[mapserver-users] Strage behaviour of dynamic classes (color v/s outlinecolor)

Vinko Vrsalovic v at w.cl
Tue Jan 29 17:58:59 PST 2002

On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 06:22:29PM -0500, Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Vinko Vrsalovic wrote:
> > 
> > BTW, is there no easy way to check for this at the library level?
> > (say: "wrong value passed to set" at line X)
> > 
> I guess stronger type checking for obvious cases like the one you ran
> into wouldn't hurt... you may want to file an enhancement request in
> bugzilla about that.

As somebody said a few months ago: 'You guys rock' :-). Thanks.

I run into another problem of 'lack of error reporting':

If you set a labelitem of a class and that item is not present in the
database associated to the shapefile, the layer will not show up, 
whether or not you have defined a label for that class. The layer
is still active, and you can query on it, etc. But it just doesn't show

Don't you think there should be an error message in this case also?
(or no error at all, just draw it anyway)

Could somebody explain the reason for that behaviour if is isn't asking
too much?

V. <v at w.cl>

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