[mapserver-users] libxml vs Xerce c++

John Newton john_mapserver at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 30 14:10:14 PDT 2002

It does appear that libxml intends to support XML schema.  So maybe that
would provide the best path for the future?

Do you really intend the mapserv.exe to validate the xml against the dtd on
every invocation?  If not, why not use libxml for parsing the xml, and some
other tool to validate against XML schema (BTW, I would also prefer XML
schema over DTD).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ricky Jo" <ricky_georgy at yahoo.fr>
To: <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 1:25 PM
Subject: [mapserver-users] libxml vs Xerce c++

> Hi all,
> A few days ago, I posted a dtd proposal for the next
> generation xml mapfiles.
> There was less reply I expected about it.
> But before going on, I think it would be a good thing
> if people could decide on the way to go for xml.
> That is, should mapserver use libxml, with a dtd, or
> should it use xml schemas, which are more powerful,
> but which require a more complex library, such as
> xerces c++.
> This is an important question, because when the old
> format will be dropped, everybody who want mapserver
> will have to get the apporpiate xml library.
> This mail is perhaps adressed more specifically to the
> main developers (i.e. main deciders ? ;)
> Regards
> Ricky
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