[mapserver-users] trouble with TIFs

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Jun 17 12:42:58 EDT 2002

I don't think IE or Netscape have builtin support for ANY TIFF formats
that means that they have to get it from a browser plugin like
QuickTime. If you click a link to a TIFF the it is passed to the Browser
plugin which starts to read it to see if it can handle it. It is
probably crashing while trying to read the TIFF. I don't think they get
much call for large greyscale TIFFs :) change the broswers mime type for
*.tif files to download or change the server mime type CAN be done
locally only in the current directory via the .htaccess file if you are
using Apache.


Kent S Ridl wrote:
> That makes sense to me regarding Netscape; I'll mess with that some more.
> But I'm still not sure why only the large, greyscale tifs would crash IE.
> Anyhoo, thanks for your input!
> Kent
> On Mon, 17 Jun 2002, Lowell Filak wrote:
> > Possibly you just verified your problem. If the download works when using a right click -> the only place I can think of that would snag things is the action associated with the file type which is bypassed when doing a right-click saveas. Hopefully browser gurus on the list have other ideas.
> > Lowell F.
> >
> > The following message was sent by Kent S Ridl <kridl at cs.und.edu> on Mon, 17 Jun 2002 10:57:14 -0500 (CDT).
> >
> > > No, I don't believe so.  The images causing the problem won't even
> > > download, so it couldn't get to Imaging.  And we're not having problems
> > > with all tifs... just the large, greyscale ones (large color and all
> > > smaller ones work fine in IE).  For Netscape, nothing is working now.  One
> > > other note is that if the user downloads the image via right-clicking,
> > > everything works fine.  (I've tried to convince my powers-that-be to just
> > > annotate the website as such, but they haven't budged yet :-).
> > >
> > > Kent
> > >
> > > On Mon, 17 Jun 2002, Lowell Filak wrote:
> > >
> > > > Is there possibly an action associated with the file type that is
> > > actually causing the lockup, ie. download and then open in Imaging? Where
> > > the actual lockup is in Imaging instead of the browser.
> > > > Lowell F.
> >

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