[mapserver-users] strange mapinfo layer

Alex Rice alex_rice at arc.to
Wed Jul 24 19:03:44 PDT 2002

On Wednesday, July 24, 2002, at 04:17  PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:

> The label text of a text object is not stored in a regular attribute in
> MapInfo, it is a property specific to a text object as you can 
> see here,
> and OGR returns the label text via the Style value applied to a Point
> object since pure text objects do not exist in the Simple Feature data
> model.  If you setup this layer as TYPE ANNOTATION and using STYLEITEM
> "AUTO" then you should see this labels on your map.
Another question on this topic: when I use styleitem auto on a 
particular table like you discuss above, the font being used 
looks really bad. How can I use manual CLASS settings on this 
table? The usual LABELITEM does not work when "auto" is turned on.

Can one use "auto" but override some features, such as the font 
or color?

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alex_rice at arc.to
alrice at swcp.com

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