[mapserver-users] Mixed Mapfile and Mapscript (php)

Erich Schroeder erich at museum.state.il.us
Sun Jun 23 14:01:05 PDT 2002

  I'm trying to set up a php mapscript application in which I have a 
standard bunch of base layers in a standard base file (these draw just 
fine) but then I want to dynamically add additional point layers which are 
based on what shapefiles are present. I was wondering if anyone has some 
example code for what is needed for adding in and displaying a new layer?

I'm probably missing something simple that I will find right after I send 
this, but the current code looks like:

$map = ms_newMapObj("base.map");
//find what files are present in the folder for a particular taxon
$AgesPresent = GetAges($Taxon);
//set some path stuff
$TaxonPath = "$FaunmapPath/data/$TaxonLower";
foreach ($AgesPresent as $key=>$age) {
  $layer = ms_newLayerObj($map);
  $class =  ms_newClassObj($layer);
  $class->set(color,"7 27 249");
$img = $map->draw();
$url = $img->saveWebImage(MS_PNG, 0, 0, 0);
printf("<img src=%s width=%d height=%d>\n", $url, $map->width, 

It seems to correctly add the layers (numbering in 1-15 depending on the 
taxon), but I'm not seeing it. I'm sure that there is something wrong with 
the color setting, and I suppose I need a "draw" statement, but I don't 
see a clear description in any of the documentation or examples I have 
found so far.


Erich Schroeder                    Phone: (217)785-0033
Curator, Information Technologies  FAX:   (217)785-2857
Illinois State Museum GIS Lab      email:erich(at)illinois.state.museum

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