[mapserver-users] Rosa and javascript

Hankley, Chip Chip.Hankley at GASAI.Com
Thu Jun 13 07:40:15 PDT 2002

Guillaume -

There should be some documentation on the ROSA applet that came with the
distribution, otherwise go to:


The applet is not "doing" anything per se, except providing a convenient way
to pass information to the form. For instance, the applet does not handle
the zoom functionality for a MapServer or MapScript application... you have
to do that elsewhere. I've put an explanation on what each of these does
<PARAM NAME="TB_BUT_print_IMG" VALUE="../MapSymbols/PrintOff.gif"> 
  - specifies the OFF image

<PARAM NAME="TB_BUT_print_IMG_PR" VALUE="../MapSymbols/PrintOff.gif"> 
  - specifies the image to show when PRESSED

<PARAM NAME="TB_BUT_print_HINT" VALUE="Print this Image"> 
  - optional, displays a hint on mouseover

<PARAM NAME="TB_BUT_print_INPUT" VALUE="submit"> 
  - what to do when the user clicks on the button

  - the form variable associated with this button

  - the value to apply to the form variable

<PARAM NAME="TB_BUT_print_JSACTION" VALUE="fnxPrint()"> 
  - optional, the JS function to call when clicked

Note that your not seeing the full applet here... you might want to go to
the URL that I sent you before, and "view source" to see the whole thing. Or
go the the GMAP demo and do it there. Then you can see all of the pieces.


-----Original Message-----
From: Guillaume Sueur [mailto:guillaume.sueur at khi2.fr]
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 9:13 AM
To: Hankley, Chip
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Rosa and javascript

Thanks to everybody for those precisions. Do the value and name parameters
useful here, or are they only used to disconnect other functions like zoom
in ?


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