[mapserver-users] Mapserver RPM

Silke Reimer silke at intevation.de
Wed Jun 19 03:25:24 PDT 2002


It took some time but finally our RPM-package for Maperver 3.6 is
ready. It is build with support for proj.4, ogr and gdal.
I also included the rosa-applet and the itasca-demo.

The package will be on the FreeGIS CD 1.2.1 but feel free
to download the packages (rpm and src.rpm) from our ftp-server:

I would be glad if you could try it out and contact me, if you have
any prolems.


Silke Reimer

Intevation GmbH                      http://intevation.de/
FreeGIS                                http://freegis.org/

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