[mapserver-users] Mapscript/PHP not compatible with PHP4 in D ebian Woody

Vinko Vrsalovic v at w.cl
Fri Jun 7 15:13:37 EDT 2002

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 08:56:37PM -0500, Paul Baker wrote:
> Problem stems from building a Debian package for Mapscript/PHP. It needs 
> to work with the already existing php4-cgi (that is compiled with the 
> bundled regex). AFAIK there is no way for me to include a special 
> php4-cgi binary to go along with the Mapscript/PHP package.


The final item should work in any Linux distro, with more or less

Vinko Vrsalovic <vinko[@]cprsig.cl>

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