[mapserver-users] PHP / Mapscript AccessViolation

Robert Fritz robert-fritz at web.de
Tue Jun 4 13:18:32 PDT 2002


I'm using MS 3.5, PHP4.06, Php_Mapscript_35.dll and Apache at office and
there is no problem, the same code and data don't work at home, using the
same components (also enabled is php_dbase.dll)

The error occurs only, if I do an "infoclick" at an Object, there is no
problem to zoom or pan.
I don't know exactly, at which point the script fails.

The first message:

OleMainThreadWndName-php.exe - error in application:
The instruction in "0x00e2ebf0" refer to memory at "0xca3d097a". The process
"Read" could not carry out on the memory.

If I use then the debugger I get the error message:

Access Violation in php.exe (PHP_Mapscript_35.dll).

I think, something is not well configured at home, but what?


robert fritz
ruhwaldstraße 12
16540 hohen neuendorf

robert.fritz at rz.hu-berlin.de
robert.fritz at epost.de
robert-fritz at web.de

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