[mapserver-users] repost of demo and Object interface, left out info

Robert W. Burgholzer rburghol at vt.edu
Thu Jun 20 10:45:07 EDT 2002

Reposted cause the date was bad again.... also, I forgot to mention the
the gMap libraries were used
to calculate the spatial position of mouse clicks. My "gmaplib" code is
contained in the tar. I wasn;t able
to find any redistribution information in the gmap readmes or anything,
so if they aren't free to
redistribute, please let me know.

With the help of a number of folks in the mapserver and postgis mailing
list, I have managed to create
my first fully functioning mapserver app, and wished to throw it out
there if any body should find it

Basically, it is a semi object oriented map display engine (dynamically
formatting the layers and
putting together control menus) and a query result formatting tool. It
is slightly hacked up, and is
derived initially from code in the itasca demo, so if I shouldn;t be
recycling this stuff, someone can feel
free to yell at me. :)

Anyhow, it is php mapscript based, and will automatically determine from
a map object what layers are

there, pairs annotation layers (showing only the parent layer, and
turning the annotation layer on and
off with the parent), create a layer pallette to control visibility,
etc., and output a toolbar. There is a
cryptic little file full of arrays called adminsetup.php which has
database output formatting information
so that the results of queries can be output nicely. There are a few
features for doing data joins and so
forth. It will do simple querying from a map based on shapefiles, but in
order to use the more complex
data types (subselects and multiselects and maps) you must have a
postgis database.

It is open source to the effect that the itasca code is. All my php
objects, which are primarily my own
code are open source.

There is no README, but should be somewhat self explanatory. In order to
work, a demo must have
the libraries (contents of lib directory), a map file, the file
adminsetup.php (although this file must be
there and contain the array "adminsetup", it is not necessary to have
declarations for your layers, it will
simply format them "raw" if no entry is present for the table in
question) in the same directory as the file
which shows the map interface (i.e. basic.php or ther). The files
basic.php will suffice to show a
general map and all of its layers and provide query functionality. The
location of the libs
(module_activemap.php, psql_functions.php) must be declared in the file
basic.php or whatever file
you use to house the interface.

It only took me about 2 minutes to drop the files in place, edit the
paths and get a new shapefile based
interface running using this, so it is pretty drag and drop, however,
saying that, the .map files I used
were extremely simple, so I cannot garrantee anything.

An example of this is at:

a downloadable is at:

If anyone acutally uses this and extends it I would love to hear from
them, share code.

Thanks again for all the help over the last several weeks,


Robert Burgholzer
al·go·rithm  n.
       A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational
       procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps. Invented by Al Gore.
rburghol at vt.edu

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