[mapserver-users] WMS BBOX, etc. settings

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Jul 29 20:45:50 PDT 2002

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Can anyone direct me to other WMS-related METADATA I could (or should) be
> using in my Mapserver layer definitions?   I mean other than those in the
> wms-server-howto: wms_title, wms_onlineresource, wms_srs.  I'm thinking
> about things such as bbox so that more wms clients can read it.
> Tyler


Unless we overlooked one or two, what you find in the WMS SERVER HOWTO
should be what is currently supported by MapServer.

You mention providing multiple BoundingBox tags in diferent SRS for a
layer, this may be nice to have and is allowed by the WMS spec but is
not currently possible with MapServer.  I don't remember the exact
details, but I think MapServer will try to fetch the extents of a
shapefile by opening it (or use the wms_extent metadata if it's set) to
provide a BoundingBox tag in each layer's default SRS.

If there are specific WMS capabilities tags that are not currently
supported and that you think would be useful to control via the mapfile
then please file a bug about them in bugzilla and we'll try to add them
in a future release.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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