[mapserver-users] MapServer 3.6 Debian packages available

Paul Baker pbaker at where2getit.com
Tue Jun 4 21:45:31 EDT 2002

To go along with that MapServer 3.6 release I have some unofficial 
Debian packages of MapServer 3.6 to go with it. At this time I would 
recommend them only for the brave.

At this moment there are 3 binary .deb packages produced from the 3.6 

mapserver-cgi - this installs the mapserv cgi binary in /usr/lib/cgi-bin
libmapscript-perl - this installs mapscript.pm for use by your perl 
mapserver-dev - installs the libmap.a and map.h into /usr/lib and 
/usr/include respectively.

These binaries are compiled with support for JPEG, FreeType, PNG, ZLib, 
TIFF, EPPL7, PROJ.4, OGR, GDAL, OGC WMS, and OGC WMS Client Connections. 
Which means that they currently don't support GIF, PDF, ESRI SDE (is 
this free?), MPATROL, PostGIS, or OracleSpatial. For lack of skill or 
technical reasons, I was unable to package 
MapScript/{Java,PHP,Python,Tcl} support.

As with my GDAL package, just add these lines to your 
/etc/apt/sources.list file:

   deb http://paulbaker.net/debian pbaker main
   deb-src http://paulbaker.net/debian pbaker main

If anyone tries these out, please let me know how well they work for 
you. Or let me know which of the missing features you would need added 
before you could test them out.


--Paul Baker

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
          -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

GPG Key: http://homepage.mac.com/pauljbaker/public.asc

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