[mapserver-users] Display GeoTIFF raster data

Stefan Stern mail2stern at gmx.net
Mon Jul 29 05:39:44 PDT 2002

Hi NG,

after spending some days on trying to display a GeoTiff image in 
mapserver I ask for your advice.
Compared to the example used in the tutorial ( 
http://terrasip.gis.umn.edu/projects/tutorial35/s2/s2ex3.html ) image 
dataset is more complex.
It includes the following values for each pixel:

Scrn: R:146 G:103 B:50
Projection: GEOTIFF (Transverse Mercator)
Map: 267457.50E,197788.50N Meters
LL : 3.548576N, 1.228218W
Data: R:136 G:102 B:68

How do I display this image in mapserver?
Do I need to rewrite header information of the source image or is it 
just a question of "How to display it in mapserver"?
Is there some additional documentation / reference available?

Thanks for suggestions.


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