[mapserver-users] About "complete" Makefile.vc for MapServer 3.6.1

Pericles S. Nacionales pnaciona at gis.umn.edu
Fri Jun 28 09:03:46 PDT 2002

I'll send my Makefiles to Assefa and he can include it in the sources (or
not), if he wants to.  I'll also include the Makefiles in the win32
binaries the next time I update the packages.  If you want to contribute
your "internalization" stuff on the win32 Makefiles, send it to me.  I'll
zip up my Makefiles as soon as I get to work.


On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Hisaji ONO wrote:

> Hello.
>   I've tried to make Win32 binaries from MapServer 3.6.1 sources since
> original binaries & MapScript PHP mpdules couldn't display Japanese
> Characters.
>  I've noticed this Makefile.vc didn't define GDAL & PostGIS.
> Could you include "complete" Makefile for creating Win32 binaries into
> sources archive or zipped  Win32 binaries?
>  Best Regards.

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