[mapserver-users] Point inside or outside polygon???

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Jul 31 12:02:50 EDT 2002

You can use a point query against the mapinfo data using the normal
query or nquery modes. One thing to be aware of it that MapServer's
point in polygon routine works fine if the point in question is strictly
in/out of the polygon. It's indeterminate if the point is exactly on the


>>> "Anders Knudstrup Hansen LE34" <akh at le34.dk> 07/31/02 06:38AM >>>

I am building an app. that needs to check if a given point (coming from
a mysql db) is located inside any of some restricted zones (polygons
form mapinfo)????

Is there any way to do this with mapserver????
I use CGI only. 


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