[mapserver-users] [Fwd: Simple question]

Richard Greenwood Rich at GreenwoodMap.com
Mon Jan 7 15:00:22 PST 2002

I have pasted a simple thematic layer definition below. You define the 
colors or patterns for the thematic map in the MAP file. The "Zoning" field 
in my table has a two character field that I want to thematically map (the 
CLASSITEM). Then I define a class for each zone. The important thing in 
each class is the EXPRESSION. You only need to give a class a NAME if you 
want it to have a legend.


         NAME "Zoning_Thematic"
         DATA Zoning
         CLASSITEM Zoning

                 CLASS NAME "AC - Auto-Urban Commercial"
                         EXPRESSION 'AC' COLOR 255 144 200       END
                 CLASS NAME "BC - Business Conservation"
                         EXPRESSION 'BC' COLOR 255 0 0           END
                 CLASS NAME "BP - Business Park"
                         EXPRESSION 'BP' COLOR 224 0 224         END
                 CLASS NAME "MH - NC, Mobile Home Park"
                         EXPRESSION 'MH' COLOR 255 192 0         END
                 CLASS NAME "OP - Office Professional"
                         EXPRESSION 'OP' COLOR 255 255 0         END
                 CLASS NAME "PA - Park"
                         EXPRESSION 'PA' COLOR 0 176 88          END
                 CLASS NAME "PD - NC, PUD"
                         EXPRESSION 'PD' COLOR 255 208 255       END
                 CLASS NAME "PR - PUD for Planned Resort"
                         EXPRESSION 'PR' COLOR 255 208 160       END
                 CLASS   NAME "RU - Rural"
                         EXPRESSION 'RU' COLOR 160 255 160       END
                 CLASS NAME "SF - NC, Single Family"
                         EXPRESSION 'SF' COLOR 176 229 255       END
                 CLASS NAME "SP - Public / Semi-Public"
                         EXPRESSION 'SP' COLOR 0 160 160         END
                 CLASS NAME "SU - Suburban"
                         EXPRESSION 'SU' COLOR 255 160 128       END
END     # end of "Zoning_Thematic" layer object

At 04:20 PM 1/7/2002 -0500, you wrote:
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>Date:   Mon, 7 Jan 2002 19:44:41 +0300
>From: Voischev Alexander <voischev at online.ru>
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>Subject: Simple question
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>I have a one simple question. I want to create a thematic map,
>but I don't know how I may set the custom color to one shape object by
>the php-script. My aim is assignment the calculated colors to the shapes
>in some layers. How I can do that ?
>Best regards,
>  Voischev Alexander       mailto:voischev at online.ru

Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
Rich at GreenwoodMap.com
(307) 733-0203

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