[mapserver-users] Info on vectors

gesu annazzeret mail_for_web_gis at yahoo.it
Wed Jul 17 10:03:06 PDT 2002

I'm just new of GIS world and mapserver, so I'm sorry
if i ask about stupid things.

I'm working with GRASS GIS version 5 with vectors and
I'm interested to know if MapServer can read GRASS's
native vectors coor file. With GRASS I can use also
postgreSQL with postgis to handle vectors primitive
geometry but I can't use it to handle attributes.
But I need to handle attributes.
GRASS native vector files handle attributes, this is
the reason why I want to use mapserver with native
GRASS vectors support.

If anyone of you know the solution, alternatives or
other system to solve this problem please answer to
this mail.

I hope that my problem is inerent the ones discussed
in this mailing list.


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