[mapserver-users] is mapserver on windows slower ???

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Wed Jun 26 11:19:42 PDT 2002

Hi Gregor, from Canada
>From my experience with other applications I have rarely seen (never?) a
service use more than 50% max on each cpu at a time.  If there were
parallel requests going on I assume there would be some performance
improvement with the dual chip.  But don't applications have to be written
to take advantage of this?  Is this called multi-threading?


                      Gregor Friedrich                                                                                
                      <gregor at hdg.ufz.de>                 To:       mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu                 
                      Sent by:                            cc:                                                         
                      owner-mapserver-users at lists.        Fax to:                                                     
                      gis.umn.edu                         Subject:  [mapserver-users] is mapserver on windows  slower 
                      06/26/2002 09:11 AM                                                                             

Hi there,

If am testing the same map services with identical data sources (shapefiles

with *.qix index)  one serving on Linux (SUSE 7.3, Apache 1.3.19... self
compiled binary ) the other one on Win2k Server with IIS 5.0 etc,
downloaded binary ) , the Win machine have 2 Pentium II  300 Mhz each, the
Linux box just one Pentinum II 300 Mhz . I had  expected that the WIn2k box

is 2 times faster around than the Linux box , but the win box needs more
time to build the maps. The service on Linux needs 20 seconds (64000
polygons !) to start up , the windows service 30 s . On Linux mapserv
processes consume > 90 % of processor power, on windows only 50 - 54 % , it

seems that the parallelizing is n't so good , is n't it ?

greetings from germany


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