[mapserver-users] Mapscript/Java/Servlet users: give this a whirl...
Dan Barron
dbarron at ddive.com
Fri Jun 28 08:51:12 PDT 2002
I have wanted to use Java Mapscript with my servlet but I can't seem to get
it to compile under W2K. After reading this thread I think I will wait
until Java Mapscript is farther along. For now I am creating a dynamic map
on the fly by using PHP/Mapscript. My servlet gathers/creates the
appropriate url parameters which are then passed to PHP script via
JSP. PHP then passes the appropriate request parameters w/ generated
images back to the servlet. It feels like a hack, and a round about way to
get a dynamic map, but it works and does not crash. There is a performance
hit though, and it is not the speedy answer. For me this was the easiest
path to dynamic maps. I use JBoss w/ Tomcat on W2K, with Apache and PHP
module. You can see a development site at www.ddive.com - go through the
demo account and click the first map icon you see to get an example and see
the peformance.
Dan Barron
Destination Software LLC
At 11:25 AM 6/27/2002 -0600, you wrote:
>Thanks for you sharing your experience. That really helps... even if it
>wasn't what I wanted to hear :)
>In fact, on my way in to work this morning (where I have plenty of time to
>sit in my car and ponder such things).... I began going over all my
>requirements again and wondering if I may be able to get around the whole
>problem by doing something similar to what you said.... just using JSP (or
>whatever) to manipulate the submitted URL parameters (and possibly
>creating a mapfile on the fly) and forwarding the request to the CGI
>program. That just might be good enough for me.
>Just out of curiousity though, I think I will try your thread locking
>solution below. I agree with you about "scalability". That is not my
>primary concern right now. If I ever get that many users, I'll find a way
>to deal with it. My main concern is stability, speed and
>functionality. It seems that mapserv is pretty bulletproof, so maybe this
>jsp->cgi option is the best if I'm able to accomplish everything I need.
>>From: David Graham <dgraham at i3.com>
>>To: C F <gis_consultant at hotmail.com>
>>CC: hwehr at hs-harz.de, mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>>Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Mapscript/Java/Servlet users: give this a
>>Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 10:52:45 -0600
>>It is a threading issue. I was woring with java and mapserver back last
>>fall with pre-release 3.5. I know they have been working on the thread
>>safe issues in mapserver but it does not supprise me that it has not
>>gotten there yet. I have sepent a good bit of time inside the mapserver
>>(maplib) code and have found numerous items that sent up red flags for
>>thread safe utilization. In the end I deciced not to connect mapserver
>>directly to tomcat but to simply call the mapserv CGI from tomcat. This
>>was suitable for us since we did not need dynamic content on the map
>>part. It may not work for you.
>>One thing you might want to do is to mashal threads prior to calling the
>>offending subroutine. You would do it by sinchronizing on a singular
>>object in the JVM. Yes this will cause a bottle neck and a lack of
>>scalablility. But you should ask yourself what is your current user base
>>before you worry too much about scalablility. (My experience shows that
>>scalablility is over rated. Most businesses I have worked for that
>>worried too much about scalablility up front, have found themselfs
>>decaring bankrupsy because traffic never did ramp up! Is your product
>>really going to be in that much demand?)
>>Here is how you would do it.
>>public static class MyLock {
>>// This class does nothing is just used to lock threads against.
>>inside your subroutine
>>synchronize ( MyLock ) {
>>offending_subroutine( args );
>>more code...
>>Dave Graham
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