[mapserver-users] editing shp files
Steve Lime
steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Jul 30 08:40:01 PDT 2002
MapServer does not support the proprietary ESRI index formats. It does
however support it's own
quadtree-based index. See the shptree utility for more information.
>>> David Turover <dturover at student.santarosa.edu> 07/30/02 10:01AM
On Tue, 30 Jul 2002, Lowell.Filak wrote:
> I can quickly see two possibilities:
> 1) Create an index on the shapefile and things may speed up to an
> acceptable pace.
I hadn't heard of indexing shape files before, so I did a little
and in the process found a doc which explains the makeup of shapefiles
better than I did in a prior post:
I've also seen .prj files (projection) and .shp.xml (XML formatted
metadata about your shapefile), which aren't mentioned on this page.
I don't think mapserver has support for sbn/sbx/ain/aih files, although
would love to be corrected.
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