[mapserver-users] Re: your mail

Frank Koormann frank.koormann at intevation.de
Tue Jun 18 00:41:50 PDT 2002

Nacho, Listers,

* Nacho Benito (nachobenito75 at hotmail.com) [020617 23:01]:
> Hi, all the users
> I've a question:
> Everybody know if it's possible to do more than a QUERYMAP in a MAPFILE?
> Or it's possible to change the COLOR of the QUERYMAP online to paint the 
> results of a query in several colors?
> How I could do it?

You can change nearly any parameter of the map file on the fly through
the URL, in this specific case:


changes the querymap color to red.


for more details.



Frank Koormann                             <frank.koormann at intevation.de>
 Professional Service around Free Software       (http://intevation.net/)
 FreeGIS Project                                 (http://freegis.org/)

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