[mapserver-users] Mapscript

Jim Burnett jimburnett at ntelos.net
Mon Jan 14 08:04:35 PST 2002

OK, I understand how this might work, but what if someone goes back and
delets some polygons, then the records become out of sync and wont match up.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Lowell Filak" <lfilak at yahoo.com>
To: "Jim Burnett" <jimburnett at ntelos.net>; "Mapserver Users Group"
<mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Mapscript

> If you mean by saying "Not all databases will have
> this Index" that you exported/imported the data from a
> DBF file into an RDBMS and now that database does not
> have the index...
> What we ended up doing is making sure that during the
> import of the DBF data into the RDBMS the record
> number from the DBF file carried through to the
> database (it's easy - without applying an index to the
> DBF file it appears to be ordered by number)
> Hope that can help.
> Lowell Filak
> --- Jim Burnett <jimburnett at ntelos.net> wrote:
> > I've been looking into using getShap(), but doesnt
> > it require the index of
> > the shape? Not all databases will have this Index. I
> > think you can get the
> > shap via a class, but the shapeObj doesnt seem to
> > work correctly. Do you
> > have any sample code for drawing a shape, getting
> > the shape by class, not by
> > the shape index?
> >
> >
> > -jim-
> >
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