SUM: [mapserver-users] MapServer Platform/Processor survey

Daniel Morissette morissette at
Tue Jul 30 15:58:44 PDT 2002

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> (Hey DM - what are you guys hiding under the hood? ;)

It's TOP SECRET!  ;)

More seriously, we run several servers in almost all possible
platform/CPU/OS configurations... I'll try to send you some of our
sample configs out of the list... 

> I'm still holding out for <200Mhz examples - albeit I'm not asking about
> performance :)

Well, the live copy of the GMap PHP demo on has been
running on a P120, 128 MB RAM, RH 6.x for quite a while when we started
using MapServer... and we were proud to claim that the performance was
excellent!  But we retired this old server around a year ago... now it's
acting as a DNS server... what a boring retirement for a machine that
gave over 10 years of loyal and exciting service! ;)

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at
 DM Solutions Group    
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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