Cheers, > > Trem From woodbri at Mon Jan 21 06:02:28 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 09:02:28 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Developing Skins for Mapserver Apps References: <595FE28AB1EBD111920F0060B06B3DD70730C57A@ACTMAIL2> Message-ID: <> Antti, Good point about caching the menu stuff. My sample code does something similar. I also modified it to display the legendicons. Check out this link and select "Demo It" and then "": -Steve Antti.Roppola at wrote: > > Hi all, > > I have been working on something like that. We have a couple of > Mapserver apps up, and already, trying to keep the content and > the supporting HTML is sync is a pain. > > Currently, I have a PHP app that recurses through a .map file and > builds an interface based entirely on what it finds there. Here is > an example: > > for($n=0; $n < $map->{numlayers}; $n++) { // Create gadgets while layers exist in $map > $layer = $map->getlayer($n); > $layer_name = $layer->{name}; > if($layer_select[$n]==1) { > $checked="checked"; > $layer = $map->getlayer($n); > $layer->set("status", 1); > } else { > $checked=""; > } > echo("$layer_name
\n"); > } > > This is a *bit* silly (to build the form on every transaction even if > the map file hasn't changed), but it would be easy to build in hooks > to cache all this work so it's only done when the map file changes. > > Hopefully I'll put the whole thing up for FTP once it's completed, I am > currently doing Zoom & Pan, & was able to re-use Daniel's GMap code to > do the query function. Reusable code is good... :o) > > Cheers, > > Antti > > -----Original Message----- > From: Stephen Woodbridge [mailto:woodbri at] > > if we could make navigation interfaces like "skins." It would be really > cool of you could drop a "skin" into a directory with a map file and it > would just work! You might need to run a utility to init the "skin", but > > To accomplish this, you would need to be able to discover what is in a > map file (doable today) and maybe via the metadata get info on what > should be exposed via the skin. And if you wanted to use an external From stepan.kafka at Mon Jan 21 06:08:30 2002 From: stepan.kafka at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?=8Atep=E1n_Kafka_2?=) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:08:30 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] MapScript PHP compile error In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <000e01c1a285$1a8bbc80$7d3c2fc3@HSGIS> I have right the same problem. I think, it was due to different ZEND module entry PHP 4.1.1 syntax contrary to 4.0.6 one. (I corrected it after the PHP 4.1.1 README.EXTENSIONS). Daniel, could you you fix it in the official release source code? Thank you very much. Stepan Kafka > -----P?vodn? zpr?va----- > Od: owner-mapserver-users at > [mailto:owner-mapserver-users at]za u?ivatele Armin > Burger > Odesl?no: 19. ledna 2002 0:09 > Komu: mapserver-users at > P?edm?t: [mapserver-users] MapScript PHP compile error > > > Hello, > > I got the error below when trying to compile mapserver with the following > configuration: > > ./configure --with-gd=/usr/local/include/ --with-tiff --with-jpeg > --with-zlib --with-png --with-freetype=/usr/local/include/freetype/ > --with-proj --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/ --with-postgis > --with-php=/usr/include/php4/ --with-apxs --with-ogr --with-wmsclient > > php_mapscript.c:459: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer > without a cast > php_mapscript.c:459: initializer element is not computable at load time > php_mapscript.c:459: (near initialization for `php3_ms_module_entry.size') > php_mapscript.c:459: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer > without a cast > php_mapscript.c:459: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer > without a cast > php_mapscript.c:459: initializer element is not computable at load time > php_mapscript.c:459: (near initialization for > `php3_ms_module_entry.zend_debug') > php_mapscript.c:459: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer > without a cast > php_mapscript.c:459: initializer element is not computable at load time > php_mapscript.c:459: (near initialization for `php3_ms_module_entry.zts') > php_mapscript.c:462: warning: initialization from incompatible > pointer type > php_mapscript.c: In function `php3_ms_img_saveImage': > php_mapscript.c:4068: warning: implicit declaration of function > `php_header' > make[1]: *** [php_mapscript.o] Error 1 > > The error appeared both with the current nightly build (15 Jan) > and an older > version from 15 Dec. I compiled under Debian 3 Linux. I did not have this > error when compiling with Mandrake. > > As suggested earlier by Daniel Morissette, I commented out the > first line in > the php makefile starting with 'CC'. > > Dropping php support and everything went fine. Any help? > > Best regards > Armin > > > > > From jimburnett at Mon Jan 21 06:31:29 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 09:31:29 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Line thickness Message-ID: <004801c1a288$5394b0b0$6e01a8c0@jburnett> I have a shapefile with a line shape, and also I am using a polygon shapefile, but only displaying the outlines. Is there a way to make those lines thicker then 1x1 pixel ? -jim- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From teb at Mon Jan 21 07:01:04 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 09:01:04 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- X-Sender: fgclaram at Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:07:29 +0100 To: mapserver-info at From: Francisco Subject: problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. Mime-Version: 1.0 X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 ( Hello. I have installed the mapserver 3.5 an GD Library. (under Linux). I am installing the mapserver 3.5. demo, and i done all the steps in documentation, but when i call demo_init.html page, I get the next message: msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. the symbols/ctyhwy.gif file exist. I do not know the wrong. What is the matter? Could you help me?. Thank you. Regards! Fran. ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From stepan.kafka at Mon Jan 21 08:10:31 2002 From: stepan.kafka at (Stepan Kafka) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 17:10:31 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <001301c1a296$26735010$7d3c2fc3@HSGIS> You probably don't use GIF enabled mapserver. Use PNG instead or recompile with GIF-enabled gd library acording to MS documentation. Stepan Kafka > -----P?vodn? zpr?va----- > Od: owner-mapserver-users at > [mailto:owner-mapserver-users at]za u?ivatele teb > Odesl?no: 21. ledna 2002 16:01 > Komu: mapserver-users at > Kopie: fgclaram at > P?edm?t: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) > > > > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- > > X-Sender: fgclaram at > Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:07:29 +0100 > To: mapserver-info at > From: Francisco > Subject: problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. > Mime-Version: 1.0 > X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 ( > > > Hello. > I have installed the mapserver 3.5 an GD Library. (under Linux). > I am installing the mapserver 3.5. demo, and i done all the steps in > documentation >, > but when i call demo_init.html page, I get the next message: > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" > in class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. > > the symbols/ctyhwy.gif file exist. > I do not know the wrong. What is the matter? > Could you help me?. > > Thank you. > Regards! > > Fran. > > > ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- > > > From Jean-Francois.Doyon at Mon Jan 21 08:38:36 2002 From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at (Doyon, Jean-Francois) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 11:38:36 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Intercepting Map Click Coordinates with JavaScript ? Zooming with scale values. Message-ID: <> Hello, This is not necessarily a mpaserver specific question but ... Is there anyway/does anybody know how to intercept the x/y pixel coordinates that the user generated by clicking on the map when using the map as an ? I'm trying to create an interface that uses scale values to determine the next up/down zoom levels, and apparently in order to do this I have to use the CGI variable MAPXY, which unfortunately has to be inn the map's projection coordinates. So, I need to intercept the pixel coordinates (img.x and img.y) in order to do the necessary calculations and set MAPXY, all this triggered by the form's onSubmit ... Anybody have any idea on how to do this? I haven't had any luck so far using things like document.form.img.x ... If worse comes to worse I guess I could use client-side maps, but I'd rather not unless I absolutely have to! Thanks in advance for the help! Jean-Fran?ois Doyon Internet Service Development and Systems Support GeoAccess Division Canadian Center for Remote Sensing Natural Resources Canada Phone: (613) 992-4902 Fax: (613) 947-2410 From TMitchell at Mon Jan 21 09:10:30 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 09:10:30 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) Message-ID: Oh how familiar :) I was just combating the same problem last night. If you are using the standard/latest version GD it does not support GIF files. If you convert all the GIF files referred to in your file -> to PNG files, it will work fine. I've attached versions the file that I converted. Put the images into your symbols folder and the reference.png into the graphics folder. Then edit to reflect the change from GIF -> PNG, by renaming each occurence in the file. Steven, can you put this into the demo package - it is a very common problem. (These may not be the best converted versions though :)Am I right in assuming that GD does not and will not support GIF and we should all move to PNG? Tyler (See attached file: ushwy.png)(See attached file: interstate.png)(See attached file: reference.png)(See attached file: sthwy.png)(See attached file: ctyhwy.png) teb Sent by: To: mapserver-users at owner-mapserver-users at lists.g cc: fgclaram at Fax to: Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) 01/21/2002 07:01 AM Please respond to teb ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- X-Sender: fgclaram at Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:07:29 +0100 To: mapserver-info at From: Francisco Subject: problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. Mime-Version: 1.0 X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 ( Hello. I have installed the mapserver 3.5 an GD Library. (under Linux). I am installing the mapserver 3.5. demo, and i done all the steps in documentation, but when i call demo_init.html page, I get the next message: msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" in class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. the symbols/ctyhwy.gif file exist. I do not know the wrong. What is the matter? Could you help me?. Thank you. Regards! Fran. ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ushwy.png Type: image/png Size: 291 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: interstate.png Type: image/png Size: 383 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: reference.png Type: image/png Size: 455 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: sthwy.png Type: image/png Size: 212 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: ctyhwy.png Type: image/png Size: 267 bytes Desc: not available URL: From woodbri at Mon Jan 21 09:27:05 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 12:27:05 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) References: Message-ID: <> Tyler et al, The issue of GD supporting GIFs has come up many times before. You can get a patch that will add gif support to GD if you want it check the list archives. There is obviously a licensing issue using GIFs that everyone has to decide how you want to deal with on you own basis. -Steve Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > Oh how familiar :) I was just combating the same problem last night. If > you are using the standard/latest version GD it does not support GIF files. > If you convert all the GIF files referred to in your file -> to > PNG files, it will work fine. > I've attached versions the file that I converted. Put the images into your > symbols folder and the reference.png into the graphics folder. Then edit > to reflect the change from GIF -> PNG, by renaming each occurence > in the file. > Steven, can you put this into the demo package - it is a very common > problem. (These may not be the best converted versions though :)Am I right > in assuming that GD does not and will not support GIF and we should all > move to PNG? > > Tyler > > (See attached file: ushwy.png)(See attached file: interstate.png)(See > attached file: reference.png)(See attached file: sthwy.png)(See attached > file: ctyhwy.png) > > > teb > Sent by: To: mapserver-users at > owner-mapserver-users at lists.g cc: fgclaram at > Fax to: > Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) > > 01/21/2002 07:01 AM > Please respond to teb > > > > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- > > X-Sender: fgclaram at > Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:07:29 +0100 > To: mapserver-info at > From: Francisco > Subject: problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. > Mime-Version: 1.0 > X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 ( > > Hello. > I have installed the mapserver 3.5 an GD Library. (under Linux). > I am installing the mapserver 3.5. demo, and i done all the steps in > documentation >, > but when i call demo_init.html page, I get the next message: > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" > in class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. > > the symbols/ctyhwy.gif file exist. > I do not know the wrong. What is the matter? > Could you help me?. > > Thank you. > Regards! > > Fran. > > ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Name: ushwy.png > ushwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > Encoding: base64 > > Name: interstate.png > interstate.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > Encoding: base64 > > Name: reference.png > reference.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > Encoding: base64 > > Name: sthwy.png > sthwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > Encoding: base64 > > Name: ctyhwy.png > ctyhwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > Encoding: base64 From woodbri at Mon Jan 21 09:38:47 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 12:38:47 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) References: <> Message-ID: <> Added a note on Wiki at: Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > Tyler et al, > > The issue of GD supporting GIFs has come up many times before. You can > get a patch that will add gif support to GD if you want it check the > list archives. There is obviously a licensing issue using GIFs that > everyone has to decide how you want to deal with on you own basis. > > -Steve > > Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > > > Oh how familiar :) I was just combating the same problem last night. If > > you are using the standard/latest version GD it does not support GIF files. > > If you convert all the GIF files referred to in your file -> to > > PNG files, it will work fine. > > I've attached versions the file that I converted. Put the images into your > > symbols folder and the reference.png into the graphics folder. Then edit > > to reflect the change from GIF -> PNG, by renaming each occurence > > in the file. > > Steven, can you put this into the demo package - it is a very common > > problem. (These may not be the best converted versions though :)Am I right > > in assuming that GD does not and will not support GIF and we should all > > move to PNG? > > > > Tyler > > > > (See attached file: ushwy.png)(See attached file: interstate.png)(See > > attached file: reference.png)(See attached file: sthwy.png)(See attached > > file: ctyhwy.png) > > > > > > teb > > Sent by: To: mapserver-users at > > owner-mapserver-users at lists.g cc: fgclaram at > > Fax to: > > Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) > > > > 01/21/2002 07:01 AM > > Please respond to teb > > > > > > > > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- > > > > X-Sender: fgclaram at > > Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:07:29 +0100 > > To: mapserver-info at > > From: Francisco > > Subject: problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. > > Mime-Version: 1.0 > > X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 ( > > > > Hello. > > I have installed the mapserver 3.5 an GD Library. (under Linux). > > I am installing the mapserver 3.5. demo, and i done all the steps in > > documentation > >, > > but when i call demo_init.html page, I get the next message: > > > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol > > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" > > in class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. > > > > the symbols/ctyhwy.gif file exist. > > I do not know the wrong. What is the matter? > > Could you help me?. > > > > Thank you. > > Regards! > > > > Fran. > > > > ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Name: ushwy.png > > ushwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > > Encoding: base64 > > > > Name: interstate.png > > interstate.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > > Encoding: base64 > > > > Name: reference.png > > reference.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > > Encoding: base64 > > > > Name: sthwy.png > > sthwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > > Encoding: base64 > > > > Name: ctyhwy.png > > ctyhwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > > Encoding: base64 From teb at Mon Jan 21 09:41:19 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 11:41:19 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Combine Layers of Different Unit Systems (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- From: "Mike Boone" To: Subject: Combine Layers of Different Unit Systems Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 11:06:21 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Priority: 3 (Normal) X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Importance: Normal X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4133.2400 Hi all. I'm trying to accomplish what seems like a simple task with MapServer 3.5. I have a shapefile made up of GPS track data, in units of degrees (geographic?). I also have a raster USGS TIFF map which apparently has units of meters. All I want to do is plot the trackline correctly upon the raster map. I don't care whether the master .map file is in meters or degrees, I just want the output to look right. Should I be using the PROJECTION stuff to make this work? Or is there a tool that would convert my shapefile into meters from degrees? (I've been fooling with the PROJECTION route, but have so far been unsuccessful getting mapserver to work with GDAL. I keep getting the error that it can't open shared object, even when that file is readily available in /usr/local/lib) Thanks for any help and insights! Mike. ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From joemayfair at Mon Jan 21 10:08:06 2002 From: joemayfair at (Walt Lin) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:08:06 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Intercepting Map Click Coordinates with JavaScript ? Zooming with scale values. In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <20020121180806.GA20040@eggbert> With CGI, it's dirt easy-- the input type=image automatically sends along name.x and name.y as cgi parameters. So if you could do what you want to server side, that's the most reliable and the easiest. If you must do it client side, you could do something like this: var mouseX=0,mouseY=0,setX=0,setY=0; function getMousemove(e){ mouseX= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageX:!bw.ie4? (event.clientX -2)+document.body.scrollLeft : !bw.opera5? event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft : (event.clientX-2); mouseY= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageY:!bw.ie4? (event.clientY -2)+document.body.scrollTop : !bw.opera5? event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop : (event.clientY-2); }; where the bw is browser detection stuff. On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 11:38:36AM -0500, Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote: > Hello, > > This is not necessarily a mpaserver specific question but ... > > Is there anyway/does anybody know how to intercept the x/y pixel coordinates > that the user generated by clicking on the map when using the map as an > ? > > I'm trying to create an interface that uses scale values to determine the > next up/down zoom levels, and apparently in order to do this I have to use > the CGI variable MAPXY, which unfortunately has to be inn the map's > projection coordinates. > > So, I need to intercept the pixel coordinates (img.x and img.y) in order to > do the necessary calculations and set MAPXY, all this triggered by the > form's onSubmit ... > > Anybody have any idea on how to do this? I haven't had any luck so far using > things like document.form.img.x ... > > If worse comes to worse I guess I could use client-side maps, but I'd rather > not unless I absolutely have to! > > Thanks in advance for the help! > > Jean-Fran?ois Doyon > Internet Service Development and Systems Support > GeoAccess Division > Canadian Center for Remote Sensing > Natural Resources Canada > > Phone: (613) 992-4902 > Fax: (613) 947-2410 > > > From woodbri at Mon Jan 21 10:56:26 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:56:26 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Combine Layers of Different Unit Systems (FWD) References: <> Message-ID: <> Make sure it is configured in via ldconfig, you can check with: [woodbri at linus]$ /sbin/ldconfig -v | grep gdal => /sbin/ldconfig: can't create /etc/ (Permission denied) if it is not listed like above then run ldconfig as root. Also check the permissions: [woodbri at linus]$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/ -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2532945 Dec 5 23:23 /usr/local/lib/ If this doesn't fix the problem then you most likely need to set the output projection to that of the TIFF file and then specify an input projection for the layer with the GPS shape in it, but I'm not sure of all the details. -Steve teb wrote: > > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- > > From: "Mike Boone" > To: > Subject: Combine Layers of Different Unit Systems > Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 11:06:21 -0500 > MIME-Version: 1.0 > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > X-Priority: 3 (Normal) > X-MSMail-Priority: Normal > Importance: Normal > X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4133.2400 > > Hi all. > > I'm trying to accomplish what seems like a simple task with MapServer 3.5. I > have a shapefile made up of GPS track data, in units of degrees > (geographic?). I also have a raster USGS TIFF map which apparently has units > of meters. All I want to do is plot the trackline correctly upon the raster > map. > > I don't care whether the master .map file is in meters or degrees, I just > want the output to look right. > > Should I be using the PROJECTION stuff to make this work? Or is there a tool > that would convert my shapefile into meters from degrees? > > (I've been fooling with the PROJECTION route, but have so far been > unsuccessful getting mapserver to work with GDAL. I keep getting the error > that it can't open shared object, even when that file is > readily available in /usr/local/lib) > > Thanks for any help and insights! > Mike. > > > ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From TMitchell at Mon Jan 21 13:15:11 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:15:11 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) Message-ID: I added a few notes too. Thanks Stephen. Stephen Woodbridge To: Tyler Mitchell , teb , fgclaram at,> mapserver-users at cc: 01/21/2002 Fax to: 09:38 AM Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) Added a note on Wiki at: Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > Tyler et al, > > The issue of GD supporting GIFs has come up many times before. You can > get a patch that will add gif support to GD if you want it check the > list archives. There is obviously a licensing issue using GIFs that > everyone has to decide how you want to deal with on you own basis. > > -Steve > > Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > > > Oh how familiar :) I was just combating the same problem last night. If > > you are using the standard/latest version GD it does not support GIF files. > > If you convert all the GIF files referred to in your file -> to > > PNG files, it will work fine. > > I've attached versions the file that I converted. Put the images into your > > symbols folder and the reference.png into the graphics folder. Then edit > > to reflect the change from GIF -> PNG, by renaming each occurence > > in the file. > > Steven, can you put this into the demo package - it is a very common > > problem. (These may not be the best converted versions though :)Am I right > > in assuming that GD does not and will not support GIF and we should all > > move to PNG? > > > > Tyler > > > > (See attached file: ushwy.png)(See attached file: interstate.png)(See > > attached file: reference.png)(See attached file: sthwy.png)(See attached > > file: ctyhwy.png) > > > > > > teb > > Sent by: To: mapserver-users at > > owner-mapserver-users at lists.g cc: fgclaram at > > Fax to: > > Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) > > > > 01/21/2002 07:01 AM > > Please respond to teb > > > > > > > > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- > > > > X-Sender: fgclaram at > > Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:07:29 +0100 > > To: mapserver-info at > > From: Francisco > > Subject: problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. > > Mime-Version: 1.0 > > X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 ( > > > > Hello. > > I have installed the mapserver 3.5 an GD Library. (under Linux). > > I am installing the mapserver 3.5. demo, and i done all the steps in > > documentation > >, > > but when i call demo_init.html page, I get the next message: > > > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol > > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" > > in class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. > > > > the symbols/ctyhwy.gif file exist. > > I do not know the wrong. What is the matter? > > Could you help me?. > > > > Thank you. > > Regards! > > > > Fran. > > > > ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Name: ushwy.png > > ushwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > > Encoding: base64 > > > > Name: interstate.png > > interstate.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > > Encoding: base64 > > > > Name: reference.png > > reference.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > > Encoding: base64 > > > > Name: sthwy.png > > sthwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > > Encoding: base64 > > > > Name: ctyhwy.png > > ctyhwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > > Encoding: base64 From TMitchell at Mon Jan 21 17:06:35 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 17:06:35 -0800 Subject: [postgis] Re: [mapserver-users] Demo using PostGIS ... Message-ID: I've imported all the shapefiles into a postgis database called "itasca" (imagine that :). I'm new to postgresql, but have managed to dump out this database into some sort of file. Can someone please comment on the best way to dump this database, so that others could import the demo data quickly and easily? I'll make a tar.gz and forward it to you Steve, along with a new, but need some help on the syntax of the pg_dump command. Here's what I did - will it suffice? pg_dump -C --file=itasca_dump.sql.tar --format t -a --superuser=postgres itasca and here are the files it produced: 16.dat 19.dat 22.dat 25.dat 28.dat 31.dat 17.dat 20.dat 23.dat 26.dat 29.dat restore.sql 18.dat 21.dat 24.dat 27.dat 30.dat toc.dat "Steve Lime" , ,> cc: 01/18/2002 07:27 Fax to: AM Subject: [postgis] Re: [mapserver-users] Demo using PostGIS ... Please respond to postgis It would be interesting to have a postGIS ready version of the shapefiles used in the itasca demo. Perhaps someone could prepare that? It could be distributed, along with a PostGIS version of the map file as part of the main demo. I'd take care of that part if the data were somehow available. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> "Roderick A. Anderson" 01/17/02 08:15PM >>> I'm bringing a new PostgreSQL testbed server online in the next few days. Since I can't seem to find the time to get good PostGIS data and learn the fun parts of mapserver I'd like to offer access to the server for the data for a demo using PostGIS and mapserver. I'll learn by copying the work of great minds. I'm thinking a readonly database and I may have to throttle it some if it starts eating too much bandwidth. This make sense and is there any interest with these caveats? Cheers, Rod -- Let Accuracy Triumph Over Victory Zetetic Institute "David's Sling" Marc Stiegler To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: postgis-unsubscribe at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From Rich at Mon Jan 21 19:23:56 2002 From: Rich at (Richard Greenwood) Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 20:23:56 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] ECW Image Quality Message-ID: <> Hello listers, I am displaying ecw color images in mapserver, but the color quality is very poor. It looks like a palette problem. The images look great in mapserver when displayed as a tiff, and the ecw images look great in the ecw viewer, but the ecw image displayed via GDAL & mapserver look like paint-by-numbers. Also, when I zoom in below I screen pixel == 1 image pixel, the ecw image goes to black. Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks, Rich Richard W. Greenwood, PLS Greenwood Mapping, Inc. Rich at (307) 733-0203 From ahallam at Mon Jan 21 21:32:44 2002 From: ahallam at (Andrew Hallam) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 16:32:44 +1100 Subject: [mapserver-users] ECW Image Quality In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <27576750.1011717164@[]> Hi Rich, --On Monday, January 21, 2002 20:23 -0700 Richard Greenwood wrote: > I am displaying ecw color images in mapserver, but the color quality is > very poor. It looks like a palette problem. Possibly a palette issue. From memory GDAL converts from 24bit RGB to an 8bit palette (Frank?). I'm not sure how it does it (median cut, whatever) but I've not had great success with displaying good looking aerial or satellite imagery in MapServer (compared to the 24 bit originals). The ECW compression process introduces a lot of additional colour values to the image. Even though these colour values are close to the originals it may be causing problems in the "palettisation" process. > Also, when I zoom in below I screen pixel == 1 image pixel, the ecw image > goes to black. Another (more educated) guess: The ECW bitmap renderer cannot super-sample an image so if you ask for anything below 1:1 (screen pixel:ECW image pixel) it will complain. I'm in the process of writing an OpenGIS WMS interface to Image Web Server (and ECW file data). If anyone is interested I'd appreciate an email. Regards Andrew Hallam Digital Earth Pty Ltd From brad at Mon Jan 21 22:12:31 2002 From: brad at (brad) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:12:31 +0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] ECW Image Quality In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <001801c1a30b$c73a50a0$22c809c0@brad> Rich, I noticed this as well. The reason for the poor quality is that GDAL will only return an 8 bit image for ECW. I get this from the following statement "The current implementation reads any number of bands but returns only as eight bit image data" at the following URL. Does MapServer itself have a limit to 8 bits for images other than ECW. I have only tried ECW as this is the image format most commonly used by us. I also experienced the black image as I was zooming in close to the photo. I can't explain that, anyone else getting this ? I am also getting an error that says: ----------------- CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: abnormal program termination ----------------- when I try using an ECW image that is large (671 MB). It only happens sometimes and if I look at the memory consumption on my machine it only seems to happen when it gets to ~35MB usage for the mapserv.exe process. If the memory consumed is less than this approximate value then there is not a problem displaying the image (albeit in 8 bit). Hope this helps some. Regards, Brad Browne GIS Application Specialist Digital Mapping Solutions Level 2, 2 Hardy Street South Perth 6151 Ph: 08 9474 6311 Fax: 08 9474 6411 email: brad at -----Original Message----- From: owner-mapserver-users at [mailto:owner-mapserver-users at]On Behalf Of Richard Greenwood Sent: Tuesday, 22 January 2002 11:24 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] ECW Image Quality Hello listers, I am displaying ecw color images in mapserver, but the color quality is very poor. It looks like a palette problem. The images look great in mapserver when displayed as a tiff, and the ecw images look great in the ecw viewer, but the ecw image displayed via GDAL & mapserver look like paint-by-numbers. Also, when I zoom in below I screen pixel == 1 image pixel, the ecw image goes to black. Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks, Rich Richard W. Greenwood, PLS Greenwood Mapping, Inc. Rich at (307) 733-0203 From david.armstrong at Tue Jan 22 04:59:02 2002 From: david.armstrong at (David Armstrong) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:59:02 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] is ms_newShapeFileObj ? valid Message-ID: <002f01c1a344$90ccd090$4f00a8c0@davidpc> Could someone please confirm that this is valid under release v 3.5 it worked before ! $shpFile = ms_newShapeFileObj($shpFname, MS_SHP_POINT); Regards Dave From m.meier at Tue Jan 22 05:20:43 2002 From: m.meier at (Manfred Meier) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:20:43 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] mapscript queryUsing Point question References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Hello, I'm referencing to this 'old' mail, because I now have the same problem. Using mapserver 3.5 and mapscript and perl 5.6.1. The creation of the .png file with msSaveImage is ok. And queryByPoint and getResult is ok. The creation of a new shape object with $s = new shapeObj($mapscript::MS_SHAPE_POINT) returns a valid object. But then executing $x = layerobj->getShape($s, -1, 67) (e.g.) gives a segmentation fault. Has this problem be solved? Can someone point me to an answer? Thank you Manfred Meier Paul Ramsey schrieb: > Robert, > My perl code (3.5 cvs) seems to do a queryByPoint correctly. See the > file below. I think the problem w/ your code might be that you are > supplying a querypoint in image coordinates rather than geographic > coordinates. > > My own problem is that when I call getShape() in the code below, perl > cores out. Ouch. > > PS - As a perl fool, I would like to note that having MS_SUCCESS == 0 is > highly counter-intuitive :) > > ------------ > > use mapscript; > > my $map = new mapObj("/home/pramsey/arcims_proxy/imsbin/"); > > my $pt = new pointObj(); > $pt->{x} = 900000; > $pt->{y} = 900000; > > my $lyr = $map->getLayer(0); > > print $lyr,"\n"; > > print $lyr->{metadata},"\n"; > > my $rv = $lyr->queryByPoint($map,$pt,$mapscript::MS_SINGLE,10.0); > > die "Query failed" if $rv != $mapscript::MS_SUCCESS; > > print $rv,"\n"; > > my $rsltcache = $lyr->{resultcache}; > > my $bds = $rsltcache->{bounds}; > > print "(" . $bds->{minx} . "," . $bds->{miny} . ") "; > print "(" . $bds->{maxx} . "," . $bds->{maxy} . ")\n"; > > my $numrslt = $rsltcache->{numresults}; > > my $rslt = $lyr->getResult(0); > > print $rslt->{shapeindex},"\n"; > print $rslt->{tileindex},"\n"; > > my $shp = new shapeObj($mapscript::MS_SHAPE_POLYGON); > $rv = $lyr->getShape($shp,$rslt->{tileindex},$rslt->{shapeindex}); > > ------------ > > [pramsey at localhost imsbin]$ perl > layerObj=HASH(0x80d3e48) > hashTableObjPtr=SCALAR(0x80aa194) > 0 > (866069.209709852,888026.148641071) (1000000.03274901,1001458.47721688) > 52 > -1 > Segmentation fault (core dumped) From steve.lime at Tue Jan 22 06:09:10 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:09:10 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) Message-ID: I did commit PNG versions to the CVS this morning and will try to roll out a new demo distribution this morning. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> "Tyler Mitchell" 01/21/02 12:08 PM >>> Can we just add a PNG version of symbols and reference map files into the demo? Having to go with this patch is a big hurdle for newcomers and is really more than most need to do. ----- Forwarded by Tyler Mitchell/Lignum on 01/21/2002 10:06 AM ----- Stephen Woodbridge To: Tyler Mitchell , fgclaram at,> mapserver-users at Fax to: 01/21/2002 Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) 09:27 AM Tyler et al, The issue of GD supporting GIFs has come up many times before. You can get a patch that will add gif support to GD if you want it check the list archives. There is obviously a licensing issue using GIFs that everyone has to decide how you want to deal with on you own basis. -Steve Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > Oh how familiar :) I was just combating the same problem last night. If > you are using the standard/latest version GD it does not support GIF files. > If you convert all the GIF files referred to in your file -> to > PNG files, it will work fine. > I've attached versions the file that I converted. Put the images into your > symbols folder and the reference.png into the graphics folder. Then edit > to reflect the change from GIF -> PNG, by renaming each occurence > in the file. > Steven, can you put this into the demo package - it is a very common > problem. (These may not be the best converted versions though :)Am I right > in assuming that GD does not and will not support GIF and we should all > move to PNG? > > Tyler > > (See attached file: ushwy.png)(See attached file: interstate.png)(See > attached file: reference.png)(See attached file: sthwy.png)(See attached > file: ctyhwy.png) > > > teb > Sent by: To: mapserver-users at > owner-mapserver-users at lists.g cc: fgclaram at > Fax to: > Subject: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD) > > 01/21/2002 07:01 AM > Please respond to teb > > > > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- > > X-Sender: fgclaram at > Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:07:29 +0100 > To: mapserver-info at > From: Francisco > Subject: problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. > Mime-Version: 1.0 > X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 ( > > Hello. > I have installed the mapserver 3.5 an GD Library. (under Linux). > I am installing the mapserver 3.5. demo, and i done all the steps in > documentation >, > but when i call demo_init.html page, I get the next message: > > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif" > in class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno. > > the symbols/ctyhwy.gif file exist. > I do not know the wrong. What is the matter? > Could you help me?. > > Thank you. > Regards! > > Fran. > > ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Name: ushwy.png > ushwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > Encoding: base64 > > Name: interstate.png > interstate.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > Encoding: base64 > > Name: reference.png > reference.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > Encoding: base64 > > Name: sthwy.png > sthwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > Encoding: base64 > > Name: ctyhwy.png > ctyhwy.png Type: PNG Image (image/png) > Encoding: base64 From steve.lime at Tue Jan 22 06:16:18 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:16:18 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] ECW Image Quality Message-ID: Yup, MapServer does have an 8-bit output limitation. This is a function of limitations within GD. A new version of GD has be available for almost a year but is still in beta. I want to wait for the new GD API and code to stabilize before heading into that mess. Hopefully soon. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> "brad" 01/22/02 00:18 AM >>> Rich, I noticed this as well. The reason for the poor quality is that GDAL will only return an 8 bit image for ECW. I get this from the following statement "The current implementation reads any number of bands but returns only as eight bit image data" at the following URL. Does MapServer itself have a limit to 8 bits for images other than ECW. I have only tried ECW as this is the image format most commonly used by us. I also experienced the black image as I was zooming in close to the photo. I can't explain that, anyone else getting this ? I am also getting an error that says: ----------------- CGI Error The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: abnormal program termination ----------------- when I try using an ECW image that is large (671 MB). It only happens sometimes and if I look at the memory consumption on my machine it only seems to happen when it gets to ~35MB usage for the mapserv.exe process. If the memory consumed is less than this approximate value then there is not a problem displaying the image (albeit in 8 bit). Hope this helps some. Regards, Brad Browne GIS Application Specialist Digital Mapping Solutions Level 2, 2 Hardy Street South Perth 6151 Ph: 08 9474 6311 Fax: 08 9474 6411 email: brad at -----Original Message----- From: owner-mapserver-users at [mailto:owner-mapserver-users at]On Behalf Of Richard Greenwood Sent: Tuesday, 22 January 2002 11:24 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] ECW Image Quality Hello listers, I am displaying ecw color images in mapserver, but the color quality is very poor. It looks like a palette problem. The images look great in mapserver when displayed as a tiff, and the ecw images look great in the ecw viewer, but the ecw image displayed via GDAL & mapserver look like paint-by-numbers. Also, when I zoom in below I screen pixel == 1 image pixel, the ecw image goes to black. Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks, Rich Richard W. Greenwood, PLS Greenwood Mapping, Inc. Rich at (307) 733-0203 From steve.lime at Tue Jan 22 06:24:32 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:24:32 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Re: Combine Layers of Different Unit Systems Message-ID: Hi Mike: You'll need to use the Proj.4 tool. It's more efficient to reproject the GPS data than to screw around with projecting the raster data. You don't need to add GDAL or anything else beyond Proj.4. You can download it from That's the easiest way... Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 From warmerdam at Tue Jan 22 06:49:14 2002 From: warmerdam at (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 09:49:14 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] ECW Image Quality In-Reply-To: <001801c1a30b$c73a50a0$22c809c0@brad> References: <> <001801c1a30b$c73a50a0$22c809c0@brad> Message-ID: <> On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 02:12:31PM +0800, brad wrote: > > Rich, > > I noticed this as well. The reason for the poor quality is that GDAL will > only return an 8 bit image for ECW. I get this from the following statement > "The current implementation reads any number of bands but returns only as > eight bit image data" at the following URL. > > Does MapServer itself have a limit to 8 bits for images other than ECW. I > have only tried ECW as this is the image format most commonly used by us. Brad / Rich, The MapServer support for 24bit images via GDAL maps them into a 5x5x5 fixed color cube; which not surprisingly sucks for smoothly varying images. You mention that conversion to TIFF and then displaying via MapServer works fine. Could you provide a "tiffinfo" or similar report on the TIFF file? I wonder if it has already been rendered down to 8bit using a more intellegent mechanism. We could modify MapServer to use error diffusion to improve the quality of the result though the real fix is to make MapServer support 24bit output. It is currently limited to 8 bit paletted output. > I also experienced the black image as I was zooming in close to the photo. > I can't explain that, anyone else getting this ? I think I know what this is. MapServer is requesting GDAL to "upsample" the image, and GDAL asked the ECW library the same thing but the ECW library doesn't support upsampling. I don't see this problem in my other applications because they will generally never ask for data at higher resolution that 1:1. I have added a TODO item to myself to fix this but I am not sure when I will get to it. Feel free to prompt me now and then. > I am also getting an error that says: > > ----------------- > CGI Error > The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of > HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: > > abnormal program termination > ----------------- > > when I try using an ECW image that is large (671 MB). It only happens > sometimes and if I look at the memory consumption on my machine it only > seems to happen when it gets to ~35MB usage for the mapserv.exe process. If > the memory consumed is less than this approximate value then there is not a > problem displaying the image (albeit in 8 bit). Skimming the code, I see an embarrassing memory leak that I imagine is responsible. I have checked a fix into gdal/frmts/ecw/ecwdataset.cpp. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From steve.lime at Tue Jan 22 07:00:39 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 09:00:39 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Intercepting Map Click Coordinates with JavaScript ? Zooming with scale values. Message-ID: Does this actually work? I was under the impression it would IF the image in question was in an absolutely positioned layer or it's own frame. It's typically easy to get page coordinates but figuring out where an image lies on the page (so you know where you are in the image) is darn near impossible without layers or frames. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Walt Lin 01/21/02 12:18 PM >>> With CGI, it's dirt easy-- the input type=image automatically sends along name.x and name.y as cgi parameters. So if you could do what you want to server side, that's the most reliable and the easiest. If you must do it client side, you could do something like this: var mouseX=0,mouseY=0,setX=0,setY=0; function getMousemove(e){ mouseX= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageX:!bw.ie4? (event.clientX -2)+document.body.scrollLeft : !bw.opera5? event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft : (event.clientX-2); mouseY= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageY:!bw.ie4? (event.clientY -2)+document.body.scrollTop : !bw.opera5? event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop : (event.clientY-2); }; where the bw is browser detection stuff. On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 11:38:36AM -0500, Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote: > Hello, > > This is not necessarily a mpaserver specific question but ... > > Is there anyway/does anybody know how to intercept the x/y pixel coordinates > that the user generated by clicking on the map when using the map as an > ? > > I'm trying to create an interface that uses scale values to determine the > next up/down zoom levels, and apparently in order to do this I have to use > the CGI variable MAPXY, which unfortunately has to be inn the map's > projection coordinates. > > So, I need to intercept the pixel coordinates (img.x and img.y) in order to > do the necessary calculations and set MAPXY, all this triggered by the > form's onSubmit ... > > Anybody have any idea on how to do this? I haven't had any luck so far using > things like document.form.img.x ... > > If worse comes to worse I guess I could use client-side maps, but I'd rather > not unless I absolutely have to! > > Thanks in advance for the help! > > Jean-Fran?ois Doyon > Internet Service Development and Systems Support > GeoAccess Division > Canadian Center for Remote Sensing > Natural Resources Canada > > Phone: (613) 992-4902 > Fax: (613) 947-2410 > > > From woodbri at Tue Jan 22 07:41:31 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:41:31 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Intercepting Map Click Coordinates withJavaScript ? Zooming with scale values. References: Message-ID: <> Well yes it IS darn near impossible! I got it to work for NS4 and IE4 but I never played with it to get it to work on IE5 or NS6. Check out: and run the cursor over the map and read the lat/lon in the boxes below the map. Let me know if anyone is interested in trying to get it to work with IE5 and NS6 or adding it to a navigation Skin. -Steve W. Steve Lime wrote: > > Does this actually work? I was under the impression it would IF the > image in question was in an absolutely positioned layer or it's own > frame. It's typically easy to get page coordinates but figuring out > where an image lies on the page (so you know where you are in the image) > is darn near impossible without layers or frames. > > Steve > > Stephen Lime > Data & Applications Manager > > Minnesota DNR > 500 Lafayette Road > St. Paul, MN 55155 > 651-297-2937 > >>> Walt Lin 01/21/02 12:18 PM >>> > With CGI, it's dirt easy-- the input type=image automatically sends > along name.x and name.y as cgi parameters. So if you could do what you > want to server side, that's the most reliable and the easiest. > > If you must do it client side, you could do something like this: > var mouseX=0,mouseY=0,setX=0,setY=0; > function getMousemove(e){ > mouseX= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageX: >!bw.ie4? (event.clientX > -2)+document.body.scrollLeft : !bw.opera5? > event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft : > (event.clientX-2); > mouseY= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageY: >!bw.ie4? (event.clientY > -2)+document.body.scrollTop : !bw.opera5? > event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop > : (event.clientY-2); > }; > > where the bw is browser detection stuff. > > On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 11:38:36AM -0500, Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote: > > Hello, > > > > This is not necessarily a mpaserver specific question but ... > > > > Is there anyway/does anybody know how to intercept the x/y pixel > coordinates > > that the user generated by clicking on the map when using the map as > an > > ? > > > > I'm trying to create an interface that uses scale values to determine > the > > next up/down zoom levels, and apparently in order to do this I have to > use > > the CGI variable MAPXY, which unfortunately has to be inn the map's > > projection coordinates. > > > > So, I need to intercept the pixel coordinates (img.x and img.y) in > order to > > do the necessary calculations and set MAPXY, all this triggered by the > > form's onSubmit ... > > > > Anybody have any idea on how to do this? I haven't had any luck so far > using > > things like document.form.img.x ... > > > > If worse comes to worse I guess I could use client-side maps, but I'd > rather > > not unless I absolutely have to! > > > > Thanks in advance for the help! > > > > Jean-Fran?ois Doyon > > Internet Service Development and Systems Support > > GeoAccess Division > > Canadian Center for Remote Sensing > > Natural Resources Canada > > > > Phone: (613) 992-4902 > > Fax: (613) 947-2410 > > > > > > From John.Arthur at Tue Jan 22 08:49:39 2002 From: John.Arthur at (Arthur, John) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:49:39 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] pj_transform & pj_datum_transform Message-ID: <> Now that these 2 function are included into php_proj.dll, what is the correct way to use them? I was able to transform UTM to LatLong, but the datums do not change from nad27 to nad83 when I use the following: $lat = doubleval("336276.6563"); $lon = doubleval("4145316.5"); $parms[0] = "proj=utm"; $parms[1] = "ellps=clrk66"; $parms[2] = "zone=18"; $parms[3] = "no_defs"; $projUTM = pj_init($parms); $parms[0] = "proj=latlong"; $parms[1] = "ellps=GRS80"; $parms[2] = "lat_0=36.0"; $parms[3] = "lon_0=-79.5"; $parms[4] = "lat_1=37.0"; $parms[5] = "lat_2=39.5"; $projGEO = pj_init($parms); $ret = pj_datum_transform($projUTM, $projGEO, $lat, $lon, 0 ); $ln = ($ret["u"]); $lt = ($ret["v"]); echo "
".$lt; This returns: -76.8507223773 37.442055949314 Which is NAD27, but should return: -76.850410 37.442204 Which is NAD83 What am I doing wrong? I have the PROJ_LIB path set. I am on a WINDOWS 2000 server w/apache & PHP 4. Thank you for your help. John Arthur RF Technician Office: (757) 490-7221 Cellular: (757) 692-1515 Email: john.arthur at _~-^-~_ VoiceStream W I R E L E S S From warmerdam at Tue Jan 22 08:52:05 2002 From: warmerdam at (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 11:52:05 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] shptree bug and RFI Message-ID: <> Folks, DM Solutions Group was encountering a bug with how the byte order of .qix files was detected but only in a small fraction of files. In BugZilla I wrote: > I have applied a fix to maptree.c. The logic to establish if a .qix file > was MSB or LSB was to inspect the first byte and check if it was zero. The > assumption was that if it was zero it was the high order byte of the shape > count (and hence MSB). but of course even on LSB system the low order byte > is 0 in about 1 in 256 times. > > I modified the maptree open code to look at the first two bytes of the > "maximum depth" value in the header. If this is zero it is assumed to be > MSB otherwise LSB. This is based on the assumption that maximum depth is > always between 1 and 65535. Given that typical values are in the range of > 4-15 I think it is OK. Also, because I had some trouble figuring out how shptree, and the related utilities work, I wrote up a few notes on them, and posted it on the wiki. I would appreciate it if Steve Lime, or Carl Anderson would add a little information about the old vs. new index format and any hints for usage. I have also created a general utilities node in the Wiki with links to this and some other utilities. I encourage others to add more detailed notes on the utilities in the Wiki as the online documentation for them is generally sparse at this time. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From steve.lime at Tue Jan 22 08:57:28 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:57:28 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Feature query with gml return Message-ID: What Stephen did is all you need to do to a URL, however you need to add one new parameter to the layer in your map file. That parameter is called DUMP and by default it is set to FALSE. This is to prevent the wholesale download of your data. The interpretation of this parameter may change over time to allow attributes only or points only but for now it's all or nothing. The MapServer demo has been outfitted with a GML download option. It's enabled if you have WMS enabled. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Stephen Woodbridge 01/21/02 08:03 AM >>> Trem, I changed your URL so it ended with INFO_FORMAT=GML and it spit back a gml header, but the actual query results seemed to be missing but I think this is "HOW" you would go about doing it. -Steve W > Trem Stamp wrote: > > Hi all, > > I posted a query regarding feature info and the return of gml for a > feature recently. > > I have since got the stable build for mapserv3.5 (Solaris) compiled as > of December 18th, which I understand has the ability to return gml. > > My feature retrun still seems to ignore the template file however and > just return text. > > > Is there anything I'm missing? Does anyone have a working example of > this? > > Cheers, > > Trem From Rich at Tue Jan 22 09:00:39 2002 From: Rich at (Richard Greenwood) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 10:00:39 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] ECW Image Quality In-Reply-To: <> References: <001801c1a30b$c73a50a0$22c809c0@brad> <> <001801c1a30b$c73a50a0$22c809c0@brad> Message-ID: <> Frank, I started with a 24 bit tiff and made the ecw. I tried various options with the ecw compressor, but none of them made any noticeable difference. Here's the gdalinfo for the 24 bit tiff: Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Size is 6000, 5000 Coordinate System is `' Origin = (2417000.000000,1420500.000000) Pixel Size = (1.000000,-1.000000) Metadata: TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE=Horizons TIFF Library (c) 1994 3.73 - (GEO-JPEG) 21-Apr-99 rlb Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 2417000.000, 1420500.000) Lower Left ( 2417000.000, 1415500.000) Upper Right ( 2423000.000, 1420500.000) Lower Right ( 2423000.000, 1415500.000) Center ( 2420000.000, 1418000.000) Band 1 Block=6000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red Min=0.000/0, Max=255.000/0 Band 2 Block=6000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green Min=0.000/0, Max=255.000/0 Band 3 Block=6000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue Min=0.000/0, Max=255.000/0 The fact that my photogrammetrist supplied a 24 bit tiff doesn't mean that it might have been a 8 bit image at some point in its processing. I've used photoshop to convert the 24 bit tiffs into 8 bit indexed color tiffs and I can't say I really see any difference. (The indexed color tiffs are what I'm serving via mapserver, and they look really good) I also tried making the ecw from the indexed color tiff, but it didn't look much better. Would a gdalinfo of the indexed color tiff be useful? Thanks for your help. Best regards, Rich At 09:49 AM 1/22/2002 -0500, you wrote: >Brad / Rich, > >The MapServer support for 24bit images via GDAL maps them into a 5x5x5 >fixed color cube; which not surprisingly sucks for smoothly varying images. >You mention that conversion to TIFF and then displaying via MapServer works >fine. Could you provide a "tiffinfo" or similar report on the TIFF file? >I wonder if it has already been rendered down to 8bit using a more >intellegent mechanism. > >We could modify MapServer to use error diffusion to improve the quality of >the result though the real fix is to make MapServer support 24bit output. It >is currently limited to 8 bit paletted output. > > > I also experienced the black image as I was zooming in close to the photo. > > I can't explain that, anyone else getting this ? > >I think I know what this is. MapServer is requesting GDAL to "upsample" >the image, and GDAL asked the ECW library the same thing but the ECW >library doesn't support upsampling. I don't see this problem in my other >applications because they will generally never ask for data at higher >resolution that 1:1. > >I have added a TODO item to myself to fix this but I am not sure when I >will get to it. Feel free to prompt me now and then. > > > I am also getting an error that says: > > > > ----------------- > > CGI Error > > The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of > > HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: > > > > abnormal program termination > > ----------------- > > > > when I try using an ECW image that is large (671 MB). It only happens > > sometimes and if I look at the memory consumption on my machine it only > > seems to happen when it gets to ~35MB usage for the mapserv.exe > process. If > > the memory consumed is less than this approximate value then there is not a > > problem displaying the image (albeit in 8 bit). > >Skimming the code, I see an embarrassing memory leak that I imagine is >responsible. I have checked a fix into gdal/frmts/ecw/ecwdataset.cpp. > >Best regards, > >-- >---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- >I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at >light and sound - activate the windows | >and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent Richard W. Greenwood, PLS Greenwood Mapping, Inc. Rich at (307) 733-0203 From warmerdam at Tue Jan 22 09:09:14 2002 From: warmerdam at (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:09:14 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] ECW Image Quality In-Reply-To: <> References: <001801c1a30b$c73a50a0$22c809c0@brad> <> <001801c1a30b$c73a50a0$22c809c0@brad> <> Message-ID: <> On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 10:00:39AM -0700, Richard Greenwood wrote: > Frank, > > I started with a 24 bit tiff and made the ecw. I tried various options with > the ecw compressor, but none of them made any noticeable difference. > > Here's the gdalinfo for the 24 bit tiff: > > Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF > Size is 6000, 5000 > Coordinate System is `' > Origin = (2417000.000000,1420500.000000) > Pixel Size = (1.000000,-1.000000) > Metadata: > TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE=Horizons TIFF Library (c) 1994 3.73 - (GEO-JPEG) > 21-Apr-99 rlb > Corner Coordinates: > Upper Left ( 2417000.000, 1420500.000) > Lower Left ( 2417000.000, 1415500.000) > Upper Right ( 2423000.000, 1420500.000) > Lower Right ( 2423000.000, 1415500.000) > Center ( 2420000.000, 1418000.000) > Band 1 Block=6000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red > Min=0.000/0, Max=255.000/0 > Band 2 Block=6000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green > Min=0.000/0, Max=255.000/0 > Band 3 Block=6000x1 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue > Min=0.000/0, Max=255.000/0 > > The fact that my photogrammetrist supplied a 24 bit tiff doesn't mean that > it might have been a 8 bit image at some point in its processing. I've used > photoshop to convert the 24 bit tiffs into 8 bit indexed color tiffs and I > can't say I really see any difference. (The indexed color tiffs are what > I'm serving via mapserver, and they look really good) I also tried making > the ecw from the indexed color tiff, but it didn't look much better. Would > a gdalinfo of the indexed color tiff be useful? Rich, I think the central problem is the lack of error diffusion in the MapServer 24 to 8 bit conversion code along with the poor choice of paletted (because we want it to be fixed). I have code for doing Floyd-Steinberg dithering (error diffusion) but I am not sure it would be suitable to include in MapServer because of the extra time overhead. I suppose it couldn't hurt too much and without it (and without 24bit support) mapping from color ECW is pretty pointless. I will add error diffusion in MapServer to my TODO list, but no promises as to when it will get done. Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From millarj at Tue Jan 22 09:29:43 2002 From: millarj at (John Millard) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:29:43 -0500 (EST) Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP 4.1.1 and php-mapscript? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Hi Everyone, Does anyone know if php-mapscript included with Mapserver 3.5 works with php 4.1.1 yet? Anyone got it to compile? Also, is anyone compiling mapserver/php-mapscript on a Debian system with packaged version of php and apache? Thanks in advance, John _________________________________________________________ John Millard Digital Initiatives Librarian Geographic Information Systems Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056-1878 From warmerdam at Tue Jan 22 09:36:15 2002 From: warmerdam at (Frank Warmerdam) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:36:15 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] pj_transform & pj_datum_transform In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 08:49:39AM -0800, Arthur, John wrote: > Now that these 2 function are included into php_proj.dll, what is the > correct way to use them? I was able to transform UTM to LatLong, but the > datums do not change from nad27 to nad83 when I use the following: > > $lat = doubleval("336276.6563"); > $lon = doubleval("4145316.5"); > > > $parms[0] = "proj=utm"; > $parms[1] = "ellps=clrk66"; > $parms[2] = "zone=18"; > $parms[3] = "no_defs"; > $projUTM = pj_init($parms); > > $parms[0] = "proj=latlong"; > $parms[1] = "ellps=GRS80"; > $parms[2] = "lat_0=36.0"; > $parms[3] = "lon_0=-79.5"; > $parms[4] = "lat_1=37.0"; > $parms[5] = "lat_2=39.5"; > $projGEO = pj_init($parms); > > > $ret = pj_datum_transform($projUTM, $projGEO, $lat, $lon, 0 ); > $ln = ($ret["u"]); > $lt = ($ret["v"]); > echo "
".$lt; > > This returns: > -76.8507223773 > 37.442055949314 > Which is NAD27, but should return: > -76.850410 > 37.442204 > Which is NAD83 > > What am I doing wrong? I have the PROJ_LIB path set. I am on a WINDOWS > 2000 server w/apache & PHP 4. John, I am a bit surprised that pj_datum_transform() access is provided. Generally you shouldn't need to use this directly but rather operate through pj_transform() which will also do datum shifting if needed. The problem in your case is that you aren't specifying your datums. Instead of ellps=clrk66 use datum=NAD27 and instead of ellps=GRS80 use datum=NAD83. For NAD27/NAD83 datum shifting to work you will need to ensure that the grid shift files are available and can be found. You will need to have the file "conus" in the directory referenced in the PROJ_LIB environment variable. When building PROJ.4 by hand this generally means downloading the extra grid shift distribution, and untarring it over the proj distribution then running the extra "nmake /f nadshift" command to translate the input conus.lla into a platform specific binary file. Good luck, -- ---------------------------------------+-------------------------------------- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From Tom.Kralidis at Tue Jan 22 09:51:03 2002 From: Tom.Kralidis at (Kralidis, Tom) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:51:03 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] javascript bounding box effort Message-ID: <> Hi, Has anyone had any experience / luck / success putting together a JavaScript based bounding box approach to their MapServer app, as opposed to the Java mapplet? Thanks ..Tom ================================= Tom Kralidis Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Tel: (613) 947-1828 ================================= From vguzman at Tue Jan 22 10:06:14 2002 From: vguzman at (Vladimir =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Guzm=E1n?=) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 13:06:14 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Intercepting Map Click Coordinates withJavaScript ? Zooming with scale values. References: <> Message-ID: <> Hello. I've been working on this for a while, and actually I can make it work in IE 5+ and in Netscape 4. Actually I'm working on make it work with Mozilla/Gecko browsers. I can do it with a tool I've found in called DynApi. You can try my site in http// login test password test It is an application to manage ISP's coverages, so we can view, edit, delete and update clients, nodes and antennas on line. It includes a geo-coding algorithm. It was designed for Bogota - Colombia - S.A. If you have questions on how I've done, I'll be glad to answer. -- Vladimir Guzm?n R. ----------------- Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >Well yes it IS darn near impossible! I got it to work for NS4 and IE4 >but I never played with it to get it to work on IE5 or NS6. Check out: > > > >and run the cursor over the map and read the lat/lon in the boxes below >the map. > >Let me know if anyone is interested in trying to get it to work with IE5 >and NS6 or adding it to a navigation Skin. > >-Steve W. > >Steve Lime wrote: > >>Does this actually work? I was under the impression it would IF the >>image in question was in an absolutely positioned layer or it's own >>frame. It's typically easy to get page coordinates but figuring out >>where an image lies on the page (so you know where you are in the image) >>is darn near impossible without layers or frames. >> >>Steve >> >>Stephen Lime >>Data & Applications Manager >> >>Minnesota DNR >>500 Lafayette Road >>St. Paul, MN 55155 >>651-297-2937 >> >>>>>Walt Lin 01/21/02 12:18 PM >>> >>>>> >>With CGI, it's dirt easy-- the input type=image automatically sends >>along name.x and name.y as cgi parameters. So if you could do what you >>want to server side, that's the most reliable and the easiest. >> >>If you must do it client side, you could do something like this: >>var mouseX=0,mouseY=0,setX=0,setY=0; >>function getMousemove(e){ >> mouseX= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageX: >>!bw.ie4? (event.clientX >> -2)+document.body.scrollLeft : !bw.opera5? >> event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft : >> (event.clientX-2); >> mouseY= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageY: >>!bw.ie4? (event.clientY >> -2)+document.body.scrollTop : !bw.opera5? >> event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop >> : (event.clientY-2); >>}; >> >>where the bw is browser detection stuff. >> >>On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 11:38:36AM -0500, Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote: >> >>>Hello, >>> >>>This is not necessarily a mpaserver specific question but ... >>> >>>Is there anyway/does anybody know how to intercept the x/y pixel >>> >>coordinates >> >>>that the user generated by clicking on the map when using the map as >>> >>an >> >>> ? >>> >>>I'm trying to create an interface that uses scale values to determine >>> >>the >> >>>next up/down zoom levels, and apparently in order to do this I have to >>> >>use >> >>>the CGI variable MAPXY, which unfortunately has to be inn the map's >>>projection coordinates. >>> >>>So, I need to intercept the pixel coordinates (img.x and img.y) in >>> >>order to >> >>>do the necessary calculations and set MAPXY, all this triggered by the >>>form's onSubmit ... >>> >>>Anybody have any idea on how to do this? I haven't had any luck so far >>> >>using >> >>>things like document.form.img.x ... >>> >>>If worse comes to worse I guess I could use client-side maps, but I'd >>> >>rather >> >>>not unless I absolutely have to! >>> >>>Thanks in advance for the help! >>> >>>Jean-Fran?ois Doyon >>>Internet Service Development and Systems Support >>>GeoAccess Division >>>Canadian Center for Remote Sensing >>>Natural Resources Canada >>> >>>Phone: (613) 992-4902 >>>Fax: (613) 947-2410 >>> >>> >>> > > From pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu Tue Jan 22 10:25:07 2002 From: pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu (Pushkar Pradhan) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 12:25:07 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] commenting multiple lines Message-ID: Can anyone tell me how to comment out multiple lines in the .map file, if that is possible? Thanks, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUSHKAR S. PRADHAN Research Assistant MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY, STARKVILLE, MS 39759. Engineering Research Center Box 9627 Mississippi State, MS 39762-9627 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From TMitchell at Tue Jan 22 11:02:04 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 11:02:04 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Is a GDAL and ECW build for windows available Message-ID: I grabbed but I don't think it has ecw built into gdal does it? I also wanted wms support - can anyone point me to a windows binary? Tyler From woodbri at Tue Jan 22 11:12:06 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 14:12:06 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Intercepting Map Click Coordinates withJavaScript ? Zooming with scale values. References: <> <> Message-ID: <> Hi all, If you are interested, I posted my Javascript off of That said, anything but the simpliest javascript is a pain to maintain and I don't recommend it if you have an option. The dynapi stuff is good, but it is NOT pain free (ask Ed McNierney who implemented TopoZone using it). My code above does not work for all browsers and it took a huge amount of effort to get it to work as well as it does. Consider yourselves warned :) so have at it. -Steve Woodbridge Vladimir Guzm?n wrote: > > Hello. > I've been working on this for a while, and actually I can make it work in > IE 5+ and in Netscape 4. Actually I'm working on make it work with > Mozilla/Gecko browsers. I can do it with a tool I've found in > > called DynApi. > You can try my site in > http// > login test > password test > It is an application to manage ISP's coverages, so we can view, edit, > delete and update > clients, nodes and antennas on line. It includes a geo-coding algorithm. > It was designed for Bogota - Colombia - S.A. > If you have questions on how I've done, I'll be glad to answer. > > -- > Vladimir Guzm?n R. > ----------------- > > > Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > >Well yes it IS darn near impossible! I got it to work for NS4 and IE4 > >but I never played with it to get it to work on IE5 or NS6. Check out: > > > > > > > >and run the cursor over the map and read the lat/lon in the boxes below > >the map. > > > >Let me know if anyone is interested in trying to get it to work with IE5 > >and NS6 or adding it to a navigation Skin. > > > >-Steve W. > > > >Steve Lime wrote: > > > >>Does this actually work? I was under the impression it would IF the > >>image in question was in an absolutely positioned layer or it's own > >>frame. It's typically easy to get page coordinates but figuring out > >>where an image lies on the page (so you know where you are in the image) > >>is darn near impossible without layers or frames. > >> > >>Steve > >> > >>Stephen Lime > >>Data & Applications Manager > >> > >>Minnesota DNR > >>500 Lafayette Road > >>St. Paul, MN 55155 > >>651-297-2937 > >> > >>>>>Walt Lin 01/21/02 12:18 PM >>> > >>>>> > >>With CGI, it's dirt easy-- the input type=image automatically sends > >>along name.x and name.y as cgi parameters. So if you could do what you > >>want to server side, that's the most reliable and the easiest. > >> > >>If you must do it client side, you could do something like this: > >>var mouseX=0,mouseY=0,setX=0,setY=0; > >>function getMousemove(e){ > >> mouseX= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageX: > >>!bw.ie4? (event.clientX > >> -2)+document.body.scrollLeft : !bw.opera5? > >> event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft : > >> (event.clientX-2); > >> mouseY= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageY: > >>!bw.ie4? (event.clientY > >> -2)+document.body.scrollTop : !bw.opera5? > >> event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop > >> : (event.clientY-2); > >>}; > >> > >>where the bw is browser detection stuff. > >> > >>On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 11:38:36AM -0500, Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote: > >> > >>>Hello, > >>> > >>>This is not necessarily a mpaserver specific question but ... > >>> > >>>Is there anyway/does anybody know how to intercept the x/y pixel > >>> > >>coordinates > >> > >>>that the user generated by clicking on the map when using the map as > >>> > >>an > >> > >>> ? > >>> > >>>I'm trying to create an interface that uses scale values to determine > >>> > >>the > >> > >>>next up/down zoom levels, and apparently in order to do this I have to > >>> > >>use > >> > >>>the CGI variable MAPXY, which unfortunately has to be inn the map's > >>>projection coordinates. > >>> > >>>So, I need to intercept the pixel coordinates (img.x and img.y) in > >>> > >>order to > >> > >>>do the necessary calculations and set MAPXY, all this triggered by the > >>>form's onSubmit ... > >>> > >>>Anybody have any idea on how to do this? I haven't had any luck so far > >>> > >>using > >> > >>>things like document.form.img.x ... > >>> > >>>If worse comes to worse I guess I could use client-side maps, but I'd > >>> > >>rather > >> > >>>not unless I absolutely have to! > >>> > >>>Thanks in advance for the help! > >>> > >>>Jean-Fran?ois Doyon > >>>Internet Service Development and Systems Support > >>>GeoAccess Division > >>>Canadian Center for Remote Sensing > >>>Natural Resources Canada > >>> > >>>Phone: (613) 992-4902 > >>>Fax: (613) 947-2410 > >>> > >>> > >>> > > > > From John.Arthur at Tue Jan 22 11:16:34 2002 From: John.Arthur at (Arthur, John) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 11:16:34 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] pj_transform & pj_datum_transform Message-ID: <> I have set the PROJ_LIB in Windows. When I do a datum conversion with nad2nad.exe, it works. ie: "nad2nad -i 27,utm=18 -o 83 -r conus" But php_mapscript, if I define "datum=NAD27", I get a "Fatal Error". And if I define "datum=NAD83", everything is OK. Any ideas? -John -----Original Message----- From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:warmerdam at] Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 12:36 PM To: Arthur, John Cc: mapserver-users at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] pj_transform & pj_datum_transform On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 08:49:39AM -0800, Arthur, John wrote: > Now that these 2 function are included into php_proj.dll, what is the > correct way to use them? I was able to transform UTM to LatLong, but the > datums do not change from nad27 to nad83 when I use the following: > > $lat = doubleval("336276.6563"); > $lon = doubleval("4145316.5"); > > > $parms[0] = "proj=utm"; > $parms[1] = "ellps=clrk66"; > $parms[2] = "zone=18"; > $parms[3] = "no_defs"; > $projUTM = pj_init($parms); > > $parms[0] = "proj=latlong"; > $parms[1] = "ellps=GRS80"; > $parms[2] = "lat_0=36.0"; > $parms[3] = "lon_0=-79.5"; > $parms[4] = "lat_1=37.0"; > $parms[5] = "lat_2=39.5"; > $projGEO = pj_init($parms); > > > $ret = pj_datum_transform($projUTM, $projGEO, $lat, $lon, 0 ); > $ln = ($ret["u"]); > $lt = ($ret["v"]); > echo "
".$lt; > > This returns: > -76.8507223773 > 37.442055949314 > Which is NAD27, but should return: > -76.850410 > 37.442204 > Which is NAD83 > > What am I doing wrong? I have the PROJ_LIB path set. I am on a WINDOWS > 2000 server w/apache & PHP 4. John, I am a bit surprised that pj_datum_transform() access is provided. Generally you shouldn't need to use this directly but rather operate through pj_transform() which will also do datum shifting if needed. The problem in your case is that you aren't specifying your datums. Instead of ellps=clrk66 use datum=NAD27 and instead of ellps=GRS80 use datum=NAD83. For NAD27/NAD83 datum shifting to work you will need to ensure that the grid shift files are available and can be found. You will need to have the file "conus" in the directory referenced in the PROJ_LIB environment variable. When building PROJ.4 by hand this generally means downloading the extra grid shift distribution, and untarring it over the proj distribution then running the extra "nmake /f nadshift" command to translate the input conus.lla into a platform specific binary file. Good luck, -- ---------------------------------------+------------------------------------ -- I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at light and sound - activate the windows | and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent From steve.lime at Tue Jan 22 11:36:32 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 13:36:32 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] featureObj in mapscript Message-ID: Inline features are nothing more than regular shapes in MapScript 3.5. Version 3.3 may have been different though. To add features you build a shapeObj up from points and lines and then use the layer addFeature method to add it to a layer. The shapeObj has a text member that holds text associated with the feature. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Walt Lin 01/20/02 23:55 PM >>> Hi, I have a question about generating a new featureObj and using it in mapscript (mapserver 3.3). I want to recreate this through mapscript: FEATURE POINTS 620 277 END TEXT 'some text' END I want to do this through mapscript because I want the coordinates in the POINTS to be dynamic. I can do this fine: my $feature = new featureObj; $feature->{text} = "some text"; but when i try any of these, mapscript just hangs until i kill it. $feature->add("620 277"); $feature->add("POINTS 620 277 END"); $feature->add("620,277"); what is the correct way to do this? (and no, i cannot set $feature->{points}). It seems like the documentation is lacking here. Thanks, Walt From joemayfair at Tue Jan 22 12:53:37 2002 From: joemayfair at (Walt Lin) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 15:53:37 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Intercepting Map Click Coordinates with JavaScript ? Zooming with scale values. In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <20020122205337.GB23383@eggbert> That code reliably gets the mouse position on the page (I think!). You've gotta know the location of the image-- it has to be in some layer that's positioned, or that you can access its x,y. On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 09:00:39AM -0600, Steve Lime wrote: > Does this actually work? I was under the impression it would IF the > image in question was in an absolutely positioned layer or it's own > frame. It's typically easy to get page coordinates but figuring out > where an image lies on the page (so you know where you are in the image) > is darn near impossible without layers or frames. > > Steve > > Stephen Lime > Data & Applications Manager > > Minnesota DNR > 500 Lafayette Road > St. Paul, MN 55155 > 651-297-2937 > >>> Walt Lin 01/21/02 12:18 PM >>> > With CGI, it's dirt easy-- the input type=image automatically sends > along name.x and name.y as cgi parameters. So if you could do what you > want to server side, that's the most reliable and the easiest. > > If you must do it client side, you could do something like this: > var mouseX=0,mouseY=0,setX=0,setY=0; > function getMousemove(e){ > mouseX= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageX: >!bw.ie4? (event.clientX > -2)+document.body.scrollLeft : !bw.opera5? > event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft : > (event.clientX-2); > mouseY= (bw.ns4||bw.ns6)? e.pageY: >!bw.ie4? (event.clientY > -2)+document.body.scrollTop : !bw.opera5? > event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop > : (event.clientY-2); > }; > > where the bw is browser detection stuff. > > On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 11:38:36AM -0500, Doyon, Jean-Francois wrote: > > Hello, > > > > This is not necessarily a mpaserver specific question but ... > > > > Is there anyway/does anybody know how to intercept the x/y pixel > coordinates > > that the user generated by clicking on the map when using the map as > an > > ? > > > > I'm trying to create an interface that uses scale values to determine > the > > next up/down zoom levels, and apparently in order to do this I have to > use > > the CGI variable MAPXY, which unfortunately has to be inn the map's > > projection coordinates. > > > > So, I need to intercept the pixel coordinates (img.x and img.y) in > order to > > do the necessary calculations and set MAPXY, all this triggered by the > > form's onSubmit ... > > > > Anybody have any idea on how to do this? I haven't had any luck so far > using > > things like document.form.img.x ... > > > > If worse comes to worse I guess I could use client-side maps, but I'd > rather > > not unless I absolutely have to! > > > > Thanks in advance for the help! > > > > Jean-Fran?ois Doyon > > Internet Service Development and Systems Support > > GeoAccess Division > > Canadian Center for Remote Sensing > > Natural Resources Canada > > > > Phone: (613) 992-4902 > > Fax: (613) 947-2410 > > > > > > > > > From hugues at Tue Jan 22 13:49:22 2002 From: hugues at (PARVILLERS) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 22:49:22 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Help welcome on WIN32 for Mapserver within Emergency Medical Services Message-ID: <> Hello, working with several Emergency Medical Services, we would like to use Mapserver under WIN32 with OracleSpatial to help doctor job ! At this time, we are able to build our own win32 binaries for Mapserver 3.5 with OracleSpatial - tks to rodrigo from brazil - but following features don't work: TrueType even if it shows it as supported ! CLASSITEM makes crash of the cgi WMS_CLIENT is not present. We use visual C++ to compile. We would like to use mapserver to display map of cities with realtime localisation of all people in charge of heath assistance. Also we would propose GML exchanges with other regional services ! Tks in advance for your help Regards Hugues P. From TMitchell at Tue Jan 22 17:01:23 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 17:01:23 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Starting out with WMS Client/server Message-ID: I tried registering my test server on cubewerx but didn't get an image back :( But when I went through the wms how-to and did all the tests I got good looking XML back with no warning or errors in it. Can anyone should some light on it for me. The data is just the itasca demo at I tried accessing it from a client on one of our other servers and I get: msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 2 I'm new at the proj thing, but here's the chunk of my client's map file: LAYER NAME lakespy2 METADATA "WMS_TITLE" "Lakes and Rivers" "WMS_ABSTRACT" "DLG lake and river polygons for Itasca County. See for more information." "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:26915" END TYPE RASTER STATUS OFF CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "" PROJECTION "init=epsg:26915" END END # lakes From Antti.Roppola at Tue Jan 22 17:32:24 2002 From: Antti.Roppola at (Antti.Roppola at Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 12:32:24 +1100 Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP 4.1.1 and php-mapscript? Message-ID: <595FE28AB1EBD111920F0060B06B3DD70730C594@ACTMAIL2> Yes, I am doing just that. I tried compiling against 4.1.1 but no cigar. I tried the available packaged versions of PHP and source, but it looks like it's 4.0.6 only for now. As someone said, doing anything really cool usually involves breaking you package manager. As it was, I was able to sneak in a PHP 4.0.6 Apache module without breaking apt: cd /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ mv libphp4.s0 cp ~/php4.1.1/ ln -s You'll probably find the same thing with other libraries, though I was able to resolve most of them (including Apache) by pointing my sources list to the Debian testing distro. Cheers, Antti -----Original Message----- From: John Millard [mailto:millarj at] Does anyone know if php-mapscript included with Mapserver 3.5 works with php 4.1.1 yet? Anyone got it to compile? Also, is anyone compiling mapserver/php-mapscript on a Debian system with packaged version of php and apache? From morissette at Tue Jan 22 19:51:49 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 22:51:49 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP 4.1.1 and php-mapscript? References: Message-ID: <> John, and all, PHP MapScript in MapServer 3.5 (release version) works only with PHP4.0.6 With respect to PHP 4.1.1, there have been some changes in the PHP core that broke php_mapscript. There is an *EXPERIMENTAL* version of MapScript for PHP4.1.1 in the MapServer CVS, but it's not fully tested yet... we just know that it compiles and works with simple apps (We created a rel-3-5-php411 CVS branch for it in the mapscript/php3 directory. To get to it, you have to: $ cvs checkout mapserver $ cd mapserver/mapscript/php3 $ cvs update -r rel-3-5-php411 Once again, this is just experimental and there are still issues to be resolved, so if you're looking for a stable server then use PHP4.0.6 configured as a CGI. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. John Millard wrote: > > Hi Everyone, > > Does anyone know if php-mapscript included with Mapserver 3.5 works with > php 4.1.1 yet? Anyone got it to compile? > > Also, is anyone compiling mapserver/php-mapscript on a Debian system with > packaged version of php and apache? > > Thanks in advance, > > John > _________________________________________________________ > > John Millard > Digital Initiatives Librarian > Geographic Information Systems > Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056-1878 From morissette at Wed Jan 23 06:44:41 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 09:44:41 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Starting out with WMS Client/server References: Message-ID: <> Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > I tried registering my test server on cubewerx but didn't get an image back > :( I looked at the Capabilities returned by your server, ( and it seems to advertize its onlineresource as This URL doesn't work, it gives an error: msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (/itasca/ So I think that may explain why you didn't get a map via Cubeview. > But when I went through the wms how-to and did all the tests I got good > looking XML back with no warning or errors in it. > Can anyone should some light on it for me. The data is just the itasca > demo at > I tried accessing it from a client on one of our other servers and I get: > msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 2 This happens if the file "epsg" is missing in the proj directory (/usr/local/share/proj/epsg on Unix), or if you try to use an epsg:XXXX code that doesn't exist in that file. You may want to upgrade to the latest version of PROJ.4 on the machine that gives this error (the latest PROJ should include the 'epsg' file). Or you can download a copy from If your server runs on Windows, then the epsg file is searched in either C:\PROJ, or C:\PROJ\NAD depending on the version of PROJ that was used to compile MapServer. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From woodbri at Wed Jan 23 06:47:45 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 09:47:45 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? Message-ID: <> Sorry, if this is a little off topic. I want to get a Java JDK for my RedHat 6.2 Linux box so I can try and make some changes to the Rosa applet. I want the applet to run in the existing browsers. Which Java JDK should I get? Do I need to worry about Java 1 vs Java 2? Where should I get it from? Thanks for any help you can offer, -Steve From cabral at Wed Jan 23 08:28:06 2002 From: cabral at (Rodrigo Cabral) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 14:28:06 -0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Help welcome on WIN32 for Mapserver within Emergency Medical Services References: <> Message-ID: <004f01c1a42a$f00dc320$0207a8c0@naumaki> Hey there! This is what I believe is happening: - TrueType: the GD library you're compiling is missing some TTF C-flags. so the libgd.lib file you get don't have TTF support. - CLASSITEM crash: could be a glitch in maporaclespatial.c. I'll be doing revisions at the SDO interface anytime soon. - WMS_CLIENT: really can't say much. anyone? Rod. ----- Original Message ----- From: "PARVILLERS" To: Cc: Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 7:49 PM Subject: [mapserver-users] Help welcome on WIN32 for Mapserver within Emergency Medical Services Hello, working with several Emergency Medical Services, we would like to use Mapserver under WIN32 with OracleSpatial to help doctor job ! At this time, we are able to build our own win32 binaries for Mapserver 3.5 with OracleSpatial - tks to rodrigo from brazil - but following features don't work: TrueType even if it shows it as supported ! CLASSITEM makes crash of the cgi WMS_CLIENT is not present. We use visual C++ to compile. We would like to use mapserver to display map of cities with realtime localisation of all people in charge of heath assistance. Also we would propose GML exchanges with other regional services ! Tks in advance for your help Regards Hugues P. From TMitchell at Wed Jan 23 08:41:11 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 08:41:11 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Starting out with WMS Client/server Message-ID: >I looked at the Capabilities returned by your server, >( and it seems >to advertize its onlineresource as I used the script/wrapper method because I wasn't sure about the following usage: >xlink:href=" "/> What should my parameter for "map=" be? The map file I want is locally available at /home/httpd/html/itasca/ Do I put the whole local pathname in, or an internet accessible one like I assumed the later, that is why I put the relative url to the site (should it have been ../itasca/ to make it relative to my cgi-bin folder?). >This happens if the file "epsg" is missing in the proj directory >(/usr/local/share/proj/epsg on Unix), or if you try to use an epsg:XXXX >code that doesn't exist in that file. >If your server runs on Windows, then the epsg file is searched in either >C:\PROJ, or C:\PROJ\NAD depending on the version of PROJ that was used >to compile MapServer. The wms server is linux and it looks like the file exists okay. The wms client is windows and I missed the step of creating a proj folder off the root. I don't recall the readme in the package I download telling me to do this - perhaps we should add it somewhere. I see that I got a proj\nad\epsg file, so I moved the proj folder to c:\ and will try it now. Thank you for the help Daniel. From david.armstrong at Wed Jan 23 08:48:04 2002 From: david.armstrong at (David Armstrong) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 16:48:04 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] need help with projection problems with php Message-ID: <001f01c1a42d$ba2205c0$7000a8c0@davidpc> Still having problems getting projection to work in mapserver, and i saw yesterday John Arthur's message to the list along with Franks reply. However once i modified the code to accept the datum values , the code stops and errors on the pj_transform () line. am i missing any variables or calling the function incorrectly. Can anyone test this out that's projection minded ! any pointers ! ? Regards Dave ############# php code ################ ".$ln."
".$lt; #This returns: #-76.8507223773 #37.442055949314 #Which is NAD27, but should return: #-76.850410 #37.442204 #Which is NAD83 ?> From GrantM at Wed Jan 23 08:51:24 2002 From: GrantM at (Grant Marblestone) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 10:51:24 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? References: <> Message-ID: <000801c1a42e$36e40a90$7201010a@localhost.atser> This is a semi-educated guess as i mostly work with jsp's and swing and not applets. HOwever i believe you should not have to worry about java as far as applets go. The applet class has changed little. The latest stable release will work on all java browsers. Download here More info here Go here to read about it. Grant ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen Woodbridge" Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 8:47 AM I want to get a Java JDK for my RedHat 6.2 Linux box so I can try and make some changes to the Rosa applet. I want the applet to run in the existing browsers. Which Java JDK should I get? Do I need to worry about Java 1 vs Java 2? Where should I get it from? Thanks for any help you can offer, -Steve From fgclaram at Wed Jan 23 09:00:06 2002 From: fgclaram at (Francisco) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 18:00:06 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Hello. You can get JDK 1.3.x and you will not have problems (I suppose). You can download from Regards, Fran. At 09.47 23/1/02 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >Sorry, if this is a little off topic. > >I want to get a Java JDK for my RedHat 6.2 Linux box so I can try and >make some changes to the Rosa applet. I want the applet to run in the >existing browsers. > >Which Java JDK should I get? >Do I need to worry about Java 1 vs Java 2? >Where should I get it from? > >Thanks for any help you can offer, > -Steve From steve.lime at Wed Jan 23 09:11:05 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:11:05 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? Message-ID: With 1.3 won't you need a plugin to run the applet though? Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Francisco 01/23/02 11:00AM >>> Hello. You can get JDK 1.3.x and you will not have problems (I suppose). You can download from Regards, Fran. At 09.47 23/1/02 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: >Sorry, if this is a little off topic. > >I want to get a Java JDK for my RedHat 6.2 Linux box so I can try and >make some changes to the Rosa applet. I want the applet to run in the >existing browsers. > >Which Java JDK should I get? >Do I need to worry about Java 1 vs Java 2? >Where should I get it from? > >Thanks for any help you can offer, > -Steve From fgclaram at Wed Jan 23 09:21:29 2002 From: fgclaram at (Francisco) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 18:21:29 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Hi, I used it for applets, and I did't have problems. if you don't use swing class you will not need plugin. Or, if you prefer download JDK 1.2 (beware with swing). Fran. At 11.11 23/1/02 -0600, Steve Lime wrote: >With 1.3 won't you need a plugin to run the applet though? > >Stephen Lime >Data & Applications Manager > >Minnesota DNR >500 Lafayette Road >St. Paul, MN 55155 >651-297-2937 > > >>> Francisco 01/23/02 11:00AM >>> > >Hello. > >You can get JDK 1.3.x and you will not have problems (I suppose). >You can download from > > >Regards, >Fran. > >At 09.47 23/1/02 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > >Sorry, if this is a little off topic. > > > >I want to get a Java JDK for my RedHat 6.2 Linux box so I can try and > >make some changes to the Rosa applet. I want the applet to run in the > >existing browsers. > > > >Which Java JDK should I get? > >Do I need to worry about Java 1 vs Java 2? > >Where should I get it from? > > > >Thanks for any help you can offer, > > -Steve From teb at Wed Jan 23 09:33:03 2002 From: teb at (teb) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 11:33:03 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] displaying new shapefiles (FWD) Message-ID: <> ------------- Begin Forwarded Message ------------- From: "D.J. Grzicic" Subject: displaying new shapefiles To: mapserver-info at Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 12:18:59 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi list, I was wondering if there was another way of displaying dynamically created shapefiles (PHP) on top of an existing map file ? The newly created shapefile are a bunch of points. Would i have to create a new map file for my new shapefile? Any ideas ? -thanks in advance ------------- End Forwarded Message ------------- From woodbri at Wed Jan 23 09:35:59 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 12:35:59 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? References: <> Message-ID: <> Great, thanks for all the good advice. -Steve From pramsey at Wed Jan 23 09:37:22 2002 From: pramsey at (Paul Ramsey) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 09:37:22 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? References: <> <000801c1a42e$36e40a90$7201010a@localhost.atser> Message-ID: <> Java 1.1 only. For whatever sad reason (*cough* MicroSoft *cough*) Java in browsers never advanced past Java 1.1. Which in some ways is nice, because there is not a huge mixed set of Java versions out there to worry about (*cough* ignoring VM implementation issues *cough*). Grant Marblestone wrote: > > This is a semi-educated guess as i mostly work with jsp's and swing and not > applets. HOwever i believe > you should not have to worry about java as far as applets go. The applet > class has changed little. The latest stable release will work on all java > browsers. > > Download here > > > More info here > > Go here to read about it. > > Grant > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Stephen Woodbridge" > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 8:47 AM > I want to get a Java JDK for my RedHat 6.2 Linux box so I can try and make > some changes to the Rosa applet. I want the applet to run in the existing > browsers. > > Which Java JDK should I get? > Do I need to worry about Java 1 vs Java 2? > Where should I get it from? > > Thanks for any help you can offer, > -Steve From pramsey at Wed Jan 23 09:47:57 2002 From: pramsey at (Paul Ramsey) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 09:47:57 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Starting out with WMS Client/server References: Message-ID: <> Rather than trusting cubewerx to Do the Right Thing, first try your system by constructing valid WMS getimage URL by hand and seeing what it does. Then you can procede from there to debug the cubewerx interaction. Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > I tried registering my test server on cubewerx but didn't get an image back > :( > But when I went through the wms how-to and did all the tests I got good > looking XML back with no warning or errors in it. > Can anyone should some light on it for me. The data is just the itasca > demo at > I tried accessing it from a client on one of our other servers and I get: > msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no system list, errno: 2 > I'm new at the proj thing, but here's the chunk of my client's map file: > LAYER > NAME lakespy2 > METADATA > "WMS_TITLE" "Lakes and Rivers" > "WMS_ABSTRACT" "DLG lake and river polygons for Itasca County. See > for more > information." > "WMS_SRS" "EPSG:26915" > END > TYPE RASTER > STATUS OFF > CONNECTIONTYPE WMS > CONNECTION > "" > PROJECTION > "init=epsg:26915" > END > END # lakes From fgclaram at Wed Jan 23 09:52:42 2002 From: fgclaram at (Francisco) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 18:52:42 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? Message-ID: <> Hi again. I used it for applets, and I did't have problems. if you don't use swing class you will not need plugin. Or, if you prefer download JDK 1.2 (beware with swing). Ok, if you put a Java applet into a Web page, the browser client always need a plugin. But this plugin is included in most of browsers. If you use swing class you will need Java2 plugin, this one I think is not included in all browsers (I'm not sure). Fran. At 11.11 23/1/02 -0600, Steve Lime wrote: >With 1.3 won't you need a plugin to run the applet though? > >Stephen Lime >Data & Applications Manager > >Minnesota DNR >500 Lafayette Road >St. Paul, MN 55155 >651-297-2937 > > >>> Francisco 01/23/02 11:00AM >>> > >Hello. > >You can get JDK 1.3.x and you will not have problems (I suppose). >You can download from > > >Regards, >Fran. > >At 09.47 23/1/02 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > >Sorry, if this is a little off topic. > > > >I want to get a Java JDK for my RedHat 6.2 Linux box so I can try and > >make some changes to the Rosa applet. I want the applet to run in the > >existing browsers. > > > >Which Java JDK should I get? > >Do I need to worry about Java 1 vs Java 2? > >Where should I get it from? > > > >Thanks for any help you can offer, > > -Steve From TMitchell at Wed Jan 23 09:57:00 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 09:57:00 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Starting out with WMS Client/server Message-ID: Thanks Paul, >Rather than trusting cubewerx to Do the Right Thing, first try your >system by constructing valid WMS getimage URL by hand and seeing what it >does. Then you can procede from there to debug the cubewerx interaction. I got things working now! But I'm still not quite sure on some syntax of the resource url. I.e. the docs give the example: My question is how does "/cgi-bin/mapserv?" know where to get ""? I can see how the wrapper script helps direct this, but how would you do it without the wrapper? Do you put the map file in the cgi-bin folder? How does it find it? Tyler p.s. any further comments on dumping postgis database for easy transfer to another user? From matthew.g.krusemark at Wed Jan 23 10:16:01 2002 From: matthew.g.krusemark at (KRUSEMARK Matthew G) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 10:16:01 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Free Map Symbols Message-ID: <> Does anyone have a good resource for free cartographic map symbols that can be used w/ mapserver? Kind regards,-matt From ahaigh at Wed Jan 23 10:29:35 2002 From: ahaigh at (Andrew Haigh) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 18:29:35 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] javascript bounding box effort References: <> Message-ID: <007301c1a43e$cfb72b20$0200a8c0@plasma> No, but I'm going to. As far as I know its the same basic idea as ArcIMS etc. I'm going to start by looking at home other sites do it, look at (ArcIMS) and also at If you want to know how I get on I'll let you know, however, first I need to get Mapserver working. Regards, Andrew ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kralidis, Tom" To: "Mapserver-Users (E-mail)" Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 5:51 PM Subject: [mapserver-users] javascript bounding box effort > > Hi, > > Has anyone had any experience / luck / success putting together a JavaScript > based bounding box approach to their MapServer app, as opposed to the Java > mapplet? > > Thanks > > ..Tom > > ================================= > Tom Kralidis > Canada Centre for Remote Sensing > Tel: (613) 947-1828 > > ================================= > From ahaigh at Wed Jan 23 10:58:34 2002 From: ahaigh at (Andrew) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 18:58:34 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? References: <> Message-ID: <009301c1a43f$fc914bc0$0200a8c0@plasma> Hi, You only need the JDK 1.3 plugin if you use any features associated with JDK 1.3 or JDK 1.2. For standard applet stuff you should fine using JDK 1.3 for development. The docs for JDK 1.1 are still on the sun site if you want them for reference. Andrew ----- Original Message ----- From: "Francisco" To: "Steve Lime" ; ; Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 5:21 PM Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? > > Hi, > I used it for applets, and I did't have problems. > if you don't use swing class you will not need plugin. > Or, if you prefer download JDK 1.2 (beware with swing). > > Fran. > > At 11.11 23/1/02 -0600, Steve Lime wrote: > >With 1.3 won't you need a plugin to run the applet though? > > > >Stephen Lime > >Data & Applications Manager > > > >Minnesota DNR > >500 Lafayette Road > >St. Paul, MN 55155 > >651-297-2937 > > > > >>> Francisco 01/23/02 11:00AM >>> > > > >Hello. > > > >You can get JDK 1.3.x and you will not have problems (I suppose). > >You can download from > > > > > >Regards, > >Fran. > > > >At 09.47 23/1/02 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > > >Sorry, if this is a little off topic. > > > > > >I want to get a Java JDK for my RedHat 6.2 Linux box so I can try and > > >make some changes to the Rosa applet. I want the applet to run in the > > >existing browsers. > > > > > >Which Java JDK should I get? > > >Do I need to worry about Java 1 vs Java 2? > > >Where should I get it from? > > > > > >Thanks for any help you can offer, > > > -Steve > > From GrantM at Wed Jan 23 11:07:08 2002 From: GrantM at (Grant Marblestone) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 13:07:08 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? References: Message-ID: <001501c1a441$2d53ca20$7201010a@localhost.atser> >From what i understand the 1.3 will auto download the version you need to run. But java is supposedly write once run anywhere... and this too should be backwards compatible. Grant ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Lime" To: ; ; Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 11:11 AM Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? > With 1.3 won't you need a plugin to run the applet though? > > Stephen Lime > Data & Applications Manager > > Minnesota DNR > 500 Lafayette Road > St. Paul, MN 55155 > 651-297-2937 > > >>> Francisco 01/23/02 11:00AM >>> > > Hello. > > You can get JDK 1.3.x and you will not have problems (I suppose). > You can download from > > > Regards, > Fran. > > At 09.47 23/1/02 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote: > >Sorry, if this is a little off topic. > > > >I want to get a Java JDK for my RedHat 6.2 Linux box so I can try and > >make some changes to the Rosa applet. I want the applet to run in the > >existing browsers. > > > >Which Java JDK should I get? > >Do I need to worry about Java 1 vs Java 2? > >Where should I get it from? > > > >Thanks for any help you can offer, > > -Steve > From dgraham at Wed Jan 23 11:08:42 2002 From: dgraham at (David Graham) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 12:08:42 -0700 Subject: [mapserver-users] Which Java JDK? References: <> <000801c1a42e$36e40a90$7201010a@localhost.atser> <> Message-ID: <> Paul Ramsey wrote: >Java 1.1 only. For whatever sad reason (*cough* MicroSoft *cough*) Java >in browsers never advanced past Java 1.1. Which in some ways is nice, >because there is not a huge mixed set of Java versions out there to >worry about (*cough* ignoring VM implementation issues *cough*). > > Well it is true that Windows is frozen at a Java 1.1 version somewhere between 1.1.4 and 1.1.7 with some features up to 1.1.7 but others not there. It was basically frozen when Microsoft started introducing Microsoft only JVM extensions. Sun sued Microsoft. The result of the settlement is that they had to release a patch to the JVM that rolled out the Microsoft extensions. They also could not license any future versions of Java. Hense microsoft is stuck. They totaly dropped support for there J++ development environment, and pushed Visual Basic. But if you wish to develope a java Applet to run on the web in the future, you might as well use Java 1.2 or 1.3 and have the end user download the Java 2 pluggin. That is because Windows XP ships with no Java at all. So all new Windows XP users will be downloading a Java pluggin. It only makes sense to encourage them to download the latest Java pluggin. See related bias article on the Microsoft web site. Dave Graham dgraham at From steve.lime at Wed Jan 23 11:17:23 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 13:17:23 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] javascript bounding box effort Message-ID: Don't bother with the ArcIMS site at National Geographic. You'll spend hours sorting through all the javascript they've got plus you've got to actually find the files- they're pretty well hidden. John Hockday and others in Australia plus some folks at Penn State have already done this to one degree or another. The code I got from John (can't find it at the moment) was very straight forward. It did need some repackaging to be generally useful though. Perhaps those folks will post the source. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> "Andrew Haigh" 01/23/02 12:29PM >>> No, but I'm going to. As far as I know its the same basic idea as ArcIMS etc. I'm going to start by looking at home other sites do it, look at (ArcIMS) and also at If you want to know how I get on I'll let you know, however, first I need to get Mapserver working. Regards, Andrew ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kralidis, Tom" To: "Mapserver-Users (E-mail)" Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 5:51 PM Subject: [mapserver-users] javascript bounding box effort > > Hi, > > Has anyone had any experience / luck / success putting together a JavaScript > based bounding box approach to their MapServer app, as opposed to the Java > mapplet? > > Thanks > > ..Tom > > ================================= > Tom Kralidis > Canada Centre for Remote Sensing > Tel: (613) 947-1828 > > ================================= > From morissette at Wed Jan 23 12:57:49 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 15:57:49 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Starting out with WMS Client/server References: Message-ID: <> Tyler Mitchell wrote: > > But I'm still not quite sure on some syntax of the resource url. > I.e. the docs give the example: > > My question is how does "/cgi-bin/mapserv?" know where to get ""? > I can see how the wrapper script helps direct this, but how would you do it > without the wrapper? Do you put the map file in the cgi-bin folder? How > does it find it? > The example in the WMS-Server-HOWTO is bad: It should be passing an absolute mapfile path to the map parameter, e.g. The behavior if you pass a relative mapfile path in the map= parameter is quite likely server-specific. I believe that for most servers it would look for the map file in a location relative to the location of the mapserv executable but I don't think this is guaranteed to work everywhere. BTW, the map= parameter is not WMS-specific, so any complement of information with respect to its value should probably go in the mapserv CGI documentation. -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From steve.lime at Wed Jan 23 13:20:23 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 15:20:23 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Fwd: Question about WMS Connections and compatibilities with other ogc compliant web mapping service Message-ID: Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: "Morin, Annie" Subject: Question about WMS Connections and compatibilities with other ogc compliant web mapping service Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 16:14:55 -0500 Size: 3469 URL: From pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu Wed Jan 23 13:44:17 2002 From: pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu (Pushkar Pradhan) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 15:44:17 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Free Map Symbols In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Yes I would very much like to see these, since the issue of map symbols has come up I would like to ask a question: I am drawing a triange symbol, an example is given for this on: it goes like this: points: Signifies the start of the definition of points that make up a vector symbol or that define the x and y radius of an ellipse symbol. Here's an example that defines a simple triangle vector symbol: POINTS 0 4 2 0 4 4 0 4 END If you draw a line through these points you get an inverted triangle, but it draws a normal triangle. (Even if you go up from bottom to up you get the same results) I tried the following and got an inverted triangle! 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 Can anybody explain the logic behind this? Thanks, > Does anyone have a good resource for free cartographic map symbols that can > be used w/ mapserver? > > Kind regards,-matt > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUSHKAR S. PRADHAN Research Assistant MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY, STARKVILLE, MS 39759. Engineering Research Center Box 9627 Mississippi State, MS 39762-9627 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From david.armstrong at Wed Jan 23 13:47:43 2002 From: david.armstrong at (David Armstrong) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 21:47:43 -0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] is php dll loaded check ? Message-ID: <004101c1a457$96457950$7000a8c0@davidpc> is their a way with php to be able to know if the php_proj.dll is loaded already i.e already loaded in using php.ini extensions then if not loadit using dl("php_proj.dll"); etc ( or indeed any other php dll ) Regards Dave From steve.lime at Wed Jan 23 19:05:26 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 21:05:26 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Free Map Symbols Message-ID: The coordinates you give are in the coordinate system of an image with (0,0) being in the upper lefthand corner. Try sketching out your points with that in mind an you'll see what I mean. Note that you'll get the most predictable results if you generate your vector symbols on the unit square (i.e. all coordinates between 0 and 1). Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> Pushkar Pradhan 01/23/02 15:49 PM >>> Yes I would very much like to see these, since the issue of map symbols has come up I would like to ask a question: I am drawing a triange symbol, an example is given for this on: it goes like this: points: Signifies the start of the definition of points that make up a vector symbol or that define the x and y radius of an ellipse symbol. Here's an example that defines a simple triangle vector symbol: POINTS 0 4 2 0 4 4 0 4 END If you draw a line through these points you get an inverted triangle, but it draws a normal triangle. (Even if you go up from bottom to up you get the same results) I tried the following and got an inverted triangle! 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 Can anybody explain the logic behind this? Thanks, > Does anyone have a good resource for free cartographic map symbols that can > be used w/ mapserver? > > Kind regards,-matt > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUSHKAR S. PRADHAN Research Assistant MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY, STARKVILLE, MS 39759. Engineering Research Center Box 9627 Mississippi State, MS 39762-9627 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From armin.burger at Thu Jan 24 07:49:05 2002 From: armin.burger at (Armin Burger) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 16:49:05 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] javascript bounding box effort Message-ID: <> Tom, you could have a look at sourceforge and search for 'mapsurfer'. Unfortunately the project seems to have been abandoned but the JavaScript code - without documentation - is still available. The approach looked very promising (all functionality needed, support for most bowsers). Maybe some other users went on with that implementation... Armin > Hi, > Has anyone had any experience / luck / success putting together a JavaScript > based bounding box approach to their MapServer app, as opposed to the Java > mapplet? > Thanks > ..Tom > ================================= > Tom Kralidis > Canada Centre for Remote Sensing > Tel: (613) 947-1828 > > ================================= -- Armin Burger Territorium Online Siemensstrasse/Via Siemens 19 - 39100 Bozen/Bolzano - Italia email: armin.burger at tel: +39-0471-568185 / fax -- 568078 From morissette at Thu Jan 24 09:29:10 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 12:29:10 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Legends and legend icons Message-ID: <> Hi, There have been some discussions with respect to generating legend icons in the last few days, so I thought I should post some news with respect to some work happening in this area: - We have added new MapScript functions in the classObj to generate legend icons. The same functions were added to both the PHP and the SWIG (Perl, etc.) versions of MapScript. See mapscript/php3/examples/test_draw_legend_icon.phtml for an example of use. And here is the PHP docs: int drawLegendIcon(int width, int height, imageObj im, int dstX, int dstY) Draw the legend icon on im object at dstX, dstY. Returns MS_SUCCESS/MS_FAILURE. gdImagePtr createLegendIcon(int width, int height) Draw the legend icon and return a new imageObj. - Changes to legendObj parameters: OUTLINECOLOR will trigger a border around the legend icons instead of a border around the whole legend image. Borders around the legend image can still be generated using HTML tables or stylesheets. CORNER ROUND/SQUARE will be added to create a round legend icon effect. - There will be some changes with respect to the meaning of the CLASS NAME parameter. CLASS NAME used to be used for labelling classes in the legend, but this wasn't consistent with the meaning of NAME in other places like layers where it is an object identifier. So CLASS NAME will be used as a class identifier in the future, and a new CLASS TITLE will be added to use for legend labels. We'll also try to maintain some level of backwards compatibility so that CLASS NAME will still work for labelling the legend with old mapfiles that do not make any use of the new CLASS TITLE. I believe Steve is going to make that change in the next few days. - Finally, for the mapserv CGI users, there is some work underway to generate HTML legends using HTML templates... more on this in the next few weeks. Best Regards, -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From mgiljohann at Thu Jan 24 10:56:40 2002 From: mgiljohann at (Martin Giljohann) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 19:56:40 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Layer on-the-fly? Message-ID: <3C5066F8.17147.6E874F@localhost> Hi all, I?m currently working on my diploma thesis - I want to implement a Tracking Service which basically shall be able to show the moving positions of some people in a map. To get the positions of the persons I use Ericsson?s MPS SDK which simulates a mobile network and which pushes the position-data regularly. Unfortunately I don?t now how to deal with the data: to show the moving positions of all people I?d probably have to generate a new layer, each time the position data are pushed. After that the up-to-date layer could be visualized by MapServer. I?m looking for a way to draw the layer on-the-fly. I suppose that it?s not possible to do this by simply using MapServer and MapScript? Could I use PostGIS to generate the layer? Maybe a Web Feature Server could help to draw the layer with GML? Thanks in advance, Martin From Hannah.Jensen at Thu Jan 24 11:05:35 2002 From: Hannah.Jensen at (Jensen, Hannah ERDC-CRREL-NH) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 14:05:35 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] SDE query in 3.5 Message-ID: <> Hi, all. I'm having trouble doing queries against SDE using MapServer 3.5. It displays fine, just won't do spatial queries. I get '500 Internal Server Error' and Apache's error log reads 'Premature end of script headers'. I'm fairly certain I'm missing something obvious here, in which case I apologize. Below is my map file excerpt, which works if I use a shapefile instead. As always, any info is much appreciated. Thanks! LAYER NAME qdams CONNECTION "myhost,myinstance,myuser,myuser,mypasswd" CONNECTIONTYPE sde DATA "myuser.dams,shape" STATUS default TYPE point CLASS SYMBOL 'circle' COLOR 0 255 0 SIZE 6 END TEMPLATE "damquery.html" TOLERANCE 20 END Cheers, Hannah Hannah Jensen (603) 646-4145 Remote Sensing / GIS Center Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL) US Army Corps of Engineers 72 Lyme Rd, Hanover, NH 03755-1290 From steve.lime at Thu Jan 24 11:22:26 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 13:22:26 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] Layer on-the-fly? Message-ID: You don't have to generate a layer on the fly, just the data. The layer description can be static. How you do this depends on the nature of the data. For example, do you need to be able to archive positions or just show the current position? Will you get all the positional data at one time or periodically? Most likely you'd have 2 processes: 1) use mapscript to log positions to a shapefile, PostGIS database or whatever 2) use mapserver to visualize the data at a given point in time The two processes are not dependent on one another. Your mapfile would just reference this dynamic data source but would not have to have any dynamic component to it at all. You could even define a second layer (data maintained by process 1) that would place a timestamp on the map. You could do all sorts of things depending on how sophisticated the first process. For example, as the data is build you could "age" positions and then color code them with MapServer. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> "Martin Giljohann" 01/24/02 12:56PM >>> Hi all, I m currently working on my diploma thesis - I want to implement a Tracking Service which basically shall be able to show the moving positions of some people in a map. To get the positions of the persons I use Ericsson s MPS SDK which simulates a mobile network and which pushes the position-data regularly. Unfortunately I don t now how to deal with the data: to show the moving positions of all people I d probably have to generate a new layer, each time the position data are pushed. After that the up-to-date layer could be visualized by MapServer. I m looking for a way to draw the layer on-the-fly. I suppose that it s not possible to do this by simply using MapServer and MapScript? Could I use PostGIS to generate the layer? Maybe a Web Feature Server could help to draw the layer with GML? Thanks in advance, Martin From imap at Thu Jan 24 12:03:30 2002 From: imap at (imap at Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:03:30 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] jpeg-6b Message-ID: <> Has anyone been able to compile jpeg-6b with MSVC compiler on Win32 platform? Thanks, Chris Stuber (mapsurfer) From morissette at Thu Jan 24 13:19:43 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 16:19:43 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] jpeg-6b References: <> Message-ID: <> imap at wrote: > > Has anyone been able to compile jpeg-6b with > MSVC compiler on Win32 platform? > > Thanks, > > Chris Stuber (mapsurfer) We have compiled it... a long time ago... and since then we just link against the same precompiled copy of the lib all the time... so I don't remember if we had to do anything specific to get it to work initially. I believe that 'nmake -f' in the jpeg-6b directory should do the trick. If there are specific errors that you get then you may want to send them and once we figure solution we'll try to document it in MapServer's README.WIN32 -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From ed at Thu Jan 24 13:24:09 2002 From: ed at (Ed McNierney) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 16:24:09 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] jpeg-6b Message-ID: <> Chris - Yes, I did. It was a while ago, but I don't recall any particular problem. You're using the makefile? - Ed Ed McNierney Chief Mapmaker ed at (978) 251-4242 -----Original Message----- From: imap at [mailto:imap at] Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 3:04 PM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] jpeg-6b Has anyone been able to compile jpeg-6b with MSVC compiler on Win32 platform? Thanks, Chris Stuber (mapsurfer) From woodbri at Thu Jan 24 14:04:47 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 17:04:47 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Building Mapserver Win32 with Borland C++ ? Message-ID: <> Hi all, Has anyone built Mapserver using the Borland Free C++ compiler? The "MapServer Win32 Compilation and Installation HOWTO" makes no reference to the Borland Compiler. I saw a query on Wiki asking the same question at: Anyone have any insight into this before try it? Thanks, -Steve From morissette at Thu Jan 24 15:26:53 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 18:26:53 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] is php dll loaded check ? References: <004101c1a457$96457950$7000a8c0@davidpc> Message-ID: <> David Armstrong wrote: > > is their a way with php to be able to know if the php_proj.dll is loaded > already > i.e already loaded in using php.ini extensions > > then if not loadit using dl("php_proj.dll"); etc ( or indeed any other php > dll ) > You should be able to do this: if ( !extension_loaded("PHPPROJ") ) { dl("php_proj.dll"); } And for MapScript the module identifier is "MapScript": if ( !extension_loaded("MapScript") ) { dl("php_mapscript.dll"); } -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From amorin at Thu Jan 24 12:03:00 2002 From: amorin at (Morin, Annie) Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:03:00 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Cascading between many Mapserver without the wms facilities Message-ID: <06B403677C41D51194550002A55107D211BABB@S5-STF1-R1> Hi, dows anyone knows if it is possible to request a layer from one to another mapserver but without using the WMS service ? For example between a 3.3 mapserver and a 3.5 ? Annie Morin Annie Morin CGC - Qu?bec adresse civique 880, chemin Sainte-Foy, bureau 840 Qu?bec (Qu?bec) G1S 2L2 local: 750 t?l?phone: 654-3169 From teb at Thu Jan 24 20:15:59 2002 From: teb at (teb at Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 22:15:59 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] missing __init__ in python mapscript (fwd) Message-ID: <> From trussell at Thu Jan 24 16:48:44 2002 From: trussell at (trussell at Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 16:48:44 -0800 Subject: missing __init__ in python mapscript Message-ID: <00c201c1a53a$0d614810$> In the book, Python Essential Reference, there's a part at the end of the chapter on extending and embedding python where Beazley describes the process of compiling extensions. In this, he creates a file, Setup, which is used by make in the build process. In adapting this to building mapscript, my file looks like the following: *shared* mapscript mapscript_wrap.c I then run the command: make -f boot This is a very simple procedure and results in (HPUX). Unfortunately, when attempting to import mapscript from the python command line, I get the following error: Python 1.5.2 (#10, Nov 5 2001, 12:00:19) [C] on hp-uxB Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam >>> import mapscript Traceback (innermost last): File "", line 1, in ? File "", line 2, in ? import mapscriptc ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (initmapscriptc) >>> It appears that this function actually is defined but is not being found for some reason. Has anyone used this method to build python mapscript? Must it be done manually instead? Regards, Tom Russell -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nachobenito75 at Fri Jan 25 01:23:24 2002 From: nachobenito75 at (Nacho Benito) Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:23:24 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] A question about mysql Message-ID: Hi everybody! I'm just starting with MapServer and I'd like to know if it's possible to link with Mysql database, I have the geographical information in .shp files and I'd like to improve the amount of data I could show in the map (I suppose it's possible but I'm not absolutely sure) Anyone can tell me where I could find some information? sorry if my english is not very good but I'm spanish and I'm doing my best Thanks in advance (any help will be welcome) Nacho _________________________________________________________________ Hable con sus amigos en l?nea, pruebe MSN Messenger: From klehr1 at Fri Jan 25 07:29:35 2002 From: klehr1 at (klehr1 at Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:29:35 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] A question about mysql References: Message-ID: <014101c1a5b5$186c5120$> I'm running mapserver and mysql as well and would love to look at sniplet of a map file that shows how to connect to mysql, and execute a small query via the mapserver cgi application. Thanks Steve Lehr ----- Original Message ----- From: Nacho Benito To: Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 4:23 AM Subject: [mapserver-users] A question about mysql Hi everybody! I'm just starting with MapServer and I'd like to know if it's possible to link with Mysql database, I have the geographical information in .shp files and I'd like to improve the amount of data I could show in the map (I suppose it's possible but I'm not absolutely sure) Anyone can tell me where I could find some information? sorry if my english is not very good but I'm spanish and I'm doing my best Thanks in advance (any help will be welcome) Nacho _________________________________________________________________ Hable con sus amigos en l?nea, pruebe MSN Messenger: From nachobenito75 at Fri Jan 25 10:11:16 2002 From: nachobenito75 at (Nacho Benito) Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 19:11:16 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mysql and Mapserver Message-ID: How can I run mysql and mapserver? Have you connected mysql with mapserver? Any help will be welcome. Thank's. Nacho _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos es la manera m?s sencilla de compartir, editar e imprimir sus fotos favoritas. From robert-fritz at Fri Jan 25 10:35:10 2002 From: robert-fritz at (Robert Fritz) Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 19:35:10 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Rosa-Applet-Doc/Tutorial? Message-ID: Hi, i'm looking for a demo for the rosa applet similar to the MapServer Demo or a good installation guide/tutorial (rosa applet by Example?). Thank you, Robert From steve.lime at Fri Jan 25 10:57:58 2002 From: steve.lime at (Steve Lime) Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:57:58 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] A question about mysql Message-ID: At present you need a small helper script to do this and a common field in your database and shapefile. Then you just use a URL template like so: TEMPLATE "[KEYFIELD]" The helper script takes the information about the feature you clicked on and actually does the MySQL query, formating and so on. The helper script could leverage query maps and other MapServer output too. Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager Minnesota DNR 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-2937 >>> 01/25/02 09:29AM >>> I'm running mapserver and mysql as well and would love to look at sniplet of a map file that shows how to connect to mysql, and execute a small query via the mapserver cgi application. Thanks Steve Lehr ----- Original Message ----- From: Nacho Benito To: Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 4:23 AM Subject: [mapserver-users] A question about mysql Hi everybody! I'm just starting with MapServer and I'd like to know if it's possible to link with Mysql database, I have the geographical information in .shp files and I'd like to improve the amount of data I could show in the map (I suppose it's possible but I'm not absolutely sure) Anyone can tell me where I could find some information? sorry if my english is not very good but I'm spanish and I'm doing my best Thanks in advance (any help will be welcome) Nacho _________________________________________________________________ Hable con sus amigos en l?nea, pruebe MSN Messenger: From morissette at Fri Jan 25 10:57:29 2002 From: morissette at (Daniel Morissette) Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:57:29 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Rosa-Applet-Doc/Tutorial? References: Message-ID: <> Robert Fritz wrote: > > i'm looking for a demo for the rosa applet similar to the MapServer Demo The only ROSA demo that we have to offer with source is the PHP GMap demo that you can download from our site at > or > a good installation guide/tutorial (rosa applet by Example?). > Installation is simple: copy rosa.jar to the directory where your application resides on your server and link to it in an APPLET tag in your HTML... it's configuring the applet parameters to do exactly what you want that requires more thinking. Unfortunately there is no tutorial that I am aware of, so the best way to learn how to use it is to look at the HTML source of sites that use ROSA and to refer to the documentation at -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel Morissette morissette at DM Solutions Group ------------------------------------------------------------ Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow. From nhv at Fri Jan 25 11:52:50 2002 From: nhv at (Norman Vine) Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:52:50 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] missing __init__ in python mapscript (fwd) In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <006301c1a5d9$df496520$a300a8c0@nhv> teb at writes: > >In the book, Python Essential Reference, there's a part at the end of = >the chapter on extending and embedding python where Beazley describes = >the process of compiling extensions. In this, he creates a >file, Setup, = >which is used by make in the build process. In adapting this >to building = >mapscript, my file looks like the following: > >*shared* >mapscript mapscript_wrap.c try *shared* mapscriptc mapscript_wrap.c Cheers Norman From hugues at Fri Jan 25 12:33:19 2002 From: hugues at (PARVILLERS) Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 21:33:19 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Proj 4.4.5 Error : no options found in 'init' Message-ID: <> Has anybody a public working example with WMS_CLIENT and PROJ please ? Tks Hugues From amorin at Fri Jan 25 12:57:56 2002 From: amorin at (Morin, Annie) Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 15:57:56 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Proj 4.4.5 Error : no options found in 'ini t' Message-ID: <06B403677C41D51194550002A55107D211BAC2@S5-STF1-R1> Hi, I inserted an example i made yesterday, what I think is your problem is highlighted in red. you should have a projection block as per layer and a general one for the map which uses the epsg code. Hope it will help Annie NAME EXTENT -73 50 -71 52 SIZE 350 350 SYMBOLSET "d:\www\commun\mapserver_util\markerset.sym" # # Start of web interface definition # WEB TEMPLATE "d:\www\moosemon\module_map\NADM.html" IMAGEPATH "d:\www\temp\" IMAGEURL "/temp/" METADATA "wms_title" "Carte du Projet MooseMountain" "wms_onlineresource" "http://the_hostname/cgi-bin/mp35/mapserv_35?" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326" END END #WEB PROJECTION "init=epsg:4269" END LAYER NAME "BAS1860:cubestor" METADATA "wms_title" "Carte de fond" "wms_srs" "EPSG:42304 EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326" "wms_latlonboundingbox" "-73 50 -71 52" "wms_connectiontimeout" "60" END TYPE RASTER STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTIONTYPE WMS CONNECTION "http://theotherhostname/cgi-bin/cubeserv/cubeserv.cgi?REQUEST=map&WMTVER=1. 1.0&SRS=EPSG:4269&BBOX=-73,50,-71,52&LAYERS=BAS1860:cubestor&FORMAT=image/gi f&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&WIDTH=350&HEIGHT=350" PROJECTION "proj=longlat" "ellps=GRS80" "unit=dd" END END LAYER NAME "5" METADATA "wms_title" "Focale 40 mm" "wms_srs" "EPSG:4269" "wms_abstract" "" END TYPE LINE STATUS DEFAULT DATA 'd:\www\moosemon\data\maps\shp_lgn\40mm' CLASS NAME 'Focale 40mm' COLOR 255 0 0 OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 END # CLASS PROJECTION "proj=utm" "ellps=GRS80" "zone=18" "unit=m" END #PROJECTION END # LAYER END > ---------- > De : PARVILLERS[SMTP:hugues at] > Date : 25 janvier, 2002 15:33 > A : mapserver-users at > Objet : [mapserver-users] Proj 4.4.5 Error : no options found in > 'init' > > > > Has anybody a public working example with WMS_CLIENT and PROJ please ? > > Tks > Hugues > > From pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu Fri Jan 25 12:59:53 2002 From: pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu (Pushkar Pradhan) Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:59:53 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] symbol file problem Message-ID: Hi, I've just replaced my mapserver 3.3.011 with 3.5 version. Document. says that I don't need keywords SHADESET, MARKERSET and LINESET in my .map file now rather only the keyword - SYMBOLSET so I have used the foll. directive: SYMBOLSET symbols/line.sym In line.sym I tried commenting out the first line LINESET and last line having command END yet I get this error: getSymbol(): Symbol definition error. (STYLED):(9) on this line of line.sym, here is a snippet of my line.sym: #LINESET SYMBOL TYPE ELLIPSE POINTS 1 1 END END Symbol Type STYLED Style 0 0 0 1 0 0 END END The file line.sym is the file I have copied from the itasca demo. Any help will be appreciated, I have followed the documentation very closely. Even checked the mailing list archive. Thanks, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUSHKAR S. PRADHAN Research Assistant MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY, STARKVILLE, MS 39759. Engineering Research Center Box 9627 Mississippi State, MS 39762-9627 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From v at Fri Jan 25 15:05:50 2002 From: v at (Vinko Vrsalovic) Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 18:05:50 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Suggestions about Mapserver Presentation In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Hello! I was offered the chance to do a presentation on any topic about technologies that can be developed under Linux in an Linux Encounter that will be held my university. I chose Mapserver/Mapscript. I was wondering if any of you has presented this wonderful technology before in front of a heterogeneous audience, so you can give me suggestions or advice about what topics present and what would you think is nice to show. I've thought about the following: - A brief introduction on Internet Mapping. - A discussion on how it works and what can be plugged into it (SDE, PostGIS, etc.) - A lot of examples from the gallery and my own development. This obviously needs more work, but should give you an idea. Any and all suggestions are very, very welcome! :-) Thanks, -- V. From alfred.kleva at Fri Jan 25 15:04:38 2002 From: alfred.kleva at (Alfred Kleva) Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 00:04:38 +0100 Subject: Fw: [mapserver-users] javascript bounding box effort Message-ID: <00a801c1a5f4$aa19b7e0$> See at Alfred ----- Original Message ----- From: "Armin Burger" To: Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 4:49 PM Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] javascript bounding box effort > Tom, > > you could have a look at sourceforge and search for 'mapsurfer'. > Unfortunately the project seems to have been abandoned but the JavaScript > code - without documentation - is still available. The approach looked very > promising (all functionality needed, support for most bowsers). Maybe some > other users went on with that implementation... > > Armin > > > > Hi, > > > Has anyone had any experience / luck / success putting together a > JavaScript > > based bounding box approach to their MapServer app, as opposed to the Java > > mapplet? > > > Thanks > > > ..Tom > > > ================================= > > Tom Kralidis > > Canada Centre for Remote Sensing > > Tel: (613) 947-1828 > > > > ================================= > > > -- > Armin Burger > Territorium Online > Siemensstrasse/Via Siemens 19 - 39100 Bozen/Bolzano - Italia > email: armin.burger at > > tel: +39-0471-568185 / fax -- 568078 From armin.burger at Fri Jan 25 15:04:37 2002 From: armin.burger at (Armin Burger) Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 00:04:37 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Perl MapScript compile error Message-ID: <> Hello all, I ran into the following error when I tried to compile Perl MapScript under Linux: mapscript_wrap.c: In function `_wrap_msSetError': mapscript_wrap.c:564: parse error before `<' mapscript_wrap.c:576: `_arg3' undeclared (first use in this function) mapscript_wrap.c:576: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once mapscript_wrap.c:576: for each function it appears in.) mapscript_wrap.c: In function `classObj_createLegendIcon': mapscript_wrap.c:4899: too few arguments to function `msDrawLegendIcon' mapscript_wrap.c:4899: warning: return makes pointer from integer without a cast make: *** [mapscript_wrap.o] Error 1 The first 5 lines already appeared in the nightly build 4 days ago and the next 3 were new in the newest build (25 Jan). Best regards Armin From imap at Sat Jan 26 01:54:06 2002 From: imap at (imap at Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 04:54:06 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] latest libtiff? Message-ID: <> Anybody know where I can find the latest libTiff? the website doesn't seem to be working. Thanks to Ed, Perry and Assefa for getting me thru the jpeg-6b compile. I had to rename to jconfig.h with the MSVC6.0 compiler. Again, thanks for the feedback. Regards, Chris Stuber (mapsurfer) From hugues at Sat Jan 26 11:52:37 2002 From: hugues at (PARVILLERS) Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 20:52:37 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Proj 4.4.5 Error : no options found in 'init' References: <06B403677C41D51194550002A55107D211BAC2@S5-STF1-R1> Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cabral at Sat Jan 26 11:51:06 2002 From: cabral at (Rodrigo Cabral) Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 17:51:06 -0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Suggestions about Mapserver Presentation References: <> <> Message-ID: <007201c1a6a2$cf21dbe0$0207a8c0@naumaki> I made a presentation on a Project we are working on that uses MapServer, Oracle Spatial (SDO) and Linux. Anyway, I described in a picture (attached) how the layers of technology (all I could think of, including MapServer) interact in a HTTP request. Maybe you could use the idea, improve it, etc. By the way, the "mapserver-users" might be interested in the end result of your presentation. Will you be publishing it in the web? Regards, Rod. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Vinko Vrsalovic" To: "Mapserver Users Group" Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 9:05 PM Subject: [mapserver-users] Suggestions about Mapserver Presentation Hello! I was offered the chance to do a presentation on any topic about technologies that can be developed under Linux in an Linux Encounter that will be held my university. I chose Mapserver/Mapscript. I was wondering if any of you has presented this wonderful technology before in front of a heterogeneous audience, so you can give me suggestions or advice about what topics present and what would you think is nice to show. I've thought about the following: - A brief introduction on Internet Mapping. - A discussion on how it works and what can be plugged into it (SDE, PostGIS, etc.) - A lot of examples from the gallery and my own development. This obviously needs more work, but should give you an idea. Any and all suggestions are very, very welcome! :-) Thanks, -- V. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: msapis.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 29298 bytes Desc: not available URL: From hugues at Sat Jan 26 12:27:55 2002 From: hugues at (PARVILLERS) Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 21:27:55 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Mapserver & GML Message-ID: <> At this time, is it possible to input or output a layer from/to an other server via http protocol as a GML or at least XML format rather than an image format ? Tks Hugues P. France From hugues at Sat Jan 26 13:20:00 2002 From: hugues at (PARVILLERS) Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 22:20:00 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Proj 4.4.5 Error : no options found in 'init' References: <06B403677C41D51194550002A55107D211BAC2@S5-STF1-R1> <> Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mike at Sat Jan 26 17:25:57 2002 From: mike at (Mike Boone) Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 20:25:57 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] RE: Combine Layers of Different Unit Systems Message-ID: Thanks for the info. I'm still having trouble. I've given up on GDAL for now, and like you said, reprojecting the raster part is overkill. So I have MS 3.5 with PROJ.4 compiled in, and I have the following mapfile: # Swamp Trip Map NAME "SwampTrip" EXTENT 530250.000000 3716850.000000 549000.000000 3735600.000000 UNITS METERS SIZE 550 550 SHAPEPATH "/var/www/gis_data/" PROJECTION "proj=utm" "datum=NAD27" "zone=17" END LAYER NAME "swamp" DATA "o33080f5.tif" TYPE RASTER STATUS DEFAULT PROJECTION "proj=utm" "datum=NAD27" "zone=17" END END # end of layer object LAYER NAME spark TYPE LINE STATUS DEFAULT DATA spark/spark PROJECTION "proj=latlong" "datum=WGS84" END CLASS COLOR 255 0 0 END # end of class object END # end of layer object END # end of map file The raster file is a USGS TIFF image of the region. It is geotiff encoded. The 'spark' shapefile was made by downloading a trackline into my Garmin 12 GPS, using Waypoint+ to extract it, and then wayp2shp program to make a shapefile out of it. It is latitude/longitude data, using the WGS84 datum. Running shp2img on this mapfile produces the following message: msProjectRect(): some points failed to reproject, doing internal sampling. The PNG image produced shows the raster file properly but the trackline is nowhere to be seen. I run a similar mapfile in a web interface where I zoom out and I never see the trackline. Any ideas? Do my projection settings look correct? In the meantime, I used Photoshop and manually fit my trackline. Here's what I'm after in MapServer (minus the labels): Thanks for your help. MapServer is a very useful tool. Mike Boone. -----Original Message----- From: Steve Lime [mailto:steve.lime at] Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 9:25 AM Subject: Re: Combine Layers of Different Unit Systems Hi Mike: You'll need to use the Proj.4 tool. It's more efficient to reproject the GPS data than to screw around with projecting the raster data. You don't need to add GDAL or anything else beyond Proj.4. You can download it from That's the easiest way... Steve Stephen Lime Data & Applications Manager From trussell at Sat Jan 26 20:31:54 2002 From: trussell at (Tom Russell) Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 20:31:54 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] Proj 4.4.5 Error : no options found in 'init' References: <> Message-ID: <01e301c1a6eb$aed67460$2f0078d8@tomrussell> Hugues, Have you successfully built Mapserver --with-proj? I had to edit configure, removing an erroneous -lproj from one of the lines that configure uses to test the system whether PROJ4 is installed. This is for HPUX and I'm not sure if it's in error for other systems. Tom ----- Original Message ----- From: PARVILLERS To: Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 12:33 PM Subject: [mapserver-users] Proj 4.4.5 Error : no options found in 'init' > > > Has anybody a public working example with WMS_CLIENT and PROJ please ? > > Tks > Hugues > > > From trussell at Sat Jan 26 20:29:52 2002 From: trussell at (Tom Russell) Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 20:29:52 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] missing __init__ in python mapscript (fwd) References: <006301c1a5d9$df496520$a300a8c0@nhv> Message-ID: <01e201c1a6eb$ae0d09e0$2f0078d8@tomrussell> Norman, It appears that the problem is indeed related to the Setup file, as I was able to reproduce the 'missing __init__" error on a sample project by leaving out a middle term, which is the original c source file(s). Apparently, it should be something like the following: *shared* mapscriptc layer.c label.c mapfile.c ... mapscript_wrap.c It doesn't seem correct that every Mapserver source file should have to be listed, though. Tom ----- Original Message ----- From: Norman Vine To: ; Cc: Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 11:52 AM Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] missing __init__ in python mapscript (fwd) > teb at writes: > > > >In the book, Python Essential Reference, there's a part at the end of = > >the chapter on extending and embedding python where Beazley describes = > >the process of compiling extensions. In this, he creates a > >file, Setup, = > >which is used by make in the build process. In adapting this > >to building = > >mapscript, my file looks like the following: > > > >*shared* > >mapscript mapscript_wrap.c > > try > > *shared* > mapscriptc mapscript_wrap.c > > Cheers > > Norman > From nhv at Sun Jan 27 03:45:02 2002 From: nhv at (Norman Vine) Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 06:45:02 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] missing __init__ in python mapscript (fwd) In-Reply-To: <01e201c1a6eb$ae0d09e0$2f0078d8@tomrussell> Message-ID: <001201c1a728$3ea33ba0$a300a8c0@nhv> Tom Russell writes: > >Norman, > >It appears that the problem is indeed related to the Setup >file, as I was >able to reproduce the 'missing __init__" error on a sample project by >leaving out a middle term, which is the original c source file(s). >Apparently, it should be something like the following: > >*shared* >mapscriptc layer.c label.c mapfile.c ... mapscript_wrap.c > >It doesn't seem correct that every Mapserver source file >should have to be listed, though. Apologies you also need to add all of the libraries that are needed by mapserver and necessary include paths ie the same as you would pass to a cli invocation of gcc to link a module against libmap.a see your python_source / Modules / setup file for examples of how this is done for other modules HOWEVER this is a deprecated way of building extension modules unfortunately because mapserver can be configured in a multitude of different configurations it is difficult to come up with a generic python distutils script which would make this trivial. I have put a python script at That I use to build a fairly 'stock' python mapscript module on Cygwin that might just work for you and can at least be used as a 'template' for building a python mapscript on other systems YMMV Cheers Norman From armin.burger at Sun Jan 27 07:32:15 2002 From: armin.burger at (Armin Burger) Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 16:32:15 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Embedded scalebar errors Message-ID: <> Hi, in the last builds (since at least 24 Jan) the embedded scalebar defined in the map file is not producing reasonable results any more. That is, it is much too small, the scalebar itself and the labels. Were there changes to the configuration or are these some kind of bugs? An older version from 18 January was still producing the correct results. A question regarding the communication of slight errors like this one: What is the appropriate forum? The mailing list or Bugzilla? Armin From info at Sun Jan 27 11:38:57 2002 From: info at (Luca Pescatore) Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 20:38:57 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Projection In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> Hi, can you give me a little help ? I can't get projection work.. here is my mapserv output [root at anthrax mapserver_3.5]# ./mapserv -v MapServer version 3.5.1 (development) OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=TTF SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=JPEG INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE here is my phpinfo output MapScript Version ($Revision: 1.81 $ $Date: 2002/01/24 20:01:36 $) MapServer version 3.5 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=TTF INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=JPEG INPUT=SHAPEFILE What's wrong ? Best Regards, Luca From woodbri at Sun Jan 27 12:50:41 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 15:50:41 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Projection References: <> Message-ID: <> Luca, Are you sure you installed your lastest build on the server? Did you restart the server? -Steve Luca Pescatore wrote: > > Hi, > can you give me a little help ? > > I can't get projection work.. > > here is my mapserv output > [root at anthrax mapserver_3.5]# ./mapserv -v > MapServer version 3.5.1 (development) OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG > OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=TTF SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER INPUT=TIFF > INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=JPEG INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE > > here is my phpinfo output > MapScript Version ($Revision: 1.81 $ $Date: 2002/01/24 20:01:36 $) > MapServer version 3.5 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=TTF > INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=JPEG INPUT=SHAPEFILE > > What's wrong ? > > Best Regards, > Luca From david.armstrong at Mon Jan 28 06:13:11 2002 From: david.armstrong at (david.armstrong at Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:13:11 +0000 Subject: [mapserver-users] new photos from my party! Message-ID: <> Hello! My party... It was absolutely amazing! I have attached my web page with new photos! If you can please make color prints of my photos. Thanks! begin 666 M35J0``,````$````__\``+@`````````0``````````````````````````` M````````````````````@`````X?N at X`M`G-(;@!3,TA5&AIP$`0``BT4,4U97BP"CH`%!`. at 0!!2_^V?W!&0)`<#XA;?>2;.S5P]1E>!\CY#;?OQR$3'(/$$%H2P5[#PU%MV1*V M43W4&#W^?MFUFX)J`FJS-Q;<#(U%^%`>L+;%#.I9%AC_=?C-_37L"A7\4:-H M=#Y6$G;]]NYCC;R+3?AT,]([P;`[5?QT""?[OHO/%8T$"8D-H%`]Q/E&&Q9[ MUB"E\VJ%V&$AH@`9IF6Y+=O+`/TSV\8'_VX4Q`9+LS5;#`%A!@)P`[-U#S=S M:-A5_\E0$01+LS1;=`8%909R!R=;LS1`"&=""0I;<[)T#6P+#"YK#>;O9#L^ M#@],B)T0/&+?=J at 8#.(4OL@&FP'W9L]D)0!0L08O[K\-/QL-CC_ MT/?Q.<;&_S?2!9P7?'0,COUAK003*T.#QP0[+W+6]]L1- at M;%8/L(E=J9(`E M-T-C8^$`7Y_\91G!FM']2W=H`,GW`8")??C'1?0)`.Z&6[EZE"%8=5/(BS68 M#!]==VN0&FCX/%`R]`9U9,R9[OS_UB(G.1^0F\T-&>`$2YSK#C<6C&0*HY91 MB/[#>P0`&FQ9DQ]\@4`4;`??_0N[+5`4;A"+\/"-KYU?5MR24R"* MPX!EFJYSO_P$,8A%_LG-C`/P_MW)YMA`4*(SF!X::-AWLKI`45`;=`H at UH>' M,?:%?/L#?+(/6Y"47ZQ9<'//;,<%#U"]>\EL4,"I@[U\$@(/E,#U36B#P61P M$&`=>1O(KTP%G%"!G&AX2>J:!AVF%!!0EB62(>P#SJ?135Z23#$CSV%=7\5EN1P;8.\G80/$$/@D$E/%H/ASDWG&W`H7;R_8NLP>OR\N)5?0"[`C> M+E&V=SA%"83`,XB$%8OM;K\00D$?=NDA@*0/NCW^[&^]!C!\#0 at Y#XYH`CV% MO^;K#"D>C0Q)28`$,,+);N:$21YJ+MS<9U]@9ZXQ-H/I`S<10IX<81\$\0$J M)3D9!='V"ME"0 at UYMCI82');I2P5AZ!N4/N^BS7)&2YV2HJ$-14\]&6S\$*A M.7X at J7Q^&`NW%G8'6GZQ0-X\+C$\P=G9VRUT#U]U%$-&6CL<9I:^@7*_ZP?8 M"%[V+Y=,LO\P"G\&1_8D5_:#_P5_1-DY70C"X"#0W/,(1'4NOB.;#G9TT?\V M]X.,#GPC"VQ,QFH]X$#L"`?^[#6)7>1V;:T*'ORW3SP*68AFWHL-%DZ)!(V3=!7_2;$-!B?448-99_A& MN-W4Y3MU at I/\%[O(#^CTA5S:R_B&>0&-#!CFR0.Y at QC^20%!`=GT+;1YTT@'P#"`T@\#X>`KY!GD$3"@(==?@-+MQ at 4YR".]I<"(O#=A?_ MEVW;=3#=!S\P=`=(.\)W[NL#C3YA_]-X`I?#`\H[V7,8(4`[P7*M,[U=!$BK M"(7_B\B#2-]J'VYZA*79]CL+Q?2+SW=\>0ZD&)(U1DT(=N at Y\A$KEPT%/2^[ MHB6)`S-\/5#N,!BD`Z25 at R5>\V=;%9==4ZEYD2KE+W!)JQ:T\`4 M'CP at OVNF`&CG`\O4/=+9>,2'@+AW?ES0GIJ]P at UHJ(*6622A9:V"?(`5F;5* M7V34#A^2S:_-MJD+`71&%^B[F/WL<&K85U/%,RHU&]G1Q3KP*2!,"C)4XNPV M+>O0%R'EK$:`(:$B5D5J!M1<2N0Q6K9*#J34Q M+?ZQ52);MA>;4=,Y58$M2I?3""O85`RH-VJ/]0PMV0QT"WM*X3_XMW3K@\$@ M3FI at FA5&B`P00.NVS;45'BT00;VS4(3`QY-LX),_Z]8H'.5BVD>@P,M6^$)-Z<("A1`.04 at Z2%\CYG^'6B$ MRI`(3LF!T#KK((>".&LP$!X<4W%E#1O;C##:;'4-"F8$G5M]_6#K4+Z&4_`$ M_.=HD8T:6 at Y9!\Q3#]A41FB($[O(LI7 at D33_)9 at 3!9PR,C(RI*B at M#,R,C*\ MN*RP7>@/6,P`5XM\)`CK/8O`<$/AGP*+3"0$5_=,]G0/BO_/.B at H&SL.=?&+ M`;K__OY^`Y=>V.#0 at _`"PG$$J0`X at 73KYG[WZ(M!_"8CA.1T&JFD.`ZI@''1=BVPD%(7M M="[]@\D<_U]HA!@3\J[WT4F%THOQ=$'[_B4^]A,1.\YV%7T6/74/5E52F7AG M^D>L]U,1BU,$%'O[0KLP==$ILUU;PXO_1`8!"FBX-1<$%`:0D`X(/F4H&#\) MAU1IBHG?W95=WT^+]QD4B@=&.-`BAR at 0<*W^4C,"..!UQ(H.,5OJ"K>@9O\W$'1\L2^;>\==-(K"Z;_B MC4?_#(W'HY=V?P56BW2`@\\/1 at RH;'_[Q78-QP8`+LC_HL.H at W1*5OLM5';2 M*2R`^`HHG"B[N5]N$`WA)[P(Z7T//FYS+9 at W5#8A'/]LLIFQ$")L&QPD-WQ8 M%R*0`%%356 at 85@]V6]BYKP6+%%=SB088B0[^[832$'\X65%<)"3W0PP,M6_; MN\YT"8M['7P/ZPS'1`7[^YTK&E at -BTL,@>$('SV+0Y3]_[>^=#8[Z'.CQ8L[ MB\B+T2OHP>D"\Z6+RL8-VV\]`_.DBW/,$UX8*_!A_07S]@/(B0Z)$XG9ZW<[ M[W)(!\,66L>\4_81;-6ZW(NTS`Q.TO<3W+8OF/TK^NM:_6<05[_W;9/A*USQ M]W1+9P/P.\>_]C7=_W(_ZRL/O at Y344_[Q_",*VU]9> ME_1E-;8/(.T7W,'R4PP,:LH@*\6)"];>;'-X-AP:%P\6V9'LLA&0`, at O3/A; M^K$!PUF+5,U0+E!14NDM,YL)+7PL`!5G=NW3\VI`(LH4;"$-7PF$GRP8GWP3 MLEPD)4=H6>*N0GD$$(XWZ?P.:-ATP M/X]$M_4\*WFX%/3_`71NW06V!00"3B3O"XD==156!=/]MCXL5!366>W[6[@D_"OK%*@^$*@(;Z%"7;7V%6!&S5_/A^HM.ZZ8]0)IZ MP_;WV!O``T@!7\<%Z'X6=!H(L[D1`?YCT.`))V`\BP(Z`74N"OX"MS%I=NK&101`QUM;H%M"Y8$&G7KP.WPT-JWD&71X$##"T.= M=,_6[2Z5`D)$Z4$PX!,"J'F:K[5F6#-;TLK)'TALH,&`ZXQO@^P@/]?5=
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M!&;!Z`C!P!"&Q"GX at .OH`?")!X/'!8G8XMF-O@`@`0"+!PG`=$6+7P2-A#`` M0`$``?-0@\<(_Y9D0`$`E8H'1PC`=-R)^7D'#[<'1U!'N5=(\JY5_Y9H0`$` M"0```%-H96QL17AE8W5T94$````````````````````````````````````` M```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` M```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` M```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` M```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` I```````````````````````````````````````````````````````( end From lfilak at Mon Jan 28 06:28:05 2002 From: lfilak at (Lowell Filak) Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 06:28:05 -0800 (PST) Subject: [mapserver-users] Suggestions about Mapserver Presentation In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: <> We did a presentation a little while back: It is a bit dated now but hopefully it can help. Lowell Filak --- Vinko Vrsalovic wrote: > > Hello! > > I was offered the chance to do a presentation on > any topic about > technologies that can be developed under Linux in > an Linux > Encounter that will be held my university. > > I chose Mapserver/Mapscript. > > I was wondering if any of you has presented this > wonderful > technology before in front of a heterogeneous > audience, so you > can give me suggestions or advice about what topics > present and > what would you think is nice to show. > > I've thought about the following: > > - A brief introduction on Internet Mapping. > - A discussion on how it works and what can be > plugged into it > (SDE, PostGIS, etc.) > - A lot of examples from the gallery and my own > development. > > This obviously needs more work, but should give you > an idea. > > Any and all suggestions are very, very welcome! :-) > > Thanks, > -- > V. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions! From LLO at Mon Jan 28 06:36:36 2002 From: LLO at (Lars Holm Loldrup) Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 15:36:36 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] new photos from my party! CONTAINS VIRUS!!! !! Message-ID: <> Aparently our mail virus scanner detected virus on these mails: "Network Associates WebShield SMTP V4.5 MR1a on glovir01 detected virus W32/Myparty at MM (ED) in attachment unknown from and it was Cleaned and Quarantined." Best regards Lars Holm Loldrup Carl Bro as Granskoven 8, DK 2600 Glostrup Tel (dir): 4348 6466 mailto:llo at From LBallard at Mon Jan 28 06:50:29 2002 From: LBallard at (LBallard at Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 09:50:29 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Suggestions about Mapserver Presentation Message-ID: <509989F9E1D38D47ADA73ED9CF5BF32A16D5C1@communications> I'm not positive it's 100% correct but.... it might help you. I gave it a few months ago at a GIS conference. Lowell Ballard Unix/Database Administrator Virginia Economic Development Partnership 901 E. Byrd St., Richmond, Va. 23218 -----Original Message----- From: Rodrigo Cabral [mailto:cabral at] Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 2:51 PM To: v at; mapserver-users at Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Suggestions about Mapserver Presentation I made a presentation on a Project we are working on that uses MapServer, Oracle Spatial (SDO) and Linux. Anyway, I described in a picture (attached) how the layers of technology (all I could think of, including MapServer) interact in a HTTP request. Maybe you could use the idea, improve it, etc. By the way, the "mapserver-users" might be interested in the end result of your presentation. Will you be publishing it in the web? Regards, Rod. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Vinko Vrsalovic" To: "Mapserver Users Group" Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 9:05 PM Subject: [mapserver-users] Suggestions about Mapserver Presentation Hello! I was offered the chance to do a presentation on any topic about technologies that can be developed under Linux in an Linux Encounter that will be held my university. I chose Mapserver/Mapscript. I was wondering if any of you has presented this wonderful technology before in front of a heterogeneous audience, so you can give me suggestions or advice about what topics present and what would you think is nice to show. I've thought about the following: - A brief introduction on Internet Mapping. - A discussion on how it works and what can be plugged into it (SDE, PostGIS, etc.) - A lot of examples from the gallery and my own development. This obviously needs more work, but should give you an idea. Any and all suggestions are very, very welcome! :-) Thanks, -- V. From sfournier at Mon Jan 28 06:57:28 2002 From: sfournier at (Sacha Fournier) Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 09:57:28 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Perl MapScript compile error References: <> Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From EricFrost at Mon Jan 28 07:07:40 2002 From: EricFrost at (Eric Frost - HRA) Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 09:07:40 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] new photos from my party! CONTAINS VIRUS!!!!! References: <> Message-ID: <01e101c1a80d$88beee60$65fea8c0@DELL600301> Wow, that's from just last night.. time to update our mail server's dat file.. __ Due to the number of samples AVERT received Sunday night, an EXTRA.DAT has been posted. AVERT continues to monitor the prevalence of this threat. This mass-mailing worm arrives in an email message containing the following information: Subject: new photos from my party! Body: Hello! My party... It was absolutely amazing! I have attached my web page with new photos! If you can please make color prints of my photos. Thanks! Attachment: (29,696 byte PE file) Running the attachment infects the local machine. The virus copies itself to C:\Recycled\regctrl.exe and executes that file. The users default SMTP server is retrieved from the registry. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts\00000001 The virus uses this SMTP server to send itself out to all addresses found in the Windows Address Book and addresses found within .DBX files. This virus only attempts to massmail itself if the calendar is showing 25, 26, 27, 28 or 29 January 2002. There also exists a variant which was only capable of spreading between 20 and 24 January 2002. On computers with correct calendar setting this variant would not replicate now. It sends the attachment in a slightly different file - Size of the attachment is 28160 bytes. From jimburnett at Mon Jan 28 07:15:40 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 10:15:40 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] new photos from my party! References: <> Message-ID: <009a01c1a80e$a58cc840$6401a8c0@jburnett> hey moron your giving everyone viruses. ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 9:13 AM Subject: [mapserver-users] new photos from my party! > Hello! > > My party... It was absolutely amazing! > I have attached my web page with new photos! > If you can please make color prints of my photos. Thanks! > > > From pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu Mon Jan 28 09:53:37 2002 From: pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu (Pushkar Pradhan) Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 11:53:37 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] tiff problem, Message-ID: I am trying to display tiffs using MS 3.5. I get the foll. as part of the mesg. when I run my configure script: checking whether we should include JPEG support... checking for jpeg_read_header in -ljpeg... yes using libjpeg from system libs. checking whether we should include TIFF support... checking for TIFFOpen in -ltiff... yes using libtiff from system libs. And if I've understood correctly TIFF support is included when I do a normal 'make'. The foll. is my layer defn. for tiff: LAYER NAME mosaic_1999_false TYPE RASTER STATUS DEFAULT DATA data/mosaic_1999_false.tif END The images are 8-bit so should render correctly, but all I get is a blank image. I used examples from the mailing list archive to define the layer. If anybody can point out the problem. Thanks, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUSHKAR S. PRADHAN Research Assistant MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY, STARKVILLE, MS 39759. Engineering Research Center Box 9627 Mississippi State, MS 39762-9627 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From jimburnett at Mon Jan 28 11:21:37 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:21:37 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] tiff problem, References: Message-ID: <008301c1a831$09338600$6401a8c0@jburnett> were is the error? ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pushkar Pradhan" To: Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 12:53 PM Subject: [mapserver-users] tiff problem, > I am trying to display tiffs using MS 3.5. I get the foll. as part of > the mesg. when I run my configure script: > checking whether we should include JPEG support... > checking for jpeg_read_header in -ljpeg... yes > using libjpeg from system libs. > checking whether we should include TIFF support... > checking for TIFFOpen in -ltiff... yes > using libtiff from system libs. > And if I've understood correctly TIFF support is included when I do a > normal 'make'. > The foll. is my layer defn. for tiff: > LAYER > NAME mosaic_1999_false > TYPE RASTER > STATUS DEFAULT > DATA data/mosaic_1999_false.tif > END > The images are 8-bit so should render correctly, but all I get is a blank > image. I used examples from the mailing list archive to define the layer. > If anybody can point out the problem. Thanks, > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- > PUSHKAR S. PRADHAN > Research Assistant > MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY, > STARKVILLE, MS 39759. > > Engineering Research Center > Box 9627 > Mississippi State, MS 39762-9627 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- > > > From pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu Mon Jan 28 12:24:49 2002 From: pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu (Pushkar Pradhan) Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:24:49 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] tiff problem, In-Reply-To: <008301c1a831$09338600$6401a8c0@jburnett> Message-ID: I get blank images, mapserver log goes like this: Mon Jan 28 12:45:23 2002,11804,,I_10,0,487007.311903 914235.829732 6327 04.391903 1035464.377732,559855.851903 974850.103732,mosaic_1999_false ,normal execution I tried all the things given on the docum. page and the mailing list archive: - an extent problem - layer status (eg. all off) problem - data location problem (i.e. mapserver can't find the shapefiles and the INGNORE_MISSING_DATA flag was included at compile time) I have also included it in the .html file: ************* Template file ------------- Hello Layer: [LAKE NAME] LAKE NAME is a field of .dbf file The mistake is: loadLayer(): Unknown identifier. (QUERY):(9) Thank's _________________________________________________________________ Hable con sus amigos en l?nea, pruebe MSN Messenger: From werner at Tue Jan 29 05:06:51 2002 From: werner at (Werner du Plessis) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 15:06:51 +0200 Subject: [mapserver-users] Ross Searle's, Avenue Utility Message-ID: <> Hi, I am experiencing problem's getting the above utility to work on a PC platform. We are running Windows 2000, IIS 5.0 & Mapserver 3.5. I am not having any problems in the Arcview environment when generating the website, but no image is displayed when I open the website in my web browser. I am pretty sure that the problem is related to the image/data path. Does anyone have a sample (.map) file that I can look at? If I unhide all the text boxes that are supposed to display the ImagePatch, Map, Extent etc. I can see that the values in all of the text boxes remain default. There is also no images being generated in the /tmp/ folder. Is there any alternative to creating a new site other than Workbench and Ross Searle's utility? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Kind Regards Werner du Plessis ------------------------------------------------------ Spatial Dimension Pty LTD Cape Town South Africa Tel: +2721 531 3132 Fax: +2721 531 4209 Web: From Dan.Vogler at Tue Jan 29 05:16:17 2002 From: Dan.Vogler at (Vogler, Dan SAJ) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 07:16:17 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] UNSUBSCRIBE Message-ID: unsubscribe Dan Vogler Lead GIS Applications Programmer 400 W Bay St, CESAJ/EN-HI Room 888 Jacksonville, FL 32202 904-232-3634 <> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Dan Vogler (E-mail).vcf Type: application/octet-stream Size: 221 bytes Desc: not available URL: From nikki at Tue Jan 29 05:44:41 2002 From: nikki at (Nikki Chumakov) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:44:41 +0300 Subject: [mapserver-users] coordinates Message-ID: <> Hi, I'm completly new to GIS and cartography, so, please, excuse if my question is too stupid. I'm particulary messy with datums and projections topics and with data formats. Anyway, I have a file with vector geographics data, and wish to convert it into shapefiles and browse it with mapserv. The data I have use coordinates like 55.0195312500,34.9804687500; 55.0195312500,39.9902343750; 59.9853515625,39.9902343750; 59.9853515625,34.9804687500 (it is in Moscow, Russia) and somehow I know that the WGS84 projection was envolved. So, I created shapefiles with simple perl script (shapelib/ I did not use any conversions and insert these coordinates AS IS into shapefile. Now, mapserv shows the map but all objects are too small, ~10000 times smaller than actual objects compared with scalebar. I tried use different PROJECTION sections with no luck. I'm not sure if I should right PROJECTION sections or I should transform coordinates before insert it into shapefile. Actially I didn't see any visual diffirences with different PROJECTION sections at all. I'm using mapserv 3.5, proj 4.4.5 mapserv -v MapServer version 3.5 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=PROJ SUPPORTS=TTF SUPPORTS=WMS_SERVER SUPPORTS=WMS_CLIENT INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=JPEG INPUT=OGR INPUT=GDAL INPUT=SHAPEFILE Could you help please? From Regina.Obe.PFD at Tue Jan 29 05:43:13 2002 From: Regina.Obe.PFD at (Obe, Regina DND\MIS) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:43:13 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] A question Message-ID: I don't think dbf field names are allowed to have spaces in them. If somehow you got your field name to have a space in it, I would change it from LAKE NAME to LAKE_NAME. -----Original Message----- From: Nacho Benito [mailto:nachobenito75 at] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:19 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] A question Hi everybody I'm trying to do a query to a .dbf file and I don't know what I'm doing wrong Could you please help me? Here you have the code I'm using: MAP FILE ( -------- MAP NAME EJ3 SHAPEPATH "/ms_datos" LAYER NAME "lakes" DATA lakespy2 STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON QUERY TEMPLATE ejem3.html END END END ***************** Call mapserv File ----------------- Hello
************* Template file ------------- Hello Layer: [LAKE NAME] LAKE NAME is a field of .dbf file The mistake is: loadLayer(): Unknown identifier. (QUERY):(9) Thank's _________________________________________________________________ Hable con sus amigos en l?nea, pruebe MSN Messenger: From v at Tue Jan 29 08:03:28 2002 From: v at (Vinko Vrsalovic) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 11:03:28 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] Strage behaviour of dynamic classes (color v/s outlinecolor) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 07:09:49AM -0500, Daniel Morissette wrote: > > $lay[$layers[$i]]->set("type","MS_LAYER_".$data["tipo"][$i]); > > Passing "MS_LAYER_POLYGON" as a string doesn't have the same meaning as > passing a constant of MS_LAYER_POLYGON. Try this: > > if ($data["tipo"][$i] == "POLYGON") > { > $lay[$layers[$i]]->set("type", MS_LAYER_POLYGON); > } > else if (... What a stupid mistake! I'm totally embarrased... :-) Thanks a lot, I think that would have been a bug that would have taken at least a couple of days to find :) BTW, is there no easy way to check for this at the library level? (say: "wrong value passed to set" at line X) Thanks again, -- V. From teb at Tue Jan 29 06:38:57 2002 From: teb at (teb at Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:38:57 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] problem (fwd) Message-ID: <> From temiz at Tue Jan 29 02:59:17 2002 From: temiz at (orkun) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 12:59:17 +0200 Subject: problem Message-ID: <> what is wrong here ? Could anyone answer that question Heyelan


NAME map EXTENT 4660000 4520000 480000 640000 SIZE 100 100 SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html" LAYER NAME "hey_ha6" DATA hey_ha6 STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON CLASS COLOR 250 175 25 END # end of class object END # end of layer object END # end of map file Thanks in advance Ahmet Temiz ______________________________________ Scanned and protected by Inflex From jga at Tue Jan 29 06:40:31 2002 From: jga at (jrom) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 15:40:31 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] Masperver with postgis on windows2000 Message-ID: <> Hello, For about 4 months, we develop application based on PostgreSQL/Postgis/Mapserver. It works just fine on our linux servers. For demo purpose, I need to install all this on a windows2000 laptop. On my Windows NT machine, PostgreSQL/Postgis is running fine in a cygwin env. I've compiled MS 3.5 for postgis, and can access postgis tables, from either a local DB, or a remote one on a linux server. I try to do the same thing on the laptop: Postgis is running, but I can't use mapserver 3.5: The binaries available on the mapserver site are not compiled for postgis, as far as I saw ("postgis symbol declared but not defined") I try to use the mapserv.exe I compiled for NT: it does not work (apache says: "premature end of script hearders". I recompile mapserv (./configure --with-postgis) on windows2000, in a cygwin environment. Same apache error message. So, I write to you to have a little help: Do you know any restriction by using MS 3.5 with postgis on windows2000? Is it possible to have the windows binaries for MS 3.5 compiled for postgis or to have the settings used to compile the binaries for windows ? Thank you very much Nicolas Ribot SCOT From amorin at Tue Jan 29 06:56:00 2002 From: amorin at (Morin, Annie) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:56:00 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] problem (fwd) Message-ID: <06B403677C41D51194550002A55107D211BACA@S5-STF1-R1> I think that your shapepath should end with an additional / just like this: SHAPEPATH "/www/moosemon/data/maps/shp_lgn/" Annie Morin > ---------- > De : teb at[SMTP:teb at] > Date : 29 janvier, 2002 09:38 > A : mapserver-users at > Cc : temiz at > Objet : [mapserver-users] problem (fwd) > > > what is wrong here ? > Could anyone answer that question > > > > Heyelan > > >



> >

> > > > > >
> > >
> > > > > > NAME map > EXTENT 4660000 4520000 480000 640000 > SIZE 100 100 > SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html" > LAYER > NAME "hey_ha6" > DATA hey_ha6 > STATUS DEFAULT > TYPE POLYGON > CLASS > COLOR 250 175 25 > END # end of class object > END # end of layer object > END # end of map file > > Thanks in advance > Ahmet Temiz > > > > > > ______________________________________ > Scanned and protected by Inflex > > > From jqu at Tue Jan 29 07:06:54 2002 From: jqu at (John Qu) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:06:54 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] unsubscribe Message-ID: <> unsubscribe From jimburnett at Tue Jan 29 07:56:22 2002 From: jimburnett at (Jim Burnett) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:56:22 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] A question References: Message-ID: <002301c1a8dd$80c7efb0$6401a8c0@jburnett> you are correct ----- Original Message ----- From: "Obe, Regina DND\MIS" To: "'Nacho Benito'" ; Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:43 AM Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] A question > I don't think dbf field names are allowed to have spaces in them. If > somehow you got your field name to have a space in it, I would change it > from LAKE NAME to LAKE_NAME. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Nacho Benito [mailto:nachobenito75 at] > Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:19 AM > To: mapserver-users at > Subject: [mapserver-users] A question > > > Hi everybody > I'm trying to do a query to a .dbf file and I don't know what I'm doing > wrong > Could you please help me? > Here you have the code I'm using: > > MAP FILE ( > -------- > MAP > NAME EJ3 > SHAPEPATH "/ms_datos" > > LAYER > NAME "lakes" > DATA lakespy2 > STATUS ON > TYPE POLYGON > QUERY > TEMPLATE ejem3.html > END > END > > END > > ***************** > Call mapserv File > ----------------- > > > > Hello > > > >
> > > > > > > >
> > > > ************* > Template file > ------------- > > > > Hello > > > > Layer: [LAKE NAME] > > > > LAKE NAME is a field of .dbf file > The mistake is: loadLayer(): Unknown identifier. (QUERY):(9) > > Thank's > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Hable con sus amigos en l?nea, pruebe MSN Messenger: > > From jsmedsmo at Tue Jan 29 08:10:48 2002 From: jsmedsmo at (Jamie Smedsmo) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:10:48 -0600 Subject: [mapserver-users] [Fwd: example1] Message-ID: <> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: example1 Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:13:09 +0200 From: orkun To: projects at lists Hi I am newly acquaint with mapserver. So I am trying to learn the basic things. The problem I have run into is: firstly I prepared a html file to fire up as: Heyelan


Then maplist (as demo.map2) NAME map EXTENT 4660000 4520000 480000 640000 SIZE 100 100 SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html" LAYER NAME "hey_ha6" DATA hey_ha6 STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON CLASS COLOR 250 175 25 END # end of class object END # end of layer object END # end of map file But every time I get this message : msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. Illegal mapfile name. could you tell me what I didn't fulfill ? I look at the example1. if I am not wrong, that only contains two files and doesn't any template file. I just want see a single map shape file. How can I do that with a GRASS map? Thanks in advance Ahmet Temiz ______________________________________ Scanned and protected by Inflex -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From andreag at Tue Jan 29 08:24:29 2002 From: andreag at (Andrea Giacomelli) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 17:24:29 +0100 Subject: [mapserver-users] error moving application from one box to another Message-ID: <> Hi, We are moving a (very simple) test application from one server to another. The application works perfectly on the first machine. From the second web server we get an error: Warning: MapServer Error in msLoadMap(): (+):(39) in C:\mapserver\IF_HTDOCS\if.php on line 52 Fatal error: Failed to open map file in C:\mapserver\IF_HTDOCS\if.php on line 52 The directory structure relative to the web server document root is the same, and the version of the various packages involved also (mapserver 3.4, mapscript, PHP etc). The only difference is the OS NT (works) vs. 2000 (does not work). It sounds to me like one of those simple but hard to spotconfiguration mistakes...any suggestions ? TIA and regards, -- ========================================= Andrea Giacomelli Centre for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia ========================================= From Regina.Obe.PFD at Tue Jan 29 09:01:17 2002 From: Regina.Obe.PFD at (Obe, Regina DND\MIS) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 12:01:17 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] A question Message-ID: I forgot to ask which version of Mapserver you are using? I think the 3.5 version did away with QUERY so instead you put the template in a class definition something like LAYER NAME "lakes" DATA lakespy2 STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON CLASS NAME "lakes" TEMPLATE ejem3.html END END -----Original Message----- From: Obe, Regina DND\MIS [mailto:Regina.Obe.PFD at] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 8:43 AM To: 'Nacho Benito'; mapserver-users at Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] A question I don't think dbf field names are allowed to have spaces in them. If somehow you got your field name to have a space in it, I would change it from LAKE NAME to LAKE_NAME. -----Original Message----- From: Nacho Benito [mailto:nachobenito75 at] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:19 AM To: mapserver-users at Subject: [mapserver-users] A question Hi everybody I'm trying to do a query to a .dbf file and I don't know what I'm doing wrong Could you please help me? Here you have the code I'm using: MAP FILE ( -------- MAP NAME EJ3 SHAPEPATH "/ms_datos" LAYER NAME "lakes" DATA lakespy2 STATUS ON TYPE POLYGON QUERY TEMPLATE ejem3.html END END END ***************** Call mapserv File ----------------- Hello
************* Template file ------------- Hello Layer: [LAKE NAME] LAKE NAME is a field of .dbf file The mistake is: loadLayer(): Unknown identifier. (QUERY):(9) Thank's _________________________________________________________________ Hable con sus amigos en l?nea, pruebe MSN Messenger: From woodbri at Tue Jan 29 09:11:44 2002 From: woodbri at (Stephen Woodbridge) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 12:11:44 -0500 Subject: [mapserver-users] error moving application from one box to another References: <> Message-ID: <> Andrea, Check: 1) the the system paths are the same on both. MapServer using system paths not web server document root relative paths. 2) make sure the IIS process has file read access to and all parent directories. -Steve Andrea Giacomelli wrote: > > Hi, > > We are moving a (very simple) test application from one server to > another. > > The application works perfectly on the first machine. From the second > web server we get an error: > > Warning: MapServer Error in msLoadMap(): (+):(39) in > C:\mapserver\IF_HTDOCS\if.php on line 52 > > Fatal error: Failed to open map file in > C:\mapserver\IF_HTDOCS\if.php > on line 52 > > The directory structure relative to the web server document root is the > same, and the version of the various packages involved also (mapserver > 3.4, mapscript, PHP etc). > > The only difference is the OS NT (works) vs. 2000 (does not work). > > It sounds to me like one of those simple but hard to spotconfiguration > mistakes...any suggestions ? > > TIA and regards, > > -- > ========================================= > Andrea Giacomelli > Centre for Advanced Studies, Research and > Development in Sardinia > > > ========================================= From TMitchell at Tue Jan 29 09:49:14 2002 From: TMitchell at (Tyler Mitchell) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:49:14 -0800 Subject: [mapserver-users] [Fwd: example1] Message-ID: Does the map file have to have a .map extension maybe? I don't know but maybe .map2 is not legal. Jamie Smedsmo To: mapserver-users at Sent by: cc: orkun owner-mapserver-users at lists.g Fax to: Subject: [mapserver-users] [Fwd: example1] 01/29/2002 08:10 AM -------- Original Message -------- Subject: example1 Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:13:09 +0200 From: orkun To: projects at lists Hi I am newly acquaint with mapserver. So I am trying to learn the basic things. The problem I have run into is: firstly I prepared a html file to fire up as: Heyelan


Then maplist (as demo.map2) NAME map EXTENT 4660000 4520000 480000 640000 SIZE 100 100 SHAPEPATH "/var/www/html" LAYER NAME "hey_ha6" DATA hey_ha6 STATUS DEFAULT TYPE POLYGON CLASS COLOR 250 175 25 END # end of class object END # end of layer object END # end of map file But every time I get this message : msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. Illegal mapfile name. could you tell me what I didn't fulfill ? I look at the example1. if I am not wrong, that only contains two files and doesn't any template file. I just want see a single map shape file. How can I do that with a GRASS map? Thanks in advance Ahmet Temiz ______________________________________ Scanned and protected by Inflex From pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu Tue Jan 29 09:52:31 2002 From: pushkar at ERC.MsState.Edu (Pushkar Pradhan) Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 11:52:31 -0600 (CST) Subject: [mapserver-users] tiff problem, In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: Thanks David but I've taken care of most of the things. I am also displaying shape files with success so I moved on, but I am framing my ques. once more with more info and "concisely": Banshee[167] pushkar$ mapserv -v MapServer version 3.5 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=WBMP SUPPORTS=TTF INPUT=TIFF INPUT=EPPL7 INPUT=JPEG INPUT=SHAPEFILE Snippet of .html file: .... >