[mapserver-users] Rosa Applet/ PHP Full Extent

Hankley, Chip Chip.Hankley at GASAI.Com
Mon Jul 22 10:50:54 PDT 2002

Bryan -

I'm assuming that you are using PHP MapScript...

the segment of my ROSA applet that refers to that button is:

    <PARAM NAME="TB_BUT_fullext_IMG" VALUE="/MapSymbols/FullExtOff.gif">
    <PARAM NAME="TB_BUT_fullext_IMG_PR" VALUE="/MapSymbols/FullExtOn.gif">
    <PARAM NAME="TB_BUT_fullext_HINT" VALUE="Zoom to Full Extent">
    <PARAM NAME="TB_BUT_fullext_INPUT" VALUE="submit">

In my main PHP page, I run through a if, elseif, else statement looking at
the various values of the form variable CMD... when I get to the value of
"FULL_EXTENT" (what the form submits if I hit the above specified button) I
run the following.

  //set an extent array for the full extent specified in
  // the mapfile
  $Full_Extent = array($map->extent->minx, $map->extent->miny,
$map->extent->maxx, $map->extent->maxy);

  //Call the zoom function
  zoom($map, $Full_Extent);

// 'Zoom' the map to a new extent based on a rectangle.
function zoom($map, $Extent) {
//Set the mapextent to the new Zoom extent
$map->setextent($Extent[0], $Extent[1], $Extent[2], $Extent[3]);


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Tolka [mailto:btolka at geointeractive.biz]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 12:06 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: [mapserver-users] Rosa Applet/ PHP Full Extent

I would like to add a Full Extent button either in the Rosa Applet or 
under the legend. I am fairly new at most of this. Any help would be 

Bryan Tolka
West Virginia University

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