[mapserver-users] MS 3.6 System Configuration

Alexander Pucher pucher at atlas.gis.univie.ac.at
Fri Jul 19 03:03:31 PDT 2002


I'm planning to upgrade to MS 3.6 the next days.

Could someone give me a list of version-nubers, that guarantee a running 

I will use SuSE Linux 8.0!

etc. etc.

Would be great to have such an overview, not only for me, but also at 
the MapServer Documentation Pages.



Institut fuer Geographie und Regionalforschung
Universitaet Wien
Kartografie und Geoinformation

Departement of Geography and Regional Research
University of Vienna
Cartography and GIS

Universitaetstr. 7, A-1010 Wien, AUSTRIA

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E-mail: alexander.pucher at univie.ac.at

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