[mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD)

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Mon Jan 21 16:15:11 EST 2002

I added a few notes too.  Thanks Stephen.

                    Woodbridge            To:     Tyler Mitchell <TMitchell at lignum.com>, teb                         
                    <woodbri at swoodb        <teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu>, fgclaram at alu-ab.uclm.es,                         
                    ridge.com>             mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu                                         
                    01/21/2002            Fax to:                                                                    
                    09:38 AM              Subject:     Re: [mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD)  

Added a note on Wiki at:

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Tyler et al,
> The issue of GD supporting GIFs has come up many times before. You can
> get a patch that will add gif support to GD if you want it check the
> list archives. There is obviously a licensing issue using GIFs that
> everyone has to decide how you want to deal with on you own basis.
> -Steve
> Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> >
> > Oh how familiar :)  I was just combating the same problem last night.
> > you are using the standard/latest version GD it does not support GIF
> > If you convert all the GIF files referred to in your demo.map file ->
> > PNG files, it will work fine.
> > I've attached versions the file that I converted.  Put the images into
> > symbols folder and the reference.png into the graphics folder.  Then
> > demo.map to reflect the change from GIF -> PNG, by renaming each
> > in the file.
> > Steven, can you put this into the demo package - it is a very common
> > problem.  (These may not be the best converted versions though :)Am I
> > in assuming that GD does not and will not support GIF and we should all
> > move to PNG?
> >
> > Tyler
> >
> > (See attached file: ushwy.png)(See attached file: interstate.png)(See
> > attached file: reference.png)(See attached file: sthwy.png)(See
> > file: ctyhwy.png)
> >
> >
> >                     teb <teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu>
> >                     Sent by:                            To:
mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> >                     owner-mapserver-users at lists.g       cc:
fgclaram at alu-ab.uclm.es
> >                     is.umn.edu                          Fax to:
> >                                                         Subject:
[mapserver-users] problem with mapserver 3.5 demo. (FWD)
> >
> >                     01/21/2002 07:01 AM
> >                     Please respond to teb
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
> >
> > X-Sender: fgclaram at correo.alu-ab.uclm.es
> > Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 13:07:29 +0100
> > To: mapserver-info at lists.gis.umn.edu
> > From: Francisco <fgclaram at alu-ab.uclm.es>
> > Subject: problem with mapserver 3.5 demo.
> > Mime-Version: 1.0
> > X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 (http://amavis.org/)
> >
> > Hello.
> > I have installed the mapserver 3.5 an GD Library.  (under Linux).
> > I am installing the mapserver 3.5. demo, and i done all the steps in
> > documentation
> > http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/demo_readme.html,
> > but when i call demo_init.html page, I get the next message:
> >
> > msLoadMap(): General error message. Undefined symbol
> > "symbols/ctyhwy.gif"
> > in class 0 of layer ctyrdln3_anno.
> >
> > the symbols/ctyhwy.gif  file exist.
> > I do not know the wrong. What is the matter?
> > Could you help me?.
> >
> > Thank you.
> > Regards!
> >
> > Fran.
> >
> > ------------- End Forwarded Message -------------
> >
> >
> >                 Name: ushwy.png
> >    ushwy.png    Type: PNG Image (image/png)
> >             Encoding: base64
> >
> >                      Name: interstate.png
> >    interstate.png    Type: PNG Image (image/png)
> >                  Encoding: base64
> >
> >                     Name: reference.png
> >    reference.png    Type: PNG Image (image/png)
> >                 Encoding: base64
> >
> >                 Name: sthwy.png
> >    sthwy.png    Type: PNG Image (image/png)
> >             Encoding: base64
> >
> >                  Name: ctyhwy.png
> >    ctyhwy.png    Type: PNG Image (image/png)
> >              Encoding: base64

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