[mapserver-users] Adding points to a shapefile with ASP

Hankley, Chip Chip.Hankley at GASAI.Com
Fri Jun 14 06:16:39 PDT 2002

Robert -

I'm pretty sure that there is NOT a way to do this using straight CGI
MapServer... you HAVE to use MapScript. Well... at least from the MapServer
point of view. You might be able to use some other program.

All of the examples you are looking at are MapScript examples, and there is
not a version of MapScript for ASP yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Crossley [mailto:robert at wotzhere.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 4:33 PM
To: Mapserver list
Subject: [mapserver-users] Adding points to a shapefile with ASP

Hi all,

I am trying to add a point to a shapefile using ASP.  There are examples in
the mail list of how to do this in PERL or PHP (provided below), but 
unfortunately my ASP skills aren't good enough to be able to convert this to
ASP yet.  Can anyone provide pointers to how to do this in ASP?

Will post summary if I have success.


function createPoint( $x, $y, $programId )
    GLOBAL $shpFile, $dbfFile;

    // Create shape
    $oShp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHP_POINT);
    $oLine = ms_newLineObj();
    $oLine->addXY($x, $y);
    $oShp->add( $oLine );

    // Write attribute record
    dbase_add_record($dbfFile, array($programId));

Robert Crossley 
Robert Crossley & Associates
9 Short St
New Brighton NSW 2483

P: 02 6680 1309
F: New Connection
M: 0419 718 642
E: robert at wotzhere.com

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