[mapserver-users] Evaluation: File Loader, XML-Mapfile, SVG & Struts

Stefan F. Keller sfkeller at hsr.ch
Thu Jul 25 08:49:04 PDT 2002

Dear Mapserver Users

I am considering allocating some students work on Mapserver but before I'd like
to understand its architecture is and how it is being used.

1. What are the pro's and cons of adding "yet another" XML 
   vector format to mapserver (performance, generic 
   interface, flexibility): 
   a) Import it to GDAL/OGR 
   or b) Load it into PostGIS?

2. Did anybody implement Mapfile in XML as (direct) input to
   Mapserver? (would make life easier for syntax-proofed 
   editing in an XML-Editor; I saw some mail in the archive 
   but still...)

3. Did anybody already thought of outputting SVG as vector 
   paths using an SVG viewer client? (just coming from 
   the first SVG developers conference: http://www.svgopen.org)
4. Anyone who already considered using Mapserver e.g. in 
   Struts (http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/) or any other
   CMS which more strictly divides content from presentation 
   and navigation logic?

Any comments (or hints to FAQ)?
-- Stefan Keller
Prof. Stefan F. Keller
Center for integrated Geo-Information Systems (int>e>gis)
HSR - University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil (FH Ostschweiz) 

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