[mapserver-users] MapServer-3.6.2's compile error in Win32

Hisaji ONO hi-ono at mn.xdsl.ne.jp
Fri Jul 19 09:47:08 PDT 2002


 I've tried to compile MapServer 3.6.2, available from DM Solutions FTP
site,  on NT 4.0 SP6a.

  I've got following error mesasage.

mapsymbol.c(5) : fatal error C1083: can't open am include file
: No such file or directory
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

 In MapServer 3.6.1, there are "mapparser.h", "mapparser.c" and

 However, in 3.6.2, no above former two files, but only
"mapparser.y"(Bison/Yacc) exists. This file is as same as 3.6.1's.

 And 3.6.2's Makefile.vc i as same as 3.6.1's, no description about
"mapparser.y" or Bison/Yacc.

 So I copied 3.6.1's "mapparser.h", "mapparser.c" into 3.6.2.  And

 But I've got another error message like this.

 LIB : fatal error LNK1181: can't opewn an input file "maplexer.obj"
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'lib' : return code '0x49d'

 There's only "maplexer.l". 3.6.2's "maplexer.obj" is a little different
from 3.6.1's.
But I also copied 3.6.1's "maplexer.c"

 At last, I could fished compiling without errors.

 My above compiling solution was right one? Or could you archive above
lakced files in 3.6.1 tar ball?

 Best Regards.

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